78 research outputs found

    Nous horitzons de la visibilitat en el light art

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    L'objectiu d‟aquest article es presentar a través de l‟anàlisi d‟obres una reflexió sobre una nova l‟experiència perceptiva que s‟obre a través de la utilització de la llum acompanyada d‟altres elements en la creació d‟ambients, propulsant també una comprensió diferent d‟espai i espectador.The aim of this article is to present through the analysis of works a reflection on a new perceptive experience that opens through the use of light accompanied by other elements in the creation of environments , also propelling a different understanding of space and spectato

    Metaphors set in motion in the context of L2 academic spoken discourse

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    Theoretical and applied research in physical motion events (MEs) (Talmy, 2000; Ibarretxe-Antuñano, 2017) has shown that (1) speakers tend to organize MEs around a specific semantic component resulting in at least two different lexicalization patterns (satellite-framed and verb-framed languages), with different narrative styles (Slobin, 1996, 2004); (2) the use of specific patterns may also depend on genre and discourse (Caballero, 2017); and (3) the adoption of the narrative style of an L2 is challenging (Cadierno, 2008). These findings seem to also apply to metaphorical motion events (MMEs) (Özçalışkan, 2005; Ibarretxe-Antuñano & Caballero, 2014). This study analyses the linguistic realizations and discourse functions of MMEs in the specific context of oral EMI seminars to examine ME prevalence and the impact inter-typological differences may have on the production of MMEs. Data from three seminars from METCLIL corpus were selected to compare MME verb production by English L1 speakers (n=4) and L2 English speakers (satellite-framed: n=4; verb-framed: n=9). Results show that (i) individual variables (speakers’ L1 typology or lecturer’s input) do not seem to have a determining impact on MME employment, while (ii) contextual factors (to-be-performed activities) have been shown to have a more salient role in MME usage and performance of discursive functions

    Executive function and intelectual disabilities: assesment and relevance.

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    Este trabajo es una revisión teórica de los últimos instrumentos utilizados en la evaluación de las funciones ejecutivas (FE) en la discapacidad intelectual (DI). A pesar de la importancia cada vez mayor que se está concediendo a las FE en el perfil cognitivo de las personas con DI, son todavía pocos los trabajos que han abordado el estudio de las funciones ejecutivas en esta población y muy escasas las pruebas disponibles para una evaluación estandarizada. Por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es poner a disposición de los profesionales e investigadores en el campo de la Psicología y de la Educación una serie de instrumentos que pueden ser utilizados para la evaluación de las FE en la discapacidad intelectual.In this work, a theoretical review about the last tools used to assessment the executive functioning (EF) in people with intellectual disability (ID) is presented. Despite the growing importance that the research is giving to the executive function in the cognitive profile of people with ID, there are few studies about the executive function in this population and there are few standardized available tests. Therefore, the aim of this work is to make available a set of instruments to assessment the EF in the ID that could be used by psychologists and educators.peerReviewe

    La Convención Mundial sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad: reflexiones en torno a la Educación Inclusiva en tiempos de crisis

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    La Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad (2006,, entró en vigor el 3 de mayo del 2008), en su artículo 24, configura el derecho a la educación desde la perspectiva de derechos humanos, sobre la base de la igualdad de oportunidades y la no discriminación y de acuerdo con el modelo social de la discapacidad presente en toda la Convención. Este artículo obliga a los Estados a garantizar un sistema educativo inclusivo. La actual crisis económica hace que nos planteamos, unas reflexiones que favorezcan la inclusión educativa y que no siempre tienen que suponer ampliación de la dotación económica, sino optimizar ideas fuerzas y recursos. Presentamos algunas ideas fuerzas y dentro de ellas indicadores para su desarrollo, entre los que destacamos: Saber de dónde venimos y hacia dónde vamos. Mejorar el sistema educativo en general; Defender modelos de inclusión educativa acordes con la convención en un sistema educativo más eficiente, sin renunciar a la equidad. Asumir responsabilidades y participación. Compromiso con una formación – capacitación de calidad. Nuevas tecnologías con accesibilidad universal y diseño para todos. Control y seguimiento; instaurando la cultura del seguimiento continuo, y evaluación de la gestión pública participativa y participada.The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006...took effect on May 3, 2008), in Article 24, frames the right to education from the point of view of human rights, equal opportunities and no discrimination, according to the social model of disability present throughout the Convention. The Inclusive Education System is required by law and the States must assure this. The current economic crisis force us to think some thoughts to help inclusive education that does not necessarily increase the financial support but the optimization of ideas, forces and resources. We propose some ideas and within them some indicators to develop among which we highlight the following: to know where we come from and where we are going ; to improve the overall education system; to defend inclusion models according to the Convention in the context of a more efficient educational system but without sacrificing the equality; to assume responsibilities and participation; commitment to quality training; universal access to new technologies; control and monitoring, establish the culture of continuous monitoring and participatory evaluation of public management

    Análisis de las modificaciones que se producen a lo largo de una temporada sobre la fuerza explosiva del tren inferior y la fuerza isométrica máxima del tren superior en jugadores de balonmano en etapas de formación

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    El balonmano es un deporte que se encuentra íntimamente ligado a la capacidad de salto y a los lanzamientos. Estas habilidades se encuentran presentes de forma constante tanto en acciones de ataque como de defensa, pudiendo considerarse ambas habilidades como factores clave del rendimiento específico en esta modalidad deportiva. El objetivo de esta investigación fue valorar las modificaciones que se producen en la fuerza explosiva del tren inferior y la fuerza isométrica máxima del tren superior entre el inicio (pretest) y el final (postest) de una temporada. Un total de 67 jugadores masculinos con edades comprendidas entre los 13 y 18 años (15,3 ± 1,59 años) participaron en el estudio, distribuyéndose la muestra en tres categorías: infantil (12 a 14 años), cadete (14 a 16 años) y juvenil (16 a 18 años). Para estudiar las manifestaciones de la fuerza se utilizaron diferentes saltos pertenecientes a la batería de Bosco y un test de dinamometría manual. Se encontraron diferencias significativas (p<0,05) en la dinamometría manual del brazo dominante en la categoría infantil y en la del brazo no dominante en la categoría cadete entre el pretest y el postest. Asimismo se hallaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en todas las categorías al comparar el brazo dominante con el no dominante. Los resultados obtenidos tras el análisis de la fuerza explosiva del tren inferior muestran diferencias significativas entre el pretest y el postest para las variables CMJ, DJ y RJ en categoría infantil y CMJ y RJ para la categoría cadete. Los resultados indican que los mejores valores en todas las variables de fuerza estudiadas se obtuvieron en la categoría juvenil. A menor categoría menores niveles de fuerza en el tren infe- 28 Movimiento humano 2/2011, 27-41. ISSN: 2014-3060 rior y superior. Sin embargo, a mayor categoría, las diferencias de fuerza entre brazos son más elevadas hacia el brazo dominante encontrándose una mayor descompensación muscular. El análisis de manera sistematizada de la evolución de la capacidad de salto puede constituir un perfecto indicador individual del nivel general del rendimiento físico en categorías inferiores

    Morphosyntatic assessment in adolescents and young people with Down Syndrome

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    Las personas con síndrome de Down presentan una especial dificultad en el desarrollo de su lenguaje oral, especialmente en su aspecto expresivo, lo que influye en su capacidad de expresar mensajes que transmitan sus sentimientos, ideas, opiniones… Para buscar una respuesta psicoeducativa adecuada que mejore su expresión oral, se considera adecuado realizar, primero, una evaluación específica de los elementos morfosintácticos que componen dicha expresión. Esta evaluación se ha realizado en una muestra de dieciocho adolescentes de la Asociación Síndrome de Down de Extremadura con edades comprendidas entre los trece y veintiún años de edad aplicándoseles pruebas específicas morfosintácticas para valorar esas necesidades. Los resultados obtenidos muestran sus necesidades educativas específicas en el área expresiva, las cuales orientarán el desarrollo de una intervención adecuada.People with Down syndrome have particular difficulty in language development, mainly in expressive language. These difficulties influence on their ability to express feelings, ideas, opinions… Thus, it is necessary to do a specific evaluation of morphosyntactic components of the language to look for a properly psychoeducational response. were evaluated by means the above program. Standard and nonstandard specific morphosyntactic tests have been applied to evaluate their needs. Here, results of above evaluation of different morphosyntactic components are shown. These results will let us to know the specific educative needs of these people in relation to expressive area. These ones will guide the development of appropriate educational practice.Eighteen young people and teenagers with Down syndrome aged between 13 and 21peerReviewe

    Effects of a concurrent exercise training program on low back and sciatic pain and pain disability in late pregnancy

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    Objective: The aim of the present study was to explore the influence of a concurrent exercise (aerobic + resistance) training program, from the 17th gestational week (g.w.) until birth on low back and sciatic pain, and pain disability. A total of 93 pregnant women divided into exercise (n = 49) and control (n = 44) groups followed a 60-min, 3 days/week, concurrent exercise training. Methods: Low back and sciatic pain were measured with a Visual Analogic Scale (VAS). The disability resulting from pain was assessed with the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI). Measures were performed at the 16th and 34th g.w. Results: The exercise group increased 21.9 mm less the VAS low back (between-group differences (B): 95% CI: −33.6 to −10.2; p < 0.001) and 12.9 mm less the VAS sciatica score (between-group differences: 95% CI (B): −21.8 to −4.0; p = 0.005) than the control group. Regarding the ODI questionnaire, the exercise group increased 0.7, 0.5, and 0.7 less than the control group in pain while sleeping (between-group differences (B): 95% CI: −1.4 to −0.01; p = 0.025), pain while lifting weight (between-group differences (B): 95% CI: −0.9 to −0.01; p = 0.016), and limitations of the social life due to pain (between-group differences(B): 95% CI: −1.3 to −0.06; p = 0.032). Furthermore, the exercise group suffered 6.9% less pain than the control group in the ODI total score (between-group differences (B): 95% CI: −13.9 to 0.053; p = 0.052). Conclusion: This concurrent exercise training program adapted to pregnant women improved pain compared to controls.Funding information Regional Ministry of Health of the Junta de Andalucía, Grant/Award Number: PI-0395-2016; Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports, Grant/Award Number: FPU17/03715; University of Granada, Excellence actions: Units of Excellence; Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES), and by the Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidades and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Grant/ Award Number: REF. SOMM17/6107/UGR10 página

    Physical fitness and maternal body composition indices during pregnancy and postpartum: the GESTAFIT project

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    ABSTRACT We explored the association of physical fitness (PF) during pregnancy with maternal body composition indices along pregnancy and postpartum period. The study comprised 159 pregnant women (32.9 ± 4.7 years old). Assessments were carried out at the 16th and 34th gestational weeks (g.w.) and six weeks postpartum. Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), muscular strength (absolute and relative values) and flexibility were measured. Body composition indices were obtained by using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry at postpartum. The results, after adjusting for potential covariates at the 16th g.w., indicated that greater CRF was associated with lower postpartum indices total fat mass, android and gynoid fat mass (all, p < 0.05). Greater absolute upper-body muscular strength was associated with greater pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI), gestational weight gain (GWG); and postpartum indices body weight, BMI, lean mass, fat free mass, fat mass, gynoid fat mass, T-score and Z-score bone mineral density (BMD) (all, p < 0.05). Greater upper-body flexibility was associated with lower pre-pregnancy BMI; and postpartum indices body weight, BMI, lean mass, fat free mass, fat mass, android fat mass and gynoid fat mass, and with greater GWG (all, p < 0.05). At the 34th g.w., greater CRF was additionally associated with greater postpartum T-score and Z-score BMD (both, p < 0.05). In conclusion, this study reveals that greater PF levels, especially during early pregnancy, may promote a better body composition in the postpartum period. Therefore, clinicians and health promoters should encourage women to maintain or improve PF levels from early pregnancy. KEYWORDS Cardiorespiratory fitness; strength; flexibility; bone density; gestation Highlights . Given that obesity is on the rise today, it is important to find strategies to cope with it, especially during pregnancy. . The results of the present study suggest that greater physical fitness during early pregnancy is key to promoting better body composition in the postpartum period. . It should be of clinical interest to encourage pregnant women to maintain or improve their physical fitness levels

    Association of Self-Reported Physical Fitness with Pregnancy Related Symptoms the GESTAFIT Project

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    We explored the association of physical fitness (PF) with pregnancy-related symptoms, at the 16th and 34th gestational weeks (g.w.). The International Fitness Scale and the Pregnancy Symptoms Inventory were employed to assess self-reported PF and pregnancy-related symptoms, respectively. At the 16th g.w. greater self-reported overall PF was associated with lower incidence of urinary frequency (p = 0.020); greater overall PF, cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), muscular strength and speed-agility were associated with lower incidence of tiredness-fatigue (all, p < 0.05); greater overall PF and speed-agility were associated with lower incidence of poor sleep (both, p < 0.05); greater CRF and flexibility were associated with lower limitations by tiredness-fatigue (both, p < 0.05); and greater flexibility was associated with lower limitations by poor sleep (p = 0.021). At the 34th g.w. greater self-reported overall PF, CRF and muscular strength were associated with lower incidence of tiredness-fatigue (all, p < 0.05); greater CRF was associated with lower incidence of poor sleep (p = 0.019); and, greater flexibility was associated with lower incidence of increased vaginal discharge (p = 0.023). Adequate levels of PF, especially CRF, may help women to cope with the most endorsed pregnancy-related symptoms and its limitations, especially tiredness-fatigue and poor sleep

    Aula en bici: un proyecto longitudinal de intervención docente en Ed. Primaria (Class by Bicycle: a longitudinal project of educational intervention in primary school)

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    The purpose of this study is the development and application of a program based on the use of the bicycle as educational tool. This project,named the Class by Bicycle was based on a longitudinal pedagogical treatment structuring the objectives and contents of work throughout PrimarySchool (8-9 years old to 11-12 years old). This experience is included into the motor skill block, as well as into the physical activity, health and educationvalues blocks according to the content blocks of Physical Education established by the Aragón Government (DGA). This experience approached thecycling contents from a tripled perspective: as a mean of urban transport, as an healthy and ecological sport, and as a tool to discover the natural environment. El desarrollo y la aplicación didáctica de un proyecto educativo que articule un contenido asociado a la utilización de la bicicleta, como recurso con amplias posibilidades educativas, es el objetivo del presente trabajo. El proyecto docente realizado se denomina el Aula en bici. Se trata de una experiencia didáctica piloto, en la que se efectúa un tratamiento pedagógico de carácter longitudinal, al vertebrar los objetivos y contenidos de trabajo a lo largo del segundo y tercer ciclo de Educación Primaria (de 3º a 6º curso). La vinculación con los bloques de contenido del Área de Educación Física establecidos por el Gobierno de Aragón (DGA) sitúa esta experiencia en el bloque de las habilidades motrices y en el de actividad física, salud y educación en valores. Esta experiencia ha logrado aproximar el contenido de la bicicleta desde una triple perspectiva: como medio de transporte urbano, como modalidad deportiva ecológica y saludable, y como herramienta para descubrir el medio natural