326 research outputs found

    On-Line Team Project Communication Tool Set

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    Team projects offer a valuable mechanism for effective learning. However, communication within the team, with the instructor and between different teams is a challenging task that can greatly limit the effectiveness of the learning experience. Some of the tools and concepts that are being developed for distance learning applications can be used to enhance team project communication within teams that are geographically separated as well as for in-campus teams. This article documents a set of on-line tools that allow for asynchronous team participation and timely monitoring and feedback by the instructor

    Choroidal microvascular repair after argon laser photocoagulation. Ultrastructural observations

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    Acute laser injury to the tapetum of the feline retina produces thrombosis of the choriocapillaris. Early changes are characterized by the appearance of platelet-fibrin thrombi within capillary loops and disruption of endothelial integrity. By 4 days, thrombi have disappeared, and the endothelium shows regenerative changes. No endothelial cell mitotic activity is seen. The endothelial cytoplasm becomes plump, and there is a loss of the fenestrations adjacent to Bruch's membrane. By 10-20 days, the capillary structure shows gradual restoration. At 30 days, endothelial cell fenestrae are clearly evident adjacent to Bruch's membrane. The reparative process in this model appears to evolve as a result of thrombolysis and endothelial cell activation

    Three-Dimensional Imaging of the Intracellular Assembly of a Functional Viral RNA Replicase Complex

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    Positive-strand RNA viruses, which can be devastating pathogens in humans, animals and plants, replicate their genomes on intracellular membranes. Here, we describe the three-dimensional ultrastructural organization of a tombusvirus replicase in yeast, a valuable model for exploring virus–host interactions. We visualized the intracellular distribution of a viral replicase protein using metal-tagging transmission electron microscopy, a highly sensitive nanotechnology whose full potential remains to be developed. These three-dimensional images show how viral replicase molecules are organized when they are incorporated into the active domains of the intracellular replication compartment. Our approach provides a means to study protein activation mechanisms in cells and to identify targets for new antiviral compounds

    Noncanonical Role for the Host Vps4 AAA+ ATPase ESCRT Protein in the Formation of Tomato Bushy Stunt Virus Replicase

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    Assembling of the membrane-bound viral replicase complexes (VRCs) consisting of viral- and host-encoded proteins is a key step during the replication of positive-stranded RNA viruses in the infected cells. Previous genome-wide screens with Tomato bushy stunt tombusvirus (TBSV) in a yeast model host have revealed the involvement of eleven cellular ESCRT (endosomal sorting complexes required for transport) proteins in viral replication. The ESCRT proteins are involved in endosomal sorting of cellular membrane proteins by forming multiprotein complexes, deforming membranes away from the cytosol and, ultimately, pinching off vesicles into the lumen of the endosomes. In this paper, we show an unexpected key role for the conserved Vps4p AAA+ ATPase, whose canonical function is to disassemble the ESCRT complexes and recycle them from the membranes back to the cytosol. We find that the tombusvirus p33 replication protein interacts with Vps4p and three ESCRT-III proteins. Interestingly, Vps4p is recruited to become a permanent component of the VRCs as shown by co-purification assays and immuno-EM. Vps4p is co-localized with the viral dsRNA and contacts the viral (+)RNA in the intracellular membrane. Deletion of Vps4p in yeast leads to the formation of crescent-like membrane structures instead of the characteristic spherule and vesicle-like structures. The in vitro assembled tombusvirus replicase based on cell-free extracts (CFE) from vps4Δ yeast is highly nuclease sensitive, in contrast with the nuclease insensitive replicase in wt CFE. These data suggest that the role of Vps4p and the ESCRT machinery is to aid building the membrane-bound VRCs, which become nuclease-insensitive to avoid the recognition by the host antiviral surveillance system and the destruction of the viral RNA. Other (+)RNA viruses of plants and animals might also subvert Vps4p and the ESCRT machinery for formation of VRCs, which require membrane deformation and spherule formation

    Potensi Tunikata Rhopalaea SP. sebagai Sumber Inokulum Jamur Simbion Penghasil Antimikroba

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    The research on the potency of tunicate Rhopalaea sp as a source of inoculum fungal symbionts that produce antimicrobial has been done. This research aimed to know the tunicate's potency as a source of inoculum fungal symbionts and to characterize isolate symbiont fungal Rhopalaea sp. Isolation of fungi was performed using a PDA medium (Potato Dextrose Agar). Characterization of isolates fungal symbiont through macroscopic and microscopic observation, and testing its activity against pathogenic bacteria and fungi. The results showed there were three isolates(Asc 1, Asc 2 dan Asc 3) of fungal symbionts Rhopalaea sp. The results of macroscopic observation colony showed that Asc 1 had a flat surface such as cotton while Asc 2 and Asc 3 had a surface such as flour; Colours of isolates : Asc 1 (yellow), Asc 2 and Asc 3 (dark green). The result of microscopic observation reveals that Asc 1 had septa, Asc 2 and Asc 3 hadn't septa; Asc 1 with blue brownish hyphae, while Asc 2 and Asc 3 hyaline (colorless); Asc 1 had asexual spores sporangiophores, while Asc 2 and Asc 3 had conidioshpore. Asc 1 isolate was suspected, belongs to the genus Penicillium and Asc 2 and Asc 3 isolates were suspected to be classified into the genus Aspergillus. All three isolates were able to inhibit the growth of Salmonella thypi bacteria and Candida albicans fungus

    Thin perfect absorbers based on metamaterials for optical frequencies

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    In this work a bidimensional array of particles is approached like a system of dipoles characterized by their electric and magnetic polarizabilities. The interaction between particles has been taken into account by adding contribution of every dipole at the position of the central dipole. This array was modeled later as a surface which supports effective electric and magnetic surface currents. From these currents, the boundary conditions for perfect absorption were established. This model was applied onto an array of coated nanospheres, whose scattering is described by the Mie theory, obtaining values of absorption up to 99%.En este trabajo un arreglo bidimensional de partículas es aproximado como un arreglo de dipolos caracterizados por sus polarizabilidades eléctricas y magnéticas. La interacción entre las partículas es tenida en cuenta sumando las contribuciones al campo de todos los dipolos sobre la posición del dipolo central. Posteriormente se modeló el arreglo como una superficie que soporta corrientes superficiales eléctricas y magnéticas efectivas. Con dichas corrientes se establecieron las condiciones de frontera necesarias para obtener absorción perfecta. Este modelo se aplicó a un arreglo de nanoesferas recubiertas, cuya dispersión es descrita por la teor_á de Mie, obteniéndose valores de absorción hasta del 99%

    Role of Viral RNA and Co-opted Cellular ESCRT-I and ESCRT-III Factors in Formation of Tombusvirus Spherules Harboring the Tombusvirus Replicase

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    Plus-stranded RNA viruses induce membrane deformations in infected cells in order to build viral replication complexes (VRCs). Tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSV) co-opts cellular ESCRT (endosomal sorting complexes required for transport) proteins to induce the formation of vesicle (spherule)-like structures in the peroxisomal membrane with tight openings toward the cytosol. In this study, using a yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) vps23Δ bro1Δ double-deletion mutant, we showed that the Vps23p ESCRT-I protein (Tsg101 in mammals) and Bro1p (ALIX) ESCRT-associated protein, both of which bind to the viral p33 replication protein, play partially complementary roles in TBSV replication in cells and in cell extracts. Dual expression of dominant-negative versions of Arabidopsis homologs of Vps23p and Bro1p inhibited tombusvirus replication to greater extent than individual expression in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. We also demonstrated the critical role of Snf7p (CHMP4), Vps20p, and Vps24p ESCRT-III proteins in tombusvirus replication in yeast and in vitro. Electron microscopic imaging of vps23Δ yeast revealed the lack of tombusvirus-induced spherule-like structures, while crescent-like structures are formed in ESCRT-III deletion yeasts replicating TBSV RNA. In addition, we also showed that the length of the viral RNA affects the sizes of spherules formed in N. benthamiana cells. The 4.8-kb genomic RNA is needed for the formation of spherules 66 nm in diameter, while spherules formed during the replication of the ∼600-nucleotide (nt)-long defective interfering RNA in the presence of p33 and p92 replication proteins are 42 nm. We propose that the viral RNA serves as a “measuring string” during VRC assembly and spherule formation

    Metritis in dairy cows: Risk factors and reproductive performance

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    The objectives of this study were to assess the risk factors for metritis, its effects on milk yield and on reproductive performance, and the efficacy of ceftiofur therapy in Holstein dairy cows. Cows (n. =. 303) from a commercial dairy herd in Argentina were studied. Cows were scored for body condition, and blood samples were collected on d -14, 7, 21, 31, 41, and 50 relative to parturition. Cows having a watery, purulent, or brown, and fetid vaginal discharge (VD) and rectal temperature ≤39.2°C were diagnosed as having clinical metritis, and those having a similar VD and rectal temperature >39.2°C were diagnosed as having puerperal metritis. Both clinical and puerperal metritis cows were randomly assigned to control (no treatment) or ceftiofur group (2.2. mg/kg. ×. 3 consecutive days). Cure was declared if clear VD was observed at 21 d in milk (DIM). Blood samples were analyzed for nonesterified fatty acids, β-hydroxybutyrate, and blood urea nitrogen using commercial kits, and for insulin-like growth factor-1, insulin, and leptin by RIA. Data were analyzed with PROC MIXED, GENMOD, PHREG, and LIFETEST from SAS (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). The risk for metritis increased with dystocia, retained fetal membranes, and dead calf [AOR (adjusted odds ratio). =. 2.58, 95% CI: 1.189-5.559], and as prepartum nonesterified fatty acids levels increased (AOR. =. 1.001, 95% CI: 0.999-1.002). Conversely, risk decreased as prepartum insulin-like growth factor-1 increased (AOR. =. 0.65, 95% CI: 0.349-1.219). Cows having either clinical or puerperal metritis produced less milk by 90 DIM than did healthy cows (2,236. ±. 172 vs. 2,367. ±. 77 vs. 2,647. ±. 82 kg, respectively). Cows with puerperal metritis had lower risk for pregnancy by 100 DIM (AOR. =. 0.189, 95% CI: 0.070-0.479) and a lower hazard rate for pregnancy by 150 DIM (hazard rate: 0.753, 95% CI: 0.621-0.911), and took longer to get pregnant (129 vs. 111 vs. 109 d, for puerperal metritis, clinical metritis, and healthy cows, respectively). Ceftiofur treatment was not associated with cure rate or milk yield but was related to increased risk for pregnancy at timed artificial insemination (AOR. =. 2.688, 95% CI: 0.687-10.832), and for lower risk of reproductive cull (AOR. =. 0.121, 95% CI: 0.014-1.066). In conclusion, abnormal calving and negative energy balance are associated with increased risk for metritis. Metritis, especially puerperal metritis, correlates with reduced milk production and poor reproductive performance. Finally, the likelihood for having a normal VD (indicative of cure) increased 2.6% for every day of increase in postpartum time and was 2 times higher for cows with clinical metritis than for those with puerperal metritis.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Comparación de uno y dos arietes hidráulicos en paralelo con suministro vertical-radial

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    Mediante datos experimentales se analiza y compara el comportamiento de uno y dos arietes hidráulicos en paralelo con y sin bajante (adición a la conducción de entrega), y suministro descendente vertical-radial. El estudio se hizo en un circuito hidráulico configurable para que esos dispositivos operen de una u otra forma a altura de entrega constante y altura de suministro variable. Con cada altura de suministro se midieron los caudales suministrados y bombeados por los arietes hidráulicos, y la presión en la tubería de impulsión ―cerca de cada ariete― en la cámara de aire y en la tubería de entrega. Esta información permitió comparar por primera vez el desempeño de arietes hidráulicos funcionando solos o en paralelo mediante el análisis de caudales, presiones, frecuencia del golpe y eficiencia de los dispositivos. Como las bombas radiales, los resultados indican que dos arietes hidráulicos en paralelo entregan más que uno, pero menos que la suma del caudal bombeado por cada uno con descarga independiente. En el rango de alturas de suministro ensayado, la frecuencia del golpe de ariete y el caudal bombeado crecen con la altura de suministro, como se reporta en otros estudios. No obstante, el resultado más destacado es el efecto del bajante, porque incrementa varias veces el caudal bombeado al aumentar la frecuencia del golpe de ariete. Esta investigación impulsa el desarrollo de un sistema de múltiples arietes hidráulicos con suministro común, y descargas en paralelo o individuales para bombear más que con los diseños actuales