4 research outputs found

    Barreiras para o Sucesso? O Papel das Estruturas de Colaboração e Governo Estadual nos Conselhos P-20

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    Collaboration between K-12 and higher education sectors has not been as productive as participants and policy leaders would like – especially in an era of emphasis on college readiness and completion, which requires such collaboration. Various mechanisms have been used to foster collaboration including state P-20 (early learning through higher education) councils, however these have not always produced the results participants desire and research on why this is so is limited. This study utilizes state education governance and inter-organizational relations literatures to hypothesize that structural barriers to collaboration prevent P-20 councils from reaching their potential. This comparative case study of three state P-20 councils finds that state education governance structures may erect barriers to collaboration. However, this research also shows that P-20 councils, if thoughtfully structured, can help ameliorate these barriers.La colaboración entre los sectores de educación superior y los de educación básica no ha sido tan productiva comosus participantes y líderes políticos les gustaría – especialmente en una era de énfasis en la preparación para ingresar y completar la universidad, que requiere este tipo de colaboración. Varios mecanismos se han utilizado para fomentar la colaboración incluyendo consejos estaduales de coordinación entre los diferentes niveles (P-20=del preescolar a laeducación superior) sin embargo, estos no siempre han producido los resultados que los participantes desean y la investigación sobre por qué esto es así, es limitada. Este estudio utiliza la literatura sobre gobernanza de la educación estatal y de relaciones inter-organizacionales, para analizar la hipótesis de que las barreras estructurales a la colaboración impiden a los consejos P-20 de alcanzar su potencial. Este estudio de caso comparativo de tres consejos estaduales P-20 concluye que las estructuras de gobernanza de educación estatales pueden erigir barreras a la colaboración. Sin embargo, esta investigación también muestra que concejos P-20, si son estructurados cuidadosamente, pueden ayudar a eliminar estas barreras.A colaboração entre os sectores do ensino superior e educação básica não tem sido tão produtiva quanto seus participantes e líderes políticos gostariam – especialmente em uma época de ênfase na preparação para entrar e completar os estudos superiores, que requer este tipo de colaboração. Vários mecanismos têm sido utilizados para promover a colaboração incluindo conselhos estaduais P-20 de coordenação entre os diferentes níveis (P-20 = pré-escolar ao ensino superior), mas estes nem sempre têm produzido os resultados que os participantes querem e investigação sobre o porquê isto é assim, é limitada. Este estudo utiliza a literatura sobre a governança da educação estadual e relações inter-organizacionais, para analisar a hipótese de que as barreiras estruturais à colaboração evitam que os conselhos P-20 realizem o seu potencial. Este estudo de caso comparativo de três conselhos estatais P-20 conclui que as estruturas de governação de educação dos estados podem erigir barreiras à colaboração. No entanto, a pesquisa também mostra que conselhos P-20, se forem cuidadosamente estruturados, podem ajudar a remover essas barreiras

    The Effect of Transitions on Access to Higher Education

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    Explores how the transition process from secondary to higher education affects access to higher education in the Netherlands, South Africa, Ukraine, and the United States. Examines barriers and makes recommendations for expanding "access with success.

    Beyond Speech: Students’ Civil Rights in Schools

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    Educators, including school leaders, must be able to handle legal dilemmas involving student speech, but these do not occur in a vacuum. Often, speech issues are commingled with other legal challenges. This article explores student rights beyond free speech that are guaranteed at PK-12 U.S. public schools. We clarify when educators must attend to students’ unique needs, especially when courts have identified that certain students are members of protected classes. This article explains the overarching constitutional framework in which the U.S. Supreme Court has applied the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause to protect the rights of students to be free from invidious discrimination. We describe how modern U.S. courts apply levels of review, including strict scrutiny, intermediate scrutiny, and rational basis review to equal protection cases. We then synthesize federal statutory law and case law that protect students. Specifically, we discuss how Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI 1964) prohibits discrimination based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, language proficiency, and religion. Next, we delve into the recent changes relevant to the application of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX 1972) to students based on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Our final focus covers students with disabilities, including medical conditions, who are protected by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 1990) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504 1973)