842 research outputs found

    Determination of the thermodynamic temperature between 236 K and 430 K from speed of sound measurements in helium

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    We report speed of sound measurements in helium at 273.16 K and at eight temperatures in the range between 236 K and 430 K. These results determine the difference (T  −  T 90) between the thermodynamic temperature T and its approximation T 90 by the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90). The uncertainty of our measurements of (T  −  T 90) spans between a minimum of 0.25 mK near 247 K and a maximum of 0.89 mK at the freezing point of indium (429.75 K) with comparable contributions from the uncertainty of our acoustic determination of T and from the uncertainty of our laboratory realization of ITS-90. On the overlapping temperature ranges these results are consistent with other recent acoustic determinations of (T  −  T 90). We also present evidence that (T  −  T 90) can be determined with comparably small uncertainties by the alternative, time-saving procedure of measuring the speed-of-sound in helium using only a single, judiciously-chosen, pressure on each isotherm

    A determination of the molar gas constant R by acoustic thermometry in helium

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    We have determined the acoustic and microwave frequencies of a misaligned spherical resonator maintained near the temperature of the triple point of water and filled with helium with carefully characterized molar mass M = (4.002 6032 ± 0.000 0015) g mol-1, with a relative standard uncertainty ur(M) = 0.37×10-6. From these data and traceable thermometry we estimate the speed of sound in our sample of helium at TTPW = 273.16 K and zero pressure to be u0 2 = (945 710.45 ± 0.85) m2 s-2 and correspondingly deduce the value R = (8.314 4743 ± 0.000 0088) J mol-1 K-1 for the molar gas constant. We estimate the value k = R/NA = (1.380 6508 ± 0.000 0015) × 10-23 J K-1 for the Boltzmann constant using the currently accepted value of the Avogadro constant NA. These estimates of R and k, with a relative standard uncertainty of 1.06 × 10-6, are 1.47 parts in 106 above the values recommended by CODATA in 2010

    Detecting Gold Biomineralization by Delftia acidovorans Biofilms on a Quartz Crystal Microbalance

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    © 2019 American Chemical Society. The extensive use of gold in sensing, diagnostics, and electronics has led to major concerns in solid waste management since gold and other heavy metals are nonbiodegradable and can easily accumulate in the environment. Moreover, gold ions are extremely reactive and potentially harmful for humans. Thus, there is an urgent need to develop reliable methodologies to detect and possibly neutralize ionic gold in aqueous solutions and industrial wastes. In this work, by using complementary measurement techniques such as quartz crystal microbalance (QCM), atomic force microscopy, crystal violet staining, and optical microscopy, we investigate a promising biologically induced gold biomineralization process accomplished by biofilms of bacterium Delftia acidovorans. When stressed by Au3+ ions, D. acidovorans is able to neutralize toxic soluble gold by excreting a nonribosomal peptide, which forms extracellular gold nanonuggets via complexation with metal ions. Specifically, QCM, a surface-sensitive transducer, is employed to quantify the production of these gold complexes directly on the D. acidovorans biofilm in real time. Detailed kinetics obtained by QCM captures the condition for maximized biomineralization yield and offers new insights underlying the biomineralization process. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study providing an extensive characterization of the gold biomineralization process by a model bacterial biofilm. We also demonstrate QCM as a cheap, user-friendly sensing platform and alternative to standard analytical techniques for studies requiring high-resolution quantitative details, which offers promising opportunities in heavy-metal sensing, gold recovery, and industrial waste treatment

    Cell cycle dynamics during diapause entry and exit in an annual killifish revealed by FUCCI technology

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    Background: Annual killifishes are adapted to surviving and reproducing over alternating dry and wet seasons. During the dry season, all adults die and desiccation-resistant embryos remain encased in dry mud for months or years in a state of diapause where their development is halted in anticipation of the months that have to elapse before their habitats are flooded again. Embryonic development of annual killifishes deviates from canonical teleost development. Epiblast cells disperse during epiboly, and a "dispersed phase" precedes gastrulation. In addition, annual fish have the ability to enter diapause and block embryonic development at the dispersed phase (diapause I), mid-somitogenesis (diapause II) and the final phase of development (diapause III). Developmental transitions associated with diapause entry and exit can be linked with cell cycle events. Here we set to image this transition in living embryos. Results: To visibly explore cell cycle dynamics during killifish development in depth, we created a stable transgenic line in Nothobranchius furzeri that expresses two fluorescent reporters, one for the G1 phase and one for the S/G2 phases of the cell cycle, respectively (Fluorescent Ubiquitination-based Cell Cycle Indicator, FUCCI). Using this tool, we observed that, during epiboly, epiblast cells progressively become quiescent and exit the cell cycle. All embryos transit through a phase where dispersed cells migrate, without showing any mitotic activity, possibly blocked in the G1 phase (diapause I). Thereafter, exit from diapause I is synchronous and cells enter directly into the S phase without transiting through G1. The developmental trajectories of embryos entering diapause and of those that continue to develop are different. In particular, embryos entering diapause have reduced growth along the medio-lateral axis. Finally, exit from diapause II is synchronous for all cells and is characterized by a burst of mitotic activity and growth along the medio-lateral axis such that, by the end of this phase, the morphology of the embryos is identical to that of direct-developing embryos. Conclusions: Our study reveals surprising levels of coordination of cellular dynamics during diapause and provides a reference framework for further developmental analyses of this remarkable developmental quiescent state

    HSV-1 and endogenous retroviruses as risk factors in demyelination

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    Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is a neurotropic alphaherpesvirus that can infect the peripheral and central nervous systems, and it has been implicated in demyelinating and neurodegenerative processes. Transposable elements (TEs) are DNA sequences that can move from one genomic location to another. TEs have been linked to several diseases affecting the central nervous system (CNS), including multiple sclerosis (MS), a demyelinating disease of unknown etiology influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Exogenous viral transactivators may activate certain retrotransposons or class I TEs. In this context, several herpesviruses have been linked to MS, and one of them, HSV-1, might act as a risk factor by mediating processes such as molecular mimicry, remyelination, and activity of endogenous retroviruses (ERVs). Several herpesviruses have been involved in the regulation of human ERVs (HERVs), and HSV-1 in particular can modulate HERVs in cells involved in MS pathogenesis. This review exposes current knowledge about the relationship between HSV-1 and human ERVs, focusing on their contribution as a risk factor for MS

    On the rate of convergence of the Hamiltonian particle-mesh method

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    The Hamiltonian Particle-Mesh (HPM) method is a particle-in-cell method for compressible fluid flow with Hamiltonian structure. We present a numer- ical short-time study of the rate of convergence of HPM in terms of its three main governing parameters. We find that the rate of convergence is much better than the best available theoretical estimates. Our results indicate that HPM performs best when the number of particles is on the order of the number of grid cells, the HPM global smoothing kernel has fast decay in Fourier space, and the HPM local interpolation kernel is a cubic spline