57 research outputs found


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    During the last years Italy, a country characterized by a long history of emigration, has seen a quickly growth of the phenomenon of immigration. Our Nation seems to be a “docking point” for new and substantial flow of immigrants mainly from Eastern Europe looking for new work opportunities. The profile of these people is usually characterized by high level of education as well as flexibility and adaptability. For the national economy in general, and for the agricultural sector in particular, this new migration flows represent an effective answer to the aversion for the agricultural job expressed by many potential autochthon workers. Which are the characteristics of extra-community agricultural labour? Which are the characteristics of migration flows linked to the agricultural labour in three provinces of one of the main agricultural regions in Italy? Based on National Institute of Welfare information’s (INPS), the research underlines the diversification of this phenomenon among Italian regions as well as its dynamism. In Italy, during the last five years, the proportions of foreign agricultural workers increased up to 50%, and peaked in four Italian regions: Friuli Venezia Giulia, Campania, Piemonte and Emilia-Romagna. In Emilia-Romagna, in particular, immigrants represent almost a quarter of total agricultural workers and most of them aged less than forty years. The analysis of information about labour market in the agricultural sector in some Emilia-Romagna provinces shows that immigrants are concentrated in few farms. Farmer prefers to engage homogeneous ethnic groups to assure cultural affinity among the employees. In the local agricultural labour market the immigrants coming from Eastern Europe, in particular from Poland and Romania, are aged between 22 and 36 years, are unemployed in their country, they have a driving license and a good knowledge of Italian and English language.Agricultural Labour Markets, Immigrant Workers, Human Capital, Skills, Agribusiness, Labor and Human Capital, J43, J61, J24,

    Value Sharing and Food System Dynamics for Milk, Tomato, and Cereals Food Chains

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    The aim of the paper is to analyse value sharing and food system dynamics of milk, tomato, and cereals food chains, so to explore the agro‐food enterprises capacity to be competitive and sustainable. The paper is based on the functionalist approach of Malassis and the notion of the system of the General Systems Theory. The methodology is aimed at creating a consolidated financial statement for each food chain so to re‐create the chain value and identify how this is shared among the different food chain stages. The analysis is carried out on primary and secondary data: around 2400 financial statements concerning 480 enterprises from 2003 to 2007 and stakeholders’ interviews. Results show that value is usually created in the processing and distribution stages, to the detriment of the primary sector, and that the retail managing practices tend to impose damaging structural changes on farms whose profitability is at times becoming sustainable only thanks to European subsidies. To conclude, there is evidence of inadequate definition of strategic and network alliance along the chain. Competitiveness is still a concept achieved by single food chain stages against others and food chain internal competition entails a declining sustainability of small farms and enterprises.food chain, value system, economic performance, potato, fruit, cheese., Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Food Security and Poverty, Industrial Organization, Risk and Uncertainty,


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    The latest orientations of the CAP have had remarkable and wide-spread effects on the whole agri-food sector. It has deeply influenced the entrepreneurs' choices, with reference both to the production techniques and to the business organization. The changes have had inevitable reflexes on the economic results of the firms, thus determining adaptations regarding both the structure and the amount of inputs. In this paper, an analysis of the book-keeping results of agricultural enterprises of Northern and Central Italy is carried out. We try to underline and analyze the evolution of the economic results and the main structural and organizational elements in the firms. The accountancy data of a group of firms located in the Veneto, Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany regions, referred to the period 1994-2000, are taken into consideration. These firms seems to adequately represent the main type of farming: field crops, fruit-growing, wine-growing, husbandry. The study is aimed at underlining the influence of the EU payments on the profitability and the changes in the value distribution between the various input suppliers.

    Value Sharing and Food System Dynamics for Milk, Tomato, and Cereals Food Chains

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    The aim of the paper is to analyse value sharing and food system dynamics of milk, tomato, and cereals food chains, so to explore the agrofood enterprises capacity to be competitive and sustainable. The paper is based on the functionalist approach of Malassis and the notion of the system of the General Systems Theory. The methodology is aimed at creating a consolidated financial statement for each food chain so to recreate the chain value and identify how this is shared among the different food chain stages. The analysis is carried out on primary and secondary data: around 2400 financial statements concerning 480 enterprises from 2003 to 2007 and stakeholders’ interviews. Results show that value is usually created in the processing and distribution stages, to the detriment of the primary sector, and that the retail managing practices tend to impose damaging structural changes on farms whose profitability is at times becoming sustainable only thanks to European subsidies. To conclude, there is evidence of inadequate definition of strategic and network alliance along the chain. Competitiveness is still a concept achieved by single food chain stages against others and food chain internal competition entails a declining sustainability of small farms and enterprises

    Technical efficiency in the fresh fruit and vegetable sector: a comparison study of Italian and Spanish firms

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    [ENG] Abstract –– Introduction. Agricultural cooperatives play an important socio-economic role in European (EU) countries, especially in the fresh fruit and vegetable sector. For this reason, in an economic perspective, the measurement of their efficiency has become an area of investigation which attracts great interest. Given that Spain and Italy are the biggest producers of fresh fruits and vegetables, the aim of this paper was to recognize the evolution of their technical efficiency. Materials and methods. Performance analysis in the economic field is rather controversial. Following Parkan (2002), it is possible to classify three main approaches to measure performance: index numbers; frontier methods and the non-parametric approaches. In this paper, efficiency was evaluated by applying the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) technique considering two separate frontiers. Through the AIDA database for Italian agricultural cooperatives and the SABI database for Spanish cooperatives, two different sets of 81 and 106 firms, respectively belonging to the fruit and vegetable sector, were selected over a five-year period (2001–2005). Results. The analysis of the DEA results underlines the higher ability of Italian cooperatives to calibrate and optimize the inputs, and to maximize the results (technical efficiency), as well as the ability of Spanish cooperatives to exploit scale economies. Conclusions. Over the period taken into consideration, the average value of global technical efficiency decreased for Spanish as well as Italian cooperatives. In the case of Spanish cooperatives, this situation is due to the loss of ability to calibrate and optimize the inputs, even if the considered firms reveal ability to develop scale economies. In the case of Italian cooperatives, the results reveal the substantial firm technical efficiency, even if scale inefficiency undermines the global efficiency. [FRE] Résumé –– Introduction. Les coopératives agricoles jouent un rôle socio-économique important dans les pays européens (UE) et, en particulier, dans le secteur des fruits et légumes frais. Pour cette raison, d’un point de vue économique, la mesure de son efficacité est devenue un champ d'investigation qui suscite un grand intérêt. L'Espagne et l'Italie étant les plus grands producteurs de fruits et légumes frais de l’UE, mous avons cherché à étudier l'évolution de leur efficacité technique. Matériel et méthodes. L’évaluation des performances dans le domaine économique est plutôt controversée. Selon Parkan (2002), il est possible d’envisager trois approches principales pour mesurer ces performances : utilisation de nombres-indices ; méthodes des frontières, et méthodes non paramétriques. Dans cet article, l'efficacité du secteur a été évaluée à l’aide d’une analyse d'enveloppement des données (AED) en considérant deux frontières séparées. À partir de la base de données AIDA pour les coopératives agricoles italiennes et de la base de données SABI pour les coopératives espagnoles, deux ensembles différents de 81 et 106 sociétés, appartenant respectivement au secteur des fruits et des légumes, ont été choisis sur une période de cinq ans (2001–2005). Résultats. L'analyse des résultats de l’AED a mis en évidence une capacité plus élevée des coopératives italiennes à calibrer et à optimiser les intrants et à maximiser les résultats (efficacité technique) aussi bien qu’une capacité des coopératives espagnoles à utiliser des économies d'échelle. Conclusions. Au cours de la période prise en compte, la valeur moyenne de l'efficacité technique globale a diminué pour les coopératives espagnoles comme pour les coopératives italiennes. Dans le cas des coopératives espagnoles, cette situation est due à une perte de la capacité à calibrer et optimiser les intrants, même si les sociétés considérées ont la capacité de développer des économies d'échelle. Dans le cas des coopératives italiennes, les résultats indiquent une efficacité technique substantielle des entreprises, même si l'inefficacité d'échelle mine l'efficacité globale. [ESP] Resumen –– Introducción. Las cooperativas agrícolas juegan un importante papel socioeconómico en los países europeos (UE) y, en particular, en el sector de las frutas y hortalizas frescas. Por ello, desde un punto de vista económico, la medida del rendimiento de dichas empresas se viene convirtiendo en un campo de investigación que suscita gran interés. España e Italia son los países productores más importantes de productos hortofrutícolas de la Unión Europea, por lo que el principal objetivo del presente estudio es conocer la evolución de sus niveles de eficiencia técnica. Material y métodos. En el campo económico, la medida de desempeño es un tema bastante controvertido. Según Parkan (2002), se pueden contemplar tres enfoques diferentes para medir el rendimiento: número índices, métodos de frontera y métodos no paramétricos. En este artículo, la eficiencia del sector ha sido evaluada aplicando la técnica del Análisis Envolvente de Datos (AED) considerando dos fronteras separadas. A partir de la base de datos AIDA para las cooperativas agrarias italianas y de la base de datos SABI para las cooperativas españolas, se seleccionaron dos muestras del sector hortofrutícola de 81 y 106 sociedades, respectivamente, para un periodo de cinco años (2001 a 2005). Resultados. El análisis de los resultados DEA evidencia una mayor capacidad de las cooperativas italianas para optimizar sus inputs y maximizar sus resultados (eficiencia técnica), así como la capacidad de las cooperativas españolas para explotar las economías de escala. Conclusión. En relación al periodo temporal evaluado, el valor medio de la eficiencia técnica global disminuye para las cooperativas españolas así como para las italianas. En el caso de las cooperativas españolas, esta situación es debida a la falta de optimización de sus inputs, incluso cuando las sociedades consideradas revelan cierta capacidad para desarrollas economías de escala. En el caso de las cooperativas italianas, los resultados indican la existencia de un firme nivel de eficiencia técnica, si bien se detecta la presencia de importantes ineficiencias de escala.This work is a result of the 05708/PHCS/07 research project financed by the Programa de Generación de Conocimiento Cientifico de Excelencia de la Fundación Séneca, Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia, in collaboration with the Confederación de Cooperativas Agrarias de España (CCAE) and the Federación de Cooperativas Agrarias de Murcia (FECOAM)

    Value Sharing and Food System Dynamics for Milk, Tomato, and Cereals Food Chains

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    The aim of the paper is to analyse value sharing and food system dynamics of milk, tomato, and cereals food chains, so to explore the agrofood enterprises capacity to be competitive and sustainable. The paper is based on the functionalist approach of Malassis and the notion of the system of the General Systems Theory. The methodology is aimed at creating a consolidated financial statement for each food chain so to recreate the chain value and identify how this is shared among the different food chain stages. The analysis is carried out on primary and secondary data: around 2400 financial statements concerning 480 enterprises from 2003 to 2007 and stakeholders’ interviews. Results show that value is usually created in the processing and distribution stages, to the detriment of the primary sector, and that the retail managing practices tend to impose damaging structural changes on farms whose profitability is at times becoming sustainable only thanks to European subsidies. To conclude, there is evidence of inadequate definition of strategic and network alliance along the chain. Competitiveness is still a concept achieved by single food chain stages against others and food chain internal competition entails a declining sustainability of small farms and enterprises

    Value Sharing and Food System Dynamics for Milk, Tomato, and Cereals food Chains

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    The aim of the paper is to analyse value sharing and food system dynamics of milk, tomato, and cereals food chains, so to explore the agro-food enterprises capacity to be competitive and sustainable. The paper is based on the functionalist approach of Malassis and the notion of the system of the General Systems Theory. The methodology is aimed at creating a consolidated financial statement for each food chain so to re-create the chain value and identify how this is shared among the different food chain stages. The analysis is carried out on primary and secondary data: around 2400 financial statements concerning 480 enterprises from 2003 to 2007 and stakeholders’ interviews. Results show that value is usually created in the processing and distribution stages, to the detriment of the primary sector, and that the retail managing practices tend to impose damaging structural changes on farms whose profitability is at times becoming sustainable only thanks to European subsidies. To conclude, there is evidence of inadequate definition of strategic and network alliance along the chain. Competitiveness is still a concept achieved by single food chain stages against others and food chain internal competition entails a declining sustainability of small farms and enterprises

    Food chains and value system: the case of potato, fruit, and cheese

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    The aim of the paper is to analyse patterns of value system sharing along food chains, so to explore the agro-food enterprises capacity to be competitive and sustainable. The research focused on three food chains: potato, fruit, and Grana cheese of Emilia Romagna region. The paper adopts the value system approach. The methodology is aimed at creating a consolidated financial statement for each food chain so to re-create the chain operating profit and identify how this is shared among the different food chain stages. The analysis is carried out on 189 enterprises for the potato chain, 187 for the fruit chain and 203 for the cheese chain. The number of enterprises was invariable over the 5 year 2003-2007, leading to some 2,900 financial statement analysis. The chains analysed show differences. In the potato and fruit chains 35% of value is created by distribution, whereas in cheese chain only 13.6%. Over the five years value decreases 5% in fruit and potato and 9% in cheese. The lack of adequate strategic food chain partnership allows an increasing retail market power over the whole chain at the expenses of the primary sector entailing a declining sustainability for all chain actors.food chain, value system, profitability, potato, fruit, cheese, Agricultural and Food Policy,


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    The latest orientations of the CAP have had remarkable and wide-spread effects on the whole agri-food sector. It has deeply influenced the entrepreneurs' choices, with reference both to the production techniques and to the business organization. The changes have had inevitable reflexes on the economic results of the firms, thus determining adaptations regarding both the structure and the amount of inputs. In this paper, an analysis of the book-keeping results of agricultural enterprises of Northern and Central Italy is carried out. We try to underline and analyze the evolution of the economic results and the main structural and organizational elements in the firms. The accountancy data of a group of firms located in the Veneto, Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany regions, referred to the period 1994-2000, are taken into consideration. These firms seems to adequately represent the main type of farming: field crops, fruit-growing, wine-growing, husbandry. The study is aimed at underlining the influence of the EU payments on the profitability and the changes in the value distribution between the various input suppliers.Farm Management,

    Food consumption behaviours in Europe:Mapping drivers, trends and pathways towards sustainability

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    Why do European consumers buy food the way they do? Which key factors drive Europeans’ food consumption patterns and how could they be used to create pathways toward sustainability? The VALUMICS project’s evidence-based report provides insights to what influences consumers the most in their food choices. The report ‘Food consumption behaviours in Europe’ brings together data across various countries, such as the United Kingdom, Germany, France and Italy. Through in-depth literature research, focus groups and expert consultations, the report provides a better understanding of the status quo, trends, motivations as well as barriers and opportunities towards more sustainable food consumption behaviours in general. The focus is on five product categories: Beef, dairy, salmon, tomatoes and bread. Findings indicate that food consumption behaviours can be largely attributed to price considerations, family eating habits, health concerns or social contexts of consumers. The report highlights that environmental awareness and values play little to no role in the consumption patterns. “Certain changes can only be made by politics, or the EU in this case, which should impose high sustainability limits and standards: for example, banning disposable plastics is a good start. Until certain management practices are allowed, it is difficult to behave more sustainably because everyone else can be more economically competitive” noted one of the experts interviewed for the report. Other actions suggested in the report include fostering stronger communication channels between producers and consumers, with the potential for increasing the resilience of food value chains as well as using behavioural insights to inform strategies and action plans for more sustainable food consumption. The report ’Food consumption behaviours in Europe’ is the first in a series of VALUMICS publications focusing on analysing food consumption. The upcoming reports look into successful interventions for sustainable food behaviour, multi-stakeholder recommendations toward more sustainable food consumption, and food retailer interventions to support this shift.Nicolau, M., Esquivel, L., Schmidt, I., Fedato, C., Leimann, L., Samoggia, A., Monticone, F., Prete, D.M., Ghelfi, R., Saviolidis, M.N., Olafsdottir, G., Sigurdardottir, H., Aubert, P.M., Huber, E., Aditjandra, A., Hubbard, C., De, A., Gorton, M., Čechura, L., Bogason, G.S., Brimont, L., Odene, J. & Schamari, D. Report on (2021) Food consumption behaviours in Europe. Mapping drivers, trends and pathways towards sustainability. VALUMICS "Understanding Food Value Chains and Network Dynamics", funded by European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme GA No 727243. Deliverable: D6.1, CSCP, Germany, 87 pages