48 research outputs found

    A Multidisciplinary Framework for Concept Evolution: A Research Tool for Developing Business Models

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    The paper describes a new framework for multidisciplinary concept evolution (MCE). The impetus for systematizing the research concepts was a practical need to facilitate successful communication between different disciplines. The main benefit of the framework is that it aids the complex and dynamic process of conceptualization by highlighting abstraction, generalization, and ontology engineering as practical methods to implement concept evolution. One application of the framework is in solving complex business-related problems. The MCE framework can be utilized not only by researchers but also by other community stakeholders. Applying the framework to scientific disciplines may bring additional value to research as well as benefits to practical development endeavors

    Nitrogenfixation (acetylene reduction method) by blue-green algae in the Baltic Sea in 1975 and 1977.

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    Sinilevien typensidonta Itämeressä 1975 ja 1977

    Novel Bioactive Glass Putty (S53P4) as Bone Graft Expander in Minimally Invasive Lumbosacral Interbody Fusion

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    Objective This study aimed to evaluate the clinically achieved interbody fusion rate in minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (MI-TLIF) operations, when using a novel bioactive glass (BAG) S53P4 putty as bone graft expander together with local autologous bone (AB). A second purpose was to assess radiologically the subsidence of intervertebral cage into vertebral endplates. Methods We conducted a retrospective analysis of 20 patients operated on with MI-TLIF for 24 levels by a neurosurgeon in our clinic between 2014 and 2016. In addition to routine follow-up by static plain radiographs, the patients with special complaints were investigated with computed tomography (CT) and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). An independent neuroradiologist analysed the interbody fusion by bridging bone criteria in CT scans and subsidence either in CT scans or in static plain radiographs. The patients were followed up to 12-24 months postoperative. Results The interbody fusion rate of 95.8% could be defined based on CT analysis of the symptomatic patients. Of the eight symptomatic patients, one had interbody cage dislocation of 2-3 mm posteriorly, lucency around a sacral screw and breakage of the other sacral screw. No subsidence of cages was observed. No postoperative infections were detected. Conclusion As bone graft expander, the novel BAG S53P4 putty provides at least as good interbody fusion results as the presently used bone graft expanders and enhancers with no observed subsidence or postoperative infections

    Tulevaisuuden maankäyttöpäätökset

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    Tulevaisuuden maankäyttöpäätökset on vuoden 2019 aikana laajassa sidosryhmäyhteistyössä toteutettu kehittämishanke. Hankkeen tavoitteena on ollut edistää maankäytön suunnitteluun ja rakentamiseen liittyvien päätösten eli maankäyttöpäätösten digitalisointia, tietoon perustuvaa päätöksentekoa ja tietojen valtakunnallista käytettävyyttä. Tulevaisuuden maankäyttöpäätökset -hankkeessa on luotu yhtenäiset kansalliset linjaukset digitalisaation edistämiseksi. Hankkeessa on määritelty maankäyttöpäätösten digitalisaation tavoitteet, tiekartta ja sitä tukevat toimenpiteet. Hankkeen aikana toteutetuissa toimenpiteissä on keskitytty erityisesti kuntakaavoituksen ja rakentamisen luvituksen välisiin tietovirtoihin sekä niihin liittyvien päätös- ja lähtötietojen kansalliseen saatavuuteen. Merkittävä ensimmäisen vaiheen toimenpide on ollut maankäyttöpäätösten viitearkkitehtuurityön käynnistäminen sekä kansallisen keskustelun edistäminen maankäytön suunnittelun ja rakentamisen tavoiteltavista prosesseista, tietovarannoista, tietovirroista ja kansallisista palveluista. Tärkeäksi on tunnistettu myös maankäyttöpäätösten digitalisaation yhteiskunnallisten vaikutusten arvioiminen, erityisesti eri toimijoiden kustannusten ja hyötyjen osalta. Tähän raporttiin on koottu hankkeen ja sen aikana toteutettujen toimenpiteiden keskeiset tulokset. Toimenpiteitä ja niiden tuloksia käsitellään tarkemmin erillisissä liiteraporteissa. Hankkeen tuloksia hyödynnetään niin maankäyttö- ja rakennuslain kokonaisuudistuksessa kuin hallitusohjelmassa esitetyn rakennetun ympäristön valtakunnallisen rekisterin ja tietoalustan toimeenpanossa

    Glycans as Potential Diagnostic Markers of Traumatic Brain Injury

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    The diagnosis of mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) is challenging in the acute setting because the symptoms are nonspecific and often transient, or they develop with a delay. In these cases, the criteria for acute head imaging are frequently not fulfilled. This may lead to missed diagnoses in emergency care. There is a need for developing a rapid diagnostic test to verify the presence of TBI using body fluids. Blood, urine, and saliva samples from 11 adult patients (mean age 64 years, SD 24 years) with acute and clinically diagnosed TBI, and 12 healthy volunteers were collected at Turku University Hospital during a period of 5 months. The injuries necessitated hospitalization for at least one day. The TBIs were classified mild in nine cases and severe in two cases. The mean period between the trauma and the time for obtaining the samples was 27 h, SD 11 h. The samples were analyzed in an ISO-certified laboratory for the number of lectin-bound glycan molecules indicating destruction of nerve tissue. The screening was performed on several possible glycans for binding, and the measurement by degree of fluorescence. In the analysis, the group of patients with TBI was compared with healthy volunteers. The results showed a significant decrease (p < 0.05, Wilcoxon rank–sum two-sided test) in the level of two glycans in plasma, but no significant increase for any glycan; in saliva, one glycan showed a significant increase in the TBI group; in urine, three glycans were significantly different between the groups (one showed an increase, whereas two showed a decrease). The results support the idea of conducting more research on how diagnostic glycans could be detected in body fluids after TBI. As a proof-of-concept, significant changes in the concentration of five glycans were found in plasma, saliva, and urine between TBI patients and healthy controls. This may enable the development of a rapid body fluid-based point-of-care test to identify patients with TBI after a head injury.</p

    Säilörehun säilöntäopas

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    Tämä opas on luotu A-Tuottajat Oy:n, Osuuskunta Pohjanmaan Lihan ja Luonnonvarakeskuksen toteuttaman Tuottava nautatilan nurmi -kehityshankkeen piirissä toimivien tahojen ja yhteistyökumppaneiden kanssa. Tämä hanke saa rahoitusta Manner-Suomen maaseudun kehittämisohjelmasta. Oppaan tavoitteena on tuoda kootusti esille ajantasainen tarkastelu säilörehuntuotannon laatutekijöistä ja säilöntäprosesseista ja miten näitä tekijöitä voi kehittää sekä mitkä asiat vaikuttavat saatuun lopputulokseen.202

    Intracranial aneurysm is predicted by abdominal aortic calcification index: A retrospective case-control study

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    Background and aimsPatients with intracranial aneurysms (IA) have excess mortality for cardiovascular diseases, but little is known on whether atherosclerotic manifestations and IA coexist. We investigated abdominal aortic calcification index (ACI) association with unruptured and ruptured IAs.MethodsThis retrospective case-control study reviews all tertiary centers patients (n = 24,660) who had undergone head computed tomography angiography (CTA), magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) or digital subtraction angiography (DSA) for any reason between January 2003 and May 2018. Patients (n = 2020) with unruptured or ruptured IAs were identified, and patients with available abdominal CT were included. IA patients were matched by sex and age to controls (available abdomen CT, no IAs) in ratio of 1:3. ACI was measured from abdomen CT scans and patient records were reviewed.Results1720 patients (216 ruptured IA (rIA), 246 unruptured IA (UIA) and 1258 control) were included. Mean age was 62.9 ± 11.9 years and 58.2% were female. ACI (OR 1.02 per increment, 95%CI 1.01–1.03) and ACI>3 (OR 5.77, 95%CI 3.29–10.11) increased risk for rIA compared to matched controls. UIA patients' ACI was significantly higher but ACI did not increase odds for UIA compared to matched controls. History of coronary artery disease was less frequent in rIA patients. There was no calcification in aorta in 8.8% rIA and 13.6% UIA patients (matched controls 25.7% and 22.6% respectively, p ConclusionsAortic calcification is greater in rIA and UIA patients than matched controls. ACI increases risk for rIAs.</p