30 research outputs found
Uji Performansi Pencuci Biodiesel Metode Pengkabutan Air Dalam Minyak
Washing of biodiesel removes contaminants (soap, catalyst, methanol and free glycerin) from biodiesel, even though this activity will sometimes cause an emulsion. This research aims to develop new method of washing that can minimize emulsification. The method used is misting water in crude biodiesel by certain nozzle. Washing apparatus has 5 main part i.e. nozzle, washing chamber, circulation pump, valve to set level of debit and piping channel. The research has been done to study dependency of biodiesel washing on the numbers of nozzles (2, 3 and 4) , the distance between nozzle and constrictor plate (2 cm, 4 cm, 6 cm and 8 cm) and the level of wash water debit 45.3 ml/min,83.6 ml/min and 150 ml/min . Parameters measured were pH of wash water, emulsion formed, rendemen of biodiesel, quality of biodiesel and energy consumption. Variation of the numbers of nozzles are purposed to have more extensively contact between water and biodiesel. At optimum level of debit, high performance biodiesel washing expeted, with little emulsion can be obtained. The research indicates that the numbers of nozzles, the distance of nozzle and level of water debit are significant variables to determine washing performance. The research showed that washing biodiesel with the numbers of nozzles 4 pc, debit of washing water 83.6 ml/min and 45.3ml/min and distance between nozzle and constrictor plate 8 cm produce 100 % biodiesel for every step washing, with pH of washing water at third washing 7.1 and emulsion formed 81.6 ml . Misting water in oil method needs smaller energy than others, i.e. only 4% of stirrer method and 1.2% of bubble method. Quality biodiesel – i.e. density, flash point, cetane index, cloud point, moisture content, viscosity – meets ISO standard
Desain Unit Pengolahan Bioetanol Untuk Petani Di Desa Ngajum Kecamatan Sumber Pucung Kabupaten Malang
The aim of the research is to develop bio-ethanol processing unit in small size using simple technology, which can be used by Cassava farmers in the village of Ngajum Sumber Pucung Malang. The capacity of Bioethanol processing unit provided is 100 liters/process which consists of sieve, cooker with cooling mash, fermenter, and distillation unit. Tests on several processing units give the following results: Sieve driven by 7.5 HP diesel engines. Sieve cylinder made of wood cylinder with 40 cm of diameter and 45 cm of length. Sieve has a capacity of 613 kg/h. Cooker tank made of stainless steel plate 4 mm and has dimensions 77 cm of diameter and 150 cm of height. There are 4 pieces of pipe stainless steel 6" placed at the bottom serving as heat exchanger. Cooling Mash has heat transfer surface area of 3.11 m2 that consists of 26 stainless steel pipe 1 ½" of diameter and 100 cm of length . Cooking efficiency is 38% with fuel of firewood with a moisture content of 50%. At steady state conditions, Cooling mash is capable to remove energy from substance of 280 kcal/min at mass flow rate of substance of 2.34 l/s and mass flow rate of cooling water of 0.6 l/s.Fermenter tank has made of stainless steel and has dimensions 110 cm of diameter and 240 cm of height. The mixer's fermenter is driven by a ½ HP electric motor. To maintain the material temperature at 32 oC, the fermenter equipped with a cooling unit that is sprinkler water around the tube. Distillation unit has made of stainless steel 304 and consists of beer column, the column rectifying, pre-heater, condensers and equipped with boiler
Frying kinetics and physical properties of air-fried french fries
French fries are processed products made of partially cooked frozen potatoes. The most essential step in making french fries is frying, aiming to produce soft and crunchy product. Using air fryers in the frying process offers the benefit of significantly reducing oil consumption, thereby making it a favorable option for producing lower-fat fried foods. The objectives of the present study were to analyze the physical and chemical characteristics of french fries on the use of oil and time variation in the air frying method and to determine the frying kinetics under the air fryer. Finding the best frying method was carried out using some attributes of Zeleny, such as the frying rate. Frying was controlled at a constant temperature of 180 °C with time variations of 10, 13, and 16 minutes, and variation in the amount of oil, i.e., 2 mL, 4 mL, and without oil. The results showed the physical characteristics of french fries that include moisture content (26.85 – 45.56%), color with indicators L* (64.44 – 68.66), a* (0.01 – 4.80), b* (21.32 – 35.54), color differences (4.57 – 10.60), hardness (120.83 – 559.8 g), springiness (1.15 – 2.82 mJ), chewiness (0.33 – 3.98 mm), gumminess (28.6 – 213.43 g), and cohesiveness (0.2 – 0.41). The variations in the amount of cooking oil in the air frying method significantly affect the redness parameters. The time variation in the air frying method significantly affects moisture content, hardness, gumminess, chewiness, and cohesiveness parameters. Lightness, yellowness, colour differences, and springiness parameters have no significant effect on the variation of oil and time. The chemical characteristic of french fries includes fat content (5.78 – 22.42 %). The air frying method without oil used for 13 minutes was considered as the best treatment for frying french fries
Pengaruh Penambahan Natrium Metabisulfit dan Suhu Pemasakan dengan Menggunakan Teknologi Vakum terhadap Kualitas Gula Merah Tebu
Brown sugar as sucrose is derived from evaporated sugar cane molasses. Evaporation is the foodstuffs’ process which is commonly used during the manufacture of sugar cane. This process evaporates the sugar cane molasses to produce concentrate. This research was aimed to assess the influence of sodium metabisulphite against physical and chemical properties of sugar cane using vacuum evaporator. In other hand, this reserach examined the influence of temperature on vacuum evaporator for chemical and physical properties of sugar cane. Sugar cooking was done at -700 mmHg below atmospheric pressure, with variations in heating temperature of 60, 70 and 80 C, and with the addition of sodium metabisulphite 0.1; 0.3 and 0.5 g/l sugar cane molasses. The larger addition of sodium metabisulphite in the processing of sugar cane, the higher ash content generated while the green and blue colors of red sugar cane were getting smaller. The higher cooking temperature, the lower the moisture content, ash content, color intensity of red, green and blue of sugar cane. The higher the cooking temperature, the higher the degree of hardness or texture, color preference level, the taste and texture of sugar cane. Based on statistical analysis, cooking temperature affects the moisture content, ash, and the reduction sugar of cane brown sugar. While the addition of sodium metabisulfite gives effects on ash, reduction sugar and the total dissoluble solids of sugar cane. Based on the parameters of chemical properties, physical, organoleptic tests and SNI requirements of sugar cane, the addition of sodium metabisulphite variation of 0.3 g/l and a heating temperature of 80o C in processing sugar cane into brown sugar have shown the most excellent quality. The value of each parameter based on the best treatments as follows: chemical and physical parameters with 8.97 % of water content, 8.29% of reduction sugar, 0.96 % of ash content, 0.50% of total dissoluble solid, 15.68 kg/cm2 of hardness value, while for organoleptic parameters for color 5.50, flavor 5.04 and texture 5.36.ABSTRAKGula merah sebagai sukrosa diperoleh dari nira tebu yang diuapkan. Penguapan merupakan proses pengolahan bahan pangan yang umumnya digunakan pada pembuatan gula merah tebu, dimana proses ini menguapkan sebagian besar nira untuk menghasilkan produk yang kental (konsentrat). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh penambahan natrium metabisulfit terhadap sifat fisik dan kimia gula merah tebu yang dihasilkan dari penggunaan vacuum evaporator, dan mengkaji pengaruh suhu pemasakan pada vacuum evaporator terhadap sifat fisik dan kimia gula merah tebu. Pemasakan gula dilakukan pada tekanan -700 mmHg di bawah tekanan atmosfir, dengan variasi suhu pemasakan 60, 70 dan 80o C dan dengan penambahan natrium metabisulfit 0,1; 0,3 dan 0,5 g/l nira. Semakin besar penambahan natrium metabisulfit dalam pengolahan gula merah tebu, semakin tinggi kadar abu yang dihasilkan sedangkan intensitas warna hijau dan biru gula merah tebu semakin kecil. Semakin tinggi suhu pemasakan, semakin rendah kadar air, kadar abu, intensitas warna hijau dan biru gula merah tebu. Semakin tinggi suhu pemasakan, semakin tinggi tingkat kekerasan atau tekstur, tingkat kesukaan warna, rasa dan tekstur gula merah tebu. Berdasarkan analisis statistik, perlakuan suhu pemasakan berpengaruh terhadap kadar air, kadar abu dan gula reduksi gula merah tebu. Sedangkan perlakuan penambahan natrium metabisulfit berpengaruh terhadap kadar abu, gula reduksi dan total padatan tak terlarut pada gula merah tebu. Berdasarkan parameter sifat kimia, fisik, uji organoleptik dan persyaratan SNI gula merah tebu, penambahan natrium metabisulfit 0,3 g/l dan suhu pemasakan 80o C dalam pengolahan nira tebu menjadi gula merah menunjukkan kualitas yang paling baik. Nilai masing-masing parameternya dari perlakuan terbaik sebagai berikut: parameter kimia dan fisik dengankadar air 8,97%, gula reduksi 7,96 %, kadar abu 2,65%, total padatan tak larut 0,60 %, nilai kekerasan 15,68 kg/cm2, parameter organoleptik denganwarna 5,50, rasa 5,04 dan tekstur 5,36
Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang penerapan model Problem-Based Learning (PBL) dengan teknik Scaffolding untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematik siswa SMA. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X di salah satu SMA Negeri di Bandung tahun ajaran 2012/ 2013 dengan sampel dua kelas yang diambil secara acak. Satu kelas sebagai kelas eksperimen yang memperoleh perlakuan berupa proses pembelajaran matematika menggunakan model PBL dengan teknik Scaffolding dan satu kelas lainnya sebagai kelas kontrol yang memperoleh perlakuan berupa proses pembelajaran matematika secara konvensional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan sebab akibat dari perlakuan terhadap variabel bebas untuk melihat hasilnya pada variabel terikat. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian yang dilakukan berupa penelitian eksperimen. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan berupa pre-test, post-test, dan skala sikap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematik siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran matematika menggunakan model PBL dengan teknik Scaffolding lebih baik daripada siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran matematika secara konvensional serta sikap siswa terhadap model PBL dengan teknik Scaffolding menunjukkan sikap positif. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematik siswa SMA maka hendaknya model PBL dengan teknik Scaffolding digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran matematika siswa SMA.
Kata kunci: Problem-Based Learning dengan Teknik Scaffolding, Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematik.
Research investigate about application the Problem-Based Learning with Scaffolding to increase problem solving ability at senior high school. Population in a study is the first grade to senior high school in bandung at 2012/ 2013 period. There are two sample such as experiment class which get the problem-based learning and control class which get conventional learning. Method of research is experimental and step to take data is pre-test, post-test, and questionnaire. Result of research is the problem-based learning with scaffolding can increase student’s problem solving ability and student’s attitude indicate positive about problem-based learning. So, the problem-based learning wish used in mathematics learning in seniorr high school.
Key word: problem-based learning with scaffolding, problem solving ability
Analysis of Quality Control of Emulsion Flavor Products Based on Stability Properties in Product Applications at PT. XYZ flavours
PT. Flavors XYZ is one of the multinational company in producing flavors and fragrances as raw materials for consumer goods production. PT. Flavors XYZ producing several types of flavors including liquid flavors, powder flavors, and tobacco flavors which are used as ingredients in food, beverage, and cigarette industry. Quality control and assurance is a feature that affects products to be well received by consumers. Quality control and assurance is necessary to ensure products meet the quality standard. Emulsion flavors is one type of flavor produced by this company. The instability is commonly observed in emulsion flavors products, hence the quality control division conducts the surveillance for several days (5 to 7 days) to ensure the product is stable until the expiry date when applied to beverage products. The corrective action which is conducted in emulsion flavors production refers to analysis of cause-effect diagram by detecting the causes of deviations that may affect the quality of products. Those factors including machine, man, material, method, and environment. The methods which are used for fixing problems including machine reparation, re-adjust the configuration settings, and conduct the raw materials replacement of emulsifier which is used in orange emulsion type JJ
Pengaruh Impregnasi Vakum dan Aplikasi Edible Coating dari Lidah Buaya Terhadap Kualitas Buah Pepaya Potong
Buah pepaya potong mudah mengalami penurunan kualitas dan kerusakan selama
penyimpanan sehingga diperlukan usaha untuk memperpanjang umur simpan secara aman.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari penambahan kalisum laktat dengan
metode impregnasi vakum serta aplikasi edible coating dari lidah buaya terhadap kualitas
buah pepaya potong selama penyimpanan. Pepaya segar dan pepaya yang diperkaya dengan
kalsium laktat dengan perendaman pada tekanan atmosfir dan di bawah vakum digunakan
dalam penelitian ini, dengan dan tanpa aplikasi edible coating. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah
menganalisis pengaruh dari penambahan larutan isotonik dengan metode impregnasi vakum
dan aplikasi edible coating dari lidah buaya terhadap kualitas buah pepaya potong selama
penyimpanan. Irisan buah pepaya direndam dalam larutan kalsium laktat 1,5% pada tekanan
atmosfir selama 20 menit dan pada tekanan vakum 60 mbar selama 10 menit dan dilanjutkan
selama 10 menit pada tekanan atmosfir. Selanjutnya, pepaya segar dan pepaya yang
diperkaya dengan kalsium laktat, baik pada tekanan atmosfir maupun vakum, disimpan pada
suhu 7± 2 °C dengan dan tanpa edible coating. Komposisi edible coating adalah lidah buaya
(30%), xanthan gum (1%), gliserol (3%), asam askorbat (0,5%), dan asam sitrat (1%).
Percobaan dilakukan dengan tiga ulangan, dan data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis
dengan metode nested menggunakan Minitab 17. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
perlakuan memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (p-value<0,05) terhadap respon susut bobot,
total padatan terlarut, kecerahan (L), kemerahan (a), dan kekuningan (b). Lama penyimpanan
dan interaksi perlakuan berpengaruh nyata terhadap susut bobot, total padatan terlarut,
tekstur, kekuningan (b), dan kadar air. Perlakuan impregnasi vakum dengan edible coating
dapat mempertahankan kadar air pepaya potong dan memiliki warna L*, a*, b* yang konstan
selama penyimpanan. Namun Perlakuan impregnasi vakum tanpa edible coating lebih baik
dalam mempertahankan tekstur selama penyimpanan