103 research outputs found

    Availability of Production Inputs in Broiler Partnership In Sleman Regency Yogyakarta

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    Broiler has now developed a pattern of partnership. This study aims to determine the characteristics of farmers, businesses and the availability  production input in broiler partnership. The research was conducted in Sleman Regency . Location in 3 sub-districts namely Pakem, Cangkringan, and Ngemplak. The number of samples of 64 respondents and the core of 5 companies was done by purposive  method. The analysis was carried out descriptively and the results of the analysis were written in tabular form. The results showed that farmers belonged to productive age (45 years), education senior high school (43.42%), experience (11.15 years) and basic work as farmers. Business scale was 6014 heads / period with a maintenance period of 35-36 days or 6 periods / year. The maintenance system was an open house (81.58%). In the partnership agreement, the availability , amount , and price of input come from the core. The improvement and review of the contents of the contract needs to be reviewed to generate benefits and justice

    Developing Beef Cattle Industry at Smallholders to Support Beef Self-Sufficiency

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    More than 90% of local beef supply derived from smallholder farmers with a relatively slow in growth that could not meet national demand. Price of imported beef was lower than that of the local beef, thus price adjustment in farmers level was not profitable. The purpose of this study is to recommend alternative strategies to develop beef cattle industry under smallholders’ farmers condition. Strategies to develop the beef cattle industry are (1) To provide agricultural markets in order to facilitate farmer’s access easily to get some production inputs; (2) To facilitate technology that can be applied by farmers to increase cattle productions, hence improving farmers’ welfare; (3) To create a profitable market for animal produced by farmers; and (4) To establish subsystem of financing institutions at the village level to finance farmer’s cattle business. The inter-relationship among those strategies is needed to harmonize the implementation, supported by operational government policy. Key words: Industry, beef cattle, beef self-sufficienc

    Kelayakan Finansial Usaha Sapi Potong Pembibitan dengan Berbagai Bantuan Modal di Pedesaan Kabupaten Gunung Kidul Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah (1) mengetahui kelayakan finansial usaha sapi potong pembibitan dengan berbagai program bantuan modal berdasarkan arus tunai pada kondisi peternak, dan (2) mengetahui kondisi finansial peternak terhadap perubahan arus tunai dari biaya tenaga kerja keluarga yang dinilai berdasarkan opportunity cost. Analisis kelayakan finansial menggunakan parameter NPV, rasio B/C dan IRR dari arus tunai pada kondisi peternak, dilanjutkan analisis sensitivitas dari perubahan biaya non tunai tenaga kerja keluarga yang dimasukkan ke dalam arus tunai. Penelitian dengan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pengambilan data secara survei kepada responden peternak penerima bantuan modal menggunakan kuesioner. Program bantuan permodalan di lokasi penelitian ditetapkan program Jamsostek, Bogasari, Pertamina, SMD dan Gaduhan Perorangan. Hasil analisis finansial dengan arus tunai sesuai  yang dilakukan peternak, baik program bagi hasil maupun pinjaman dengan tingkat bunga 6% per tahun selama 4 tahun layak diusahakan dimana NPV positif, rasio B/C lebih besar 1 dan IRR lebih besar dari discount factor. Apabila opportunity cost tenaga kerja keluarga dimasukkan ke dalam arus tunai maka secara finansial semua program bantuan modal untuk usaha sapi potong pembibitan tidak layak diusahakan, ditunjukkan dari nilai NPV negatif.     (Kata kunci: Bantuan modal, Peternakan sapi potong pembibitan, Opportunity cost tenaga kerja keluarga, Analisis kelayakan finansial

    Land Capability for Cattle-Farming in the Merapi Volcanic Slope of Sleman Regency Yogyakarta

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    This research carried out to study the cattle farming development based on the land capability in rural areas of the Merapi Volcanic slope of Sleman Regency Yogyakarta after eruption 2010. Samples taken were Glagaharjo village (Cangkringan Sub-District) as impacted area and Wonokerto village (Turi Sub-District) as unimpacted area. Survey method used were to land evaluation analysis supported by Geographic Information System (GIS) software. Materials used were Indonesian topographical basemap (RBI) in 1:25000 scale, IKONOS image [2015], land use map, landform map, and slope map as supple- ments. Potential analysis of land capability for cattle forage using the production unit in kg of TDN per AU. The result showed that based on the land capability class map, both villages had potential of carrying capacity for forage feed that could still be increased as much as 1,661.32 AU in Glagaharjo and 1,948.13 AU in Wo n o k e r t


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    This descriptive-qualitative case study was conducted to describe the implementation of English team teaching at SMA Negeri (Senior High School) 2 Malang in terms of the objectives, the shared responsibilities among teachers, perceptions of the teachers and students, and factors influencing the implementation. Four English teachers and 106 students of Year 10 and Year 11, selected using a purposive random sampling technique, were involved. The data were collected through interviews and questionnaire. The findings show that the reasons for implementing team teaching were the adequate number of English teachers, empowerment in the subject they taught, and forming bonds among teachers and students. Different types of shared responsibilities were found among the teachers. Additionally, both the teachers and the students had positive perceptions concerning the effectiveness of team teaching. Instead of having difficulties, all the teachers saw the existence of supporting factors in their implementing team teaching

    Optimalisasi alokasi sumberdaya rumahtangga tani melalui integrasi usahatani tanaman dan sapi potong di gunung kidul yogyakarta = Optimization of resource allocation in farm household through the ntegration of crop ....

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    ABSTRACT: The objective of this research is to assess the optimization of cattle farm household resources. The research was carried out by survey on samples of cattle farmers from two villages in Playen regency, Gunung Kidul district. The data collected were analyzed quantitatively using linear programming model and sensitivity analysis using BLPX 88 program. The model validation was carried out using confidence interval. The result of the research shows that most cattle farmers are poor in resources that they always combine their cattle farming activities with other activities specially crop activity to fulfill their daily need. This condition indicates that although the scale of cattle farm is small but it exist and continuous because there are mutual support and dependancy amoung activities. In general, the optimum resource allocation can increase their income over their family consumption

    Efisiensi Produksi Usaha Sapi Perah Rakyat (Studi Kasus pada Peternak Anggota Koperasi Usaha Peternakan dan Pemerahan Sapi Perah Kaliurang, Sleman, Yogyakarta) (Production Efficiency of Smallholder Dairy Cattle Farming (Case Study on The Farmer Members of

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    The objective of the study was to investigate rationality and allocative efficiency of the utilisation of production factors in smallholder dairy farmers. The study was conducted from June to August 2009 in the region of UPP Kaliurang cooperative, Sleman, Yogyakarta. There were forty respondents of smallholder dairy farmers taken by purposive sampling method. The primary data were taken from respondents and secondary data were from related institutions. Regression function of Cobb-Douglass model was used to determine the production factor which influenced milk production. Data were analysed based on unit/farmer. Coefficient of regression was estimated with Ordinary Least Square (OLS), further analysis was conducted by allocative efficiency. The result of this study showed that forage, concentrate, land owned/farmer, labor, number of livestock and percentage of lactating cows significantly affected the milk production (R2=0.78). Partially, percentage of lactating cows and total dairy cows had positive effect (P1 (1.462). (Key words: Production of efficiency, Smallholder dairy farming, Factors of production
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