49 research outputs found

    Hur kan man begrÀnsa spridningen av allvarliga vÀxtskadegörare?

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    Importerat vÀxtmaterial ser man i de flesta plantskolor och handelstrÀdgÄrdar. Det Àr nÄgot som Àr nödvÀndigt för att de ska kunna tillgodose kundernas alla önskemÄl. Med importerat vÀxtmaterial tillkommer risken att pÄ samma gÄng introducera nya vÀxtskadegörare till Sverige. Dessa vÀxtskadegörare kan i sin tur göra mycket stora skador pÄ bÄde trÀdgÄrdsvÀxter och i skogsbruk vilket kan fÄ bÄde kulturella och ekonomiska konsekvenser. I vÀrsta fall kan en art nÀst intill utrotas helt. Ett exempel pÄ detta Àr almsjukan som sprids med almsplintborren och som gjort att större delen av södra Sveriges almbestÄnd dött. PÄ senare tid ser vi ocksÄ hÀstkastanjer vissna under sensommaren till följd av kastanjemalen som kommit hit genom handeln. Handeln med importerat vÀxtmaterial styrs av EU:s gemensamma lagstiftning och det gör den genom att faststÀlla regelverk för hur vÀxtmaterial ska hanteras gÀllande produktion, transport, mÀrkning m.m. Enligt regelverket Àr det förbjudet att sprida allvarliga skadegörare till omrÄden och lÀnder dÀr de inte redan Àr etablerade. Trots att det finns regler och förordningar om hur importerat vÀxtmaterial ska hanteras sÄ förekommer det trots allt att man hittar nya allvarliga skadegörare i bl.a. plantskolor och handelstrÀdgÄrdar. Detta betyder att det finns brister i systemet med handeln av importerat vÀxtmaterial. Det ger oss ocksÄ en varning om att man behöver se över det förebyggande arbetet mot att fÄ in nya skadegörare i landet. Syftet med denna studie Àr dÀrför att ta fram förslag pÄ vad man kan göra för att begrÀnsa spridning av allvarliga vÀxtskadegörare samt belysa riskerna som finns. För att fÄ en bÀttre insikt ska studien ta reda pÄ hur plantskolor och handelstrÀdgÄrdar ser pÄ problematiken och samtidigt ta reda pÄ vilken attityd dessa har. Studien baseras i huvudsak pÄ ett kvalitativt arbetssÀtt med intervjuer av plantskolor och handelstrÀdgÄrdar som grund. Sex plantskolor och handelstrÀdgÄrdar frÄn södra Sverige i olika storlek ingÄr i studien. Resultatet av studien visar att det finns stora risker med importerat vÀxtmaterial och att det finns problem i handelskedjan att lösa. Det finns ett antal frÀmmande vÀxtskadegörare som utgör ett hot mot Sverige om inga förbÀttringar görs. Ett exempel pÄ ett möjligt hot Àr den asiatiska lÄnghorningen som kan komma in i Sverige med populÀra prydnadsvÀxtarter. BÄde litteratur frÄn myndigheter och organisationer har tillsammans med intervjuresultat frÄn plantskolor och handelstrÀdgÄrdar gett exempel pÄ problem och Àven lösningar pÄ dessa. Myndigheter som Jordbruksverket uppger t.ex. att de har problem med informationsspridning och omvÀrldsanalys. Det har ocksÄ kommit fram att kemikalieinspektionen som bl.a. godkÀnner vÀxtskyddsmedel tar för lÄng tid pÄ sig vilket innebÀr problem för odlaren. Plantskolor och handelstrÀdgÄrdar har uppgett att det finns problem med kontroller av vÀxtmaterialet, vilket innebÀr att smittor kan spridas. Det som bÄde plantskolor och vissa organisationer bl.a. rekommenderar Àr de förebyggande ÄtgÀrderna sÄsom att anvÀnda inhemskt producerade plantor och att plantera med variation. Plantskolorna belyser frÀmst vikten i att ha bra kontroller av vÀxtmaterialet. Studien visar dÀrför att attityden hos plantskolor och handelstrÀdgÄrdar Àr seriös och att det finns möjligheter till förbÀttring

    Autonomous Forest Vehicles: Historic, envisioned, and state-of-the-art

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    The feasibility of using autonomous forest vehicles (which can be regarded as logical developments in the ongoing automation of forest machines), the systems that could be applied in them, their potential advantages and limitations (in the foreseeable future) are considered in this paper. The goals were to analyze: 1) the factors influencing the degree of automation in logging; 2) the technical principles that can be applied to autonomous forest machines, and 3) the feasibility of developing an autonomous path-tracking forest vehicle. A type of vehicle that is believed to have considerable commercial potential is an autonomous forwarder. The degree of automation is influenced by increased productivity, the machine operator as a bottle-neck, cost reduction, and environmental aspects. Technical principles that can be applied to autonomous forest vehicles are satellite navigation, wheel odometry, laser scanner, and radar. A new path-tracking algorithm has been developed to reduce deviations from the desired path by utilizing the driver’s steering commands. The presented system has demonstrated both possibilities and difficulties associated with autonomous forest machines. A field study has shown that it is quite possible for them to learn and track a path previously demonstrated by an operator with an accuracy of 0.1 m on flat ground and also to detect and avoid unexpected obstacles. Although the forest machine safely avoids obstacles, the study shows that further research in the field of obstacle avoidance is needed to optimize performance and ensure safe operation in a real forest environment

    Estimating the Position of the Harvester Head – a Key Step towards the Precision Forestry of the Future?

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    Modern harvesters are technologically sophisticated, with many useful features such as the ability to automatically measure stem diameters and lengths. This information is processed in real time to support value optimization when cutting stems into logs. It can also be transferred from the harvesters to centralized systems and used for wood supply management. Such information management systems have been available since the 1990s in Sweden and Finland, and are constantly being upgraded. However, data on the position of the harvester head relative to the machine are generally not recorded during harvesting. The routine acquisition and analysis of such data could offer several opportunities to improve forestry operations and related processes in the future. Here, we analyze the possible benefits of having this information, as well as the steps required to collect and process it. The benefits and drawbacks of different sensing technologies are discussed in terms of potential applications, accuracy and cost. We also present the results of preliminary testing using two of the proposed methods. Our analysis indicates that an improved scope for mapping and controlling machine movement is the main benefit that is directly related to the conduct of forestry operations. In addition, there are important indirect benefits relating to ecological mapping. Our analysis suggests that both of these benefits can be realized by measuring the angles of crane joints or the locations of crane segments and using the resulting information to compute the head\u27s position. In keeping with our findings, two companies have recently introduced sensor equipped crane solutions

    Automation in forestry : development of unmanned forwarders

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    For the last 50 year, forestry operations have become more and more mechanized. In modern forestry in Europe two machines are typically used; a harvester that fells, debranches and cross-cuts the trees into logs and a forwarder that transports them to the nearest road. These machines are technically advanced and quite expensive, but have a very high production rate. In fact, the productivity is so high that the human operator risks becoming a bottleneck if the machines become even more efficient. One way of solving this is to change working methods such that some work tasks are not needed anymore. In this way, efficiency is improved without increasing the workload. Another way to solve the problem is to develop (semi-)autonomous vehicles. One part of the work described in this thesis is an analysis of the economical performance of four potential systems based on the concept of integrated loading. Two of these systems use autonomous forest machines. Results from simulations with large amounts of real forest data show that a promising system is an autonomous forwarder switching loads with a manned harwarder, a combination of harvester and forwarder. Autonomous forwarders able to do the same work as conventional forwarders would be even more profitable than any of the other systems analyzed in this study.The development of techniques and algorithms for autonomous navigation of forwarders that transport logs from the harvesting site to the nearest transportation road is a major part of the thesis. A novel path-tracking algorithm is introduced that is able to accurately guide a forest machine along a previously demonstrated path with high accuracy. To avoid obstacles, the VFH+ algorithm was modified to work on forest machines. However, tests with a forwarder showed that this algorithm performs unsatisfactory when there are narrow passages to negotiate with obstacles close to both sides of the vehicle. This led us to develop a real-time path-planner for off-road vehicles using a simulator to predict collisions in a window forward in time. The path-planner is able to safely navigate a forest machine around obstacles on and close to the path in a way that is hard or impossible to achieve with regular obstacle-avoidance algorithms that do not take the shape of the vehicle into account. To handle a multitude of sensors, actuators, and other hardware in a systematic and uniform way and to enable communication between software modules, a software framework (often called robotics middleware) was developed. The system can be distributed over a network of computers if some software modules require more computing power. The framework has shown to be a powerful tool for research and development of autonomous vehicles.A problem in forestry operations is wheel slip causing ground damage and reducing trafficability of forest machines. Using data collected during experiments with the autonomous forest machine, a method for measuring slip was developed. It can be used to detect excessive wheel slip and may ultimately be used to control the machine transmission to reduce the amount of slip.De senaste 50 Ären har skogsbruket blivit alltmer mekaniserat. I det moderna skogsbruket i Europa anvÀnds normalt tvÄ olika maskiner; en skördare som fÀller, kvistar och kapar trÀden till stockar samt en skotare som transporterar dem till nÀrmsta vÀg. Dessa maskiner Àr tekniskt avancerade och ganska dyra, men har samtidigt en mycket hög produktivitet. De Àr sÄ effektiva att föraren riskerar att bli en flaskhals om produktiviteten ökar Ànnu mer. Ett sÀtt att lösa detta Àr att Àndra arbetssÀtt sÄ att ett eller flera arbetsmoment inte behövs lÀngre. DÀrmed ökar effektiviteten utan att arbetsbördan ökar. Ett annat sÀtt att lösa problemet Àr att utveckla (halv-)autonoma fordon. En del av denna avhandling Àr en analys av ekonomisk prestanda för fyra tÀnkbara system som alla bygger pÄ konceptet integrerad lastning, varav tvÄ anvÀnder autonoma skotare. Resultaten visar att ett lovande system Àr ett lastvÀxlingssystem dÀr en autonom skotare byter lastutrymme med en bemannad drivare, en kombination av skotare och skördare. Autonoma skotare som kan utföra samma arbete som konventionella skotare visade sig ha störst potential av de analyserade systemen.Tekniker och algoritmer för autonom navigering av skotare för transport av stockar till nÀrmaste vÀg Àr en viktig del i avhandlingen. En ny algoritm för att följa en tidigare demonstrerad vÀg med hög noggrannhet introduceras. För att undvika hinder modifierades algoritmen VFH+ sÄ att den fungerar med skogsmaskiner. Tester med en skotare visade emellertid att algoritmen presterar otillfredsstÀllande i trÄnga passager med nÀraliggande hinder pÄ bÄda sidor av fordonet. Detta ledde till utvecklingen av en algoritm för ruttplanering för terrÀnggÄende fordon som med hjÀlp av en simulator kan förutsÀga kollisioner i ett fönster framÄt i tiden. Ruttplaneraren klarar att navigera en skogsmaskin förbi hinder som finns pÄ eller nÀra rutten pÄ ett sÀtt som Àr svÄrt eller omöjligt att uppnÄ med standardalgoritmer för att undvika hinder, eftersom de inte beaktar formen pÄ fordonet.För att kunna hantera en mÄngfald av sensorer, styrdon och annan hÄrdvara pÄ ett systematiskt och enhetligt sÀtt, och för att möjliggöra för kommunikation mellan mjukvarumoduler, implementerades ett programvarusystem (ofta kallat middleware). Systemet kan distribueras över ett nÀtverk av datorer om nÄgra programmoduler krÀver mer datorkraft. Detta ramverk har visat sig vara ett kraftfullt verktyg för forskning och utveckling av autonoma fordon. Ett vanligt problem i skogsbruket Àr hjulslirning som orsakar markskador och minskar framkomligheten för skogsmaskiner. Med hjÀlp av data som samlats in under experimenten med den autonoma skogsmaskinen utvecklades en metod för att mÀta hjulslirning. Denna metod kan anvÀndas för att upptÀcka slirning mellan hjul och mark och skulle kunna anvÀndas för att styra maskinens transmission för att minska slirning

    Techniques and Algorithms for Autonomous Vehicles in Forest Environment

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    This thesis describes an ongoing project of which the purpose is designing and developing techniques and algorithms for autonomous off-road vehicles. The focus is on some of the components necessary to accomplish autonomous navigation, which involves sensing and moving safely along a user-defined path in a dynamic forest environment. The work is part of a long-term vision in the forest industry of developing an unmanned shuttle that transports timber from the felling area to the main roads for further transportation. A new path-tracking algorithm is introduced and demonstrated as superior to standard algorithms, such as Follow the Carrot and Pure Pursuit. This is accomplished by using recorded data from a path-learning phase. By using the recorded steering angle, the curvature of the path is automatically included in the final steering command. Localization is accomplished by a neural network that fuses data from a Real-Time Kinematic Differential GPS/GLONASS, a gyro, and wheel odometry. Test results are presented for path tracking and localization accuracy from runs conducted on a full-sized forest machine. A large part of the work has been design and implementation of a general software platform for research in autonomous vehicles. The developed algorithms and software have been implemented and tested on a full-size forest machine supplied by our industrial partner Komatsu Forest AB. Results from successful field tests with autonomous path tracking, including obstacle avoidance, are presented

    Potentials of possible machine systems for directly loading logs in cut-to-length harvesting

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    In conventional mechanized cut-to-length systems, a harvester fells and cuts trees into logs that are stored on the ground until a forwarder picks them up and carries them to landing sites. A proposed improvement is to place logs directly into the load spaces of transporting machines as they are cut. Such integrated loading could result in cost reductions, shorter lead times from stump to landing, and lower fuel consumption. However, it might also create waiting times for the machines involved, whereas multifunctional machines are likely to be expensive. Thus, it is important to analyze whether or not the advantages of any changes outweigh the disadvantages. The conventional system was compared with four potential systems, including two with autonomous forwarders, using discrete-event simulation with stochastic elements in which harvests of more than 1000 final felling stands (containing in total 1.6 million m3) were simulated 35 times per system. The results indicate that harwarders have substantial potential (less expensive on ≄80% of the volume and fuel consumption decreased by ≄18%) and may become competitive if key innovations are developed. Systems with cooperating machines have considerably less potential, limited to very specific stand conditions. The results conform with expected difficulties in integrating processing and transporting machines’ work in variable environments.Included in thesis in manuscript form.</p

    Pushing the boundaries with research and innovation in forest engineering Potentials of possible machine systems for directly loading logs in cut-to-length harvesting

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    Abstract: In conventional ground based mechanized cut-to-length systems a harvester fells and cuts trees into log