4,766 research outputs found

    Surface water monitoring for fecal indicator bacteria in high-use sites of the Lake Mead National Recreation Area

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    The Lake Mead National Recreation Area incorporates 1.5 million acres, including Lake Mead and Lake Mohave. The abundance of recreational activities on Lakes Mead and Mohave can impact the contaminant levels in the water, potentially affecting the health of individuals in contact with the water. The purpose of this study was to review and synthesize information obtained for projects conducted by partner agencies from the Water 2025 Conservation Initiatives, specifically bacterial concentration in high-use areas. Surface water samples were collected between May and September, at 9 high-use sites from 2003 to 2007. Culture analysis was performed to determine the concentration of fecal coliforms, enterococci, fecal streptococci, and Escherichia coli. Test results of 324 water samples analyzed for E. coli showed only one instance of a concentration higher than the acceptable limit. Enterococci concentrations above the acceptable limit were found in 13% of the 165 samples. In addition, 9% of 317 samples exceeded the acceptable limit for fecal streptococci, and fecal coliforms were present in concentrations above the acceptable limit in 3% of the 324 samples analyzed. Throughout the five-year study, three sites, Middle Point Cove, Boxcar Cove, and 6-Mile Cove, were identified as those with the highest frequency of unacceptable levels of the indicator organisms monitored. The results of this study will be used to address the technical soundness of monitoring at the Lake Mead National Recreation Area, and will identify management recommendations to the National Park Service


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    La ripartizione delle competenze legislative nel sistema federale canadese

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    Lo stato del riparto delle competenze in seno ad un ordinamento che si qualifica, ed è qualificato dalla 'communis opinio', federale non dovrebbe andare incontro a questioni della complessità di quelle ravvisate riguardo all'Unione europea. Infatti, nella comune esperienza, le competenze dello Stato federale sono fondate su criteri certi e oggettivi. In via generale, infatti, l'ordinamento costituzionale federale contiene una elencazione delle materie demandate alla competenza dello Stato centrale, e una duplice presunzione costituzionale: la presunzione per cui le restanti materie, non attribuite espressamente allo Stato centrale, spettano agli Stati membri; la presunzione per cui ciascun centro di imputazione delle attribuzioni, sia esso centrale o periferico, deve ritenersi idoneo a esercitarle con piena efficacia. Salvo che per alcune competenze, in linea di massima la ripartizione di attribuzioni delineata dal costituente canadese ed analizzata in questa sede sembrerebbe aderire alla logica della sussidiarietà com'è oggi intesa: un criterio regolatore dell'esercizio delle competenze, idoneo introdurre quelle flessibilità indispensabili ad un moderno sistema di governo, senza al tempo\ stesso turbare la titolarità formale delle competenze

    Interprofessional Pharmacology Based Simulation

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    Literature indicates that when entering the workforce, the graduate nurse is underprepared to apply pharmacological theory to manage medications safely (Banning, 2003, Cordeau, 2010, Meechan, Jones, & Valler-Jones, 2011). The registered nurses’ (RN) knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) of safe medication management, including the theoretical application of pharmacology and the ability to communicate with interprofessional team members is necessary to assure positive patient outcomes, particularly in an environment where complexity continues to increase (Garbee et al., 2013; Meechan et al., 2011). This project is an innovative approach to embed an applied learning activity addressing safe medication management and interprofessional communication in one undergraduate nursing program in the upper Midwest

    As Close as I could Get Without Spooking It: Essays on Sports

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