30 research outputs found

    Dark matter line searches towards dwarf galaxies with H.E.S.S

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    High energy gammagamma-rays are powerful probes in the search for annihilations of dark matter (DM) par- ticles in dense environments. In several DM particle models their annihilation produces characteristic features such as lines, bumps or cut-offs in their energy spectrum. The High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes is perfectly suited to search for such features from multi-TeV mass DM particles. The Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies (dSphs) of the Local Group are the most common satellites of the Milky Way and assumed to be gravitationally bound dominantly by DM, with up to O(10 3 ) times more mass in DM than in visible matter. Over the past decade, several observational campaigns on dwarf satellite galaxies were launched by H.E.S.S. amounting to more than 140 hours of exposure in total. The observations are reviewed here. In the absence of clear signals, the expected spectral and spatial morphologies of signal and background are used to derive constraints on the DM particle annihilation cross- section for particle models producing line-like signals. The combination of the data of all the dwarf galaxies allows a significant improvement in the HESS sensitivity

    Latest results on dark matter searches with H.E.S.S

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    The nature of Dark Matter (DM) is one of the most debated questions of contemporary physics. Ground-based arrays of Cherenkov telescopes such as the High Energy Spectroscopic System (H.E.S.S.) search for DM signatures through the detection of Very-High-Energy (VHE, E > 100 GeV) gamma-rays. DM particles could selfannihilate in dense environments producing VHE γ-rays in the final states that could be eventually detected by H.E.S.S.. The H.E.S.S. observation strategy for DM search focuses towards the Galactic Centre (GC) region and nearby dwarf galaxy satellites of the Milky Way. The GC dataset provides the most stringent constraints on the DM annihilation cross section in the mass range 300 GeV - 70 TeV. Searches have been carried out towards classical and ultra-faint dwarf galaxies to test specific heavy DM models. The latest results towards the GC and dwarf galaxies are shown

    Latest results on astroparticle physics with H.E.S.S

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    International audienceThe High Energy Spectroscopic System (H.E.S.S.) is pursuing a rich observational program in astroparticle physics. The latest results from H.E.S.S. on the search for dark matter towards the Galactic Center and dwarf galaxies, the test of Lorentz invariance, and the measurement of the cosmic-ray electron spectrum are presented

    Etude du Centre Galactique et recherche de matière noire avec H.E.S.S.

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    The H.E.S.S. (High Energy Spectroscopic System) experiment is an array of five Cherenkov telescopes that observe the sky in gamma-rays from about 100 GeV up to several ten TeV.Gamma rays are produced in violent non-thermal phenomena in the Universe in the neighborhood of pulsars, supernovae, black holes, ..., and could also be produced by the annihilation of dark matter particles.Numerous cosmological and astrophysical probes suggest that 85% of the total matter budget in the Universe is of unknown origin. This component of matter known as dark matter is non baryonic and could consist of yet undiscovered particles which privileged candidates are arguably massive particles with electroweak couplings with ordinary matter (WIMPs).Dark matter particles may annihilate into Standard Model particles in dense regions of the Universe. Among the annihilation products are photons which detection at high energy with ground-based Cherenkov telescopes could bring unique information on the nature of the dark matter.H.E.S.S. observes dark-matter-dense regions of the sky such as the Galactic Center and dwarf galaxy satellites of the Milky Way. A study on the interpretation of an excess of gamma-rays detected by H.E.S.S. at the Galactic Center in terms of acceleration of protons by a population of unresolved millisecond pulsars is performed.10 years of observations of the Galactic Center with the four-telescope H.E.S.S.-I array, five years of data taking towards the Galactic Center region with the full H.E.S.S.-II array and a two-years dataset towards newly discovered dwarf spheroidal galaxies are analyzed. The search for dark matter annihilation signals towards these targets provided the strongest limits so far on dark matter annihilation cross section in gamma rays of TeV energies. The potential of dark matter detection with the upcoming Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) towards the inner Galactic halo are studied. They may annihilate into Standard Model particles in dense regions of the Universe. Among the annihilation products are high energy photons. The detection of these photons with ground-based Cherenkov telescopes may reveal the nature of the dark matter. H.E.S.S. have observed some dark-matter-dense regions of the sky likethe Galactic Center and dwarf galaxies satellites of the Milky Way. In this work 10 years of observations of the Galactic Center with the four-telescopes H.E.S.S.-I array, five years of data taking towards the Galactic Center region with the full H.E.S.S.-II array and a two-years dataset towards newly discovered dwarf spheroidal galaxies are analyzed. The searches for dark matter annihilation signals towards these targets produced the strongest limits so far on dark matter annihilation cross section in gamma rays of TeV energies.Perspectives of dark matter detection with the future array CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array) towards the inner Galactic halo are also discussed. A study on the interpretation of an excess of gamma-rays detected by H.E.S.S. at the Galactic Center in terms of acceleration of protons by a population of unresolved millisecond pulsars complements the dark matter searches.L’expérience H.E.S.S. (High Energy Spectroscopic System) composée de cinq télescopes Tcherenkov observe le ciel en rayons gamma au-delà d'une centaine de GeV jusqu'à plusieurs dizaines de TeV. Les rayons gamma sont produits par des phénomènes non-thermiques parmi les plus violents dans l'univers au voisinage d'objets astrophysique comme les pulsars, supernovae ou trous noirs, mais pourraient être également produits par l'annihilation de particules de matière noire.De nombreuses sondes cosmologiques et astrophysiques suggèrent que 85% de la matière dans l'Univers est d'origine inconnue. Cette matière appelée matière noire, de nature non baryonique, serait constituée de particules non encore découvertes dont les candidats privilégiés seraient des particules massives interagissant faiblement (WIMPs) avec la matière ordinaire, particules prédites au-delà du Modèle Standard de la physique des particules.Des particules de matière noire peuvent s'annihiler en particules du Modèle Standard dans les régions denses de l'Univers. Parmi les produits d'annihilations se trouvent les photons dont la détection à hautes énergies par des télescopes au sol à effet Tcherenkov pourrait apporter des informations uniques sur la nature de la matière noire.H.E.S.S. observe des régions du ciel dense en matière noire comme le Centre Galactique et des galaxies naines satellites de la Voie Lactée.Une interprétation d'un excès de rayons gamma détecté au Centre Galactique par H.E.S.S. en termes d’accélération de protons par une population de pulsars millisecondes est présenté.10 ans d'observations du Centre Galactique avec le réseau H.E.S.S. I de quatre télescopes, cinq ans de prise de données vers la région du Centre Galactique avec le réseau complet H.E.S.S. II, et un jeu de deux ans de données vers des galaxies naines découvertes récemment sont analysés. Les recherches de signaux d'annihilation de matière noire vers ces cibles ont produit les limites plus fortes à présent sur la section efficace d'annihilation de matière noire dans la plage en masse du TeV. Le potentiel de détection de matière noire avec le futur réseau de télescopes CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array) vers la région central du halo Galactique est étudiés

    Dark matter searches toward the Galactic Centre halo with H.E.S.S

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    International audienceThe presence of dark matter in the Universe is nowadays widely supported by a large body of astronomical and cosmological observations. The central region of the Milky Way is expected to harbor a large amount of dark matter. Very-high-energy (>100 GeV) gamma-ray observations with the H.E.S.S. array of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes are powerful probes to look for self-annihilations of dark matter particles toward the Galactic Centre. A new search for a dark matter signal has been carried out on the full H.E.S.S.-I dataset of 2004-2014 observations with a 2D-binned likelihood method using spectral and spatial properties of signal and background. Updated constraints are derived on the velocity-weighted annihilation cross section. Higher statistics from the 10-year Galactic Center dataset of H.E.S.S. I together with a novel analysis technique allow to significantly improve the sensitivity. New results are presented

    Dark Matter searches towards the WLM dwarfirregular galaxy with H.E.S.S.

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    International audienceIn the indirect dark matter (DM) detection framework, the DM particles would produce some signals by self-annihilating and creating standard model products such as γ rays, which might be detected by ground-based telescopes. Dwarf irregular galaxies represent promising targets for the search for DM as they are assumed to be dark matter dominated systems at all radii. These dwarf irregular galaxies are rotationally supported with relatively simple kinematics which lead to small uncertainties on their dark matter distribution profiles. In 2018, the H.E.S.S. telescopes observed the irregular dwarf galaxy Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte (WLM) for a live time of 19 hours. These observations are the very first ones made by an imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope toward this kind of object. We search for a DM signal looking for an excess of γ rays over the background in the direction of the WLM galaxy. We present the first results obtained on the velocity weighted cross section for DM self-annihilation as a function of DM particle mass

    Search for dark matter signals toward the irregular dwarf galaxy WLM with H.E.S.S

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    International audienceCosmological and astrophysical probes suggest that dark matter (DM) makes up for 85% of the total matter of the Universe. The determination of its nature, however, remains one of the greatest challenges of fundamental Physics. In the DM indirect detection framework, Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) particles would produce signals by self-annihilating and creating SM products such as γ rays, which might be detected by ground-based telescopes. Dwarf irregular galaxies represent promising targets for the search for DM as they are assumed to be dark matter dominated. These dwarf irregular galaxies are rotationally supported with relatively simple and well measured kinematics which lead to small uncertainties on their dark matter distribution profiles. In 2018, the H.E.S.S. telescopes observed the irregular dwarf galaxy Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte (WLM) for 18 hours. These observations are the very first ones made by an imaging air Cherenkov telescope toward this kind of objects. We search for a DM signal looking for excess of γ rays towards WLM dwarf galaxy. We perform the first analysis of this source in stereoscopy using the data taken by the five H.E.S.S. telescopes. In this proceeding, we present the new results on the observations of WLM interpreted in terms of velocity-weighted cross-section for DM self-annihilation 〈συ〉 as a function of DM particle mχ mass for the eight annihilation channels , and γγ

    Hunting for heavy Dark Matter in the Galactic Center with ground-based Cherenkov telescopes

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    International audienceA TeV scale electroweak particle is a well motivated candidate for the dark matter (DM) of our Universe. Yet such a particle may only be detectable using indirect detection instruments sensitive to TeV-scale gamma rays that can result from dark matter annihilations. We present a mock analysis of the sensitivity for the present ground-based Cherenkov telescope array H.E.S.S. (High Energy Spectroscopic System) to detect TeV scale DM in the Galactic Center region. The work combines next-to-leading-logarithmic order calculations for the annihilation photon spectrum, as well as a comprehensive treatment of detector effects and expected backgrounds. Forecast limits on the sensitivity of H.E.S.S. have been derived across the important TeV mass range, assuming different DM density profiles and focusing on the canonical WIMP dark matter candidate Wino. These limits test our present and future ability to probe the predicted thermal cross section for some of the most promising DM candidates that could be discovered in the coming decade

    Dark matter gamma-ray line searches toward the Galactic Center halo with H.E.S.S. I

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    International audienceThe presence of dark matter is nowadays widely supported by a large body of astronomical and cosmological observations. A large amount of dark matter is expected to be present in the central region of the Milky Way. Very-high-energy (>100 GeV) g-rays can be produced in the annihilation of dark matter particles. The H.E.S.S. array of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes is a powerful tools to observe the Galactic Centre trying to detect g-rays from dark matter annihilation. A new search for a dark matter signal has been carried out on the full H.E.S.S.-I data set of 2004-2014 observations. A 2D-binned likelihood method has been applied to exploit the spectral and spatial properties of signal and background. Updated constraints are derived on the velocity-weighted annihilation cross section for signals from prompt annihilation of dark matter particles into two photons. The larger statistics from the 10-year Galactic Center dataset of H.E.S.S.-I together with the 2D-analysis technique allows to significantly improve the previous limits