24 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Online Height Measurement Training for Parents

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    Background: The incidence of stunting in Indonesia is high (30.8%), therefore, regular monitoring of children’s height growth is needed. However, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the health service’s checks are limited, as well as schools as a potential place to monitor children’s growth are closed.  This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of online height measurement training for parents.Methods: This was a quantitative research with one group pre-and post-intervention design. It was conducted in a rural area in West Java, from August to November 2021. The parents of school students were included with a purposive sampling method. The training media was in the form of height measurement videos. The assessment of parents’ skills was an online check sheet with a Likert scale of 1–5 using the Whatsapp application. Analyzes were performed with the Paired T-Test.Results: In total, 86 parents were included, all of whom were mothers with the majority (51.2%) age range of 36–45 year. Parental education varied with most elementary school graduates (27.9%). Most mothers did not work (59.3%). As for the students, the majority were female students (60.5%) between 6–9 years old. The skill score before and after training was effective (d=2.04; p=<0.001).Conclusion: Online height measurement training using video has high effectiveness in improving parents’ skills to self-practice measurement at home

    Monitoring Obstacles of Toddlers Growth in Public Health Center Margahayu Raya Bandung City during the COVID-19 Pandemic: From Cadre Perspective

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    Background:Toddler growth monitoring is one of the specific nutritional interventions used to accelerate stunting reduction. The COVID-19 pandemic has reduced various ‘Minimum Service Standards‘coverages, including toddler growth monitoring. This study aimed to explore the obstacles of toddler growth monitoring at the Integrated Service Center (Pusat pelayanan terpadu, Posyandu) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: This was a qualitative study with an interpretivism paradigm. The unit of analysis was Posyandu of Margahayu Raya Public Health Center, Bandung City, West Java. Primary data were obtained through in-depth interviews with 10 cadres from different Posyandu from September-December 2021. The data were collected using a semi-structured interview guide and a recorder, and analyzed using NVivo software.Results: During the COVID-19 pandemic, toddler weighing had been suspended for several months. Starting in August 2020, cadres and public health center officers worked to ensure that toddlers’ weight, body length, and height could be monitored despite the numerous obstacles.Conclusion: The obstacles to toddler growth monitoring are inadequate instruments of toddler body height measuring during home visits, minimum cadre skills, a lack of toddlers’ mother awareness to bring their toddlers to Posyandu, and a lack of public awareness to follow health protocols.

    The iPosyandu Application for Midwives as Learning Media in Continuity Midwifery Care Training Curriculum

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    Currently, village midwives are experiencing an increased workload because there are more and more health service programs, so they cannot provide optimal sustainable midwifery care. This study analyzes the relationship between iPosyandu application-based training media and training materials for continuing midwifery care and learning evaluation. This type of research is analytical research with a cross-sectional research design. The research subjects were 110 people. Data was collected by providing the village midwife with an online questionnaire (google form). Univariate data were processed and analyzed to determine all research variables' mean and standard deviation values. Bivariate data analysis with Pearson test due to the type of numeric data. The study found no correlation between the components of the training curriculum (including training materials, learning media, and learning evaluation) and continuing midwifery care competencies. However, there is a significant correlation between training materials and learning media. In addition, a significant correlation was found between learning evaluation and learning media. It was concluded that the components of the training curriculum were interrelated so that the iPosyandu application could be used as a training medium for all competencies in training. This research implies that midwives can use the iPosyandu application as a learning medium that makes it easy to access training materials, thereby saving training costs for midwives as training participants and organizers

    Knowledge and Attitudes towards Premarital Screening among Adolescents: A study in a University Setting

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    Background: Premarital screening (PMS) is an action to prevent the occurrence of genetic and the transmission of infectious diseases. The screening has been recommended and promoted in Indonesia. This study aimed to assess the level of knowledge and attitudes towards premarital screening among teenagers in a university setting.Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design, including 310 adolescents aged 18–21 years at obtained through a non-random consecutive sampling at Universitas Padjadjaran. The data was collected from October 2020 until January 2021 using a close-ended questionnaire, assessing knowledge and attitude towards the PMS. The frequency knowledge level was grouped as good, moderate, and poor. The attitude level was categorized as positive and negative.Results: Most of the respondents (90.3%) had good knowledge of PMS. Respondents who had positive attitudes (79%) strong agreed that carrying out PMS was important, and 51% perceived that PMS needed to be a mandatory procedure before marriage. However, 59.6% had no idea how to deal if the result of the PMS was positive.Conclusion: In general, adolescents at Universitas Padjadjaran have good knowledge and a positive attitude towards PMS. However, comprehensive information about PMS is still needed, especially on decision points that must be taken after getting the test results

    Pemetaan Berita Online tentang Imunisasi Measles Rubella Tahun 2018 di Indonesia

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    Abstract The mass media plays a significant role in delivering health-related information to the wider society, so that it can be involved in health programs, including the Measles Rubella (MR) Immunization Campaign. The purpose of this program is to reduce the incidence of measles and rubella which has increased in the last five years in Indonesia. MR immunization coverage target must reach at least 95% in order to form group immunity to break the chain of transmission. However, as of the end of September 2018, the coverage of granting MR immunization nationally only reach 52,71%. This was published by online media throughout different regions in Indonesia with negative, neutral, or positive tendencies. Problems occur when exposure to the media with a negative perspective on vaccine impacts immunization coverage. Based on this, the research aims to map the trend of reporting on MR Immunization based on regions in Indonesia. The method used is content analysis. The object of this study is 410 online news about MR Immunization that was published during the second phase of MR Immunization Campaign, from August 1st until September 30th 2018 in Indonesia. The results of this research show that news coverage is dominated by national news, which is more representative of positive messages. Meanwhile, a province with the most news sources is Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), which negative tendencies. NAD has the majority of moslem communities who are very sensitive on the sharia law issue. Therefore, unclear certification of vaccine halal became a strong argument to refuse and postpone the MR immunization, and based on the research protocol, this categorized as negative news. Therefore, the health promoters can develop health communication strategies to work more effectively with the media, especially in the regions, in informing health policies and programs, so that news that is published does not upset the public. Abstrak Media massa berperan dalam menyampaikan informasi kesehatan kepada masyarakat luas sehingga dapat dilibatkan dalam program kesehatan, termasuk Kampanye Imunisasi Measles Rubella (MR). Tujuan program ini adalah untuk menurunkan kejadian penyakit campak dan rubela yang meningkat dalam lima tahun terakhir di Indonesia. Target cakupan Imunisasi MR harus mencapai minimal 95% agar terbentuk kekebalan kelompok untuk memutuskan mata rantai penularan. Namun, sampai dengan akhir September 2018, cakupan pemberian Imunisasi MR secara nasional baru mencapai 52,71%. Hal ini dipublikasikan oleh media online dengan kecenderungan negatif, netral, atau positif yang diberitakan dari berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. Permasalahan terjadi ketika paparan media dengan perspektif negatif pada vaksin berdampak pada cakupan imunisasi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan kecenderungan pemberitaan tentang Imunisasi MR berdasarkan wilayah di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis isi. Objek penelitian ini adalah 410 berita online tentang imunisasi MR yang dipublikasikan selama Kampanye Imunisasi MR fase II, 1 Agustus sampai dengan 30 September 2018 di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa pemberitaan lebih didominasi berita berskala nasional, yang lebih menggambarkan pesan yang bersifat positif. Sementara itu, wilayah provinsi yang menjadi sumber berita terbanyak adalah Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) dengan pemberitaan berkecenderungan negatif. NAD memiliki mayoritas masyarakat muslim yang peka terhadap permasalahan syariah. Oleh karena itu, ketidakjelasan sertifikasi halal vaksin menjadi alasan untuk penolakan dan penundaan program Imunisasi MR, yang dalam protokol penelitian ini dikategorikan berita negatif. Dengan demikian, promotor kesehatan dapat menyusun strategi komunikasi kesehatan agar bekerja lebih efektif dengan media, terutama di daerah, dalam menginformasikan kebijakan dan program kesehatan sehingga berita yang dipublikasikan tidak membuat resah masyarakat


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    ABSTRACT  Backgroud:The development of technology that is developing rapidly so at this time all information, especially about health using the internet. This can help the nutrition officer task in monitoring the nutritional status of children under five by using the website. The purpose of this study was to determine the perception of nutrition officers in monitoring the nutritional status of infants by using the iPosyandu website.  The research method uses descriptive cross sectional approach. This research was conducted in October until December 2019 with 50 nutrition workers in PKM in the Karawang regency working area. The sampling technique uses total sampling. Data analysis used to univariate variable in the form of a frequency distribution table.  The results showed that nutrition workers had a perception that the ease of accessing information through the website was 50%. Then for the contents of the website is complete and clear by 45%, and there is information and privacy in finding information related to iPosyandu by 32%, and the accuracy of the selection of font size in the website display by 55%.  The conclusion in this study is the perception of nutrition officers towards the website mostly agree on the site, content, information, and appearance of the iPosyandu website. Sugestion based on the results of this study that the iPosyandu website can provide important information to nutrition workers to facilitate monitoring of the implementation of nutritional status monitoring in the work area of each health center so that it can be quickly and appropriately handled if there are cases of malnutrition in children under five in their region.  Keyword: Perception, Nutritionist, iPosyandu Website  ABSTRAK  Latar Belakang Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi yang berkembang dengan pesat maka saat ini semua informasi terutama tentang kesehatan menggunakan internet. Hal tersebut, dapat membantu tugas petugas gizi dalam melakukan pemantuan status gizi balita dengan menggunakan website.  Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui persepsi petugas gizi dalam pemantauan status gizi balita dengan menggunakan website iPosyandu.  Metode Penelitian menggunakan deskriptif pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Oktober s.d Desember 2019 pada petugas gizi di PKM wilayah kerja Kabupaten Karawang sebanyak 50 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan total sampling. Analisis data menggunakan univariat yang disajikan dalam bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi.   Hasil Penelitian didapatkan bahwa petugas gizi memiliki persepsi bahwa kemudahan dalam mengakses informasi melalui website sebesar 50%. Kemudian untuk isi situs web sudah lengkap dan jelas sebesar 45%, dan terdapat informasi dan privasi dalam menemukan informasi terkait iPosyandu sebesar 32%, serta ketepatan pemilihan ukuran huruf dalam tampilan website sebesar 55%.  Simpulan dalam penelitian ini bahwa persepsi petugas gizi terhadap website sebagian besar setuju terhadap situs, isi, informasi, dan tampilan situs website iPosyandu. Saran berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini bahwa website iPosyandu dapat memberikan informasi penting kepada petugas gizi  untuk memudahkan pemantauan pelaksanaan pemantaun status gizi di wilayah kerja Puskesmas masing-masing agar bisa cepat dan tepat di tangani apabila terdapat kasus-kasus penyimpangan gizi pada balita di wilayah nya.   Kata Kunci: Persepsi, Petugas Gizi, Website iPosyand

    Neonatal Care Education during Pregnancy Using Videos on the iPosyandu Application

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    Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) 2017 shows that the neonatal mortality rate (NMR) in Indonesia was 15 per 1,000 live births. A decrease in NMR to 12 per 1,000 live births can reduce the infant mortality rate (IMR). Purwakarta regency in 2019 ranked 14 out of 27 regencies and cities that contribute to the NMR in West Java. This research analyzes the knowledge of pregnant women about neonatal care before and after being given a combination of video animation and demonstration on the iPosyandu Parents application. The research method used was quantitative with one group pretest-posttest design, an interventional study without a control group. The sample size was 60 pregnant women in their third trimester. Samples that met the criteria were taken by purposive sampling technique and according to the midwife's instructions at the Pasawahan Public Health Center, Purwakarta regency. This research was conducted in May 2020. The knowledge data were collected using a questionnaire that was translated from previous studies. The questionnaire topic groups were adapted from the government's Maternal and Child Health book. The results showed differences in knowledge before and after being given health education using audiovisual media in 7 topic groups. They comprised general information on neonatal care, early breastfeeding initiation, breastfeeding, keeping babies warm, umbilical cord care, schedule of neonatal visits, and immunization. However, there was no difference in one topic group, namely the newborn danger critical signs. EDUKASI SELAMA KEHAMILAN TENTANG PERAWATAN NEONATUS MENGGUNAKAN VIDEO PADA APLIKASI iPOSYANDU Angka kematian neonatus (AKN) menurut Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) tahun 2017 di Indonesia adalah 15 per 1.000 lahir hidup. Penurunan AKN hingga 12 per 1.000 kelahiran hidup dapat menekan angka kematian bayi (AKB). Kabupaten Purwakarta pada tahun 2019 menempati urutan ke-14 dari 27 kabupaten dan kota penyumbang AKN di Jawa Barat. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis pengetahuan ibu hamil mengenai perawatan neonatus sebelum dan sesudah diberikan video kombinasi animasi dan demonstrasi pada aplikasi iPosyandu Orang Tua. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan desain one grup pretest-posttest yang merupakan penelitian intervensional tanpa kelompok kontrol. Besar sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 60 ibu hamil trimester III. Sampel yang memenuhi kriteria diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling sesuai dengan arahan dari bidan Puskesmas Pasawahan Kabupaten Purwakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Mei 2020. Pengumpulan data pengetahuan dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang diterjemahkan dari penelitian sebelumnya. Kelompok topik kuesionernya disesuaikan dengan buku Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (KIA) dari pemerintah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah diberikan pendidikan kesehatan menggunakan media audiovisual pada 7 kelompok topik. Topik tersebut terdiri atas informasi umum perawatan neonatus, inisiasi menyusui dini (IMD), pemberian ASI, menjaga bayi tetap hangat, perawatan tali pusat, jadwal kunjungan neonatal, dan imunisasi. Akan tetapi, kelompok mengenai tanda bahaya bayi baru lahir tidak terdapat perbedaan

    Technology-Based (Mhealth) and Standard/Traditional Maternal Care for Pregnant Woman: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The world of health has changed significantly since the advent of smartphones. Smartphones have been widely known to facilitate the search for health information in the mobile Health (mHealth) system, which is used to improve the quality of life for patients, such as communication between doctors and patients. This systematic literature review aims to identify the use of mHealth as a digital communication tool for pregnant women by comparing technology-based and standard-based pregnancy care. The method used is a systematic review of articles related to pregnancy care that utilize mHealth for pregnant women. The articles were obtained from the database based on the PICO framework; we searched articles using seven databases. The selection was adjusted to the inclusion criteria, data extraction, study quality evaluation, and results from synthesis. From the disbursement, 543 articles were obtained and 10 results were obtained after the screening. After a critical appraisal was carried out, four articles were obtained. Advantages can be in the form of increasing knowledge of pregnant women who use mHealth due to the availability of information needed by pregnant women in the mHealth application. mHealth also provides information about their babies, so the impact of mHealth is not only for mothers. mHealth is a promising solution in pregnancy care compared to the standard of maternal care

    Mapping national information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure to the requirements of potential digital health interventions in low- and middle-income countries

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    Background Digital health can support health care in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) by overcoming problems of distance, poor infrastructure and the need to provide community practitioners with specialist support. We used five RESPIRE countries as exemplars (Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan) to identify the digital health solutions that are valuable in their local setting, worked together with local clinicians and researchers to explore digital health policy, electricity/ICT infrastructure, and socio-cultural factors influencing users’ ability to access, adopt and utilise digital health. Methods We adopted the Joanna Briggs Institute’s scoping review protocol and followed the Cochrane Rapid Review method to accelerate the review process, using the Implementation and Operation of Mobile Health projects framework and The Extended Technology Acceptance Model of Mobile Telephony to categorise the results. We conducted the review in four stages: (1) establishing value, (2) identifying digital health policy, (3) searching for evidence of infrastructure, design, and end-user adoption, (4) local input to interpret relevance and adoption factors. We used open-source national/international statistics such as the World Health Organization, International Telecommunication Union, Groupe Speciale Mobile, and local news/articles/government statistics to scope the current status, and systematically searched five databases for locally relevant exemplars. Results We found 118 studies (2015-2021) and 114 supplementary online news articles and national statistics. Digital health policy was available in all countries, but scarce skilled labour, lack of legislation/interoperability support, and interrupted electricity and internet services were limitations. Older patients, women and those living in rural areas were least likely to have access to ICT infrastructure. Renewable energy has potential in enabling digital health care. Low usage mobile data and voice service packages are relatively affordable options for mHealth in the five countries. Conclusions Effective implementation of digital health technologies requires a supportive policy, stable electricity infrastructures, affordable mobile internet service, and good understanding of the socio-economic context in order to tailor the intervention such that it functional, accessible, feasible, user-friendly and trusted by the target users. We suggest a checklist of contextual factors that developers of digital health initiatives in LMICs should consider at an early stage in the development process