14 research outputs found


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    Indonesian government  has been progressively attempting to minimalize the polygamy. This is proved by the issuance of regulation/constitution (UU) No. 1 in 1974. Then, specific regulation (PP) is also issued for the civil servants No. 10 in 1983 and has been amended into No. 45 in 1990 dealing with the permission for marriage and divorce. Both UU and PP stipulate certain of punishments in doing polygamy. This research is aimed to find out (1). What punishments are given for civil servants in terms of UU No. 1 Tahun 1974. (2) How is the punishments given for civil servants in terms of Islamic Marriage Law/fiqh. Hence, the main data used is UU No. 1 in 1974 for general reference. Meanwhile, PP No. 10 in 1983 which was amended into PP No. 45 in 1990 is also applicable to civil servants. Second data is Al-Qur’an, Hadist, fiqh books and compilation of Islamic Law. Among the findings of this research are; firstly, civil servants who break the polygamy law could be fined amount of seven thousand Rupiah (IDR). If his new marriage is no consent from applied rules, he could be punished by the four alternatives: (1) lowering his rank to lower level; (2) freeing from his current position; (3) being fired from the current government civil servant; (4) ceasing his status as civil servant disrespectfully. Female civil servant whose status is as the second/third/forth wife would be ceased disrespectfully from civil servant. Secondly, in Islamic law or fiqh, polygamy is obligated to fulfill certain of requirements. In fiqh, polygamy is strictly forbidden. It refers to Quranic verse: Ø°ÙŽÙ„ÙÙƒÙŽ أَدْنَى أَلا تَعÙولÙوا. This is viewed as ‘azimah, meanwhile it is allowed to do if he could give justices to his wives as so called as rukhshah.  Regulation on polygamy is referring to Al-Qur’an which allows man to marry more than one wife. In another reference, Indonesia government through marriage regulation is forbidden in terms of its negative impacts (mafsadah) are bigger than positive one (mashlahah)


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    Kelapa sawit telah menjadi komoditas unggulan untuk peningkatan perekonomian di Indonesia. Saat ini, banyak masyarakat menggantungkan hidupnya pada sektor perkebunan dan agroindustri kelapa sawit melalui pembentukan hubungan mata rantai pasokan. Pada rantai pasok kelapa sawit terdapat pelaku-pelaku usaha mulai dari hulu hingga hilir. Namun saat ini, setiap pelaku memiliki nilai tambah yang berbeda-beda untuk setiap levelnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukuran tingkat nilai tambah pada setiap level rantai pasok kelapa sawit dan sekaligus menetukan strategi perbaikan nilai tambah di masa mendatang. Berdasarkan perhitungan yang dilakukan dengan Metode Hayami, diperoleh nilai tambah pada level petani swadaya sebesar 18,6%, pedagang 20%, dan pabrik 28%, sedangkan keuntungan yang diperoleh petani sebesar Rp 4.125.900, pedagang Rp 56.400.000, dan pabrik Rp 4.127.324.500. Kemudian, dengan menggunakan Metode Non-Numerical Multi Expert Multicriteria Decision Making, telah diperoleh strategi yang direkomendasikan antara lain melalui perbaikan GAP, dan pembentukan kerja sama dan kemitraan


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    Palm oil has become a leading commodity for improving the economy in Indonesia. At present, many people depend their lives on the plantation and oil palm agro-industry sectors through the establishment of supply chain links. In the palm oil supply chain, there are business actors from upstream to downstream. However, nowaday, every actor has different added values ​​for each level. This study aimed to measure the level of added value at each level of the palm oil supply chain and at the same time determine the strategy of added value improvement in the future. Based on calculations made by the Hayami method, added values at the level of independent smallholders, traders, and factories were 18.6%, 20%, and 28%, respectively. While the profits obtained by farmers, traders, and factories were Rp 4,125,900, Rp 56,400,000, and Rp 4,127,324,500, respectively. Then, by using the Non-numerical Multi Expert Multi Criteria Decision Making Method, recommended strategies have been obtained, among others through improving GAP, and development of cooperation and partnerships. Keywords: added value, palm oil, supply chain, strateg

    Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Marketing Mix untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan Pada D’Besto Fried Chicken Pekanbaru

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    Marketing strategy is an effort to market a product, both in the form of goods and services, using certain plans and tactics to increase sales volume. One of the business development strategies is the implementation of a marketing mix strategy. Marketing is one of the most important factors in the continuity of a business, so it is very important for business people to pay attention to the marketing mix in their business. The purpose of this study was to determine how D'besto Fried Chicken Pekanbaru applies sales promotion. The data analysis technique used is market mix analysis. The marketing mix variables studied were product, price, place and promotion. The results of this study indicate that consumer decisions in purchasing D'besto Fried Chicken Pekanbaru are strategic location selection and products that are acceptable to the public. The recommendation of this research is that D'besto Fried Chicken Pekanbaru products should be more diverse and innovative in terms of packaging and online marketing and improve brand quality

    Inovasi Pendidikan Islam pada Masa yang Akan Datang: Penggabungan Madrasah dan Sekolah Pilihan

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    Pendidikan Islam menjadi pilihan masa depan, dan menjadi rujukan dalam mengembangkan potensi peserta didik dan embrio peradaban dunia, kemajuan peradaban Islam lahir dari pendidikan Islam yang berkualitas. Oleh karena itu, pendidikan agama Islam harus dikelola secara profesional, berbasis saintek dan berkualitas. Sistem pendidikan Islam mendesak untuk direformulasi sesuai dengan dinamika zaman, kebutuhan pasar, dan berbasis kearifan lokal, sehingga melahirkan ulama dan cendekiawan saintis yang unggul. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, penelitian ini mengambil lokasi di Kota Pekanbaru, dengan sampel SMUN 10 dan MAN 3. Hasil penelitian ini adalah integrasi sistem pendidikan, baik sistem pendidikan sekolah unggulan maupun sistem pendidikan Madrasah, relevan dilakukan sebagai upaya mencari model pendidikan Islam yang ideal dan riil di era globalisasi. &nbsp