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    Rumah Sakit Nirmala Suri merupakan rumah sakit yang memberikan pelayanan kesehatan kepada masyarakat. Kegiatan yang dilakukan rumah sakit menimbulkan berbagai dampak, baik dampak positif maupun dampak negatif. Salah satu dampak negatif adalah rumah sakit menghasilkan sampah, yaitu sampah medis dan sampah non medis. Apabila keberadaan sampah tersebut tidak dikelola dengan baik dan benar, akan menimbulkan dampak negatif bagi masyarakat rumah sakit maupun sekitar rumah sakit. Keberhasilan pengelolaan sampah ditentukan banyak faktor, salah satunya adalah perilaku petugas. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran karakteristik petugas kebersihan, pengetahuan, sikap, dan praktek petugas kebersihan dalam pengelolaan sampah di Rumah Sakit Nirmala Suri Sukoharjo. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Subyek penelitian adalah seluruh petugas kebersihan Rumah Sakit Nirmala Suri Sukoharjo sebanyak 12 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dan wawancara mendalam. Analisis data secara analisis isi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik petugas kebersihan berdasarkan umur, pendidikan, dan masa kerja pegawai bervariasi. Umur pegawai termuda 21 tahun dan tertua 50 tahun. Pendidikan paling rendah SD dan paling tinggi Diploma III. Rata-rata masa kerja pegawai adalah 6 tahun. Pengetahuan petugas mengenai pengelolaan sampah mulai dari proses penimbulan sampah sampai dengan penanganan akhir sampah cukup bagus. Sikap petugas dalam pengelolaan adalah positif. Petugas dalam pengelolaan sampah mengacu pada prosedur tetap (protap) yang berlaku. Namun demikian, dalam pelaksanaannya terkadang petugas tidak mealkukan sebagaimana yang tertulis dalam protap. Kata Kunci: Petugas Kebersihan, Pengelolaan Sampah, Rumah Sakit THE BEHAVIOUR OF THE CLEANING STAFF IN THE MANAGEMENT OF HOSPITAL WASTE (A CASE STUDY IN NIRMALA SURI HOSPITAL IN SUKOHARJO 2003) Nirmala Suri Hospital is a hospital that gives health service to society. The activities which are done by the hospital cause many effects either positive or negative. One of the negative effects is the hospital produces waste, namely medical and non medical waste. If the existence of the waste is not managed well and properly, it will cause negative effect to the hospital staff and the people around the hospital. The success of the management of waste is determined by many factors, one of them is the behaviour pf the cleaning staff. The research is to know the characteristic description of the cleaning staff that includes knowledge, attitude and practice in the management of waste in Nirmala Suri Hospital in Sukoharjo. The method of research is qualitative method. The subject of research is all cleaning staff of Nirmala Suri Hospital as many as 12 persons. The tehnique of collecting data by Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and indepth interview. The data analysis is content analysis. The result of the research has shown that the characteristics of the cleaning staff based on age, education and work span are various. The youngest age of the staff is 21 and the oldest one is 50. The lowes education is Elementary School and the highest one is Diplima III. The average of work span of the cleaning staff is six years. The knowledge of the staff about the management of the waste from the process of pilling to the final process is good enough. The attitude of the staff in the management of the waste is positive. In doing the management of the waste, the cleaning staff refer to the fixed procedure. However, in doing the job, the cleaning staff sometimes do not do it as written on the fixed procedure. Keyword: Cleaning Staff, waste management, hospita


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    Semarang one northern Java coastal city has a large port as the gateway entrance of trading activity by its history. Great influence the field of trade affects the development of the city which also has a district characterized by ethnic landscape like Chinatown, Arab village, Indian village, Kauman village, but the ethnic majority today are ethnic Chinese. Beginning of the arrival of the Chinese in Semarang to trade, then they stay here. Almost every city in Indonesia has a Chinatown that serves as a center for economic and residential. As a component of urban unique, Chinatown has a unique potential in the aspect of urban, architectural, economic and socio-cultural activities are interrelated. Chinatowns as one part of the old village conservation Semarang had most of artifacts that reflect the history of past products include characteristics of economic activities, social and cultural communities still survive to this day. In the development of Chinatowns grow with unique characteristics as a regional trade (Chinese Bussiness District). In the area of Chinatown's social and cultural life of ethnic Chinese are still there, so it held a routine activity every Friday, Saturday and Sunday to preserve it. An arena of retail trade activities related products typical or identity Chinatown. These activities are in a public space that is the road that was partially closed to vehicles. The activity is called "Waroeng Semawis" (Semarang to Tourism), while the word 'Semawis' comes from the Javanese language to soften the word 'Semarang'. Activities "Waroeng Semawis" has been going on since 2005 until now is still lively. "Waroeng Semawis" has given characteristic of Semarang as one of the objects of cultural and culinary destinatio


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    The purpose of this study is to describe frequent errors made by students of Grade XI in SMA N 1 Purworejo. This study is intended to answer the question of what are the frequent errors made by the students in their written texts. This study was categorized into a case study since it limited the participants to the students of Grade XI, particularly XI IPA 2 and XI IPA 3, in SMA N I Purworejo. There were 65 students as the research subjects. The data sources of the research were written texts made by the students. The data were students’ errors, which were analyzed through classification, frequency counting, and description. The findings of the study show that there were 1340 errors made by the students in their written texts. These errors can be classified into 11 types of errors. These are associated with the use of verbs (35.75%), punctuations (23.73%), articles (14.85%), prepositions (5.82%), plural/singular nouns (5.37%), spellings (5.08%), pronouns (4.00%), parts of speech choices (1.79%), word orders (0.75%), word choices (0.37%), and miscellany (2.54%)

    Constructing 'traditional' concepts: The case of Maori governance

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    As colonisation infiltrated Māori societies, ‘traditional’ practices and concepts became dismantled, restricted to isolated domains, concealed, abandoned or adapted to contemporary settings. A colonial government has produced a contemporary form of Māori governance in which most people commonly associate with some type of ‘traditional’ governance system. Although the naming of such institutions has its own tradition, their assimilation into western governance systems merely provides the illusion of traditional control. Understanding that such processes have taken place provides a platform that can increase consciousness of how they can maintain some of their classically traditional structures and practices. This paper considers the case of Māori governance as an example highlighting how traditional knowledges must move from the peripheries of ‘knowing’ and re-establish themselves back at the centre

    The Financing Of Regional Development And Economic Growth In West Java Province

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    In the context of recent decentralization of regional development in Indonesia, the local authorities and communities need to understand by how potential sources for financing regional development effect the economic growth. There is three sources of financing such as government, private investor and local communities. The purpose of this paper is to explain the role of financing resources of the economic sectors in regional economic growth. Using panel data generated from economic sectors among 20 kabupaten/kota (municipalities) in Jawa Barat Province during 1991-2000 I examine the effect in economic growth of different financing sources. The pattern of development financing was varied among regions. The financing concentration was occurred in some regions where have good available infrastructures and characterised with industry-based development. The results from empirical analysis suggest that the impact of both government and private financing on economic growth is significant in industry-based regions. In the period analysis, communities financing through bank loans supported the regional development significantly in both industry-based and agro-based regions. The implication based on this study is that the local authority should encourage the private financing sources to promote local economic growth.regional development, finance
