119 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of Silica Fracture in Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions

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    Glassy silicates are substantially weaker when in contact with aqueous electrolyte solutions than in vacuum due to chemical interactions with preexisting cracks. To investigate this silicate weakening phenomenon, classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of silica fracture were performed using the bond-order based, reactive force field ReaxFF. Four different environmental conditions were investigated: vacuum, water, and two salt solutions (1M NaCl, 1M NaOH) that form relatively acidic and basic solutions, respectively. Any aqueous environment weakens the silica, with NaOH additions resulting in the largest decreases in the effective fracture toughness (eKIC) of silica or the loading rate at which the fracture begins to propagate. The basic solution leads to higher surface deprotonation, narrower radius of curvature of the crack tip, and greater weakening of the silica, compared with the more acidic environment. The results from the two different electrolyte solutions correspond to phenomena observed in experiments and provide a unique atomistic insight into how anions alter the chemical-mechanical fracture response of silica

    Integrating precision medicine through evaluation of cell of origin in treatment planning for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

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    Precision medicine is modernizing strategies for clinical study design to help improve diagnoses guiding individualized treatment based on genetic or phenotypic characteristics that discriminate between patients with similar clinical presentations. Methodology to personalize treatment choices is being increasingly employed in clinical trials, yielding favorable correlations with improved response rates and survival. In patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), disease characteristics and outcomes may vary widely, underscoring the importance of patient classification through identification of sensitive prognostic features. The discovery of distinct DLBCL molecular subtypes based on cell of origin (COO) is redefining the prognosis and treatment of this heterogeneous cancer. Owing to significant molecular and clinical differences between activated B-cell-like (ABC)- and germinal center B-cell-like (GCB)-DLBCL subtypes, COO identification offers opportunities to optimize treatment selection. Widespread adoption of COO classification would greatly improve treatment and prognosis; however, limitations in interlaboratory concordance between immunohistochemistry techniques, cost, and availability of gene expression profiling tools undermine universal integration in the clinical setting. With advanced methodology to determine COO in a real-world clinical setting, therapies targeted to specific subtypes are under development. The focus here is to review applications of precision medicine exemplified by COO determination in DLBCL patients

    Synthesis and Evaluation of 99mTc-Labelled Monoclonal Antibody 1D09C3 for Molecular Imaging of Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II Protein Expression

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    Purpose: It is known that major histocompatibility complex class II protein HLA-DR is highly expressed in B-cell lymphomas and in a variety of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Therefore, a radiolabelled fully humanized IgG4 monoclonal antibody (mAb) can provide useful prognostic and diagnostic information. Aims of the present study were to radiolabel an anti-HLA-DR mAb with technetium-99m and to evaluate its binding specificity, tissue distribution and targeting potential. Procedures: For labelling, we compared a direct method, after 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) reduction of disulphide bonds, with a two-step labelling method, using a heterobifunctional succinimidyl-6-hydrazinonicotinate hydrochloride chelator. Several in vitro quality controls and in vivo experiments in mice were performed. Results: We obtained highest labelling efficiency (LE, 998%) and specific activity (SA; 5,550 MBq/mg) via the direct method. In vitro quality control showed good stability, structural integrity and retention of the binding properties of the labelled mAb. The biodistribution in mice showed high and persistent uptake in spleen and suggests kidney and liver-mediated clearanc

    Stromal gene signatures in large-B-cell lymphomas.

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    BACKGROUND: The addition of rituximab to combination chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone (CHOP), or R-CHOP, has significantly improved the survival of patients with diffuse large-B-cell lymphoma. Whether gene-expression signatures correlate with survival after treatment of diffuse large-B-cell lymphoma is unclear. METHODS: We profiled gene expression in pretreatment biopsy specimens from 181 patients with diffuse large-B-cell lymphoma who received CHOP and 233 patients with this disease who received R-CHOP. A multivariate gene-expression-based survival-predictor model derived from a training group was tested in a validation group. RESULTS: A multivariate model created from three gene-expression signatures--termed germinal-center B-cell, stromal-1, and stromal-2 --predicted survival both in patients who received CHOP and patients who received R-CHOP. The prognostically favorable stromal-1 signature reflected extracellular-matrix deposition and histiocytic infiltration. By contrast, the prognostically unfavorable stromal-2 signature reflected tumor blood-vessel density. CONCLUSIONS: Survival after treatment of diffuse large-B-cell lymphoma is influenced by differences in immune cells, fibrosis, and angiogenesis in the tumor microenvironment

    Longitudinal expression profiling identifies a poor risk subset of patients with ABC-type Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma.

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    Despite the effectiveness of immuno-chemotherapy, 40% of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) experience relapse or refractory disease. Longitudinal studies have previously focused on the mutational landscape of relapse but falling short of providing a consistent relapse-specific genetic signature. In our study, we have focussed attention on the changes in gene expression profile accompanying DLBCL relapse using archival paired diagnostic/relapse specimens from 38 de novo DLBCL patients. Cell of origin remained stable from diagnosis to relapse in 84% of patients, with only a single patient showing COO switching from ABC to GCB. Analysis of the transcriptomic changes that occur following relapse suggest ABC and GCB relapses are mediated via different mechanisms. We developed a 30-gene discriminator for ABC-DLBCLs derived from relapse-associated genes, that defined clinically distinct high and low risk subgroups in ABC-DLBCLs at diagnosis in datasets comprising both population-based and clinical trial cohorts. This signature also identified a population of <60-year-old patients with superior PFS and OS treated with Ibrutinib-R-CHOP as part of the PHOENIX trial. Altogether this new signature adds to the existing toolkit of putative genetic predictors now available in DLBCL that can be readily assessed as part of prospective clinical trials

    Loss of signalling via Gα13 in germinal center B-cell-derived lymphoma

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    Germinal centre B-cell-like diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (GCB-DLBCL) is a common malignancy, yet the signalling pathways that are deregulated and the factors leading to its systemic dissemination are poorly defined1,2. Work in mice showed that sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor-2 (S1PR2), a Gα12 and Gα13 coupled receptor, promotes growth regulation and local confinement of germinal centre B cells3,4. Recent deep sequencing studies of GCB-DLBCL have revealed mutations in many genes in this cancer, including in GNA13 (encoding Gα13) and S1PR2 (refs 5,6, 7). Here we show, using in vitro and in vivo assays, that GCB-DLBCL-associated mutations occurring in S1PR2 frequently disrupt the receptor's Akt and migration inhibitory functions. Gα13-deficient mouse germinal centre B cells and human GCB-DLBCL cells were unable to suppress pAkt and migration in response to S1P, and Gα13-deficient mice developed germinal centre B-cell-derived lymphoma. Germinal centre B cells, unlike most lymphocytes, are tightly confined in lymphoid organs and do not recirculate. Remarkably, deficiency in Gα13, but not S1PR2, led to germinal centre B-cell dissemination into lymph and blood. GCB-DLBCL cell lines frequently carried mutations in the Gα13 effector ARHGEF1, and Arhgef1 deficiency also led to germinal centre B-cell dissemination. The incomplete phenocopy of Gα13- and S1PR2 deficiency led us to discover that P2RY8, an orphan receptor that is mutated in GCB-DLBCL and another germinal centre B-cell-derived malignancy, Burkitt's lymphoma, also represses germinal centre B-cell growth and promotes confinement via Gα13. These findings identify a Gα13-dependent pathway that exerts dual actions in suppressing growth and blocking dissemination of germinal centre B cells that is frequently disrupted in germinal centre B-cell-derived lymphoma

    Identification of target genes for wild type and truncated HMGA2 in mesenchymal stem-like cells

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    Background The HMGA2 gene, coding for an architectural transcription factor involved in mesenchymal embryogenesis, is frequently deranged by translocation and/or amplification in mesenchymal tumours, generally leading to over-expression of shortened transcripts and a truncated protein. Methods To identify pathways that are affected by sarcoma-associated variants of HMGA2, we have over-expressed wild type and truncated HMGA2 protein in an immortalized mesenchymal stem-like cell (MSC) line, and investigated the localisation of these proteins and their effects on differentiation and gene expression patterns. Results Over-expression of both transgenes blocked adipogenic differentiation of these cells, and microarray analysis revealed clear changes in gene expression patterns, more pronounced for the truncated protein. Most of the genes that showed altered expression in the HMGA2-overexpressing cells fell into the group of NF-κB-target genes, suggesting a central role for HMGA2 in this pathway. Of particular interest was the pronounced up-regulation of SSX1, already implicated in mesenchymal oncogenesis and stem cell functions, only in cells expressing the truncated protein. Furthermore, over-expression of both HMGA2 forms was associated with a strong repression of the epithelial marker CD24, consistent with the reported low level of CD24 in cancer stem cells. Conclusions We conclude that the c-terminal part of HMGA2 has important functions at least in mesenchymal cells, and the changes in gene expression resulting from overexpressing a protein lacking this domain may add to the malignant potential of sarcomas

    Frequent mutation of histone-modifying genes in non-Hodgkin lymphoma

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    Follicular lymphoma (FL) and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) are the two most common non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHLs). Here we sequenced tumour and matched normal DNA from 13 DLBCL cases and one FL case to identify genes with mutations in B-cell NHL. We analysed RNA-seq data from these and another 113 NHLs to identify genes with candidate mutations, and then re-sequenced tumour and matched normal DNA from these cases to confirm 109 genes with multiple somatic mutations. Genes with roles in histone modification were frequent targets of somatic mutation. For example, 32% of DLBCL and 89% of FL cases had somatic mutations in MLL2, which encodes a histone methyltransferase, and 11.4% and 13.4% of DLBCL and FL cases, respectively, had mutations in MEF2B, a calcium-regulated gene that cooperates with CREBBP and EP300 in acetylating histones. Our analysis suggests a previously unappreciated disruption of chromatin biology in lymphomagenesis