18 research outputs found


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    Adanya pandemi menyebabkan kegiatan pembelajaran dilaksanakan secara daring di rumah masing-masing. Perubahan secara mendadak ini tentunya berdampak dalam berbagai hal, salah satunya yaitu disiplin belajar siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi disiplin belajar siswa Sekolah Dasar saat pembelajaran daring, perbedaan disiplin belajar saat pembelajaran daring dan tatap muka, dan upaya yang dilakukan guru dalam menerapkan disiplin belajar saat pembelajaran daring. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara dan pencatatan. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pedoman wawancara, google form, dan alat rekam berupa telepon seluler. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini yaitu enam guru SD. Hasil penelitian secara garis besar menunjukan bahwa: 1) Terdapat beberapa siswa SD baik yang berasal dari sekolah di desa maupun di kota yang kurang disiplin baik dalam hal disiplin waktu dan disiplin perbuatan; 2) Terdapat penurunan disiplin siswa, sehingga siswa kurang disiplin pada saat pembelajaran daring yang disebabkan oleh faktot internal dan faktor eksternal; dan 3) Upaya dalam menanamkan disiplin belajar siswa saat pembelajaran daring dianggap lebih sulit, karena guru memiliki keterbatasan dalam berinteraksi secara langsung dengan siswa. Maka dari itu diperlukan kerja sama yang baik antara guru, siswa, dan orang tua. The pandemic has caused learning activities to be carried out online in their respective homes. This sudden change certainly has an impact in various ways, one of which is student learning discipline. This research aims to find out the condition of elementary school students' learning discipline during online learning, the differences in learning discipline during online and face-to-face learning, and the efforts made by teachers in implementing learning discipline during online learning. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study design. Data collection used interview and note-taking methods. The research instruments used were interview guidelines, google forms, and recording devices in the form of cellular phones. The participants in this study were six elementary school teachers. The results of the study broadly show that: 1) There are some elementary school students from both rural and urban schools who lack discipline both in terms of time discipline and discipline of action; 2) There is a decrease in student discipline, so that students lack discipline during online learning caused by internal factors and external factors; and 3) Efforts to instill student learning discipline during online learning are considered more difficult, because teachers have limitations in interacting directly with students. Therefore, good cooperation between teachers, students, and parents is needed


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    This study aims to determine the implications of interprofessional collaboration for nursing health care ased on a holistic care perspective. The research design uses a systematic review through online databases including ProQuest, Science Direct, and Pubmed. The process of selecting articles uses the PRISMA method. The number of articles obtained was 249, then there were 31 selected articles used in this review. The results of the study indicate that well-achieved interpersonal collaboration will have a positive impact on nursing services, especially the outcomes that are perceived by patients holistically

    Pengalaman Perawat dalam Melaksanakan Model Penugasan Tim pada Masa Covid - 19 di Rumah Sakit

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    This study aims to explore in depth the experiences of nurses in carrying out the team assignment model during the COVID-19 period at the hospital. The data collection method used qualitative research by conducting in-depth interviews with nurses at the hospital. The results of this study indicate that there are 4 themes obtained, namely as follows: 1) implementation of the team assignment model during the COVID-19 period, 2) psychological responses during implementing the team assignment model during the COVID-19 period, 3) obstacles to implementing the team assignment model during the COVID-19 period. COVID-19, 4) hope after implementing the team assignment model during the COVID-19 period. In conclusion, there were 4 themes that participants perceived related to the experience of nurses in carrying out the team assignment model during the COVID-19 period at the hospital.   Keywords: COVID-19, Team Assignment Model, Nurse


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    The aim of the final report entitled“the planning of education and training of Computter Faculty of SriwijayaUniversity Palembang” is to make the detail designed. The structure of the Building will to built at sriwijaya university, Bukit Besar Palembang.Overall, the planning of the building construction use Reinforced Concrete Structure. The basic planning of the building follows the SNI which are SNI 1726:2012 “Concepts Of Earthquake Resistant Design of The Building and Non Building”, SNI 2847:2013 “The Requirement of Concrete Structure for The Building”, and SNI 1727:2013 “The Building Design and The Other Structures”. The quality of the Concrete that is usedin this planning is 30 Mpa and steel quality Fy 240 Mpa. The first step of the calculation begins with the calculation of the loading which works in the building constructions, next step is planning the thickness and reinforcement roof plates and floor plates , after that plan the dimensions and reinforcement for Joist and Beamand followed by planning column,sloof,foundation and poer plat. In looking for the styles that work on the dependent joist, beam, portal, column, and sloof that use SAP 2000’s program. Based on calculations the writer conclude that the planning of the construction is stable and safe

    The Influence of Ecoprint Batik Iron Blanket Technique on Increasing Early Childhood Creativity

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    Early creativity is important to stimulate because it contributes to various aspects of development, including cognitive skills, adaptability, self-expression, social skills, motor skills and children's imagination. The study in the research intends to review the effectiveness of the iron blanket technique in the application of ecoprinting using natural materials as media on the creativity of children aged 5-6 years. The posttest only nonequivalent control group design was used in this type of quantitative research with data collection techniques in the form of tests and observations. The sample amounted to 28 early childhood students. Descriptive statistical analysis and inferential analysis are the data analysis techniques chosen. The conclusion of this study based on the data shows that ecoprint with iron blanket technique can improve children's creativity, but the ecopounding or steam technique is more effective, this result is supported by the data T


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    Adanya pandemi menyebabkan perubahan pembelajaran yang biasanya dilaksanakan secara tatap muka langsung antara guru dengan siswa di sekolah menjadi pembelajaran secara daring dari rumah masing-masing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi mengenai disiplin belajar siswa Sekolah Dasar (SD) selama pembelajaran daring, baik yang berada di desa dan di kota dalam perpektif guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara dan pencatatan. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pedoman wawancara, google form, dan alat rekam berupa telepon seluler. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini yaitu tiga guru yang mengajar di desa dan tiga guru SD yang mengajar di kota. Hasil pengumpulan data kemudian dianalisis dan menghasilkan lima tema yaitu, (1) Disiplin Waktu dan Perbuatan (2) Aktivitas Belajar Siswa, (3) Perbedaan Disiplin Belajar, (4) Upaya dan Kerja Sama Guru, (5) Efisiensi Penanaman Disiplin Belajar. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dalam perfektif guru, sikap disiplin belajar siswa saat pembelajaran daring berubah dalam berbagai aspek meskipun tidak secara signifikan, hanya berdampak pada sebagian kecil siswa di kelas. Namun, secara keseluruhan guru menilai bahwa kondisi disiplin belajar saat pembelajaran daring cenderung kurang, lebih baik ketika pembelajaran tatap muka langsung di sekolah. Hal ini terjadi baik pada SD yang berada di desa maupun di kota

    The Effect of Animated Video in Stimulating Sexual Understanding of 5-6 Years Old Children in Gowa Regency

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    understanding of children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten in Gowa Regency. This study used purposive sampling method with a sample of 60 children. 30 children from Nurul Fadhilah Kindergarten as the experimental group and 30 children from Pertiwi Tamarunang Kindergarten as the control group. The data analysis method in this research is prerequisite test and independent sample t-test. From the results of the t-test based on the assumption of equal variance, there is a difference in the level of sexual understanding of 5 to 6 year olds in the experimental group that is treated and the control group and not treated. The research hypothesis states that there is an effect of animated videos in stimulating the sexual understanding of children aged 6 to 6 years in kindergarten in Gowa Regency which can be proven from the results of the independent sample t-test. If there is a difference in the average sexual understanding of children in Nurul Fadhilah Kindergarten and Pertiwi Tamarunang Kindergarten, then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted

    Gaya Kepemimpinan Yang Efekti Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Perawat Untuk Keselamatan Pasien

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    Background : Patient safety is the patient's right, the patient has the right to remain safe while in hospital. Patient safety is a priority for healthcare worldwide. One of the factors to improve patient safety is leadership. The purpose: of this study is to provide an overview of effective leadership styles to improve patient safety. Leadership style is one of the external factors that influence the performance of nurses in ensuring patient safety. Transformational leadership has effectiveness in improving nurse performance so that it can have a positive impact on the development of the quality of health services in hospitals.. Methods: This study was descriptive using a convenience sample of 30 respondents with a total sampling technique. Results : a literature study on effective leadership styles to improve patient safety. Research shows this effective leadership style to improve patient safety is the transformational leadership style.