82 research outputs found

    Вимоги до матеріалів, що приймаються до друку в збірнику наукових праць «Сучасна українська політика. Політики і політологи про неї»

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    Whereas bulk zinc oxide (ZnO) exhibits the wurtzite crystal structure, nanoscale ZnO was recently synthesized in the rock salt structure by addition of Mg. Using first-principles methods, we investigated two stabilization routes for accessing rock salt ZnO. The first route is stabilization by Mg addition, which was investigated by considering ZnO-MgO mixed phases. The second route is through size effects, as surface energies become dominant for small nanocrystal sizes. We discovered that the surface energy of rock salt ZnO is surprisingly low at 0.63 J m-2, which is lower than those of wurtzite and zinc blende ZnO and lower than that of rock salt MgO. We predict that pure rock salt ZnO is stable for nanocrystals smaller than 1.6 nm, and that Mg additions can greatly extend the size range in which the rock salt phase is stable. Both mixed-phase and core-shell models were considered in the calculations. The present approach could be applied to predict the stabilization of many other nanocrystal phases in deviating crystal structures

    Stoichiometry controlled oxide thin film growth by pulsed laser deposition

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    The oxidation of species in the plasma plume during pulsed laser deposition controls both the stoichiometry as well as the growth kinetics of the deposited SrTiO3 thin films, instead of the commonly assumed mass distribution in the plasma plume and the kinetic energy of the arriving species. It was observed by X-ray diffraction that SrTiO3 stoichiometry depends on the composition of the background gas during deposition, where in a relative small pressure range between 10−2 mbars and 10−1 mbars oxygen partial pressure, the resulting film becomes fully stoichiometric. Furthermore, upon increasing the oxygen (partial) pressure, the growth mode changes from 3D island growth to a 2D layer-by-layer growth mode as observed by reflection high energy electron diffraction

    A no-go for no-go theorems prohibiting cosmic acceleration in extra dimensional models

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    A four-dimensional effective theory that arises as the low-energy limit of some extra-dimensional model is constrained by the higher dimensional Einstein equations. Steinhardt & Wesley use this to show that accelerated expansion in our four large dimensions can only be transient in a large class of Kaluza-Klein models that satisfy the (higher dimensional) null energy condition [1]. We point out that these no-go theorems are based on a rather ad-hoc assumption on the metric, without which no strong statements can be made.Comment: 20 page

    First trimester secreted Frizzled-Related Protein 4 and other adipokine serum concentrations in women developing gestational diabetes mellitus

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate whether soluble frizzled-related protein 4 (sFRP4) concentration in the first trimester of pregnancy is individually, or in combination with Leptin, Chemerin and/or Adiponectin, associated with the development of gestational diabetes (GDM). METHODS: In a nested case-control study, 50 women with GDM who spontaneously conceived and delivered a live-born infant were matched with a total of 100 uncomplicated singleton control pregnancies based on body mass index (± 2 kg/m2), gestational age at sampling (exact day) and maternal age (± 2 years). In serum samples, obtained between 70-90 days gestational age, sFRP4, Chemerin, Leptin and Adiponectin concentrations were determined by ELISA. Statistical comparisons were performed using univariate and multi-variate logistic regression analysis after logarithmic transformation of the concentrations. Discrimination of the models was assessed by the area under the curve (AUC). RESULTS: First trimester sFRP4 concentrations were significantly increased in GDM cases (2.04 vs 1.93 ng/ml; p<0.05), just as Chemerin (3.19 vs 3.15 ng/ml; p<0.05) and Leptin (1.44 vs 1.32 ng/ml; p<0.01). Adiponectin concentrations were significantly decreased (2.83 vs 2.94 ng/ml; p<0.01) in GDM cases. Further analysis only showed a weak, though significant, correlation of sFRP4 with Chemerin (R2 = 0.124; p<0.001) and Leptin (R2 = 0.145; p<0.001), and Chemerin with Leptin (R2 = 0.282; p<0.001) in the control group. In a multivariate logistic regression model of these four markers, only Adiponectin showed to be significantly associated with GDM (odds ratio 0.12, 95%CI 0.02-0.68). The AUC of this model was 0.699 (95%CI 0.605-0.793). CONCLUSION: In the first trimester of pregnancy, a multi-marker model with sFRP4, Leptin, Chemerin and Adiponectin is associated with the development of GDM. Therefore, this panel seems to be an interesting candidate to further evaluate for prediction of GDM in a prospective study

    De kwaliteit van halfjaarrekeningen na implementatie Transparantierichtlijn

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    Als gevolg van de in 2009 ingevoerde Transparantierichtlijn dienen beursgenoteerde Nederlandse ondernemingen een halfjaarrekening conform IAS 34 op te stellen. De Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM) houdt toezicht op de naleving van de voorschriften aangaande de halfjaarlijkse financiële verslaggeving. In dat kader heeft de AFM een onderzoek uitgevoerd naar de kwaliteit van de Nederlandse halfjaarrekeningen. Wij hebben een onderzoek gedaan onder Europese ondernemingen op dezelfde punten als de AFM heeft onderzocht en waarover zij heeft gepubliceerd. Aan de hand van deze onderzoeken vergelijken wij de kwaliteit van de halfjaarrekeningen in binnen- en buitenland. Uit het onderzoek blijkt dat de compliance van de onderzochte buitenlandse halfjaarrekeningen in het algemeen beter is. Daarbij is opvallend dat de betrokkenheid van de accountant bij de halfjaarrekening in het buitenland veel groter is