7 research outputs found

    Method of Score Equality and Sample Size

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    This study is aimed to obtain information of different score variance result of equating linear method and equipercentile method for sample size 200, 400, and 800 in Ujian Akhir Sekolah Berstandar Nasional (UASBN). The research is important in considering the test device of UASBN shaped packages of different tests. Scores obtained from different packages can not be directly inferred the existence of differences in ability between them, because the difficulty level of the package used influencing these differrences. To overcome the differences are doing through equating. The method used is an experiment of two variables, equating method and the number of respondents. The experiments are not conducted during the learning process, but conducted after the score and the pattern of the answers obtained through UASBN. The population examinee UASBN SD/MI 2008/2009 for IPA subject matter at East Jakarta. Sampling uses random replacement technique. The hypothesis is tested using similarity variance. The results with α = 0,05 shows: (1) score variance equipercentile method (σ2ekp200) is not different to score variance linear method (σ2lin200) for the sample size 200, (2) score variance equipercentile method (σ2ekp400) is not different to score variance equating linear method (σ2lin400) for the sample size 400, and (3) score variance equipercentile method (σ2ekp800) is not different to score variance equating linear method (σ2lin800) for the sample size 800

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Operasional Amplifier LM 741 Berbasis Inkuiri untuk Melatihkan Keterampilan Berpikir Siswa Kelas XI Teknik Audio Video SMKN 2 Penajam Paser Utara

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    2013 curiculum has general learning aim which consist of affective, cognitive, and skills aspect. Thinking skill is part of the main competence which much be learnt in 2013 curiculum. This research develops the learning material in the inquiry based operational amplifier LM 741 discussion to train students\u27 thinking skills. This research aims to measure the validity, effectiveness and practicality of the of the developed learning material. The steps of instructional development of learning material using 4D model by Thiagarajan. Four steps which have been conducted are introduction, design, validation, empiric test and revision The data collecting technique used are observation, interviews, validation, test and non-test. The descriptive analysis is used to analyzed data. The research is conducted at eleventh grade Audio Video Engineering Program at SMKN 2 Penajam Paser Utara. There are 26 students become the research population. The result of the first research shows the validity of learning material get the average of 3.33 among the scale 0-4 and the reliability coefficient of 0.85. The second research result shows that effectivity of the learning set consist of spiritual affective competence achievement which is 3.42; social affective competence is 3.34; cognitive competence is 3.34; thinking skill competence is 3.39 and get criteria of very good, the working skills competence is 3.49; and students\u27 response who like the learning set is 90,38%. The practicallity of the learning material gets the score for 3.86 from the learning implementation. The data analysis shows that (1) learning material get a very good validity, (2) the learning material is very effective in the use based on the competence achievement and students\u27 positive response, and (3) the learning material is very practical based on the observation of the learning implementation. Keywords: Learning Material, Inquiry, Thinking Skills, Operational Amplifier, Validity, Effectivity, and Practicallity

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Model Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw Berbasis Kurikulum 2013 pada Mata Pelajaran Sistem Pendinginan Bahan Bakar dan Pelumas di SMKN 3 Sendawar

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    This research aims to find the learning set by using Jigsaw type as cooperative model bised on the 2013curriculum of the syllabus, lesson plan, students' worksheet, scoring sheet, learning media, studens' book, and the questions in the pretest and post test, to improve the student's study achievement at SMKN 3 Sendawar. The learning set is developed through Research and development by using 4-D model that define, design, develop, and tried it out in the classroom by using 0ne-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The result of the research shows that the validity of the syllabus, lesson plan, students' worksheet, scoring sheet, learning media, students' book, and the questions in the pretest post test get the index score V from Aiken ≥ 0,70 in the category of valid an faesible to be used in the research. The implementation of the Jigsaw type as the cooperative learning set is good enough, and the everage reliability of the instrument is 98,33%. The students' activity in the maeeting 1,2, and 3 get the average score of 3.67 in the category of very active. The students' response for the learning process is in the range of 71-73 and the number of the absolute frequency of 33,3% of the students do agree with the learning model. The improvement of the average students' study result in their cognitive is 0.72 (high gain). Overall, 93.3% of the students pass the learning process. Based on the data analysis, it can be councluded that Jigsaw type as learning medel which based on the 2013 curriculum by using scientific approach can improve the student' study resul at SMKN 3 Sendawar. Keywords : Jigsaw types as cooperative learning,2013 Curriculum, Learning set

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Menggunakan Media Trainer Sistem Penerangan Otomotif pada Program Keahlian Teknik Kendaraan Ringan dengan Menerapkan Model Pengajaran Langsung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran menggunakan media trainer sistem penerangan otomotif berorientasi model pembelajaran langsung pada siswa kelas XI Teknik Kendaran Ringan Otomotif di SMK Negeri 2 Kota Tarakan Kalimantan Timur. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua tahap, yaitu tahap pengembangan yang bertujuan mengembangkan perangkat mengikuti rancangan 4-D model dari Thiagarajan, et. al S., Semmel. D.S., & Semmel. M. I. (1974) dan dilanjutkan dengan tahap pelaksanaan pembelajaran di kelas menggunakan rancangan pretest-posttest design serta analisis data secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perangkat dan instrumen pembelajaran yang dikembangkan memiliki rata-rata skor validasi berkategori baik, dengan rincian rata-rata skor RPP 3,9; Modul siswa sebesar 3,9; lembar kerja siswa sebesar 3,7; lembar penilaian produk sebesar 3,8; lembar penilaian kinerja sebesar 3,9; media trainer sistem penerangan otomotif sebesar 4. Keterlaksanaan RPP secara keseluruhan berkategori baik, pada pertemuan 1 dengan skor 99,15%, pertemuan 2 dengan skor 99,15%, dan pertemuan 3 dengan skor 100%. Pengamatan aktivitas siswa berkategori baik dengan skor 87,86%, respon siswa berkategori baik dengan skor 100%, dan respon negatif sebesar 0% ; Perolehan nilai kinerja siswa pada pertemuan 1 penilaian proses 3 komponen dengan skor 95%, penilaian psikomotor 2 komponen 98%, dan penilaian afektif 9 komponen dengan skor 97,5%, pada pertemuan 2 penilaian proses 3 komponen dengan skor 95%, penilaian psikomotor 2 komponen 85%, dan penilaian afektif 9 komponen dengan skor 89,5%, dan pertemuan 3 penilaian proses 3 komponen dengan skor 98%, penilaian psikomotor 2 komponen 98%, dan penilaian afektif 9 komponen dengan skor 99,5%, kemampuan kognitif sebesar 99,1%. Saran dalam penelitian ini tentang pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran dengan penerapan model pembelajaran langsung pada sistem penerangan otomotif, masih memerlukan penyesuaian dengan situasi dan kondisi di sekolah. Kata

    Karakteristik dari Proses Kependidikan yang Bermakna Bagi Revitalisasi Pendidikan Moral dalam Menghadapi Tantangan Zaman

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    Perbuatan korupsi yang dilakukan seseorang ataupun sekelompok orang menunjukkan rendahnya moral bahkan hilangnya moral individu dan moral bangsa. Ironisnya, korupsi itu terjadi di sekolah, sebagai pusat pembudayaan nilai-nilai moral anak bangsa. Rendahnya moral individu dan bangsa menunjukkan gagalnya pendidikan moral di sekolah. Bangsa yang korup dan moral masyarakatnya rendah akan sulit dalam menghadapi tantangan zaman, yaitu tantangan-tantangan yang lahir dari persoalan­ persoalan yang dihadapi suatu masyarakat atau suatu bangsa dalam kurun waktu tertentu. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan proses kependidikan yang bermakna bagi revitalisasi pendidikan moral dalam menghadapi tantangan zaman

    Implementation of Trainer Kits in Project-Based Learning to Improve Critical Thinking, Motivation, and Competency of Electrical Engineering Students

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    Inovasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek di abad 21 terus dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar. Penggunaan Trainer kit menghadirkan beberapa tantangan dalam mencapai tujuan pembelajaran, baik dari segi desain, perencanaan, maupun implementasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengimplementasikan trainer kit Otomasi Instalasi Listrik dalam pembelajaran berbasis proyek untuk meningkatkan motivasi, berpikir kritis, dan kompetensi siswa. Metode penelitian menggunakan research and development (R and D) dengan 4 model (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes teori dan tes kinerja (ukuran tipe kinerja maksimum, MMP) dan kuesioner (ukuran tipe kinerja tipikal, MTP). Uji coba penelitian ini menggunakan 120 responden mahasiswa teknik elektro tingkat akhir dari tiga universitas di Surabaya, Indonesia. Hasil uji analisis statistik Wilcoxon menggunakan SPSS-23 diperoleh Asymp. Tanda tangan (2-tailed) bernilai 0,000, artinya terdapat peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran keterampilan berpikir kritis, motivasi, dan kompetensi mahasiswa Teknik Elektro dengan menerapkan trainer kit dalam pembelajaran berbasis proyek