460 research outputs found

    Levollinen yleisesitys antiikin kirjallisuudesta

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    Maarit Kaimio, Teivas Oksala, H. K. Riikonen: Antiikin kirjallisuus ja sen perintö. Yliopistopaino, Helsinki 1998

    Antiikin kirjallisuuden historia kÀsikirjana

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    Kirja-arvostelu: Sari Kivistö, H. K. Riikonen, Erja Salmenkivi, Raija Sarasti-Wilenius: Kirjallisuus antiikin maailmassa. Teos 2007

    Computational Thinking Education in K–12

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    A guide to computational thinking education, with a focus on artificial intelligence literacy and the integration of computing and physical objects. Computing has become an essential part of today's primary and secondary school curricula. In recent years, K–12 computer education has shifted from computer science itself to the broader perspective of computational thinking (CT), which is less about technology than a way of thinking and solving problems—“a fundamental skill for everyone, not just computer scientists,” in the words of Jeanette Wing, author of a foundational article on CT. This volume introduces a variety of approaches to CT in K–12 education, offering a wide range of international perspectives that focus on artificial intelligence (AI) literacy and the integration of computing and physical objects. The book first offers an overview of CT and its importance in K–12 education, covering such topics as the rationale for teaching CT; programming as a general problem-solving skill; and the “phenomenon-based learning” approach. It then addresses the educational implications of the explosion in AI research, discussing, among other things, the importance of teaching children to be conscientious designers and consumers of AI. Finally, the book examines the increasing influence of physical devices in CT education, considering the learning opportunities offered by robotics. Contributors Harold Abelson, Cynthia Breazeal, Karen Brennan, Michael E. Caspersen, Christian Dindler, Daniella DiPaola, Nardie Fanchamps, Christina Gardner-McCune, Mark Guzdial, Kai Hakkarainen, Fredrik Heintz, Paul Hennissen, H. Ulrich Hoppe, Ole Sejer Iversen, Siu-Cheung Kong, Wai-Ying Kwok, Sven Manske, JesĂșs Moreno-LeĂłn, Blakeley H. Payne, Sini Riikonen, Gregorio Robles, Marcos RomĂĄn-GonzĂĄlez, Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, Ju-Ling Shih, Pasi Silander, Lou Slangen, Rachel Charlotte Smith, Marcus Specht, Florence R. Sullivan, David S. Touretzk

    EnsimmÀinen historiikki Uusfilologisen Yhdistyksen toiminnasta

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    Kirja-arvio:H. K. Riikonen: Im Dienste von Sprache und Literatur. La SociĂ©tĂ© NĂ©ophilologique – Der Neuphilologische Verein – The Modern Language Society of Helsinki 1887–2012. Toim. Juhani HĂ€rmĂ€, Jarmo Korhonen & Terttu Nevalainen. MĂ©moires de la SociĂ©tĂ© NĂ©ophilologique de Helsinki. Tome LXXXVIII. Helsinki: SociĂ©tĂ© NĂ©ophilologique 2013. 236 s. isbn 978-951-9040-41-7


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    H. K. Riikonen VirsiĂ€ ja niiden uudistushistoriaa Liisa Enwald ja Tuula HökkĂ€ (toim.): Virren virtaa. Veisattu runo ennen ja nyt Merja LeppĂ€lahti Yksitoista tarinaa hĂ€peĂ€stĂ€ Siru Kainulainen ja Viola Parente-ČapkovĂĄ (toim.): HĂ€peĂ€ vĂ€hĂ€n. KriittisiĂ€ tutkimuksia hĂ€peĂ€stĂ€ Eva Maria Korsisaari ”Lukijoiden yhteisö! Ei ole lukijoiden yhteisöjĂ€.” Kuisma Korhonen: Lukijoiden yhteisö. YstĂ€vyydestĂ€, kansanmurhista, itkevistĂ€ kivist


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    Kai Mikkonen Johdatus vĂ€hĂ€n kaikkeen Aino MĂ€kikalli & Liisa Steinby (toim.): Johdatus kirjallisuusanalyysiin. Topi Lappalainen Suomalais-puolalainen kohtaaminen Katarzyna Szal: Finnish Literature in Poland, Polish Literature in Finland: Comparative Reception Study from a Hermeneutic Perspective. Juhani Niemi Kaksi elĂ€mĂ€kertaa Paavolaisesta Panu Rajala: Tulisoihtu pimeÀÀn. Olavi Paavolaisen elĂ€mĂ€; H. K. Riikonen: Nukuin vasta aamuyöstĂ€. Olavi Paavolainen 1903–1964. Outi Oja Yleisesitys monikulttuurisesta lasten- ja nuortenkirjallisuuden tutkimuksesta Anna Rastas (toim.): Kaikille lapsille. Lastenkirjallisuus liikkuvassa, monikulttuurisessa maailmassa. PĂ€ivi Kosonen TiheĂ€tĂ€ tekstiĂ€ dialogisuudesta Aino Koivisto & Elise NykĂ€nen (toim.): Dialogi kaunokirjallisuudessa

    Speaker Park: An intersection of loudspeaker design and post-acousmatic composition

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    Speaker Park was an internationally curated project which brought together a custom installation of 24 hand built, sculptural loudspeakers made by Roar Sletteland and Jon Pigott, with two composers, Antti Sakari Saario and Mari Kvien Brunvoll, who took up residencies working with the system. The project was conceived as a critique of standardised commercial high-end loudspeaker systems of the type typically used for the electronic production and reproduction of sound. Setting up a conversation between composer and speaker designer / maker the project served as an investigation into unusual resonant and diverse approaches to loudspeaker design and how they affect the compositional and production processes. The project was premiered at Borealis international festival of Sound Art and Experimental Music which took place between 6th – 10th March 2019 in Bergen, Norway. This paper is a first-hand reflection and exposition of Speaker Park by composer Antti Saario and speaker designer / maker Jon Pigott. It will detail the individual approach of each author in developing their part of the project (composition and speaker design) as well as the collaborative insights from the overall process. Pigott will describe the inspiration for his speaker designs as emerging from an investigation into the physical and formal characteristics of resonant objects such as organ pipes, sound systems and architectural environments where spaces, enclosures, ports and materials all serve to develop unique resonant behaviours. The use of coneless moving coil exciters to maximise the physical and material elements of the sculptural loudspeakers will also be explained. The historical and cultural context for the custom and sculptural loudspeaker will be presented with examples including David Tudor’s Rainforest (1968), Francois Bayle’s Acousmonium (1974) and The Ondes Martenot among others. Saario will discuss the commission and production of the fixed media composition A†BSB†R (‘Above the Blackened Skies. Beneath the Remains.’) (2019) for the Speaker Park project and the associated conceptual framework (‘network’). Here, concepts are read as ‘active’ forces of creativity (Colebrook, 2002) and the discussion will map a Deleuzian enterprise; an emergent set of connections pertaining to the production and the sonic-affective intent of the Speaker Park-A†BSB†R assemblage. Key concepts are affect hit (Massumi, 2015), spectromorphology (Smalley, 1997), composition as collaboration (Harrison, 1996) and ecosophy (Guattari, 1989). The work is nomadic (Deleuze & Guattari, 1988) in relation to the ‘state’ apparatus of mainstream loudspeaker design, spatial configurations and formats and its approach to spatial strategies afforded by Speaker Park’s ‘anti-configuration’ and spectral constraints (Magnusson, 2006). These various themes will underpin discussion around predictability within technological design and how this serves to support the model of the technological ‘black box’. It will also explore notions of a hierarchical chain of technological concerns extending from endlessly soft and malleable digital tools through to hard material technologies

    MerkittÀvÀ teos Turun akatemian latinasta

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    Reijo PitkĂ€ranta: Lexicon neolatinum dissertationum Academiae AboĂ«nsis (1642–1828) / Uuslatinan sanasto Turun akatemian vĂ€itöskirjoissa (1642–1828). Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura 2018

    IsÀnmaan sumun aika

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    Minna Maijala: Kultakauden maanalainen vastarinta. Sorto­kauden taisto isÀnmaan ja sa­nanvapauden puolesta. Ota­va 2017
