19 research outputs found

    Therapy for CKD-associated muscle dysfunction

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    Background Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients experience skeletal muscle wasting and decreased exercise endurance. Our previous study demonstrated that indoxyl sulfate (IS), a uremic toxin, accelerates skeletal muscle atrophy. The purpose of this study was to examine the issue of whether IS causes mitochondria dysfunction and IS-targeted intervention using AST-120, which inhibits IS accumulation, or mitochondria-targeted intervention using L-carnitine or teneligliptin, a dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor which retains mitochondria function and alleviates skeletal muscle atrophy and muscle endurance in chronic kidney disease mice. Methods The in vitro effect of IS on mitochondrial status was evaluated using mouse myofibroblast cells (C2C12 cell). The mice were divided into sham or 5/6-nephrectomized (CKD) mice group. Chronic kidney disease mice were also randomly assigned to non-treatment group and AST-120, L-carnitine, or teneligliptin treatment groups. Results In C2C12 cells, IS induced mitochondrial dysfunction by decreasing the expression of PGC-1α and inducing autophagy in addition to decreasing mitochondrial membrane potential. Co-incubation with an anti-oxidant, ascorbic acid, L-carnitine, or teneligliptine restored the values to their original state. In CKD mice, the body and skeletal muscle weights were decreased compared with sham mice. Compared with sham mice, the expression of interleukin-6 and atrophy-related factors such as myostatin and atrogin-1 was increased in the skeletal muscle of CKD mice, whereas muscular Akt phosphorylation was decreased. In addition, a reduced exercise capacity was observed for the CKD mice, which was accompanied by a decreased expression of muscular PCG-1α and increased muscular autophagy, as reflected by decreased mitochondria-rich type I fibres. An AST-120 treatment significantly restored these changes including skeletal muscle weight observed in CKD mice to the sham levels accompanied by a reduction in IS levels. An L-carnitine or teneligliptin treatment also restored them to the sham levels without changing IS level. Conclusions Our results indicate that IS induces mitochondrial dysfunction in skeletal muscle cells and provides a potential therapeutic strategy such as IS-targeted and mitochondria-targeted interventions for treating CKD-induced muscle atrophy and decreased exercise endurance

    津波啓発サインのデザインプロセス ―西宮市における防災意識育成のために―

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    西宮市災害対策課との官学連携で,武庫川女子大学生活環境学科黒田研究室所属学生8名と有志の学生7名で取り組んだ「津波啓発サイン」のデザインプロセスを報告している。このサイ ンは,450mm角のキューブを5段に積んだ立体サインである。東日本大震災の津波被害を教訓とし,南海トラフ地震が起こった場合,それに伴う津波に備えて,市民の防災意識を喚起し高めていく(啓発する)ことを目的する。大学側は,完全なボラン ティアという立場で取り組んだ。2012年11月,ワークショップという形式で開始し,2013年2月,武庫川女子大学案を西宮市に提出した。しかしながら,それを受けて西宮市が作成した案に,サインとして,情報提供の観点から問題がみられた。そのため,年度を超えて大学側が 継続的に関わることになった。研究室では,問題がみられる理由として,立体であるにもかかわらず,立体としての検討が十分ではないことが原因ではないかと考えた。そこで,西宮市案の原寸模型を作製し,問題解決の方向を検討した。さらに,原寸模型で大学案を作成し,2013年9月に大学側の最終案を西宮市に提出した。ほぼ,最終案にそうデザインで,2014年3月,立体サインが設置された

    The brain Drain in Malaysia : Revisiting the Facts and Exploring the Process of Problematization

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    Small Molecule Inhibitors Targeting Nuclear Factor κB Activation Markedly Reduce Expression of Interleukin-2, but Not Interferon-γ, Induced by Phorbol Esters and Calcium Ionophores

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    The T-box transcription factor Eomesodermin (Eomes) promotes the expression of interferon-γ (IFN-γ). We recently reported that the small molecule inhibitors, TPCA-1 and IKK-16, which target nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) activation, moderately reduced Eomes-dependent IFN-γ expression in mouse lymphoma BW5147 cells stimulated with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and ionomycin (IM). In the present study, we investigated the direct effects of NF-κB on IFN-γ expression in mouse lymphoma EL4 cells and primary effector T cells. Eomes strongly promoted IFN-γ expression and the binding of RelA and NFATc2 to the IFN-γ promoter when EL4 cells were stimulated with PMA and IM. Neither TPCA-1 nor IKK-16 reduced IFN-γ expression; however, they markedly decreased interleukin (IL)-2 expression in Eomes-transfected EL4 cells. Moreover, TPCA-1 markedly inhibited the binding of RelA, but not that of Eomes or NFATc2 to the IFN-γ promoter. In effector CD4+ and CD8+ T cells activated with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies, IFN-γ expression induced by PMA and A23187 was not markedly decreased by TPCA-1 or IKK-16 under conditions where IL-2 expression was markedly reduced. Therefore, the present results revealed that NF-κB is dispensable for IFN-γ expression induced by PMA and calcium ionophores in EL4 cells expressing Eomes and primary effector T cells

    Structural Design of Oligopeptides for Intestinal Transport Model

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    Glycyl-sarcosine (Gly-Sar) is a well-known model substrate for the intestinal uptake of dipeptides through peptide transporter 1 (PepT1). However, there are no other model peptides larger than tripeptides to evaluate their intestinal transport ability. In this study, we designed new oligopeptides based on the Gly-Sar structure in terms of protease resistance. Gly-Sar-Sar was found to be an appropriate transport model for tripeptides because it does not degrade during the transport across the rat intestinal membrane, while Gly-Gly-Sar was degraded to Gly-Sar during the 60 min transport. Caco-2 cell transport experiments revealed that the designed oligopeptides based on Gly-Sar-Sar showed a significantly (<i>p</i> < 0.05) lower transport ability by factors of 1/10-, 1/25-, and 1/40-fold for Gly-Sar-Sar, Gly-Sar-Sar-Sar, and Gly-Sar-Sar-Sar-Sar, respectively, compared to Gly-Sar (apparent permeability coefficient: 38.6 ± 11.4 cm/s). Cell experiments also showed that the designed tripeptide and Gly-Sar were transported across Caco-2 cell via PepT1, whereas the tetra- and pentapeptides were transported through the paracellular tight-junction pathway


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    Establishment of Novel Reporter Cells Stably Maintaining Transcription Factor-driven Human Secreted Alkaline Phosphatase Expression

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    Background: Transcriptional regulation is a very important and pivotal function in myriad biological responses. Thus, methods to determine transcriptional activity are required in not only basic medical research but also in drug discovery. We established novel reporter constructs using human secreted embryonic alkaline phosphatase (SEAP) and Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen (EBNA) 1, which can maintain constructs synchronized to host cell replication. Methods: We established nuclear factor-kappa B (NFkB) or interferon regulatory factor (IRF) driven SEAP expression constructs and then, introduced them into culture cells. Results: The cells maintain reporter constructs for a long period in the culture and produce SEAP into culture supernatant in response to each specific ligand such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and inter-feron-beta. Measuring SEAP with chemiluminescence makes it possible to get high standard dynamic range applying to high-throughput screening in drug discovery in both 96 and 384 well format. We can also use it to determine transcriptional activity in the cells transfected with expression plasmid or treated with various toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands in a concentration-dependent manner and time-dependent manner. Finally, we demonstrated drug screening using a number of natural products library. Conclusion: We for the first time established the two novel reporter cells and validated their quality and accuracy enough to carry out drug screening