48 research outputs found

    From the global scale to the Mediterranean plate kinematics

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    Plate motions with respect to the mantle represent the most direct evidence to understand the origin of plate tectonic processes. The research here described has the aim to improve the knowledge on the global scale plate kinematics in “absolute” reference frames, or better, relative to the mantle, incorporating both geological–geophysical and space geodesy data. Geophysical and geological signatures of subduction and rift zones independently show a global polarity of current plate motions, suggesting a west-ward displacement of the whole lithosphere relative to the underlying mantle. We analytically modeled this tectonic pattern in a suitable selected hotspot framework, taking into account variable depths of the hotspot source, obtaining new plate angular velocities and their uncertainties, by least squares inversion. Then, we focused our attention on the Italian area estimating the velocity field from continuous GPS observations both relative to Eurasia, and relative to the mantle, applying the global model previously estimated. However, the presence of the Apennine subduction, having more or less the same extent of the investigated area, makes locally less reliable our global model. Consequently, we applied a simple kinematic model to estimate the rates and spatial pattern of the subduction along the Apennines. The variable rates inferred after our analysis, better reconcile if the subduction process is conceived as a passive rather than active feature. Then, the analysis came back again to the global scale and to the basic argument if plates are passively riding along on the top of a mantle convection cell, or whether the plates themselves are active drivers. On the other hand, if plate motion occurs as an ordered undulated west-directed flow, the net-rotation of the lithosphere emerges as a passive process active at global scale, and then, it can be driven only by external forces. Thus, the last part of this research has been dedicated to find the experimental evidences connecting the tectonic processes to the Earth's rotation and the tidal drag

    Morphological updating on the basis of integrated DTMs: study on the Albano and Nemi craters

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    The Colli Albani Volcano has recently developed particular interest in the geophysical community for some peculiar characteristics imputable to a recent residual volcanic activity, thus evidencing that it cannot be considered extinguished yet. On April 2006 an airborne laser scanning (ALS) survey of the Albano and Nemi craters has been carried out to obtain a high resolution digital terrain model (DTM) of the area. We have compared the accuracy of the ALS heights with those obtained by a fast GPS kinematic survey, obtaining maximum deviation within 50 cm. Then, we have integrated the ALS survey of the craters and the bathymetry of the Albano lake to achieve a complete DTM, useful for morphological studies. In addition, with a GNSS/RTK survey (July 2007) we have estimated the Albano and Nemi mean lake levels respectively at 288.16 m and 319.02 m (asl). Based on the integrated DTM and the newly estimated water level values, we have evaluated about 21.7 106 of m3 the water volume loss of the Albano lake from 1993 to 2007, with an average rate of about 1.6 106 m3/yr. © 2008, de Gruyter. All rights reserved

    Diurnal and semidiurnal cyclicity of Radon (222Rn) in groundwater, Giardino Spring, Central Apennines, Italy

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    Understanding natural variations of Rn (222Rn) concentrations is the fundamental prerequisite of using this radioactive gas as a tracer, or even precursor, of natural processes, including earthquakes. In this work, Rn concentrations in groundwater were continuously measured over a seven-month period, during 2017, in the Giardino Spring, Italy, together with groundwater levels in a nearby well installed into a fractured regional aquifer. Data were processed to reduce noise, and then analyzed to produce the Fourier spectra of Rn concentrations and groundwater levels. These spectra were compared with the spectrum of tidal forces. Results showed that diurnal and semidiurnal cycles of Rn concentrations, and filtered oscillations of groundwater levels, in the nearby well, are correlated with solar and luni-solar components of tidal forces, and suggested no correlation with the principal lunar components. Therefore, influencing factors linked to solar cycles, such as daily oscillations of temperature and atmospheric pressure, and related rock deformations, may have played a role in Rn concentrations and groundwater levels. An open question remains regarding the correlation, which is documented elsewhere, of Rn concentrations and groundwater levels with the lunar components of the solid Earth tides

    Tectonically asymmetric Earth: From net rotation to polarized westward drift of the lithosphere

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    AbstractThe possibility of a net rotation of the lithosphere with respect to the mantle is generally overlooked since it depends on the adopted mantle reference frames, which are arbitrary. We review the geological and geophysical signatures of plate boundaries, and show that they are markedly asymmetric worldwide. Then we compare available reference frames of plate motions relative to the mantle and discuss which is at best able to fit global tectonic data. Different assumptions about the depths of hotspot sources (below or within the asthenosphere, which decouples the lithosphere from the deep mantle) predict different rates of net rotation of the lithosphere relative to the mantle. The widely used no-net-rotation (NNR) reference frame, and low (1°/Ma) net rotation (shallow hotspots source), all plates, albeit at different velocity, move westerly along a curved trajectory, with a tectonic equator tilted about 30° relative to the geographic equator. This is consistent with the observed global tectonic asymmetries

    VADASE reliability and accuracy of real-time displacement estimation: Application to the Central Italy 2016 earthquakes

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    The goal of this article is the illustration of the newfunctionalities of the VADASE (Variometric Approach for Displacements Analysis Stand-alone Engine) processing approach. VADASE was presented in previousworks as an approach able to estimate in real time the velocities and displacements in a global reference frame (ITRF), using high-rate (1 Hz or more) carrier phase observations and broadcast products (orbits, clocks) collected by a stand-alone GNSS receiver, achieving a displacements accuracy within 1-2 cm (usually better) over intervals up to a few minutes. It has been well known since the very first implementation and testing of VADASE that the estimated displacements might be impacted by two different effects: spurious spikes in the velocities due to outliers (consequently, displacements, obtained through velocities integration, are severely corrupted) and trends in the displacements time series, mainly due to broadcast orbit and clock errors. Two strategies are herein introduced, respectively based on Leave-One-Out cross-validation (VADASE-LOO) for a receiver autonomous outlier detection, and on a network augmentation strategy to filter common trends out (A-VADASE); they are combined (first, VADASE-LOO; second, A-VADASE) for a complete solution. Moreover, starting fromthis VADASE improved solution, an additional strategy is proposed to estimate in real time the overall coseismic displacement occurring at each GNSS receiver. New VADASE advances are successfully applied to the GPS data collected during the recent three strong earthquakes that occurred in Central Italy on 24 August and 26 and 30 October 2016, and the results are herein presented and discussed. The VADASE real-time estimated coseismic displacements are compared to the static ones derived from the daily solutions obtained within the standard post-processing procedure by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia

    Transient deformations in the Suez-Sinai area from GPS observations

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    We analyze data from four GPS campaigns carried out between 1997 and 2002 on a network of 11 sites in the Suez-Sinai, the area of collision between the African and the Arabian plates. This is the key area to understand how and in which way Sinai behaves like a sub-plate of the African plate and the role played between seismic and geodetic (long term) deformation release. Our analysis shows that, on average, the Suez-Sinai area motion (in terms of ITRF00 velocities) matches African plate motion (NNR-NUVEL-1A model). However, the baseline length variations show transient deformations in Sinai and across the Gulf of Suez, reaching up a maximum value of about 1.5 cm in five years. Since current geodynamical models do not predict significant tectonic deformation in this area, we worked under the hypothesis that a contribute may be due to post-seismic relaxation. Under this hypothesis, we compared the baselines length variations with the post-seismic relaxation field associated with five major local earthquakes occurred in the area, testing two different viscoelastic models. Our results show that the transient deformations are better modelled for viscosity values of 1018 Pa s in the lower crust and 1020 Pa s in the asthenosphere. However, since the modelled post-seismic effect results modest and a certain amount of the detected deformation is not accounted for, we think that an improved modelling should take into account the lateral heterogeneities of crust and upper mantle structures

    The tectonic puzzle of the Messina area (Southern Italy): Insights from new seismic reflection data

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    The Messina Strait, that separates peninsular Italy from Sicily, is one of the most seismically active areas of the Mediterranean. The structure and seismotectonic setting of the region are poorly understood, although the area is highly populated and important infrastructures are planned there. New seismic reflection data have identified a number of faults, as well as a crustal scale NE-trending anticline few km north of the strait. These features are interpreted as due to active right-lateral transpression along the north-eastern Sicilian offshore, coexisting with extensional and right-lateral transtensional tectonics in the southern Messina Strait. This complex tectonic network appears to be controlled by independent and overlapping tectonic settings, due to the presence of a diffuse transfer zone between the SE-ward retreating Calabria subduction zone relative to slab advance in the western Sicilian side

    On the geodynamics of the northern Adriatic plate

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    The northern Adriatic plate underwent Permian-Mesozoic rifting and was later shortened by three orogenic belts (i.e., Apennines, Alps and Dinarides) developed along three independent subduction zones. The inherited Mesozoic horst and graben grain determined structural undulations of the three thrust belts. Salients developed in grabens or more shaly basins, whereas recesses formed regularly around horsts. A new interpretation of seismic reflection profiles, subsidence rates from stratigraphic analysis, and GPS data prove that the three orogens surrounding the northern Adriatic plate are still active. The NE-ward migration of the Apennines subduction hinge determines the present-day faster subsidence rate in the western side of the northern Adriatic (> 1 mm/year). This is recorded also by the SW-ward dip of the foreland regional monocline, and the SW-ward increase of the depth of the Tyrrhenian sedimentary layer, as well as the increase in thickness of the Pliocene and Pleistocene sediments. These data indicate the dominant influence of the Apennines subduction, which controls the asymmetric subsidence in the northern Adriatic realm. The Dinarides front has been tilted by the Apennines subduction hinge, as shown by the eroded Dalmatian anticlines subsiding in the eastern Adriatic Sea. GPS data suggest that southward tilting of the western and central Southern Alps, whereas the eastern Southern Alps are uplifting. The obtained strain rates are on average within 20 nstrain/year. The horizontal shortening obtained from GPS velocities at the front of the three belts surrounding the northern Adriatic plate are about 2-3 mm/year (Northern Apennines), 1-2 mm/year (Southern Alps), and < 1 mm/year (Dinarides). The shortening directions tend to be perpendicular to the thrust belt fronts. The areas where the strain rate sharply decreases along a tectonic feature (e.g., the Ferrara salient, the Venetian foothills front) are proposed to be occupied by locked structures where stress is accumulating in the brittle layer and thus seismically prone. Finally, we speculate that, since the effects of three independent subduction zones coexist and overlap in the same area, plate boundaries are passive features

    Concurrent deformation processes in the Matese massif area (Central-Southern Apennines, Italy)

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    We investigated the interseismic GPS velocity field across the transition zone between Central and Southern Apennine comprising the Meta–Mainarde-Venafro and Alto Molise–Sannio-Matese mounts. The kinematic field obtained by combining GPS network solutions is based on data collected by the unpublished episodic campaigns carried out on Southern Apennine Geodetic network (SAGNet from 2000 to 2013), IGM95 network (Giuliani et al., 2009 from 1994 to 2007) and continuous GPS stations. The data collected after the 29 December 2013 earthquake (Mw 5.0) until early 2014 allowed estimating displacements at 15 SAGNet stations. The extension rate computed across the Matese massif along an anti-Apennine profile is 2.0±0.2 mm/yr. The interseismic velocities projected along the profile show that the maximum extension does not follow the topographic high of the Apennines but is shifted toward the eastern outer belt. No significant GPS deformation corresponding to inner faults systems of the Matese massif is detected. Taking into account our results and other geophysical data, we propose a conceptual model, which identifies the 2013–2014 seismic sequence as not due to an extensional deformation style usual along the Apennine chain. In fact, we have measured too large “coseismic” displacements, that could be explained as the result of tectonic regional stress, CO2-rich fluid migration and elastic loading of water in the karst Matese massif. We recognized a tensile source as model of dislocation of 2013–2014 earthquakes. It represents a simplification of a main fault system and fracture zone affecting the Matese massif. The dislocation along NE-dipping North Matese Fault System (NMFS) could be the driving mechanism of the recent seismic sequences. Moreover, to the first time the SAGnet GPS data collected from 1994 to 2014, are share and available to the scientific community in the open access data archive.INGV and DPCS1-C1 - 2012-2021.Published2282342T. Deformazione crostale attivaJCR Journa