58 research outputs found

    Reflexions i comentaris al voltant de 2.000 CPRE*

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    Actualització farmacoterapèutica en geriatria

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    [cat] Una de les conseqüències directes de l’envelliment de la població és l’augment de la prevalença de malaltia, pluripatologia, cronicitat, fragilitat i dependència, la qual cosa implica consumir més medicaments i, per tant, un augment dels problemes relacionats amb aquest consum. En aquest article pretenem fer una revisió de les principals eines de què disposam per manejar la medicació en el pacient gran —com ara les guies de deprescripció publicades—, els criteris per a la detecció de medicació inapropiada en gent gran —com són els criteris STOPP-START, els criteris de Beers i els criteris STOPPPal—, i les eines informàtiques que hi ha per optimitzar el tractament.[spa] Una de las consecuencias directas del envejecimiento de la población es el aumento de la prevalencia de enfermedad, pluripatología, cronicidad, fragilidad y dependencia, y eso implica un mayor consumo de medicamentos y, por tanto, un aumento de los problemas relacionados con ellos. En este artículo se pretende hacer una revisión de las principales herramientas de que disponemos para manejar la medicación en el paciente mayor —como las guías de deprescripción publicadas—, los criterios para la detección de medicación inapropiada —como son los criterios STOPP-START, criterios de Beers y criterios STOPP-Pal—, y las herramientas informáticas existentes para la optimización del tratamiento

    Preclinical immunomodulation by the probiotic Bifidobacterium breve M-16V in early life

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    This study aimed to investigate the effect of supplementation with the probiotic Bifidobacterium breve M-16V on the maturation of the intestinal and circulating immune system during suckling. In order to achieve this purpose, neonatal Lewis rats were supplemented with the probiotic strain from the 6th to the 18th day of life. The animals were weighed during the study, and faecal samples were obtained and evaluated daily. On day 19, rats were euthanized and intestinal wash samples, mesenteric lymph node (MLN) cells, splenocytes and intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) were obtained. The probiotic supplementation in early life did not modify the growth curve and did not enhance the systemic immune maturation. However, it increased the proportion of cells bearing TLR4 in the MLN and IEL, and enhanced the percentage of the integrin αEβ7+ and CD62L+ cells in the MLN and that of the integrin αEβ7+ cells in the IEL, suggesting an enhancement of the homing process of naïve T lymphocytes to the MLN, and the retention of activated lymphocytes in the intraepithelial compartment. Interestingly, B. breve M-16V enhanced the intestinal IgA synthesis. In conclusion, supplementation with the probiotic strain B. breve M-16V during suckling improves the development of mucosal immunity in early lif

    Rotavirus double infection model to study preventive dietary interventions

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    Rotaviruses are the main cause of acute diarrhea among young children worldwide with an increased frequency of reinfection. Several life style factors, such as dietary components, may influence such processes by affecting the outcome of the first rotavirus infection and therefore having a beneficial impact on the anti-rotavirus immune responses during any subsequent reinfections. The aim of this research was to develop a double-infection model in rat that mimics real-life clinical scenarios and would be useful in testing whether nutritional compounds can modulate the rotavirus-associated disease and immune response. Three experimental designs and a preventive dietary-like intervention were conducted in order to achieve a differential response in the double-infected animals compared to the single-infected ones and to study the potential action of a modulatory agent in early life. Diarrhea was only observed after the first infection, with a reduction of fecal pH and fever. After the second infection an increase in body temperature was also found. The immune response against the second infection was regulated by the preventive effect of the dietary-like intervention during the first infection in terms of specific antibodies and DTH. A rotavirus-double-infection rat model has been developed and is suitable for use in future preventive dietary intervention studies. KEYWORDS: diarrhea; double-infection; model; rat; rotaviru

    Effect of cocoa's theobromine on intestinal microbiota of rats

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    SCOPE: To establish the role of cocoa theobromine on gut microbiota composition and fermentation products after cocoa consumption in rats. METHODS AND RESULTS: Lewis rats were fed either a standard diet (RF diet), a diet containing 10% cocoa (CC diet) or a diet including 0.25% theobromine (TB diet) for 15 days. Gut microbiota (fluorescence in situ hybridization coupled to flow cytometry and metagenomics analysis), SCFA and IgA-coated bacteria were analyzed in fecal samples. CC and TB diets induced lower counts of E. coli whereas TB diet led to lower counts of Bifidobacterium spp., Streptococcus spp. and Clostridium histolyticum-C. perfingens group compared to RF diet. Metagenomics analysis also revealed a different microbiota pattern among the studied groups. The SCFA content was higher after both CC and TB diets, which was mainly due to enhanced butyric acid production. Furthermore, both diets decreased the proportion of IgA-coated bacteria. CONCLUSION: Cocoa's theobromine plays a relevant role in some effects related to cocoa intake, such as the lower proportion of IgA-coated bacteria. Moreover, theobromine modifies gut microbiota although other cocoa compounds could also act on intestinal bacteria, attenuating or enhancing the theobromine effects

    Preventive effect of a synbiotic combination of galacto- and fructooligosaccharides mixture with Bifidobacterium breve M-16V in a model of multiple rotavirus infections

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    Rotavirus (RV) causes morbidity and mortality among infants worldwide, and there is evidence that probiotics and prebiotics can have a positive influence against infective processes such as that due to RV. The aim of this study was to evidence a preventive role of one prebiotic mixture (of short-chain galactooligosaccharide/long-chain fructooligosaccharide), the probiotic Bifidobacterium breve M-16V and the combination of the prebiotic and the probiotic, as a synbiotic, in a suckling rat double-RV infection model. Hyperimmune bovine colostrum was used as protection control. The first infection was induced with RV SA11 and the second one with EDIM. Clinical variables and immune response were evaluated after both infections. Dietary interventions ameliorated clinical symptoms after the first infection. The prebiotic and the synbiotic significantly reduced viral shedding after the first infection, but all the interventions showed higher viral load than in the RV group after the second infection. All interventions modulated ex vivo antibody and cytokine production, gut wash cytokine levels and small intestine gene expression after both infections. In conclusion, a daily supplement of the products tested in this preclinical model is highly effective in preventing RV-induced diarrhea but allowing the boost of the early immune response for a future immune response against reinfection, suggesting that these components may be potential agents for modulating RV infection in infants. Keywords: prebiotic, probiotic, synbiotic, rotavirus, FOS, GOS, Bifidobacterium brev

    Prevention of Rotavirus Diarrhea in Suckling Rats by a Specific Fermented Milk Concentrate with Prebiotic Mixture

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    Several microbial modulatory concepts, such as certain probiotics and prebiotics, confer protection against gastrointestinal infections, among which is acute diarrhea caused by the rotavirus (RV). Other microbiota modulators, such as postbiotics, produced during fermentation, might also have the potential to counteract RV infection. In light of this, a fermented milk, made by using Bifidobacterium breve C50 (BbC50) and Streptococcus thermophilus 065 (St065) with a prebiotic mixture¿short chain galactooligosaccharides/long chain fructooligosaccharides (scGOS/lcFOS 9:1)¿with potential to impact the intestinal microbiota composition was tested. An RV infected rat model was used to evaluate the amelioration of the infectious process and the improvement of the immune response induced by the fermented milk with prebiotic mixture. The dietary intervention caused a reduction in the clinical symptoms of diarrhea, such as severity and incidence. Furthermore, a modulation of the immune response was observed, which might enhance the reduction of the associated diarrhea. In addition, the fermented milk with prebiotic mixture was able to bind the virus and reduce its clearance. In conclusion, the postbiotic components in the fermented milk in combination with the prebiotics used here showed protective properties against RV infection
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