905 research outputs found

    Chained activation of the motor system during language understanding

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    Two experiments were carried out to investigate whether and how one important characteristic of the motor system, that is its goal-directed organization in motor chains, is reflected in language processing. This possibility stems from the embodied theory of language, according to which the linguistic system re-uses the structures of the motor system. The participants were presented with nouns of common tools preceded by a pair of verbs expressing grasping or observational motor chains (i.e., grasp-to-move, grasp-to-use, look-at-to-grasp, and look-at-to-stare). They decided whether the tool mentioned in the sentence was the same as that displayed in a picture presented shortly after. A primacy of the grasp-to-use motor chain over the other motor chains in priming the participants' performance was observed in both the experiments. More interestingly, we found that the motor information evoked by the noun was modulated by the specific motor-chain expressed by the preceding verbs. Specifically, with the grasping chain aimed at using the tool, the functional motor information prevailed over the volumetric information, and vice versa with the grasping chain aimed at moving the tool (Experiment 2). Instead, the functional and volumetric information were balanced for those motor chains that comprise at least an observational act (Experiment 1). Overall our results are in keeping with the embodied theory of language and suggest that understanding sentences expressing an action directed toward a tool drives a chained activation of the motor system

    Updating the orbital ephemeris of the dipping source XB 1254-690 and the distance to the source

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    XB 1254-690 is a dipping low mass X-ray binary system hosting a neutron star and showing type I X-ray bursts. We aim at obtaining more accurate orbital ephemeris and at constraining the orbital period derivative of the system for the first time. In addition, we want to better constrain the distance to the source in order to locate the system in a well defined evolutive scenario. We apply for the first time an orbital timing technique to XB 1254-690, using the arrival times of the dips present in the light curves that have been collected during 26 years of X-ray pointed observations performed from different space missions. We estimate the dip arrival times using a statistical method that weights the count-rate inside the dip with respect to the level of the persistent emission outside the dip. We fit the obtained delays as a function of the orbital cycles both with a linear and a quadratic function. We infer the orbital ephemeris of XB 1254-690 improving the accuracy of the orbital period with respect to previous estimates. We infer a mass of M2=0.42±0.04_{2}=0.42\pm 0.04 M⊙_{\odot} for the donor star, in agreement with the estimations already present in literature, assuming that the star is in thermal equilibrium while it transfers part of its mass via the inner Lagrangian point, and assuming a neutron star mass of 1.4 M⊙_{\odot}. Using these assumptions, we also constrain the distance to the source, finding a value of 7.6±0.8\pm 0.8 kpc. Finally, we discuss the evolution of the system suggesting that it is compatible with a conservative mass transfer driven by magnetic braking.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (RAA

    A possible solution of the puzzling variation of the orbital period of MXB 1659-298

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    MXB 1659-298 is a transient neutron star Low-Mass X-ray binary system that shows eclipses with a periodicity of 7.1 hr. The source went to outburst in August 2015 after 14 years of quiescence. We investigate the orbital properties of this source with a baseline of 40 years obtained combining the eight eclipse arrival times present in literature with 51 eclipse arrival times collected during the last two outbursts. A quadratic ephemeris does not fit the delays associated with the eclipse arrival times and the addition of a sinusoidal term with a period of 2.31±0.022.31 \pm 0.02 yr is required. We infer a binary orbital period of P=7.1161099(3)P=7.1161099(3) hr and an orbital period derivative of P˙=−8.5(1.2)×10−12\dot{P}=-8.5(1.2) \times 10^{-12} s s−1^{-1}. We show that the large orbital period derivative can be explained with a highly non conservative mass transfer scenario in which more than 98\% of the mass provided by the companion star leaves the binary system. We predict an orbital period derivative value of P˙=−6(3)×10−12\dot{P}=-6(3) \times 10^{-12} s s−1^{-1} and constrain the companion star mass between ∼\sim0.3 and 0.9±0.3 0.9 \pm 0.3 M⊙_{\odot}. Assuming that the companion star is in thermal equilibrium the periodic modulation can be due to either a gravitational quadrupole coupling due to variations of the oblateness of the companion star or with the presence of a third body of mass M3>21_3 >21 Jovian masses.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Accepted by MNRA

    Surgical management of retraction pockets: Does mastoidectomy have a role?

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    Introduction Retraction pocket is a condition in which the eardrum lies deeper within the middle ear. Its management has no consensus in literature. Objective To assess the role of mastoidectomy in the management of retraction pockets added to a tympanoplasty. Methods Prospective study of patients with retraction pocket and referred to surgery. The patients were randomly assigned to two groups: one managed with tympanoplasty and mastoidectomy and the other group with tympanoplasty only. The minimum follow-up considered was 12 months. The outcomes were: integrity of eardrum, recurrence, and hearing status. Results This study included 43 patients. In 24 cases retraction occurred in the posterior half of the eardrum, and in 19 patients there was clinical evidence of ossicular interruption. The two groups of treatment were composed by: 21 patients that underwent tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy and 22 patients had only tympanoplasty. One case of the first group had a recurrence. In 32 cases patients follow up was longer than 48 months. The average air-bone gap changed from 22.1 dB to 5 dB. The percentage of air-bone gap improvement was assessed at 60% in those patients treated with mastoidectomy, and 64.3% in those without it (p > 0.5). Conclusion Tympanoplasty and ossiculoplasty should be considered to treat atelectatic middle ear and ossicular chain interruption. Mastoidectomy as a way to increase air volume in the ear seems to be a paradox; it does not add favorable prognostic factor to management of retraction pockets

    Protein adsorption onto Fe3O4 nanoparticles with opposite surface charge and its impact on cell uptake

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    Nanoparticles (NPs) engineered for biomedical applications are meant to be in contact with protein-rich physiological fluids. These proteins are usually adsorbed onto the NP surface, forming a swaddling layer called protein corona that influences cell internalization. We present a study on protein adsorption onto different magnetic NPs (MNPs) when immersed in cell culture medium, and how these changes affect the cellular uptake. Two colloids with magnetite cores of 25 nm, same hydrodynamic size and opposite surface charge were in situ coated with (a) positive polyethyleneimine (PEI-MNPs) and (b) negative poly(acrylic acid) (PAA-MNPs). After few minutes of incubation in cell culture medium the wrapping of the MNPs by protein adsorption resulted in a 5-fold size increase. After 24 h of incubation large MNP-protein aggregates with hydrodynamic sizes 1500 to 3000 nm (PAA-MNPs and PEI-MNPs respectively) were observed. Each cluster contained an estimated number of magnetic cores between 450 and 1000, indicating the formation of large aggregates with a "plum pudding" structure of MNPs embedded into a protein network of negative surface charge irrespective of the MNP_core charge. We demonstrated that PEI-MNPs are incorporated in much larger amounts than the PAA-MNPs units. Quantitative analysis showed that SH-SY5Y cells can incorporate 100 per cent of the added PEI-MNPs up to about 100 pg per cell, whereas for PAA-MNPs the uptake was less than 50 percent. The final cellular distribution showed also notable differences regarding partial attachment to the cell membrane. These results highlight the need to characterize the final properties of MNPs after protein adsorption in biological media, and demonstrate the impact of these properties on the internalization mechanisms in neural cells.Comment: 32 pages, 10 figure

    A re-analysis of the NuSTAR and XMM-Newton broad-band spectrum of Ser~X-1

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    Context: Ser X-1 is a well studied LMXB which clearly shows a broad iron line. Recently, Miller et al. (2103) have presented broad-band, high quality NuSTAR data of SerX-1.Using relativistically smeared self-consistent reflection models, they find a value of R_in close to 1.0 R_ISCO (corresponding to 6 R_g), and a low inclination angle, less than 10 deg. Aims: The aim of this paper is to probe to what extent the choice of reflection and continuum models (and uncertainties therein) can affect the conclusions about the disk parameters inferred from the reflection component. To this aim we re-analyze all the available public NuSTAR and XMM-Newton. Ser X-1 is a well studied source, its spectrum has been observed by several instruments, and is therefore one of the best sources for this study. Methods: We use slightly different continuum and reflection models with respect to those adopted in literature for this source. In particular we fit the iron line and other reflection features with self-consistent reflection models as reflionx (with a power-law illuminating continuum modified with a high energy cutoff to mimic the shape of the incident Comptonization spectrum) and rfxconv. With these models we fit NuSTAR and XMM-Newton spectra yielding consistent spectral results. Results: Our results are in line with those already found by Miller et al. (2013) but less extreme. In particular, we find the inner disk radius at about 13 R_g and an inclination angle with respect to the line of sight of about 27 deg. We conclude that, while the choice of the reflection model has little impact on the disk parameters, as soon as a self-consistent model is used, the choice of the continuum model can be important in the precise determination of the disk parameters from the reflection component. Hence broad-band X-ray spectra are highly preferable to constrain the continuum and disk parameters.Comment: 13 pages including 8 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Design and Experimental Validation of a Software-Defined Radio Access Network Testbed with Slicing Support

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    Network slicing is a fundamental feature of 5G systems to partition a single network into a number of segregated logical networks, each optimized for a particular type of service, or dedicated to a particular customer or application. The realization of network slicing is particularly challenging in the Radio Access Network (RAN) part, where multiple slices can be multiplexed over the same radio channel and Radio Resource Management (RRM) functions shall be used to split the cell radio resources and achieve the expected behaviour per slice. In this context, this paper describes the key design and implementation aspects of a Software-Defined RAN (SD-RAN) experimental testbed with slicing support. The testbed has been designed consistently with the slicing capabilities and related management framework established by 3GPP in Release 15. The testbed is used to demonstrate the provisioning of RAN slices (e.g. preparation, commissioning and activation phases) and the operation of the implemented RRM functionality for slice-aware admission control and scheduling

    New orbital ephemerides for the dipping source 4U 1323-619: constraining the distance to the source

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    4U 1323-619 is a low mass X-ray binary system that shows type I X-ray bursts and dips. The most accurate estimation of the orbital period is 2.941923(36) hrs and a distance from the source that is lower than 11 kpc has been proposed. We aim to obtain the orbital ephemeris, the orbital period of the system, as well as its derivative to compare the observed luminosity with that predicted by the theory of secular evolution. We took the advantage of about 26 years of X-ray data and grouped the selected observations when close in time. We folded the light curves and used the timing technique, obtaining 12 dip arrival times. We fit the delays of the dip arrival times both with a linear and a quadratic function. We locate 4U 1323-619 within a circular area centred at RA (J2000)= 201.6543\degree and DEC (J2000)= -62.1358\degree with an associated error of 0.0002\degree, and confirm the detection of the IR counterpart already discussed in literature. We estimate an orbital period of P=2.9419156(6) hrs compatible with the estimations that are present in the literature, but with an accuracy ten times higher. We also obtain a constraint on the orbital period derivative for the first time, estimating P˙=(8±13)×10−12\dot{P}=(8\pm 13)\times 10^{-12} s/s. Assuming that the companion star is in thermal equilibrium in the lower main sequence, and is a neutron star of 1.4 M⊙_{\odot}, we infer a mass of 0.28±\pm0.03 M⊙_{\odot} for the companion star. Assuming a distance of 10 kpc, we obtained a luminosity of (4.3±\pm0.5)×1036\times 10^{36} erg s−1^{-1}, which is not in agreement with what is predicted by the theory of secular evolution. Using a 3D extinction map of the Ks_{s} radiation in our Galaxy, we obtain a distance of 4.2−0.7+0.8^{+0.8}_{-0.7} kpc at 68\% confidence level. (Abridged)Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The space of words: on the sensorimotor processing of variable affordances in noun-adjective combinations.

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    Evidence suggests that the processing of graspable object nouns elicits specific motor programs related to potential hand-object interactions. Notably, adjectives specifying manipulative features of these objects are integrated into this sensorimotor representation. The present experiment investigated the effect of adjectives denoting the position of the object in space on the sensorimotor representation of graspable object nouns. We used a reach-to-grasp compatibility task, in which participants had to categorize object nouns as artifact or natural, by performing either a power or precision grip matching or not the typical grip associated with the object. On each trial, the object noun was presented with a near or far adjective. While reliable grasp-compatibility effects emerged for object nouns on RTs, this was not modulated by the spatial position denoted by the adjective. Spatial adjectives appear not to be integrated into the noun sensorimotor representation, supporting the distinction between stable and variable affordances

    Evidence of a non-conservative mass transfer for XTE J0929-314

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    Context. In 1998 the first accreting millisecond pulsar, SAX J1808.4-3658, was discovered and to date 18 systems showing coherent, high frequency (> 100 Hz) pulsations in low mass X-ray binaries are known. Since their discovery, this class of sources has shown interesting and sometimes puzzling behaviours. In particular, apart from a few exceptions, they are all transient with very long X-ray quiescent periods implying a quite low averaged mass accretion rate onto the neutron star. Among these sources, XTE J0929-314 has been detected in outburst just once in about 15 years of continuous monitoring of the X-ray sky. Aims. We aim to demonstrate that a conservative mass transfer in this system will result in an X-ray luminosity that is higher than the observed, long-term averaged X-ray luminosity. Methods. Under the hypothesis of a conservative mass transfer driven by gravitational radiation, as expected for this system given the short orbital period of about 43.6 min and the low mass of the companion implied by the mass function derived from timing techniques, we calculate the expected mass transfer rate in this system and predict the long-term averaged X-ray luminosity. This is compared with the averaged, over 15 years, X-ray flux observed from the system, and a lower limit of the distance to the source is inferred. Results. This distance is shown to be > 7.4 kpc in the direction of the Galactic anticentre, implying a large height, > 1.8 kpc, of the source with respect to the Galactic plane, placing the source in an empty region of the Galaxy. We suggest that the inferred value of the distance is unlikely. (abridged)Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A
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