259 research outputs found

    Results of bottom trawl surveys carried out in Vietnamese waters (20-200 m) in 1996-1997

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    Bottom trawl surveys were conducted in the southwest monsoon season in 1996 (survey 1) and in the northeast monsoon season in 1996-97 (survey 2) throughout Vietnamese waters. The surveys mainly covered the depth zone 50-200 m but in the northeast monsoon season the depth zone 20-50 m was included in the northern and southern areas. Overall, 273 trawl hauls were conducted. The total biomass for Vietnamese waters in the depth zone 20-200 m was estimated at 700 000 t . Biomass estimates are given for the most abundant species. A relatively higher mean catch-per-unit effort (CPUE) was obtained from survey 2 than from survey 1 and in partcular at depth ranges 50-100 and 100-200 m in south Vietnam. Overall, the dominant families were Monacanthidae (34%), Carangidae (15%), Trichiuridae (9%) and Synodontidae (6%)

    Wind Turbines: Unsteady Aerodynamics and Inflow Noise

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    Conversion of contours to cartesian grids

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    Habitat Use of Ringed Seals (Phoca hispida) in the North Water Area (North Baffin Bay)

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    In conjunction with the International North Water Polynya Study in Smith Sound (northern Baffin Bay) in 1997-99, we examined the area use and diving activity of 23 ringed seals (Phoca hispida) that had been equipped with satellite transmitters on the Greenland side of the North Water (NOW) area. The study covered the period 12 August 1996-30 June 1999. Contact with the seals was maintained for an average of 108 days (range: 8-332 days). Four seals emigrated from the NOW area. During all seasons, the seals that remained in the area spent about 90% of the time in coastal (< 100 m deep) waters in the eastern parts of the NOW area. The total area visited by the seals during the open-water season ranged between 10 300 kmÂČ (1996) and 18 500 kmÂČ (1998), corresponding to about 15% to 25% of the entire NOW area. In winter, the total area visited by the seals varied between 2500 kmÂČ (1996-97) and 7000 kmÂČ (1998-99), and in spring, between 800 kmÂČ (1999) and 2100 kmÂČ (1997). Individual movement was significantly greater during the open-water season than during winter and spring. Maximum dive depths recorded were over 500 m (maximum for the instrument) outside and 376 m inside the NOW, for a 96 kg male seal. Non-adult seals spent about 99% of the time in waters less than 100 m deep, and more than 92% of the time in the upper 50 m. In contrast, adults tended to spend more time at greater depths. The study indicated that (1) the ringed seals took advantage of the generally lighter ice conditions in the eastern NOW, and (2) that non-adults likely exploited ice-associated amphipods and young polar cod (Boreogadus saida), and adults, mainly older polar cod and cephalopods taken at greater depths.Conjointement avec l'Ă©tude internationale sur la polynie de l'Eau du Nord dans le dĂ©troit de Smith (partie nord de la baie de Baffin) menĂ©e de 1997 Ă  1999, on a examinĂ© l'utilisation de cette zone et l'activitĂ© de plongĂ©e de 23 phoques annelĂ©s (Phoca hispida) munis d'Ă©metteurs-satellite du cĂŽtĂ© groenlandais de la rĂ©gion de l'Eau du Nord («NOW»). L'Ă©tude a couvert la pĂ©riode allant du 12 aoĂ»t 1996 au 30 juin 1999. Le contact avec les phoques a Ă©tĂ© maintenu pendant une moyenne de 108 jours (Ă©tendue: 8-332 jours). Quatre phoques ont Ă©migrĂ© de la zone NOW. Durant toutes les saisons, les phoques qui restaient dans la zone passaient environ 90% du temps dans des eaux cĂŽtiĂšres (profondeur < 100 m) dans les secteurs orientaux de NOW. La superficie totale visitĂ©e par les phoques durant la saison d'eau libre allait de 10 300 kmÂČ (1996) Ă  18 500 kmÂČ (1998), correspondant Ă  environ 15 Ă  25% de toute la zone NOW. En hiver, l'Ă©tendue totale frĂ©quentĂ©e par les phoques allait de 2500 kmÂČ (1996-1997) Ă  7000 kmÂČ (1998-1999), et au printemps, de 800 kmÂČ (1999) Ă  2100 kmÂČ (1997). Les dĂ©placements individuels Ă©taient de beaucoup plus grands durant la saison d'eau libre qu'au cours de l'hiver et du printemps. Les profondeurs maximales de plongĂ©e enregistrĂ©es dĂ©passaient 500 m (limite de l'instrument) Ă  l'extĂ©rieur de la zone NOW et 376 m Ă  l'intĂ©rieur, pour un phoque mĂąle de 96 kg. Les phoques non adultes passaient environ 99% du temps dans des eaux Ă  une profondeur ne dĂ©passant pas 100 m, et plus de 92% du temps dans les 50 m supĂ©rieurs. En revanche, les adultes avaient tendance Ă  passer plus de temps Ă  de plus grandes profondeurs. L'Ă©tude rĂ©vĂšle 1) que les phoques annelĂ©s tiraient parti du fait qu'il y avait moins de glace dans la partie orientale de NOW, et 2) que, selon toute vraisemblance, les non-adultes exploitaient amphipodes et jeune morue polaire (Boreogadus saida) associĂ©s Ă  la glace, les adultes se nourrissant surtout de morue polaire plus ĂągĂ©e et de cĂ©phalopodes prĂ©levĂ©s Ă  de plus grandes profondeurs


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    Abstract Portfolio assessment has a significant role in learning French for Senior High School  students as it refers to the 2013 curriculum. However, up until now, there has been no book-shaped portfolio assessment that can be utilized by French teachers. This article presents the results from the first year of an ongoing development research which aims to determine the portfolio model required by Senior High School French teachers. Quantitative data were collected from 26 teachers via questionnaires in the form of google forms and analyzed using simple descriptive statistics. The results of the analysis showed that Senior High School French teachers need a portfolio assessment model for each semester that contain students’ identification, assignments which assess students’ core and basic competencies, assessment standards, guidelines for student self-evaluation, and awards related to French.   Keywords: portfolio assessment, Senior High School, French learning, research and developmen

    Examining language development and revitalisation initiatives : The case of the Bidayuh language in Sarawak

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    This article examines development and revitalisation initiatives for the Bidayuh language, spoken in Sarawak, East Malaysia. Bidayuh has six main variants which are not mutually intelligible. In addition, it is mainly used in rural settings and is not the main language of choice in mixed marriages. Moreover, Bidayuh did not have a standardised orthography until 2003. These factors have affected the development of the language, which is to be contrasted with the Iban language, spoken by the main ethnic group in Sarawak, which is currently offered in primary schools as Pupil’s Own Language (POL) and as an elective subject in the secondary school Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examination. The focus of this article is the language development and revitalization initiatives undertaken by various stakeholders between 1963 (the year of the formation of the Federation of Malaysia) and today. Special focus will be given to the outcome of the Multilingual Education (MLE) project, which is an extension of the Bidayuh Language Development Project (BLDP) initiated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Asia, and undertaken by the Summer Institute of Linguistic (SIL) and the Dayak Bidayuh National Association (DBNA). Interviews with representatives of the community were conducted to discover their perceptions towards these initiatives, and to identify factors that might contribute to their success and/or failure. The article ends with some suggestions about how to improve the success of language revitalisation initiatives for Bidayuh

    The value of the terricolous lichen Cetrariella delisei in the biomonitoring of heavy-metal levels in Svalbard

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    The aim of this study was to identify a suitable lichen species for the long−term monitoring of heavy−metal atmospheric pollution in Svalbard. Cladonia and Cetraria s.l. species that have been widely used until now for assessing heavy−metal deposition in the Arctic are in decline over extensive areas of Svalbard, mainly due to climate change and over−grazing by reindeer. Cetrariella delisei, rarely used for biomonitoring, is still common and widespread in this area. Levels of Cr, Ni, Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd and Mn were measured in three lichen species: Cetrariella delisei, Cladonia uncialis, Flavocetraria nivalis and in a moss Racomitrium lanuginosum from Sþrkapp Land, South Spitsbergen. The results imply that Cetrariella delisei can be safely compared to Cladonia uncialis for identifying the levels of heavy metals, but direct comparison between Cetrariella delisei and other species studied is more difficult owing to differences in levels of heavy metals even in samples from the same site

    Do Organohalogen Contaminants Contribute to Histopathology in Liver from East Greenland Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus)?

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    In East Greenland polar bears (Ursus maritimus), anthropogenic organohalogen compounds (OHCs) (e.g., polychlorinated biphenyls, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers) contributed to renal lesions and are believed to reduce bone mineral density. Because OHCs are also hepatotoxic, we investigated liver histology of 32 subadult, 24 adult female, and 23 adult male East Greenland polar bears sampled during 1999–2002. Light microscopic changes consisted of nuclear displacement from the normal central cytoplasmic location in parenchymal cells, mononuclear cell infiltrations (mainly portally and as lipid granulomas), mild bile duct proliferation accompanied by fibrosis, and fat accumulation in hepatocytes and pluripotent Ito cells. Lipid accumulation in Ito cells and bile duct hyperplasia accompanied by portal fibrosis were correlated to age, whereas no changes were associated with either sex or season (summer vs. winter). For adult females, hepatocytic intracellular fat increased significantly with concentrations of the sum of hexachlorocyclohexanes, as was the case for lipid granulomas and hexachlorobenzene in adult males. Based on these relationships and the nature of the chronic inflammation, we suggest that these findings were caused by aging and long-term exposure to OHCs. Therefore, these changes may be used as biomarkers for OHC exposure in wildlife and humans. To our knowledge, this is the first time liver histology has been evaluated in relation to OHC concentrations in a mammalian wildlife species, and the information is important to future polar bear conservation strategies and health assessments of humans relying on OHC-contaminated food resources
