72 research outputs found

    Suppressor Analysis Reveals a Role for SecY in the SecA2-Dependent Protein Export Pathway of Mycobacteria

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    All bacteria use the conserved Sec pathway to transport proteins across the cytoplasmic membrane, with the SecA ATPase playing a central role in the process. Mycobacteria are part of a small group of bacteria that have two SecA proteins: the canonical SecA (SecA1) and a second, specialized SecA (SecA2). The SecA2-dependent pathway exports a small subset of proteins and is required for Mycobacterium tuberculosis virulence. The mechanism by which SecA2 drives export of proteins across the cytoplasmic membrane remains poorly understood. Here we performed suppressor analysis on a dominant negative secA2 mutant (secA2 K129R) of the model mycobacterium Mycobacterium smegmatis to better understand the pathway used by SecA2 to export proteins. Two extragenic suppressor mutations were identified as mapping to the promoter region of secY, which encodes the central component of the canonical Sec export channel. These suppressor mutations increased secY expression, and this effect was sufficient to alleviate the secA2 K129R phenotype. We also discovered that the level of SecY protein was greatly diminished in the secA2 K129R mutant, but at least partially restored in the suppressors. Furthermore, the level of SecY in a suppressor strongly correlated with the degree of suppression. Our findings reveal a detrimental effect of SecA2 K129R on SecY, arguing for an integrated system in which SecA2 works with SecY and the canonical Sec translocase to export proteins

    The Inverse Scattering Method, Lie-Backlund Transformations and Solitons for Low-energy Effective Field Equations of 5D String Theory

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    In the framework of the 5D low-energy effective field theory of the heterotic string with no vector fields excited, we combine two non-linear methods in order to construct a solitonic field configuration. We first apply the inverse scattering method on a trivial vacuum solution and obtain an stationary axisymmetric two-soliton configuration consisting of a massless gravitational field coupled to a non-trivial chargeless dilaton and to an axion field endowed with charge. The implementation of this method was done following a scheme previously proposed by Yurova. We also show that within this scheme, is not possible to get massive gravitational solitons at all. We then apply a non-linear Lie-Backlund matrix transformation of Ehlers type on this massless solution and get a massive rotating axisymmetric gravitational soliton coupled to axion and dilaton fields endowed with charges. We study as well some physical properties of the constructed massless and massive solitons and discuss on the effect of the generalized solution generating technique on the seed solution and its further generalizations.Comment: 17 pages in latex, changed title, improved text, added reference

    AMPK Is Essential to Balance Glycolysis and Mitochondrial Metabolism to Control T-ALL Cell Stress and Survival

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    T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) is an aggressive malignancy associated with Notch pathway mutations. While both normal activated and leukemic T cells can utilize aerobic glycolysis to support proliferation, it is unclear to what extent these cell populations are metabolically similar and if differences reveal T-ALL vulnerabilities. Here we show that aerobic glycolysis is surprisingly less active in T-ALL cells than proliferating normal T cells and that T-ALL cells are metabolically distinct. Oncogenic Notch promoted glycolysis but also induced metabolic stress that activated 5' AMP-activated kinase (AMPK). Unlike stimulated T cells, AMPK actively restrained aerobic glycolysis in T-ALL cells through inhibition of mTORC1 while promoting oxidative metabolism and mitochondrial Complex I activity. Importantly, AMPK deficiency or inhibition of Complex I led to T-ALL cell death and reduced disease burden. Thus, AMPK simultaneously inhibits anabolic growth signaling and is essential to promote mitochondrial pathways that mitigate metabolic stress and apoptosis in T-ALL

    Synergetic use of IASI and TROPOMI space borne sensors for generating a tropospheric methane profile product

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    The thermal infrared nadir spectra of IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer) are successfully used for retrievals of different atmospheric trace gas profiles. However, these retrievals offer generally reduced information about the lowermost tropospheric layer due to the lack of thermal contrast close to the surface. Spectra of scattered solar radiation observed in the near and/or short wave infrared, for instance by TROPOMI (TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument) offer higher sensitivity near ground and are used for the retrieval of total column averaged mixing ratios of a variety of atmospheric trace gases. Here we present a method for the synergetic use of IASI profile and TROPOMI total column data. Our method uses the output of the individual retrievals and consists of linear algebra a posteriori calculations (i.e. calculation after the individual retrievals). We show that this approach is largely equivalent to applying the spectra of the different sensors together in a single retrieval procedure, but with the substantial advantage of being applicable to data generated with different individual retrieval processors, of being very time efficient, and of directly benefiting from the high quality and most recent improvements of the individual retrieval processors.This research has largely benefit from funds of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (provided for the two projects MOTIV and TEDDY with IDs/GeschÀftszeichen 290612604/GZ:SCHN1126/2-1 and 416767181/GZ:SCHN1126/5-1, respectively) and from support by the European Space Agency in the context the "Sentinel-5p+Innovation (S5p+I) - Water Vapour Isotopologues (H2O-ISO)" activities. Furthermore, we acknowledge funds from the Ministerio de Economía y Competividad from Spain for the project INMENSE (CGL2016-80688-P)

    Identification of sortase A (SrtA) substrates in Streptococcus uberis: evidence for an additional hexapeptide (LPXXXD) sorting motif

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    Sortase (a transamidase) has been shown to be responsible for the covalent attachment of proteins to the bacterial cell wall. Anchoring is effected on secreted proteins containing a specific cell wall motif toward their C-terminus; that for sortase A (SrtA) in Gram-positive bacteria often incorporates the sequence LPXTG. Such surface proteins are often characterized as virulence determinants and play important roles during the establishment and persistence of infection. Intramammary infection with Streptococcus uberis is a common cause of bovine mastitis, which impacts on animal health and welfare and the economics of milk production. Comparison of stringently produced cell wall fractions from S. uberis and an isogenic mutant strain lacking SrtA permitted identification of 9 proteins likely to be covalently anchored at the cell surface. Analysis of these sequences implied the presence of two anchoring motifs for S. uberis, the classical LPXTG motif and an additional LPXXXD motif

    Outcome After Therapeutic Lymph Node Dissection in Patients with Unknown Primary Melanoma Site

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence and outcome of melanoma of unknown primary site (MUP) after therapeutic lymph node dissection (TLND) of palpable nodal melanoma metastases. Disease-free (DFS) and overall survival (OS) time of MUP patients were analyzed and compared to patients undergoing a TLND for known primary melanomas (MKP). Methods: This single institution retrospective study analyzed 342 consecutive patients who were treated with 415 TLNDs for palpable nodal disease from 1982 to 2009. Univariate and multivariate analyses included: MUP versus MKP, gender, Breslow thickness, ulceration of primary tumor, site of prima

    Synergetic use of IASI profile and TROPOMI total-column level 2 methane retrieval products

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    The thermal infrared nadir spectra of IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer) are successfully used for retrievals of different atmospheric trace gas profiles. However, these retrievals offer generally reduced information about the lowermost tropospheric layer due to the lack of thermal contrast close to the surface. Spectra of scattered solar radiation observed in the near-infrared and/or shortwave infrared, for instance by TROPOMI (TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument), offer higher sensitivity near the ground and are used for the retrieval of total-column-averaged mixing ratios of a variety of atmospheric trace gases. Here we present a method for the synergetic use of IASI profile and TROPOMI total-column level 2 retrieval products. Our method uses the output of the individual retrievals and consists of linear algebra a posteriori calculations (i.e. calculation after the individual retrievals). We show that this approach has strong theoretical similarities to applying the spectra of the different sensors together in a single retrieval procedure but with the substantial advantage of being applicable to data generated with different individual retrieval processors, of being very time efficient, and of directly benefiting from the high quality and most recent improvements of the individual retrieval processors. We demonstrate the method exemplarily for atmospheric methane (CH4_4). We perform a theoretical evaluation and show that the a posteriori combination method yields a total-column-averaged CH4_4 product (XCH4_4) that conserves the good sensitivity of the corresponding TROPOMI product while merging it with the high-quality upper troposphere–lower stratosphere (UTLS) CH4_4 partial-column information of the corresponding IASI product. As a consequence, the combined product offers additional sensitivity for the tropospheric CH4_4 partial column, which is not provided by the individual TROPOMI nor the individual IASI product. The theoretically predicted synergetic effect is verified by comparisons to CH4_4 reference data obtained from collocated XCH4_4 measurements at 14 globally distributed TCCON (Total Carbon Column Observing Network) stations, CH4_4 profile measurements made by 36 individual AirCore soundings, and tropospheric CH4_4 data derived from continuous ground-based in situ observations made at two nearby Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) mountain stations. The comparisons clearly demonstrate that the combined product can reliably detect the actual variations of atmospheric XCH4_4, CH4_4 in the UTLS, and CH4_4 in the troposphere. A similar good reliability for the latter is not achievable by the individual TROPOMI and IASI products

    Validation of methane and carbon monoxide from Sentinel-5 Precursor using TCCON and NDACC-IRWG stations

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    The Sentinel-5 Precursor (S5P) mission with the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) on board has been measuring solar radiation backscattered by the Earth\u27s atmosphere and surface since its launch on 13 October 2017. In this paper, we present for the first time the S5P operational methane (CH4) and carbon monoxide (CO) products\u27 validation results covering a period of about 3 years using global Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) and Infrared Working Group of the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC-IRWG) network data, accounting for a priori alignment and smoothing uncertainties in the validation, and testing the sensitivity of validation results towards the application of advanced co-location criteria. We found that the S5P standard and bias-corrected CH4 data over land surface for the recommended quality filtering fulfil the mission requirements. The systematic difference of the bias-corrected total column-averaged dry air mole fraction of methane (XCH4) data with respect to TCCON data is −0.26±0.56 % in comparison to −0.68±0.74 % for the standard XCH4 data, with a correlation of 0.6 for most stations. The bias shows a seasonal dependence. We found that the S5P CO data over all surfaces for the recommended quality filtering generally fulfil the missions requirements, with a few exceptions, which are mostly due to co-location mismatches and limited availability of data. The systematic difference between the S5P total column-averaged dry air mole fraction of carbon monoxide (XCO) and the TCCON data is on average 9.22±3.45 % (standard TCCON XCO) and 2.45±3.38 % (unscaled TCCON XCO). We found that the systematic difference between the S5P CO column and NDACC CO column (excluding two outlier stations) is on average 6.5±3.54 %. We found a correlation of above 0.9 for most TCCON and NDACC stations. The study shows the high quality of S5P CH4 and CO data by validating the products against reference global TCCON and NDACC stations covering a wide range of latitudinal bands, atmospheric conditions and surface conditions

    PTEN/MMAC1 expression in melanoma resection specimens

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    PTEN/MMAC1, a tumour suppressor gene located on chromosome 10q23.3, has been found to be deleted in several types of human malignancies. As the chromosomal region 10q22-qter commonly is affected by losses in melanomas, we addressed this gene as tumour suppressor candidate in melanomas. Investigating PTEN/MMAC1 expression at mRNA level by semi-quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, we did not find a statistically significant down-regulation in melanoma resection specimens in comparison to acquired melanocytic nevi from which melanomas quite often are known to arise. Upon immunohistochemistry, PTEN/MMAC1 protein expression in melanomas was not lost. Sequencing the PTEN/MMAC1 cDNAs in 26 melanoma resection specimens (21 primary melanomas, five metastases), we detected three point mutations and two nucleotide deletions which did not represent genetic polymorphisms. With respect to the predicted protein sequences, all three point mutations were silent whereas the two frame shifts at the extreme C-terminus resulted in a loss of the putative PDZ-targeting consensus sequence. As loss of this motif possibly impairs localization and function of PTEN/MMAC1 in the two corresponding primary tumours, alterations of this tumour suppressor protein may participate in some melanomas
