60 research outputs found

    Real and "virtual" elements of power sharing in the post-Soviet space: the case of Gagauzian autonomy

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    'Various efforts to assess the effects of autonomy arrangements on the prospects of achieving stability and democracy in ethnically heterogeneous societies receive a lot of attention both in academic and policy-making communities. This paper argues that the analysis of the actual implementation practices of autonomy settlement agreements should be an integral part of such efforts. Taking implementation practices seriously means going beyond the analysis of grand formal provisions listed in the autonomy's constitutional law or statute, which is usually adopted at the end of the conflict settlement process. The actual implementation process can produce an autonomy regime whose functioning is far from the model autonomy arrangement envisioned in the autonomy's founding documents. Successes and failures in securing stability and democracy then can be better accounted for by studying the effects of these implementation practices rather than by attributing democracy and stability outcomes to formal autonomy provisions.' (author's abstract

    Gli uccelli della provincia di Novara (Piemonte, Italia): distribuzione, abbondanza e stato di conservazione

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    In questo lavoro viene riportato un elenco commentato degli uccelli noti per la provincia di Novara (1.340 km2) aggiornato al 31/12/2016 e vengono forniti dati di sintesi relativi alle attività di monitoraggio condotte in anni recenti (2009-2016). I dati sono stati raccolti sia attraverso revisione bibliografica sia attraverso attività di ricerca diretta sul campo. L'avifauna della provincia di Novara annovera o ha annoverato (dal 1860 al 2016) 304 specie delle quali 135 nidificanti certe o probabili in tempi recenti (dopo il 2000), 85 di interesse comunitario (Allegato I della Direttiva "Uccelli"), 116 SPEC - Species of European Conservation Concern secondo BirdLife International e 53 inserite nella European Red List of Birds. L'area Ú di importanza europea e/o nazionale per la nidificazione di specie di interesse conservazionistico quali Egretta garzetta (650-1.100 nidi), Nycticorax nycticorax (200-300 nidi), Botaurus stellaris (5-7 maschi cantori), Ciconia nigra (1-2 coppie), Ciconia ciconia (4-6 coppie), Himantopus himantopus (300-500 coppie), Vanellus vanellus (500-600 coppie), Columba oenas (20-30 coppie), nonché per la migrazione di Philomachus pugnax (5.000-7.000 ind.) e Tringa glareola (500-1.500 ind.). Negli ultimi anni (2009-2016) si segnalano in particolare: la nidificazione accertata per la prima volta nel Novarese di Ardea alba, Galerida cristata e Lullula arborea; il ritorno di Burhinus oedicnemus e Chlidonias niger in periodo riproduttivo dopo decenni di assenza; la colonizzazione da parte di Dryocopus martius degli ambienti forestali di collina e di pianura.</p

    Monitoring and predicting the risk of violence in residential facilities. No difference between patients with history or with no history of violence

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    none34noopende Girolamo, Giovanni; Buizza, Chiara; Sisti, Davide; Ferrari, Clarissa; Bulgari, Viola; Iozzino, Laura; Boero, Maria Elena; Cristiano, Giuseppe; De Francesco, Alessandra; Giobbio, Gian Marco; Maggi, Paolo; Rossi, Giuseppe; Segalini, Beatrice; Candini, Valentina; Andreose, Suor; Basso, Pasquale; Beneduce, Rossella; Bertolotti, Pietro; Braida, Vanda; Bonelli, Marina; Bongiorno, Fanny; Bussi, Riccardo; Castagno, Elisa; Dominicis, Fabio; Ghersi, Loredana; Greppo, Stefania; Sodano, Alessandro Jaretti; Leporatti, Massimo; Presti, Eleonora Lo; Milone, Valeria; Panigada, Fausto; Pasquadibisceglie, Livia; Rigamonti, Danilo; Rillosi, Lucianade Girolamo, Giovanni; Buizza, Chiara; Sisti, Davide; Ferrari, Clarissa; Bulgari, Viola; Iozzino, Laura; Boero, Maria Elena; Cristiano, Giuseppe; De Francesco, Alessandra; Giobbio, Gian Marco; Maggi, Paolo; Rossi, Giuseppe; Segalini, Beatrice; Candini, Valentina; Andreose, Suor; Basso, Pasquale; Beneduce, Rossella; Bertolotti, Pietro; Braida, Vanda; Bonelli, Marina; Bongiorno, Fanny; Bussi, Riccardo; Castagno, Elisa; Dominicis, Fabio; Ghersi, Loredana; Greppo, Stefania; Sodano, Alessandro Jaretti; Leporatti, Massimo; Presti, Eleonora Lo; Milone, Valeria; Panigada, Fausto; Pasquadibisceglie, Livia; Rigamonti, Danilo; Rillosi, Lucian

    Development of an erythropoietin prescription simulator to improve abilities for the prescription of erythropoietin stimulating agents: Is it feasible?

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    BACKGROUND: The increasing use of erythropoietins with long half-lives and the tendency to lengthen the administration interval to monthly injections call for raising awareness on the pharmacokinetics and risks of new erythropoietin stimulating agents (ESA). Their pharmacodynamic complexity and individual variability limit the possibility of attaining comprehensive clinical experience. In order to help physicians acquiring prescription abilities, we have built a prescription computer model to be used both as a simulator and education tool. METHODS: The pharmacokinetic computer model was developed using Visual Basic on Excel and tested with 3 different ESA half-lives (24, 48 and 138 hours) and 2 administration intervals (weekly vs. monthly). Two groups of 25 nephrologists were exposed to the six randomised combinations of half-life and administration interval. They were asked to achieve and maintain, as precisely as possible, the haemoglobin target of 11-12 g/dL in a simulated naïve patient. Each simulation was repeated twice, with or without randomly generated bleeding episodes. RESULTS: The simulation using an ESA with a half-life of 138 hours, administered monthly, compared to the other combinations of half-lives and administration intervals, showed an overshooting tendency (percentages of Hb values &gt; 13 g/dL 15.8 ± 18.3 vs. 6.9 ± 12.2; P &lt; 0.01), which was quickly corrected with experience. The prescription ability appeared to be optimal with a 24 hour half-life and weekly administration (ability score indexing values in the target 1.52 ± 0.70 vs. 1.24 ± 0.37; P &lt; 0.05). The monthly prescription interval, as suggested in the literature, was accompanied by less therapeutic adjustments (4.9 ± 2.2 vs. 8.2 ± 4.9; P &lt; 0.001); a direct correlation between haemoglobin variability and number of therapy modifications was found (P &lt; 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Computer-based simulations can be a useful tool for improving ESA prescription abilities among nephrologists by raising awareness about the pharmacokinetic characteristics of the various ESAs and recognizing the factors that influence haemoglobin variability

    The Silent Epidemic of Diabetic Ketoacidosis at Diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes in Children and Adolescents in Italy During the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020

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    To compare the frequency of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in Italy during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 with the frequency of DKA during 2017-2019

    Fatality rate and predictors of mortality in an Italian cohort of hospitalized COVID-19 patients

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    Clinical features and natural history of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) differ widely among different countries and during different phases of the pandemia. Here, we aimed to evaluate the case fatality rate (CFR) and to identify predictors of mortality in a cohort of COVID-19 patients admitted to three hospitals of Northern Italy between March 1 and April 28, 2020. All these patients had a confirmed diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection by molecular methods. During the study period 504/1697 patients died; thus, overall CFR was 29.7%. We looked for predictors of mortality in a subgroup of 486 patients (239 males, 59%; median age 71 years) for whom sufficient clinical data were available at data cut-off. Among the demographic and clinical variables considered, age, a diagnosis of cancer, obesity and current smoking independently predicted mortality. When laboratory data were added to the model in a further subgroup of patients, age, the diagnosis of cancer, and the baseline PaO2/FiO2 ratio were identified as independent predictors of mortality. In conclusion, the CFR of hospitalized patients in Northern Italy during the ascending phase of the COVID-19 pandemic approached 30%. The identification of mortality predictors might contribute to better stratification of individual patient risk

    Real and 'Virtual' Elements of Power Sharing in the Post-Soviet Space: the Case of the Gagauzian Autonomy

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    Various efforts to assess the effects of autonomy arrangements on the prospects of achieving stability and democracy in ethnically heterogeneouos societies receive a lot of attention both in academic and policy-making communities. This paper argues that the analysis of the actual implementation practices of autonomy settlement agreements should be an integral part of such efforts. Taking implementation practices seriously means going beyond the analysis of grand formal provisions listed in the autonomy's constitutional law or statute, which is usually adopted at the end of the conflict settlement process. The actual implementation process can produce an autonomy regime whose functioning is far from the model autonomy arrangement envisioned in the autonomy's founding documents. Successes and failures in securing stability and democracy then can be better accounted for by studying the effects of these implementation practices rather than by attributing democracy and stability outcomes to formal autonomy provisions

    Spectral Optical Readout of Rectangular-Miniature Hollow Glass Tubing for Refractive Index Sensing

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    For answering the growing demand of innovative micro-fluidic devices able to measure the refractive index of samples in extremely low volumes, this paper presents an overview of the performances of a micro-opto-fluidic sensing platform that employs rectangular, miniature hollow glass tubings. The operating principle is described by showing the analytical model of the tubing, obtained as superposition of different optical cavities, and the optical readout method based on spectral reflectivity detection. We have analyzed, in particular, the theoretical and experimental optical features of rectangular tubings with asymmetrical geometry, thus with channel depth larger than the thickness of the glass walls, though all of them in the range of a few tens of micrometers. The origins of the complex line-shape of the spectral response in reflection, due to the different cavities formed by the tubing flat walls and channel, have been investigated using a Fourier transform analysis. The implemented instrumental configuration, based on standard telecom fiberoptic components and a semiconductor broadband optical source emitting in the near infrared wavelength region centered at 1.55 ”m, has allowed acquisition of reflectivity spectra for experimental verification of the expected theoretical behavior. We have achieved detection of refractive index variations related to the change of concentration of glucose-water solutions flowing through the tubing by monitoring the spectral shift of the optical resonances
