4 research outputs found

    Unveiling deixis expressions in the Oxford junior secondary English webinar by Icy Lee

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    The significance of deixis expression within the English language context, particularly within the spoken form, is crucial for the further examination of deixis as a specific area of pragmatics in order to enhance the theory and practice of verbal communication development. Thus, this recent investigation aimed to assess the presence of deixis in the Oxford junior secondary English webinar conducted by Icy Lee from a pragmatics and discourse analysis perspective. The researchers employed a qualitative research approach and adopted a descriptive analysis method. The data were acquired from a webinar video available on the YouTube channel and website of the Oxford junior secondary English webinar. The transcripts were meticulously analyzed and evaluated based on Levinson’s (1983) theory. In summary, the findings uncovered that Icy Lee’s webinar exhibited five classifications of deixis: person, time, social, discourse, and place deixis. Notably, person deixis was the most frequently utilized category, accounting for 223 utterances (48%). Each deictic expression possesses a diverse significance contingent upon the speech context. However, certain implications were still brought to light in this current investigation, and it is anticipated that subsequent researchers will explore the webinar in alternative contexts

    Islamic junior high school students’ English proficiency test scores and their L2 motivational self-system: a correlational study

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    The L2 motivational self-system (L2MSS) has been extensively investigated in multiple contexts. However, few studies have explored its correlation with Islamic junior high English students’ proficiency test results. To fill the void, this study examines the relationship between the L2MSS and English proficiency test scores among Indonesian Islamic junior high school students. Data were garnered quantitatively from 30 students of an Institute for Foreign Language Development at an Indonesian private university through a questionnaire and an English proficiency test and then were analyzed using the SPSS software system. The findings revealed that the correlation between motivation and achievement was statistically insignificant. We obtained the score of three components; ideal L2 self (r = .01, p .05), L2 learning experience (r = -.204, p .05), and ought to L2 self (r = -.343, p .05). The findings suggest that the ideal L2 self showed a very low relationship and the other two demonstrated a negative direction correlation. This study contributes insights into the understanding of the correlation between foreign language learning motivation and its influence on achievement in the Islamic boarding school context. Further research could recruit participants from wider areas with different contexts

    To read on screen or printed texts? A quantitative study into EFL students’ reading achievement

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    The aim of this study was to compare the EFL students’ reading achievement between reading on screen and printed text. This study used quantitative research design. The participants of this study were 60 students from two classes who took an English education major. The students were randomized into two groups, the experimental group read on screen and the control group read on printed text. The instrument of this study was a news article with 10 multiple choice questions and 10 true-false statement adopted from Breaking News English with the tittle “Dietary Supplements” by Sean Banville. To analyze the data, the researcher used Independent Sample T-test. The finding revealed that there was a significant difference on students’ reading achievement based on the mean score of both groups. The mean score of the experimental group was 85.33 while the mean score of the control group was 75.00. Then, the result of Sig. (2-tailed) value showed that p value, 0.008, was lower than α 0.05, (0.008 0.05). Hence, it can be concluded that the EFL students who read on screen scored higher in reading achievement that the EFL students who read printed text. The overview of this current study on reading theory, media used, material given, and reading screen versus paper research, may enable to help the teachers and lecturers to make a consideration for their teaching reading in the classroom