46 research outputs found

    Analisis Pemasaran Nenas Palembang (Kasus: Desa Paya Besar, Kecamatan Payaraman, Kabupaten Ogan Ilir, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan)

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    Pineapple is one of the commodities that make a significant contribution to the Gross National Product (GDP) Indonesian horticulture. South Sumatra is one of the provinces that have a high volume of pineapple production. Pineapple production center is located in Ogan Ilir regency. There are problems in the marketing of pineapples that affect farmers' income. The problem is the high margin difference between farmers and consumers. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze marketing system of pineapples in Paya Besar sub regency. This study used structural approach, conduct approach and market performance. Based on the analysis, there are three channels of pineapple marketing in Paya Besar sub regency. Every channel has different marketing areas. The third channel is more efficient than the other channels. These channel involves farmers, traders village, local wholesalers, and foreign wholesalers. The third channel has the smallest margin, the largest farmer's share and the most equitable spread of benefit cost ratio. In addition, sales volume pineapple third channel is the highest volume and most widely used by farmers

    Spatial Market Integration of Shallot in Indonesia

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    Shallot is a horticultural commodity which has high economic and strategic values. Unbalanced supply and demand of shallot each province in Indonesia cause trade flows from surplus areas to deficit areas and indicate there is a market integration. This research aimed to analyze spatial market integration of shallot at the producer level in Indonesia. Methods of this research used included Johansen Co-integration, Granger Causality, and Error Correction Model. Results of this research exhibit that there is no complete spatial market integration among shallot producer markets. There are approximately 40 co-integrated pairs of producer markets (44.944%), and the rest of 49 (55.056%) pairs of producer markets are not co-integrated. Based on the causality test, the producer markets such as Central Java, East Java, and West Nusa Tenggara are price-leading markets. Approximately 74 pairs (83,146%) of producer markets are integrated into the short run. Government policy that can be implemented to control price fluctuations at producer level is fairly floor price policy specifically made for three price-leading markets. To improve spatial market integration of shallot in Indonesia, the government needs to make policies such as upgrading quality of physical infrastructure (length of paved roads) and educating human capital (producers) to access market information technology

    Analisis Nilai Tambah Cokelat Batangan (Chocolate Bar) Di Pipiltin Cocoa, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

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    Indonesia is the third largest world cocoa producer. For years, cocoa bean from Indonesia has been exporter as raw beans. Domestic cocoa manufacturing industry is still dominated by International companies such as Nestle, Marz, JB Cocoa Malaysia, and others than domestic small and medium enterprise. This condition shows that value added of cocoa processing have not yet accepted by local entrepreneurs. Nowadays, most of the small and medium enterprise produce intermediate and compound chocolate products with low use of cocoa butter volume in proportion. Then, those intermediate products would be exported and will be reimported again by Indonesia as final product. Pipiltin Cocoa is the only small-scale natural chocolate producer in Indonesia using local cocoa bean from Bali and Aceh. This research focuses on value added analysis of bar chocolate in Pipiltin Cocoa produce which is important to conduct in order to know the added value made from a domestic small-scale cocoa farm producing original cocoa products

    Analisis USAhatani Kakao pada Dua Pola Tanam Polikultur

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    The Contributions of cocoa plantations to the profit of farmers is an important issue for the farm development. Cocoa plant is annual plant that can produce throughout the year. In Order to increase profit and Reduce the risk of crop failure, farmers applying polyculture pattern. Application of intercropping patterns on their farm has a linkage with the structure of the costs incurred to cultivate these plants.The purpose of this study is to analyze the level of income and efficiency of the two cropping pattern with the combination of 2 (cocoa and clove) and 3 (cocoa, clove, and coffee) commodities. The method of data collection conducted randomly collected as many as 49 farmers that working on 2 commodities using polyculture cropping pattern and 33 farmers that working on 3 commodities using polyculture cropping pattern. The analytical results showed that the farmers that working on 3 commodities using polyculture cropping pattern have low production level, income, and efficiency, but this polyculture system is still running continuously by the farmers, because it is profitable and has a good efficiency

    Analisis Perdagangan Kopi Indonesia di Pasar Internasional

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    Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara produsen dan eksportir kopi terbesar di dunia. Akan tetapi, pertumbuhan volume ekspor kopi di Indonesia lebih rendah dari pertumbuhan produksinya. Rendahnya ekspor kopi Indonesia disebabkan oleh banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi perdagangan kopi Indonesia di pasar Internasional. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perdagangan kopi Indonesia di pasar Internasional dan menerangkan potensi perdagangan kopi Indonesia di negara tujuan. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis data panel dengan gravity model dan analisis potensi perdagangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peubah yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap ekspor kopi Indonesia adalah GDP riil/kapita Indonesia, GDP riil/kapita negara tujuan, jarak ekonomi antara Indonesia dengan negara tujuan, dan keanggotaan WTO. Sementara itu, Indonesia memiliki potensi untuk melakukan ekspansi perdagangan kopi ke negara-negara tujuan di masa yang akan datang karena perdagangan kopi Indonesia di negara tujuan masih under trade. Implikasi kebijakan adalah Indonesia harus meningkatkan pangsa pasar dengan memprioritaskan untuk mengekspor kopi ke Mesir dan Aljazair karena kedua negara tersebut memiliki pertumbuhan GDP riil/kapita yang tinggi dan perdagangan kopi Indonesia di Mesir dan Aljazair masih under trade.Kata Kunci: Kopi, ekspor, gravity modelIndonesia is one of the largest coffee producer and exporter in the world. However, the growth of Indonesia\u27s coffee export volume is lower than that of its production. Indonesia\u27s coffee export is low due to many factors affecting the Indonesia\u27s coffee trade in International market. The purposes of this study are to explain the factors that influence Indonesia\u27s coffee trade in International market and the trade potential of Indonesian coffee in destination countries. The analysis methods used are analysis of panel data with gravity model and trade potential analysis. The results showed that variables that significantly influence Indonesia\u27s coffee exports are real GDP/capita of Indonesia, real GDP/capita of destination countries, economic distance between Indonesia and destination countries, and WTO membership. Meanwhile, Indonesia has potency to expand coffee trade to the destination countries in the future. Therefore, Indonesia should increase the market share by prioritizing of exported coffee to Egypt and Algeria having high in real GDP/capita growth rate

    Efisiensi Teknis USAhatani Kedelai pada Lahan Tadah Hujan dan Lahan Kering di Kabupaten Pidie Jaya, Aceh

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    National soybean productivity was reach 1,45 tons per hectare, while the potential yield reach 2,0-3,0 tons per hectare. The aim of this study was to analyze the factors affecting technical efficiency, and sources of technical inefficiency of soybean farming. This study used primary data that were obtained from 100 farmers purposively, those data were analyzed by production function analysis that stochastic frontier to analyzed the factors that influence the production of technical efficiency of soybean farming. The results showed that the variable land, solid fertilizer, liquid fertilizer, pesticide solid, liquid pesticides, and labor have a positive impact, while the variable seed has a negative impact on technical efficiency of soybean farming. The source of technical inefficiency such as the age of the farmer, and experience farming soybean have negative and significant impact on technical inefficiency of soybean farming. Otherwise, the formal education, old farming, the number of dependents, and the dummy variable (following the extension and land type) have a positive impact but not significant to technical inefficiency of soybean farming in Pidie Jaya, Aceh Province