65 research outputs found

    The Utilization of Rice Straw for Increase Orange Productivity and Reducing Environmental Pollution

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    Siam Banjar oranges was one of the leading commodities in South Kalimantan with an area 2,594 ha, 113,-149 tons of production and 43.72 ha-1 of productivity (Department of Agriculture South Kalimantan, 2006 in www.kalselprov.go.id/). The development of Siam Banjar oranges in South Kalimantan was overflow in Barito Kuala and Banjar District. The level of responsiveness plants for fertilization encourages farmers to apply high inorganic fertilizers. If it is applied continuously and without return organic matter into the soil, it will produce the reduced soil fertility in terms of chemical, physical, and biological soil. This research showed the effect of the use of straw in increasing the production of Siam Banjar oranges. First, they completely decomposed so that increasing soil fertility. Second, reduce environmental pollution because it did not leave residues as inorganic fertilizers. Third, prevent soil erosion so that nutrients needed by oranges for grow properly could be fulfilled optimally. So, oranges did not easily attacked by pests and diseases then provide abundant harvest. The results of the differences between two values ​​could be concluded that, the benefits of orange farming was produced with straw was greater than farming without straw. Revenue Cost Ratio (RCR) value of orange farming with straw was 3.56 and the Revenue Cost Ratio (RCR) value of orange farming without straw was 3.26. Based on the RCR value, orange farming with straw was more feasible than orange farming without a straw


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    The purpose of this study was to estimate the production and profit function by farmers and to analyze the relative economic efficiency of rice farming in two typologies of wetland, tidal swampland and freshwater swampland. The analysis showed that the production facilities in the study area were very influential on the rice farming profit, so an increase in the high price of production facility would lead to a decrease in profit, which in turn would lower the level of farmers’ welfare. Under optimal conditions where maximum profit was reached, the effects of variable input prices and the input number remained significant except for the value of the equipment used. Based on the value of the coefficient function of fertilizer demand, pesticide and labor were inelastic towards the price while the seed input was elastic. Rice farming in the study area had decreasing returns to scale. It indicated that the increase in inputs was higher than the increase in returns


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya bukti-bukti pengislaman pada raja-raja di Nusantara yang sebelumnya memeluk kepercayaan tradisional maupun kepercayaan Hindu dan Budha. Pengislaman raja-raja di Nusantara dibuktikan dengan beberapa bukti, selain terlihat dari adanya bukti-bukti sejarah tentang perkembangan kerajaan di Indonesia yang terlihat dari peninggalan barang-barang atau situs kerajaan yang masih tertinggal, bukti-bukti yang terkait dengan pengislaman raja di Indonesia juga muncul dalam dunia literer seperti naskah-naskah kuno dan dalam kajian tradisi lisan. Salah satu cerita pengislaman seorang raja yakni di kerajaan Panjalu yang dituturkan secara turun temurun oleh masyarakat Panjalu dan selalu diperingati setiap tahun dalam upacara nyangku adalah legenda orang suci Prabu Sanghiang Borosngora di Kecamatan Panjalu. Legenda ini dipercayai oleh masyarakat penuturnya sebagai awal dari masuknya Islam ke kerajaan Panjalu yang diikuti oleh dipeluknya agama Islam oleh sebagian besar masyarakat Panjalu sampai saat ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengungkap pengislaman Prabu Sanghiang Borosngora yang digambarkan dalam struktur, proses penciptaan, konteks penuturan, proses pewarisan, fungsi, dan makna legenda orang suci Prabu Sanghiang Borosngora. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan folklor modern. Partisipan di dalam penelitian ini ialah Gusnawan atau Kang Awuh, Isak Iskandar, dan Abdul Aziz. Tempat penelitiannya ialah di desa-desa sekitaran daerah wisata ziarah Situ Lengkong Panjalu, yakni di Desa Panjalu, Desa Simpar, dan Desa Balandongan, Kecamatan Panjalu, Kabupaten Ciamis. Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) pengislaman Prabu Sanghiang Borosngora di Kecamatan Panjalu yang ditunjukan melalui analisis struktur; (2) proses pewarisan legenda yang terjadi secara vertikal dan horizontal; (3) proses penciptaan yang terjadi secara terstruktur dengan cara menghapal; (4) konteks penuturan dalam kebudayaan masyarakat Panjalu berdasarkan latar sosial-budaya yang ditunujan dengan tujuh aspek kebudayaan menurut Koentjaraningrat; (5) fungsi yang terdapat dalam legenda orang suci Prabu Sanghiang Borosngora adalah sebagai sistem proyeksi, alat pengesahan pranata-pranata dan lembaga-lembaga kebudayaan, dan fungsi sebagai pendidikan anak; (6) makna yang terdapat dalam legenda orang suci Prabu Sanghiang Borosngora adalah makna tentang pencarian ilmu dalam pengislaman Prabu Sanghiang Borosngora, keterbatasan manusia, dan penyebaran agama Islam melalui kekuasaan. Penelitian tentang islamisasi pada raja-raja di Nusantara menggunakan kajian tradisi lisan atau disipilin ilmu lain belum banyak dilakukan oleh para peneliti lain. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini hadir sebagai salah satu penelitian baru menggunakan kajian tradisi lisan yang mengangkat fenomena pengislaman raja di Nusantara khususnya di kerajaan Panjalu, Ciamis. Kata Kunci: Legenda orang suci , Panjalu, Prabu Sanghiang Borosngora. THE ISLAMIZATION OF PRABU SANGHIANG BOROSNGORA IN THE SAINT PERSON LEGEND OF PRABU SANGHIANG BOROSNGORA IN THE DISTRICT OF PANJALU Suci Rifiana Putri 1601050 ABSTRACT This research is motivated by the existence of islamization to the kings in Indonesian Archipelago which previously embraced traditional faith as well as hinduism and buddhism. The islamization of the kings were proven with evidence, apart from the evidence from the history about the kingdom’s growth and development in Indonesia, inference come from leftover goods and stuff from the past, proof that related to the islamization of the king in Indonesia also appear from world of literary as such as ancient manuscript and the oral tradition. One of the narration of Islamization of the king in Panjalu Kingdom was told hereditary in Panjalu society and also commemorated every year that is nyangku ceremony about the legend of saint Prabu Sanghiang Borosngora in Panjalu sub-district. This legend story trusted by the society as the beginning of Islam into the Panjalu Kingdom followed by the majority of Panjalu society embracing Islam currently. The main object of this research is to revealing the islamization of Prabu Sanghiang Borosngora which is pictured in structure, creation process, narrative context, inheritance process, function, and sense of the legend of saint Prabu Sanghiang Borosngora. This research is a qualitatve research that using modern folklore approach method. The informant in this research were Gusnawan, Isak Iskandar, and Abdul Aziz. The location of the research took a location around village around Situ Lengkong which is located at Panjalu Village, Simpar Village, and Balandongan Village, Sub-district of Panjalu, district of Ciamis. Finding of this research were ( 1 ) Islamization of Prabu Sanghiang Borosngora in Panjalu sub-district as shown by structural analysis; ( 2 ) the process of inheritance that occurred vertically and horizontally; ( 3 ) Creation process that occurred structured; ( 4 ) narrative context in civilization of Panjalu’s society based from social-culture background as shown by seven point of cultural aspect according to Koentjaraningrat; ( 5 ) existence of function in the legend of tha saint Prabu Sanghiang Borosngora as projection system, approval for cultural institution , and early educational purpose; ( 6 ) sense that occurred in The legend of the saint Prabu Sanghiang Borosngora is sense of the search of the knowledge in Islamization of Prabu Sanghiang Borosngora, limitation of human, and the spread of Islam religion through power and authority. Research about Islamization of the kings in Indonesia Archipelago using oral tradition study and other study rarely done by other researcher. Therefore , this research emerged as the one of the new research using oral tradition study to designate the Islamization of the kings in Indonesia Archipelago Phenomenon particularly in Panjalu’s Kingdom, Ciamis. Keyword: Panjalu , Prabu Sanghiang Borosngora, Saint legend

    Usaha Peningkatan Profesionalisme Guru Melalui Pelatihan Internet dan E-Learning Sekolah

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    Kegiatan pelatihan internet dan sosialisasi website elearning sekolah yang diikuti para guru dari berbagai bidang studi pada SMP Negeri 8 Depok bertujuan untuk membuka wawasan para guru dalam memanfaatkan internet untuk mencari referensi bahan ajar, membuat presentasi materi ajar yang menarik dan interaktif, serta guru dapat memanfaatkan fasilitas website e-learning yang dimiliki sekolah untuk mengunggah materi pelajaran, membuat variasi soal ujian, berdiskusi melalui forum, membuat daftar istilah atau glossary, membuat pengumuman (news dan events) serta melakukan evaluasi serta penilaian keaktifan siswa secara online. Siswa dapat memanfaatkan fasilitas website e-learning sekolah untuk mengunduh materi pelajaran yang diikuti, mengerjakan kuis atau ujian , melihat dan menambah daftar istilah atau glossary, melihat pengumuman (news), kegiatan (events) dan terlibat aktif dalam diskusi forum sehingga kualitas belajar siswa diharapkan semakin meningkat. Rangkaian kegiatan ini terdiri dari kunjungan lokasi / survey sekolah, persiapan modul yang akan disampaikan dalam pelatihan dan sosialisasi, persiapan sosialisasi, pengembangan konten e-learning, implementasi dan evaluasi serta laporan hasil kegiatan. Dengan sosialisasi website e-learning bagi SMP Negeri 8 Depok diharapkan sekolah dapat mengimplementasikan fasilitas pembelajaran online dan menjadi contoh bagi sekolah sekolah lain yang berbasis IT

    USAha Peningkatan Kompetensi Softskill melalui Student Centered-learning Bagi Mahasiswa yang Mengikuti Mata Kuliah Analisa Perancangan Sistem

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    The face to face learning process focuses on teacher-centered learning (the center of the learning activityis on the teacher or lecturer – the students just notice and listen the lecturer\u27s explanation), it is the reverse ofstudent-centered learning (students\u27 active participation). The changing of learning model from teacher-centeredapproach into student-learning center should be conducted to increase the students\u27 active participation in SystemDesign and Analysis course. The research methods to improve students\u27 softskills competency through studentcentredlearning were (a) making lecturer team who taught System Design and Analysis course (b) reviewingthe syllabus of lecturing unit (c) developing a learning model of student learning center to maximize the students\u27hardskills and to stimulate their softskills (d) conducting socialization of new revised syllabus of lecturing unitthat covered softskills competency, of which it had been validated by the university party (e) implementing thelearning process with the student-learning center approach by using syllabus of System Design and Analysiswhich covered softskills competency. By implementing the model of student learning center on System Design andAnalysis learning process, it was expected to be able to maximize the understanding of hardskills, technology foranalysis and information system design as well as to stimulate the student\u27s intrapersonal and interpersonal skills(softskills), who completed the course


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    Abstract :  The horror story of Dancer Village in Indonesia is a viral topic that has become a talk of citizens on Twitter social media. Various responses and public opinions emerged related to the truth of the story of supernatural experiences of students during a Real Work Lecture in an East Java region of Indonesia. This study conducted a sentiment analysis of community comments on Twitter social media on the viral topic using the Lexicon Based method. Sentiment classification is divided into 3 classes namely positive, negative and neutral. The research phase consists of data collection, pre-processing, processing (sentiment analysis) and visualization. Data collection uses Twitter Search API with 1000 Penari Desa keywords in Indonesian. The lexicon assessment results from 1000 tweets data obtained 33 positive, 767 neutral and 200 negative. The percentage of tweets containing positive comments by 3.3%, neutral 76.7% and negative by 20


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh likuiditas diukur dengan current ratio, leverage diukur dengan debt to equity ratio dan profitabilitas diukur dengan return on asssets terhadap nilai perusahaan diukur dengan price to book value pada perusahaan sub sektor semen yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan sub sektor semen yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling, yaitu pemilihan sampel berdasarkan beberapa kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Berdasarkan metode tersebut sampel yang didapatkan sebanyak 3 perusahaan dari 6 perusahaan sektor semen yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada periode 2009-2018. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda yang diolah dengan software SPSS versi 21. Berdasarkan hasil output SPSS menunjukkan bahwa semua variabel yang digunakan memenuhi asumsi dan model regresi layak digunakan dalam penelitian. Hasil pengujian dengan uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa likuiditas (CR) dan leverage (DER) berpengaruh positif tidak signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan, sedangkan profitabilitas (ROA) berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaa

    Pengaruh Corporate Culture dan Leadership Terhadap Employee Engagement BPJS Ketenagakerjaan

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    This study aims to determine the effect of corporate culture and leadership style on employee engagement. Corporate culture is measured by 4 dimensions, namely adaptability, consistency, involvement, and mission. Leadership is measured using 4 dimensions, namely ideal influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual attention. Employee engagement is measured by 4 dimensions, namely leadership style, remuneration, skill development, and work environment. This type of research is quantitative through an explanatory approach. This study used primary data using questionnaires and obtains a sample of 350 employees. Hypothesis testing is used multiple linear regression with SPSS. Based on hypothesis testing, this study concludes that corporate culture and leadership have a significant positive effect on employee engagement


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    ABSTRAKSI: Jaringan tanpa kabel (wireless network) dalam berkomunikasi antara coordinator dengan end-device tidak terlepas dari masalah rate data, wilayah cakupan, topologi jaringan, protokol perutingan dan ukuran jaringan. Teknologi jaringan wireless ini terbagi menjadi dua untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut, yaitu WPAN(Wireless Personal Area Network) dan WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network). Zigbee termasuk dalam kelompok WPAN yang dapat digunakan dalam melakukan sensor dan kendali untuk kebutuhan aplikasi perumahan (home application) yang tidak membutuhkan banyak data rate tetapi menjangkau untuk semua area.Dalam penelitian tugas akhir ini, pemodelan jaringan Zigbee dilakukan pada Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) menggunakan Network Simulator-2 dalam topologi single hop-star. Penilaian performansi jaringan menggunakan parameter-parameter Quality of Service (QoS) seperti throughput, delay dan packet loss.Hasil simulasi diperoleh bahwa perbedaan rate paket yang dikirimkan, peningkatan jumlah device dan adanya penggunaan protokol perutingan dapat meningkatkan performansi jaringan seperti meningkatnya nilai throughput dan menurunnya delay serta packet loss. Teknologi Zigbee/IEEE 802.15.4 digunakan pada aplikasi perumahan dengan proses perutingan dengan rate paket 10Kbps sangat cocok jika menggunakan 5 buah device, tetapi jika dilakukan proses tanpa perutingan dan waktu pembangkitan paketnya random dengan menggunakan rate paket lebih dari 10 Kbps maka performansi jaringanya menurun seperti menurunnya nilai throughput, meningkatnya nilai delay akan tetapi nilai packet loss ratio menurun sehingga pemilihan tanpa perutingan paket tidak bisa digunakan dalam jaringan Zigbee/IEEE 802.15.4.Kata Kunci : Kata kunci: Zigbee, IEEE 802.15.4, WSN, home application, QoS, Network Simulator-2ABSTRACT: The communication of wireless network between coordinator and end device can approximate from data rate, coverage area, network topology, routing protocol and network size. Wireless network technology divided into two groups to solve this problems, they are WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Network) and WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network). Zigbee is one of kind of WPAN group that uses at sensor and control for home application that does not need any data rate but can reach the area.In this final project, modeling Zigbee networking in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) using Network Simulator-2 in the single-hop-star topology. The value of performance network uses three parameters such as throughput, delay and packet loss.The simulation result this final project acquired that the different packet rate which is sent, increase device number and with routing protocol use can increase network performance like increasing throughput value and decreasing delay and also packet loss ratio. Zigbee/IEEE 802.15.4 is used in home application with routing process with packet rate 10Kbps is more suitable with 5 devices, but if without routing process with generating packet time is random and use packet rate more than 10Kbps then the network performance is decrease so selection without routing process isn’t good choices in Zigbee/IEEE 802.15.4 network.Keyword: Keyword : Zigbee, IEEE 802.15.4, WSN, home application, QoS, Network Simulator-
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