421 research outputs found

    The Hunt

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    Internal composition, structure, and hydrological significance of rock glaciers in the Eastern Cascades, Washington

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    Low summer river base flow places a strain on natural and economic resources of the Eastern Cascades. A major contributor to stream flow in this region is snow pack which has declined over the past few decades because of a warming climate. In addition, glacial runoff, which contributes significantly to base flow in summer dry periods, will diminish from glacial recession. However, rock glaciers, because their internal ice (i.e., permafrost) is insulated by an outer debris layer, react slowly to climate change, thus acting as sinks for ice and liquid water storage in mountain environments. This study utilized ground penetrating radar (GPR) to investigate the internal structure, composition, and hydrological significance of a sample of nine Eastern Cascade rock glaciers. Analysis reveals that active layer thickness for all active rock glaciers are similar with an average of 3.4 meters (m). In addition, linear reflectors deeper in the profiles indicate bedrock and accurately depict the overall rock glacier depth. Other internal stratigraphic features show thrust planes throughout different sections of the profile which are closely tied to slope angle. Further, GPR shows the presence of massive (i.e., solid) or interstitial internal permafrost indicating glaciogenic or talus origins. Through measurements of rock glacier base depth and the active layer, this study was able to improve on previous research for estimating the total volume of ice-rich permafrost in these features. Results show a 64 percent over-estimation of permafrost-rich layer thickness using methods from previous studies. These show that previous studies over-estimate the hydrological significance of rock glaciers in comparison to ice glaciers. Results indicate a ratio of volume of rock glacier to ice glacier ice-water equivalence of 1:46 in the Eastern Cascades. In turn, results indicate Eastern Cascade rock glaciers rank similarly in terms of hydrological significance to other mountain ranges around the globe. While rock glaciers in this region will continue to contribute to base flow, they will not totally compensate for the inevitable loss of ice glaciers. This research provides insight for water management for the Eastern Cascades experiencing shifting water resources due to a warming climate

    The Role of IL-1beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha in Radiation-Induced Bone Loss

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    Bone fractures greatly decrease an individual\u27s quality of life, as well as increase an individual\u27s risk for further complications, including death. Ionizing radiation causes bone loss, leaving bones at increased risk of fracture. This exposure, particularly in the context of cancer patients receiving radiotherapy, results in damage to normal (non-tumor) tissue. Inflammation is a common response to radiation-induced tissue damage, characterized by increased presence of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha. However, little is known about the roles of these cytokines in radiation-induced bone loss. This thesis hypothesized that the up regulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha) after irradiation would lead to rapid activation of osteoclasts and subsequent bone loss. Three approaches were used to investigate the roles of these cytokines in radiation-induced bone loss: 1) Rodent models deficient in IL-1beta receptor, IL-6, TNF-alpha, and TNF-alpha/IL-1beta receptor combined; 2) Administration of TNF-binding protein (Enbrel), IL-1 receptor antagonist (Kineret), or a combination of the two; 3) Administration of a p38 blocking molecule (AR-447). Irradiation did result in a decline of bone volume and overall deterioration of micro-architecture within the first few weeks after exposure. Additionally, pro-inflammatory cytokine presence and expression were elevated at early time points after exposure. However, using IL-1beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha knockout mouse strains or applying agents that block the activity of these cytokines did not prevent bone loss after radiation exposure. Providing an inhibitor of p38 activity, an important upstream and downstream mediator of pro-inflammatory cytokine production, likewise did not prevent radiation-induced osteoporosis. Therefore, within the confines of these animal studies, pro-inflammatory cytokines did not play a significant role, if any role at all, in radiation-induced bone loss, suggesting the possibility that these cytokines are not responsible for the radiation-induced activation of osteoclasts

    Asset Pricing Bubbles in Agricultural Commodities

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    Recent asset pricing bubble bursts in some markets beg the question of whether bubbles exist in others. Determining whether they exist has been investigated for years, with various approaches. This paper combines the Engle-Granger technique with a GSADF test to test for bubbles in corn and soybean futures prices. I attempt to find measures for the market fundamentals of the futures, employing PPIs and costs of production for each commodity. My findings provide some evidence for the existence of bubbles, though the results are not definitive. Overall, the findings imply a possibility for bubbles but also apossibility of true increases in the underlying value of agricultural commoditie

    The Effects of Disorder in van der Waals Materials

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    Due to their two-dimensional structure and wide range of electronic behaviors, van derWaals materials have garnered a lot of attention for new technological applications. However, much is still unknown about the consequences that impurities and disorder have on the performance of many new van der Waals materials. In my research I use scanning tunneling microscopy(STM) and electronic transport techniques to study the different types of disorder in three common van der Waals materials: tantalum disulfide (TaS2), black phosphorus (BP), and two-dimensional graphene. In TaS2 I show a sample preparation dependence on the surface state of the bulk crystal and emphasize the importance of this dependence. I also provide strong evidence that BP crystals are inherently p-doped with atomic vacancies, ending a long mystery as to the origin of the inherent sample doping. Finally, I show progress on metal-insulator transitions in graphene field effect transistors, as well as new techniques to characterize and analyze surface defects using STM

    Emotional Maturity of Adolescents and Adults in GED Programs

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    When discussing issues relating to students in General Educational Development (GED) Option and pre-GED programs with educators, the contention exists that it is possible to make reasonably accurate predictions on the success or failure of a student by observing a number of items. Looking at their cumulative records shows their academic and attendance history. Insight is gained by looking at their family dynamics and how they relate to adults. Much can be learned about them from their discipline reports and the nature of any infractions. One of the most intriguing aspects gained through experience and observation is the perception of a relationship between Reading level and maturity; that whatever battery score a student achieves on the TABE (Test of Adult Basic Education), his or her maturity level is generally consistent with that score. If the student’s score is in the sixth grade range, his or her maturity mirrors that score. Although a generalization and not applicable to all students in these programs, those with familiarity in this area attest that a relationship between score and behavior exists. Observation of an adult GED class, conversely, reveals that although scores may be in the same range, the approach to education and social interactions lacks little similarity to those of the adolescent group. This study looked at three groups of students: adults enrolled in an Adult Basic Education (ABE)/GED program, adolescents enrolled in a pre-GED or GED Option program and normative high school students enrolled in an eleventh grade English class. Instruments utilized for data collections were the TABE and the Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i). This data was analyzed to determine if correlations exist between these instruments within groups, and if significant differences exist between groups. Analysis included variables of gender and ethnicity. Any of the constructs or sublevels of socially intelligent behavior found to have significant differences could then be utilized as a factor for identifying at-risk students and applying the appropriate remediation

    The Yeast Resource Center Public Data Repository

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    The Yeast Resource Center Public Data Repository (YRC PDR) serves as a single point of access for the experimental data produced from many collaborations typically studying Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker's yeast). The experimental data include large amounts of mass spectrometry results from protein co-purification experiments, yeast two-hybrid interaction experiments, fluorescence microscopy images and protein structure predictions. All of the data are accessible via searching by gene or protein name, and are available on the Web at http://www.yeastrc.org/pdr/

    Solar Garden Website

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