14 research outputs found

    Туризм как ресурс формирования социального благополучия

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    Социально-философское осмысления взаимосвязи и взаимовлияния туризма и благополучия актуально, поскольку туризм стал сферой жизни обществ, а социальное благополучие является фундаментальным залогом развития социума, его стабильности и процветания. По мнения автора, туризм становится одной из основ социального благополучия в объективных и субъективных его проявлениях. Благополучие, как основа личностной и социальной самореализации и успешности в достижении целей, в свою очередь, позволяет формировать жизненные стратегии глобального общества.Socio-philosophical understanding of the relationship and mutual influence of tourism and well-being is important, because tourism has become a sphere of life of societies, and social well-being is a fundamental guarantee of the development of society, its stability and prosperity. According to the author, tourism becomes one of the foundations of social well-being in its objective and subjective manifestations. Well-being, as the basis of personal and social self-realization and success in achieving the goals, in turn, allows to form the life strategies of the global society

    Maternally derived antibodies against Bordetella pertussis antigens pertussis toxin and filamentous hemagglutinin in preterm and full term newborns

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    We measured IgG-anti-pertussis toxin and -IgG-anti-filamentous hemagglutinin antibody values in 43 full term and 34 preterm infants and 79 mothers. Antibody values were generally low and mean values were higher in full term than preterm infants. Transfer ratios increased with gestational age of the newborns. Based on these findings, maternal and neonatal immunization strategies should be considered to protect young infants from pertussis

    Analysis of the requirements for a CSP energy production forecast system

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    Renewable Energy Systems is a huge growing market in Europe and also worldwide. Especially in Spain, the Market for Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) is strongly emerging and the legislation allows the CSP producers to participate on the electricity market (OMEL). The precondition for the participation on the OMEL is the possibility to forecast the power production. This paper shows the requirements for a production forecast system for a Solar Thermal Power Plant (STPP) on the example of the Parabolic Trough Power Plant Andasol 3. Besides the requirements for the system, the paper shows and evaluates the required meteorological input parameters and different approaches to forecast especially direct solar radiation. It includes also a financial analysis of the opportunities of the different feed in tariffs

    Real-Time LightCycler PCR for Detection and Discrimination of Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis

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    Real-time PCR assays based on the LightCycler technology were developed for individual (simplex PCR) and simultaneous (duplex PCR) detection and discrimination of Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis in clinical samples. The assays were evaluated with 113 specimens from patients with and without symptoms of pertussis. Results were compared to those from conventional culture and TaqMan real-time PCR. The analytical sensitivity ranged from 0.1 to 10 CFU for B. pertussis and B. parapertussis, and intra- and interassay variations were less than 7%. Results were available within 2 h. With the simplex format, 21 of 100 samples from patients with clinical symptoms of pertussis were positive for B. pertussis and/or B. parapertussis. With the duplex format, 18 of 100 samples were positive. LightCycler PCR increased the diagnostic sensitivity over that of culture by 2.0-fold (duplex PCR) (P = 0.08) to 2.3-fold (simplex PCR) (P = 0.02). Our data suggest that duplex PCR in this format showed good analytical sensitivity but lost some sensitivity on clinical samples compared with the simplex format

    Characterization of Reference Materials for Human Antiserum to Pertussis Antigens by an International Collaborative Study ▿

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    Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has been widely used to evaluate antibody responses to pertussis vaccination and infection. A common reference serum is essential for the standardization of these assays. However, no internationally recognized reference serum is available. At the request of the Expert Committee on Biological Standardization (ECBS) of the World Health Organization (WHO), a set of four candidate international standards has been prepared. These candidate materials have been assessed for suitability and compared to the widely used U.S. reference pertussis antiserum (human) lot 3, lot 4, and lot 5 by 22 laboratories from 15 countries in an international collaborative study. Laboratories measured immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgA antibodies to pertussis toxin (PT), filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA), pertactin (PRN), and fimbriae (Fim2&3) using their established immunoassays. The results of this study showed each of the four candidates to be suitable as an international standard. With the agreement of the participants, a recommendation has been made to the ECBS that the candidate material coded 06/140 be established as the First International Standard for pertussis antiserum (human), with the following assigned international units (IU): IgG anti-PT, 335 IU/ampoule; IgA anti-PT, 65 IU/ampoule; IgG anti-FHA, 130 IU/ampoule; IgA anti-FHA, 65 IU/ampoule; IgG anti-PRN, 65 IU/ampoule; and IgA anti-PRN, 42 IU/ampoule. No formal units have been proposed for anti-Fim2&3 because most assays used a mixture of fimbrial antigens. In addition, the candidate material coded 06/142 has been proposed as a WHO working preparation for characterization of assay systems

    Workshop Bericht: Drei Jahre bundesweite Keuchhusten-Meldepflicht

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    Seit März 2013 gibt es eine bundesweite Melde­pflicht für Keuch­husten, zuvor war Keuch­husten in den fünf öst­li­chen Bun­des­län­dern seit länge­rem melde­pflich­tig gewesen. Im Epi­de­mio­logischen Bulletin 21/2017 ist ein Bericht über einen Erfahrungs­austausch zwischen Öffent­lichem Gesundheits­dienst, Ärzte­schaft und Laboren erschienen. Der Workshop-Bericht geht auch auf Impf­quoten, Diagnostik und Epi­de­mio­logie ein. Die Melde­daten spiegeln eine hohe Krankheits­last durch Keuch­husten in Deutsch­land wider, ähnlich wie in anderen west­lichen Ländern. Die Umsetzung der Melde­pflicht muss, vor allem in den west­lichen Bundes­ländern, weiter ver­bessert werden. Ein hoher Anteil von Laboren führt die Keuch­husten-Diagnos­tik nicht nach inter­natio­nalen Empfeh­lungen durch. Dies erschwert die Bewertung von Labor­meldungen an den Gesundheits­ämtern und führt u.U. zu Verzö­ge­run­gen bei der Ein­leitung von Kontroll­maß­nahmen. Ärzte können dies nach­haltig beein­flussen, indem sie gezielt nur die empfoh­lenen diagnos­tischen Tests anordnen. Bei einem hohen Anteil der über­mit­tel­ten Keuch­husten-Fälle fehlen An­gaben zum klinischen Bild. Daher sollten meldende Ärzte so voll­ständig wie möglich die relevanten Symptome an­geben, um den Ermittlungs­aufwand für Gesundheits­ämter so gering wie möglich zu halten. Auch bei anderen Melde­tat­beständen, insbesondere beim Impf­status, ist der Anteil von fehlenden Angaben noch zu hoch