56 research outputs found

    Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Human Metapneumovirus, and Parainfluenza Virus Infections in Lung Transplant Recipients:A Systematic Review of Outcomes and Treatment Strategies

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    BACKGROUND: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), parainfluenza virus (PIV), and human metapneumovirus (hMPV) are increasingly associated with chronic lung allograft dysfunction (CLAD) in lung transplant recipients (LTR). This systematic review primarily aimed to assess outcomes of RSV/PIV/hMPV infections in LTR and secondarily to assess evidence regarding the efficacy of ribavirin. METHODS: Relevant databases were queried and study outcomes extracted using a standardized method and summarized. RESULTS: Nineteen retrospective and 12 prospective studies were included (total 1060 cases). Pooled 30-day mortality was low (0-3%), but CLAD progression 180-360 days postinfection was substantial (pooled incidences 19-24%) and probably associated with severe infection. Ribavirin trended toward effectiveness for CLAD prevention in exploratory meta-analysis (odds ratio [OR] 0.61, [0.27-1.18]), although results were highly variable between studies. CONCLUSIONS: RSV/PIV/hMPV infection was followed by a high CLAD incidence. Treatment options, including ribavirin, are limited. There is an urgent need for high-quality studies to provide better treatment options for these infections

    Improved diagnostic policy for respiratory tract infections essential for patient management in the emergency department

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    Establishing an optimal diagnostic policy for patients with respiratory tract infections, at the emergency department (ED) of a university hospital in The Netherlands. Methods: Adult patients were sampled at admission, during the respiratory season (2014-2015). The FilmArray-RP was implemented at the clinical virology laboratory. Diagnostics were provided from 8 am to 10 pm, weekends included. Results: 436/492 (89%) results were available while patients were still at the ED. Median TAT from admission to test result was 165 min (IQR: 138-214). No antibiotics were prescribed in 94/207 (45%) patients who tested positive for a virus. 185/330 (56%) hospitalized patients did not need admission with isolation measures. The value-based measure, expressed in euro-hour (€h), increased to tenfold compared with previous policy. Conclusion: An optimal policy is essential for patient management, by providing timely, reliable diagnostics

    Primary Polyomavirus Infection, Not Reactivation, as the Cause of Trichodysplasia Spinulosa in Immunocompromised Patients

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    Classic human polyomaviruses (JC and BK viruses) become pathogenic when reactivating from latency. For the rare skin disease trichodysplasia spinulosa, we show that manifestations of the causative polyomavirus (TSPyV) occur during primary infection of the immunosuppressed host. High TSPyV loads in blood and cerebrospinal fluid, sometimes coinciding with cerebral lesions and neuroendocrine symptoms, marked the acute phase of trichodysplasia spinulosa, whereas initiation and maturation of TSPyV seroresponses occurred in the convalescent phase. TSPyV genomes lacked the rearrangements typical for reactivating polyomaviruses. These findings demonstrate the clinical importance of primary infection with this rapidly expanding group of human viruses and explain the rarity of some novel polyomavirus-associated diseases.Peer reviewe

    Development of a therapeutic vaccination strategy against cervical neoplasia

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    The aim of the studies described in this thesis was to investigate the effi cacy of a therapeutic immunization strategy against cervical cancer and premalignant cervical disease. Cervical cancer is caused by persistent infection with high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV). Two of the early proteins of these high-risk HPV, E6 and E7, interact with the cell cycle regulation proteins p53 and pRb, respectively, and can cause immortalization of cells. Constitutive production of these oncoproteins is required for the maintenance of the transformed phenotype of the cells, making these proteins attractive targets for immunotherapeutic strategies against HPVinduced cervical lesions. The therapeutic immunization strategy described in this thesis is based on an alphavirus vector, i.e. Semliki Forest virus vector (SFV). Recombinant SFV expressing a fusion protein of E6 and E7 under control of a translational enhancer (SFV-enhE6,7) is investigated in several preclinical studies using a murine model for HPV-dependent carcinogenesis.
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