29 research outputs found

    Le Secret du Savoir des constructeurs et sa rupture au cours du XVIIIe siècle à travers l'exemple des sources écrites françaises

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    "Der Versuch, den Weg eines Schiffes von der Definition des Projektes bis zur Realisierung auf der Werft zu beschreiben, bereitet der Archäologie - gleich welcher Art - erhebliche Schwierigkeiten, denn sie befaßt sich mit Objekten und bekommt so die technische Kultur der Schiffbaumeister, ihr praktisches und theoretisches Wissen, nicht in den Blick. Im Mittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit war das konstruktive Wissen der Schiffbauer nicht niedergeschrieben. Die Prinzipien wurden in engstem Kreise - meist vom Vater auf den Sohn - weitergegeben; vor Außenstehenden sollte das Wissen geheimgehalten werden. Die Ausbildung erfolgte durch die Praxis, und nur wenige Hilfsmittel waren vorhanden. Eine nennenswerte theoretische Ausbildung war in der Marine dem nautischen Offiziersnachwuchs vorbehalten, ehe 1741 in Paris die 'Petite Ecole de Construction' eingerichtet wurde, aus der 1748 die 'Grande Ecole' hervorging. Wegen dieser Art der Wissensvermittlung drangen Neuerungen nur sehr schwer ein; Schiffskonstruktion war bis zur Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts überaus konservativ. Die bedeutendsten Köpfe der Befreiung der Schiffskonstruktion von den Fesseln der überkommenen Regeln waren Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts J.A. Barras de la Penne sowie um die Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts P. Bouguer und vor allem H.-L. Duhamel du Monceau, dessen Arbeiten die wissenschaftliche Diskussion über die theoretischen Grundlagen der Schiffskonstruktion begründeten und sie in die Ausbildung der Schiffbauer einbrachten - wenigstens in den engen Kreis des entsprechenden Personals der Marine-Werften." (Autorenreferat)"The attempt to describe the evolution of a ship from the definition of the project to its realization in the shipyard causes considerable difficulty in every branch of archaeology, for this is a science which is concerned with objects and therefore has no insight into the shipbuilders' technical practises, their practical and theoretical knowledge. In the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, shipbuilders' knowledge of ship construction was not committed to paper. The principles were passed on in within an extremely limited circle of persons, usually from father to son, and were to be kept secret from outsiders. Training was carried out by means of practise and there were few technical aids available. Theoretical training was provided exclusively to the younger generation of officers in the navy until 1741, when the 'Petite Ecole de Construction' was founded, the institution from which the 'Grand Ecole' would emerge in 1748. Due to this form of conveying knowledge, innovation was rare: Until the mid eighteenth century ship construction was a decidedly conservative industry. The persons most significant for the liberation of ship construction from the bonds of these traditional rules were J.A. Barras de la Penne, active at the end of the seventeenth century and, in the mid eighteenth century, P. Bouguer and particularly H.-L. Duhamel du Monceau. The works of the latter formed the foundation for scientific discussion on the theoretical principles of ship construction and introduced these principles into the training of shipbuilders - at least within the narrow circle of the respective personnel in navy shipyards." (author's abstract

    Les « cahiers manuscrits » d’Etienne Sigaut : jonques et sampans chinois

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    Etienne Sigaut, agent de la compagnie des Messageries Maritimes à Shanghaï a réalisé entre 1943 et 1947 des cahiers de croquis inédits. Ces cahiers, conservés au Musée national de la Marine, sont consacrés aux différents modèles de jonques de commerce et de pêche observées dans le port de Shanghaï. Auteur d’un article sur l’œuvre de l’Amiral Pâris, Sigaut s’inscrit dans la continuité de celui-ci. Fondés sur des enquêtes personnelles et accordant une part importante à l’expression graphique, les cahiers de croquis constituent une remarquable série de monographies complétant les recherches menées par Audemard, Donnelly et Worcester, avec qui Sigaut a entretenu des relations étroites. Cette documentation est présentée en soulignant les méthodes de travail de Sigaut et leur apport à la connaissance de l’architecture navale chinoiseThe object of this article is to present, as a preliminary approach, an unpublished work conserved by the National Maritime Museum of Paris. The notebooks of Etienne Sigaut (1887-1983) are an exceptional documentation of traditional chinese naval architecture. Before examining this documentation, we feel it to be important at first, to briefly situate the author of this work.Etienne Sigaut, agente de la compañía de las Messageries Maritimes en Shangai entre 1943 y 1947, realizó varios cuardenos de croquis inéditos. Los cuardenos conservados en el Museo de la Marina están consagrados a los diferentes modelos de juncos de comercio y de pesca observados en el puerto de Shangai. Autor de un artículo sobre la obra del almirante Pâris, Sigaut se inscribe en su continuidad. Fundados sobre encuestas personales y acordando la parte importante a la expresión gráfica, los cuadernos de croquis constituyen una notable serie de monografías que completan las investigaciones llevadas a cabo por Audemard Donnelly — y Worcester, con quien Sigaut ha mantenido estrechas relaciones. Esta documentación está presentada subrayando dos métodos de trabajo de Sigaut y su aporte al conocimiento de la arquitectura naval china

    The Fougueux (1785-1805): prototype of an 18th–19th century French construction method

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    The 74-gun French ship Fougueux (1785-1805) belonged to the Spanish-French fleet that faced the British in the Battle of Trafalgar on 21 October 1805. This warship was lost off the coast of Sancti Petri after the battle. About two centuries later, an array of iron cannons and wooden remains were studied at this site by the Underwater Archaeology Centre of Andalusia. This paper presents the results of the analysis of the ship’s construction method, whose particularities place it within the tradition of French naval construction between the late 18th century and early 19th century.Le navire français de 74 canons Le Fougueux (1785-1805) appartenait à la flotte franco-espagnole qui affronta les Britanniques lors de la bataille de Trafalgar le 21 octobre 1805. Ce navire de guerre fut perdu au large de Sancti Petri après la bataille. Environ deux siècles plus tard, un ensemble de canons de fer et de vestiges en bois ont été étudiés sur ce site par le Centre d’archéologie sousmarine d’Andalousie. Cet article présente les résultats de l’analyse des méthodes de construction du navire, que ses particularités placent dans la tradition de la construction navale française entre la fin du xviiie et le début du xixe siècle.Fil: Rodríguez Mariscal, Nuria E.. Centro de Arqueología Subacuática de Andalucía; EspañaFil: Ciarlo, Nicolás Carlos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Arqueología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Alzaga García, Milagros. Centro de Arqueología Subacuática de Andalucía; EspañaFil: Rieth, Eric. Servicio de Patrimonio Histórico-artístico y Museo; EspañaFil: Izaguirre Lacoste, Manuel. Universite de Paris. Museum National D´historie Naturelle. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Franci

    Investigaciones en el pecio de Camposoto : hacía la identificación del navío francés Fougueux

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    Las últimas noticias registradas sobre el navío de línea Fougueux sitúan su naufragio, la noche del 22 de octubre de 1805, en un entorno cercano a Sancti-Petri. Gran parte de su tripulación murió durante el hundimiento. 200 años después se detecta la presencia, en el fondo marino de los restos de un buque sin identificar, artillado para la batalla. La investigación arqueológica establecerá, junto a la información aportada por las fuentes documentales, si existe relación entre los restos del buque localizados y el navío Fougueu

    The Fougueux (1805). Prototype 18th – 19th French construction system

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    Poster. Abstract: The 74 guns French ship Fougueux was built in the L’Oriênt arsenals in 1784, according to the guidelines of naval engineer Jacques Nöel Sané. The Fougueux belonged to the Spanish-French fleet under the command of Vice Admiral Villeneuve that in 21st October of 1805 faced the English fleet commanded by Admiral Nelson in the well-known Battle of Trafalgar. After a hard confrontation, the Fougueux was towed as a prey of war by the English ship Temeraire. The latest news about the French ship indicates that it was lost breaking on the rocky slopes of Sancti-Petri due to a storm unleashed after the battle. About two centuries later, an array of iron cannons, an anchor and wooden remains were discovered in this location. The archaeological research at the site was carried out by the Underwater Archaeology Centre of the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage. This paper presents the results on the ship’s construction system, with emphasis on the particularities that place it within the late 18th to early 19th century French shipbuilding tradition

    The Fougueux, Trafalgar (1805). A ship built and armed for the battle

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    Español: el navío de línea francés Fougueux se pierde la noche del 22 de octubre de 1805 frente a las costas de Camposoto (Cádiz). Tras combatir en la Batalla de Trafalgar, acontecida el 21 de octubre, desarbolado, sin gobierno y a remolque como presa de un navío inglés, se enfrentará a su última contienda contra los embates de un fuerte temporal que finalmente lo arrastrará contra los bajos rocosos de Sancti-Petri, donde naufraga. En 1999 se descubren bajo las aguas los restos de un buque artillado para la batalla en zonas próximas a las que las fuentes documentales sitúan el naufragio del Fougueux. Las investigaciones arqueológicas llevadas a cabo en el yacimiento (2006-2008) trataron de averiguar, a través del análisis de su sistema constructivo. Inglés: The French line ship Fougueux was lost in front of the coast of Camposoto (Cádiz) the night of October 22nd, 1805. After fighting in the Battle of Trafalgar, which took place on October 21st, dismasted, without government and being towed as a prisoner of an English ship, he will face his last fight against the stakes of a powerful storm that eventually drag it gainst the rocky shallows of Sancti -Petri where it shipwrecked. In 1999 the remains of an armed ship for battle are discovered under water in nearby areas where the documentary sources place the wreck of the Fougueux. The archaeological investigations conducted at this site (2006-2008) tried to find out, by analyzing their constructive and weapons system, the ship’s identity y de su armamento, la identidad del buque

    El Fougueux, análisis del sistema constructivo de un navío de línea de la armada imperial de Napoleón Bonaparte

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    Castellano:El navío de línea francés Fougueux se pierde la noche del 22 de octubre de 1805 frente a las costas de Camposoto (San Fernando, Cádiz). Tras combatir en la batalla de Trafalgar, acontecida el 21 de octubre, desarbolado, sin gobierno y a remolque como presa de un navío inglés, se enfrentará a su última contienda contra los envites de un fuerte temporal que finalmente lo arrastrará contra los bajos rocosos de Sancti-Petri, donde naufraga. En 1999 se descubren bajo las aguas los restos de un buque artillado para la batalla en zonas próximas en las que las fuentes documentales sitúan el naufragio del Fougueux. Las investigaciones arqueológicas llevadas a cabo en el yacimiento (2006-2008) trataron de averiguar, a través del análisis su sistema constructivo, junto a otros aspectos estudiados, la identidad del buque. Inglés: The French vessel Fougueux was lost on the night the 22nd October 1805 in front of Camposoto coasts (San Fernando, Cádiz). After fighting in Trafalgar Battle the 21st October, dismasted and adrift, it was seized and towed by the English vessels. Its last battle took place against a violent storm and was finally swept along towards the rocky shallows of Sancti-Petri whe e it sunk. In 1999 the wreckage of a ship was discovered in a nearby area where, according to documentary sources, the Fougueux was wrecked. The archaeological research carried out on the site (2006-2008) tried to discover the vessel’s identity through the analyse of its constructive system together with some other investigations

    Euskal Herriko untzigintza = La construcción naval en el País Vasco

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    Reseña bibliográfica de la obra "Europear herri antzertia = Teatro popular europeo = Théâtre populaire européen" editada en Cuadernos de Lengua y Literatura, producto de las jornadas Colloque International sur les formes de "Euskal Herriko untzigintza = La construcción naval en el País Vasco", segundo volumen de la Revista del Museo Naval de Donostia, trata el tema de la construcción naval en vasca

    Master Frame and Flat Floor-Timber: An ‘Architectural Signature’ of the Mediterranean Shipyards?

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    This article is an attempt to analyse the master frame form characterised by a flat floor-timber, a sharp or shaped turn of the bilge, and more or less straight sides. This form of master frame is associated with the Mediterranean architecture of the ‘frame-based’ principle, as attested from the end of the 5th century to the beginning of the 6th century AD Dor 2001/1 shipwreck (Israel), which is considered as one of the five origins (Root 4: Nilotic-riverine) of the ‘frame-based’ architecture. A series of medieval and modern wrecks of coastal ships and galleys bear witness to this form of master frame linked more generally to the Mediterranean whole moulding. In view of the consistency of these archaeological as well as ethnographic evidence on traditional Mediterranean shipbuilding, this form of master frame with a flat floor-timber appears to be one of the most revealing ‘architectural signatures’ of the practices of Mediterranean shipyards

    L'épave d'Urbieta (Gernika): une embarcation à clin du milieu du XVe siècle : étude préliminaire

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