2,329 research outputs found

    Magnocellular and parvocellular influences on reflexive attention

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    AbstractPrevious studies have provided conflicting evidence regarding whether the magnocellular (M) or parvocellular (P) visual pathway is primarily responsible for triggering involuntary orienting. Here, we used event-related potentials (ERPs) to provide new evidence that both the M and P pathways can trigger attentional capture and bias visual processing at multiple levels. Specifically, cued-location targets elicited enhanced activity, relative to uncued-location targets, at both early sensory processing levels (indexed by the P1 component) and later higher-order processing stages (as indexed by the P300 component). Furthermore, the present results show these effects of attentional capture were not contingent on the feature congruency between the cue and expected target, providing evidence that this biasing of visual processing was not dependant on top-down expectations or within-pathway priming

    An improved model for the Earth's gravity field

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    An improved model for the Earth's gravity field, TEG-1, was determined using data sets from fourteen satellites, spanning the inclination ranges from 15 to 115 deg, and global surface gravity anomaly data. The satellite measurements include laser ranging data, Doppler range-rate data, and satellite-to-ocean radar altimeter data measurements, which include the direct height measurement and the differenced measurements at ground track crossings (crossover measurements). Also determined was another gravity field model, TEG-1S, which included all the data sets in TEG-1 with the exception of direct altimeter data. The effort has included an intense scrutiny of the gravity field solution methodology. The estimated parameters included geopotential coefficients complete to degree and order 50 with selected higher order coefficients, ocean and solid Earth tide parameters, Doppler tracking station coordinates and the quasi-stationary sea surface topography. Extensive error analysis and calibration of the formal covariance matrix indicate that the gravity field model is a significant improvement over previous models and can be used for general applications in geodesy

    Review: geological and experimental evidence for secular variation in seawater Mg/Ca (calcite-aragonite seas) and its effects on marine biological calcification

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    Synchronized transitions in the polymorph mineralogy of the major reef-building and sediment-producing calcareous marine organisms and abiotic CaCO3 precipitates (ooids, marine cements) throughout Phanerozoic time are believed to have been caused by tectonically induced variations in the Mg/Ca ratio of seawater (molar Mg/Ca>2="aragonite seas"

    Direct Visualization of Single Nuclear Pore Complex Proteins Using Genetically-Encoded Probes for DNA-PAINT

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    The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is one of the largest and most complex protein assemblies in the cell and, among other functions, serves as the gatekeeper of nucleocytoplasmic transport. Unraveling its molecular architecture and functioning has been an active research topic for decades with recent cryogenic electron microscopy and super-resolution studies advancing our understanding of the architecture of the NPC complex. However, the specific and direct visualization of single copies of NPC proteins is thus far elusive. Herein, we combine genetically-encoded self-labeling enzymes such as SNAP-tag and HaloTag with DNA-PAINT microscopy. We resolve single copies of nucleoporins in the human Y-complex in three dimensions with a precision of circa 3 nm, enabling studies of multicomponent complexes on the level of single proteins in cells using optical fluorescence microscopy

    Irradiation programme HFR phase IIb - SPICE. Impact testing on up to 16.3 dpa irradiated RAFM steels. Final report for task TW2-TTMS 001b-D05

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    Bestrahlungsprogramm HFR Phase IIb – SPICE: Kerbschlagbiegeuntersuchungen an bis 16.3 dpa bestrahlten RAFM StĂ€hlen Die Untersuchung des bestrahlungsinduzierten Versprödungsverhaltens von niedrigaktivierbaren ferritisch-martensitischen (RAFM) StĂ€hlen bildet das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit. Die Neutronenbestrahlung bei verschiedenen Bestrahlungstemperaturen (250-450 °C) bis zu einer SchĂ€digung von 16,3 dpa (nominell) wurde im Hoch Fluss Reaktor („High Flux Reactor“) Petten im Rahmen des HFR Phase IIb (SPICE) Bestrahlungsprogramms durchgefĂŒhrt. Die Kerbschlageigenschaften wurden an miniaturisierten Charpy-V Proben (des KLST Typs) mittels der instrumentierten Kerbschlagbiegeversuche ermittelt. Der Hauptschwerpunkt des Bestrahlungsprogramms liegt in der Untersuchung des Einflusses der Neutronenbestrahlung auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften von einem europĂ€ischen RAFM Referenzstahl fĂŒr die Erste Wand des Demonstrationsreaktors (DEMO), EUROFER97, bei zwei verschiedenen WĂ€rmebehandlungen. Die mechanischen Eigenschaften von EUROFER97 wurden mit denen von internationalen Referenzmaterialien (F82H-mod, OPTIFER-Ia, GA3X und MANET-I), welche im SPICE Projekt untersucht wurden, verglichen. Die Bestrahlungsresistenz von bis 16,3 dpa bei 250-450 °C bestrahltem EUROFER97 ist vergleichbar mit der von besten Referenz-Strukturmaterialien. Es wurde fĂŒr alle untersuchten RAFM StĂ€hle eine erhebliche Tieftemperaturversprödung (Tirr ≀ 300 °C) beobachtet. Die WĂ€rmebehandlung von EUROFER97 bei höherer Austenisierungstemperatur fĂŒhrt zur wesentlichen Verbesserung des Versprödungsverhaltens bei niedrigen Bestrahlungstemperaturen (Tirr ≀ 350 °C). Bei Tirr ≄ 350 °C liegen die SprödbruchĂŒbergangstemperaturen (DBTT) von untersuchten niedrigaktivierbaren StĂ€hlen unterhalb von -20 °C und damit weit unterhalb der Anwendungstemperatur. Die Analyse des Verfestigungs- vs. Versprödungs- Verhaltens deutet auf die verfestigungsdominierte Versprödung unterhalb von Tirr ≀ 350 °C mit 0,17≀ C100 ≀ 0,53 °C/MPa. OxiddispersionsgehĂ€rteter ODS EUROFER Stahl mit 0,5 wt.% Y2O3 wurde bei ausgewĂ€hlten Temperaturen bestrahlt. Bereits im unbestrahlten Zustand zeigte ODS EUROFER keine be- friedigende Kerbschlagbiegeeigenschaften, gekennzeichnet durch eine niedrige USE = 2,54 J und durch eine große DBTT = 135 °C. Die Zunahme von USE fĂŒr Bestrahlungstemperaturen unterhalb von Tirr ≀ 350°C deutet außerdem auf ein nicht optimiertes Herstellungsverfahren. Bei Tirr = 250 °C ist die bestrahlungsinduzierte Verschiebung der Übergangstemperatur vergleichbar mit der vom EUROFER97. Bei höheren Bestrahlungstemperaturen zeigt hingegen ODS EUROFER grĂ¶ĂŸere Versprödung im Vergleich zum Referenzmetall. Die Rolle des Heliums in der Materialversprödung wurde an EUROFER97 basierten StĂ€hlen untersucht, welche mit verschiedenem Bor Gehalt (0,008-0,112 wt.%) dotiert wurden. Bor dotierte Proben zeigen zunehmende Versprödung und Abnahme der ZĂ€higkeit mit der Zunahme des generierten Helium Gehalts. Bis zu einem Helium Gehalt von 84 appm ist bei Tirr = 250 °C Helium induzierte Versprödung auf Helium induzierte Verfestigung zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren. Höhere Helium Konzentrationen fĂŒhrten zu weiteren Versprödungsmechanismen zusĂ€tzlich zur Helium induzierten Verfestigung

    Tracking system options for future altimeter satellite missions

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    Follow-on missions to provide continuity in the observation of the sea surface topography once the successful TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) oceanographic satellite mission has ended are discussed. Candidates include orbits which follow the ground tracks of T/P GEOSAT or ERS-1. The T/P precision ephemerides, estimated to be near 3 cm root-mean-square, demonstrate the radial orbit accuracy that can be achieved at 1300 km altitude. However, the radial orbit accuracy which can be achieved for a mission at the 800 km altitudes of GEOSAT and ERS-1 has not been established, and achieving an accuracy commensurate with T/P will pose a great challenge. This investigation focuses on the radial orbit accuracy that can be achieved for a mission in the GEOSAT orbit. Emphasis is given to characterizing the effects of force model errors on the estimated radial orbit accuracy, particularly those due to gravity and drag. The importance of global, continuous tracking of the satellite for reduction in these sources of orbit error is demonstrated with simulated GPS tracking data. A gravity tuning experiment is carried out to show how the effects of gravity error may be reduced. Assuming a GPS flight receiver with a full-sky tracking capability, the simulation results indicate that a 5 cm radial orbit accuracy for an altimeter satellite in GEOSAT orbit should be achievable during low-drag atmospheric conditions and after an acceptable tuning of the gravity model

    Views of healthcare consumer representatives on defensive practice: “We are your biggest advocate and supporter 
 not the enemy”

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    BACKGROUND: The patient–clinician interaction is a site at which defensive practice could occur, when clinicians provide tests, procedures and treatments mainly to reduce perceived legal risks, rather than to advance patient care. Defensive practice is a driver of low‐value care and exposes patients to the risks of unnecessary interventions. To date, patient perspectives on defensive practice and its impacts on them are largely missing from the literature. This exploratory study conducted in Australia aimed to examine the views and experiences of healthcare consumer representatives in this under‐examined area. METHODS: Semi‐structured interviews were conducted with healthcare consumer representatives involved in healthcare consumer advocacy organisations in Australia. Data were transcribed and analysed thematically. RESULTS: Nine healthcare consumer representatives participated. Most had over 20 years of involvement and advocacy in healthcare, including personal experiences as a patient or carer and/or formal service roles on committees or complaint bodies for healthcare organisations. Participants uniformly viewed defensive practice as having a negative impact on the clinician–patient relationship. Themes identified the importance of fostering patient–clinician partnership, effective communication and informed decision‐making. The themes support a shift from the concept of defensive practice to preventive practice in partnership, which focuses on the shared interests of patients and clinicians in achieving safe and high‐value care. CONCLUSION: This Australian study offers healthcare consumers' perspectives on the impacts of defensive practice on patients. The findings highlight the features of clinician–patient partnership that will help to improve communication and decision‐making, and prevent the defensive provision of low‐value care. PATIENT OR PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION: Healthcare consumer representatives were involved as participants in this study
