21 research outputs found

    Maatalouden tuotantokustannukset Suomessa

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    vokMTT Taloustutkimu

    Omavaraisen viljelyn kannattavuuslaskelmia

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    vKirjasto Aj-k. Yksikön huom.: Kirjast

    EU:n maatalousuudistuksen vaikutukset Suomen maitotiloilla

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    Maatalouden tuotantokustannukset

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    Julkaisu suomeksi 101 ja englanniksi 101avokMTT Taloustutkimus (MTTL

    Preliminary results of bookkeeping farms in 1997

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    This paper presents a brief account of the preliminary results of the profitability study concerning the Finnish agriculture in 1997. The number of farms included in the study is 530, which is about half of the bookkeeping farms in Finland. Only the main points in the results for 1997 are compared with those of previous year. The results are presented as averages for all farms as well as grouped according to the size and type of farms. The results for the different production lines are also presented according to the support areas. The year 1997 was the third year of Finland in the EU. According to the preliminary bookkeeping data for 1997, the average farm income per hectare was FIM 3,414, which is 14% smaller than before the EU membership in 1994. According to the production lines, there was some improvement in the farm income per hectare from 1996 on cattle and pig farms, but on crop producing farms the farm income was slightly lower than in 1996.vokMTT Taloustutkimus (MTTL

    Maidon, viljan ja sianlihan tuotantokustannukset kirjanpitotiloilla

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    The purpose of the study is to calculate the production costs of milk, cereals and pigmeat on the bookkeeping farms. Results from the bookkeeping farms in 1995 are used as the data. Farms have been classified on the basis of the production cost. The production costs have also been calculated for various support areas, and they have been compared to the production costs prior to the EU membership. The average production cost for milk was FIM 3.56/l. On about a fifth of the farms the production cost for milk was less than FIM 3.00/l, and on about half of the farms it was below FIM 3.50/l. When the farms were classified into four groups of an equal size on the basis of the profitability coefficient, the production cost in the best group was FIM 2.93/l and in the worst it was FIM 4.29/l. The best and the worst groups differed in the first place in terms of the labour cost and depreciations. According to the support areas, the production cost was the lowest in area B and the highest in area C3. The average production cost for milk fell by 8% between 1992 and 1995. The average production cost for cereals was FIM 1.98/kg. On 32% of the farms the production cost of cereals was below FIM 1.60/kg, and on 61% of the farms the cost was less than FIM 2.00/kg. When the farms were divided into the four profitability classes, on farms with the highest profitability the production cost was FIM 1.39/kg and in the group with the lowest profitability it was FIM 2.56/kg. The differences were the greatest in the labour cost and depreciations. In terms of the support areas the production cost was the highest in area A and the lowest in area C. On average, the production costs have fallen by 19% between 1991 and 1995. The average production cost for pigmeat was FIM 14.11/kg. 18% of the pig farms produced a kilo of pigmeat for less than FIM 11.00, and on 47% of the farms the cost was below FIM 14.00. When the pig farms were divided into three profitability classes, in the third with the highest profitability the production cost was FIM 11.43/kg, and in the weakest third it was FIM 15.80/kg. When examined according to the support area, the production cost was the lowest in area C and the highest in area A, in which the labour cost and depreciations were clearly higher than in the other areas. The production costs of pigmeat decreased by the average of 29% between 1992 and 1995vokMTT Taloustutkimus (MTTL)Production costs of milk, cereals and pigmeat on bookkeeping farm

    Production costs of agriculture

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    vokMTT Taloustutkimus (MTTL

    Maidon ja viljan tuotantokustannukset Suomen kirjanpitotiloilla vuosina 1998-2000

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    Suomessa maataloustuotteiden tuotanto on kalliimpaa kuin muissa Euroopan maissa. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää maidon ja viljan tuotantokustannukset kirjanpitotiloilla vuosina 1998, 1999 ja 2000. Maidon tuotantokustannus oli vuonna 2000 keskimäärin 510 /t, joka oli 4,5 %:a pienempi kuin vuonna 1998. Kustannukset maitotonnia kohti olivat pienimmät yli 30 lehmän tiloilla ja suurimmat alle 10 lehmän tiloilla. Eniten eroja tuotantokustannuksiin aiheuttivat eri kokoisilla tiloilla yrittäjäperheen työkustannukset. Maitotonnin tuotanto maksoi 400-600 :a 80 %:lla tiloista. Maidon myyntituotto ja tuotantotuki kattoivat kustannukset 21 %:lla tiloista. Vähiten maitotonnin tuotanto maksoi B- ja C2-tukialueilla. Eniten se maksoi Pohjois-Suomessa. Viljan tuotantokustannus oli vuonna 2000 keskimäärin 327,1 /t. Viljan tuotantokustannuksista 57 %:a oli kiinteitä kustannuksia, joihin sisältyi myös yrittäjäperheen työkustannus. Vuodet 1998 ja 1999 olivat katovuosia, jolloin viljan tuotanto viljatonnia kohti maksoi huomattavasti enemmän kuin normaalina vuonna. Viljatonnin tuotanto oli selvästi halvempaa suuremmilla tiloilla. Viljatonnin tuotanto maksoi 200-500 :a pääosalla tiloista. Muutamilla tiloilla kustannukset olivat erittäin suuret ja muutamilla tiloilla pienet. Vuonna 2000 tiloista 26 %:a pystyi kattamaan kaikki viljakilon tuotantokustannukset viljan hinnalla ja tuilla. Viljatonnin tuotanto maksoi vähiten A-tukialueella ja eniten C-tukialueella. Tähän vaikutti se, että A-alueella tilat ja myös viljasadot olivat suurempia kuin muualla maassa.In Finland the production of agricultural products is more expensive than in the other European countries. The objective of this study was to examine the production costs of milk and cereals on Finnish bookkeeping farms in 1998, 1999 and 2000. The average production cost of milk in 2000 was 510 /t, which is 4.5% less than in 1998. The production costs were the lowest on farms with over 30 cows and highest on farms with under 10 cows. The most important factor explaining the difference in the costs between the farm size classes was the labour cost of the farm family. On 80% of the farms the production costs of milk production varied between 400 /t and 600 /t. The milk price and production aid covered the production cost on 21% of the farms. The milk production costs were the lowest in areas B and C2, while the costs were the highest in northern Finland. In 2000 the average production cost of cereals was 327.1 /t. Fixed costs, including the labour cost of the farm family, accounted for 57% of the production costs. There were quite serious crop damages in 1998 and 1999, and thus the production costs were clearly higher than in normal years. Moreover, the production costs of cereals were considerably lower on larger farms. The production costs of cereals varied between 200 /t and 500 /t. On a small share of farms the production cost was extremely high, while on some farms it was very low indeed. In 2000 the cereal prices and support covered the production costs on 26% of the farms. The production costs ( /t) were the lowest in support area A and highest in support area C, mainly because of the larger farm size and higher yields in support area A.vokMTT TaloustutkimusProduction costs of milk and cereals on Finnish bookkeeping farms in 1998-200