1,704 research outputs found

    Non-proportional deformation paths for sheet metal: experiments and models

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    For mild steel, after significant plastic deformation in one direction, a subsequent deformation in an orthogonal direction shows a typical stress overshoot compared to monotonic deformation. This phenomenon is investigated experimentally and numerically on a DC06 material. Two models that incorporate the observed overshoot are compared. In the Teodosiu-Hu model, pre-strain influences the rate of kinematic hardening by a rather complex set of evolution equations. The shape of the elastic domain is not changed. Another way to describe the observed overshoot is by distortional hardening, like in the model by Levkovitch et al. In this model, a deformation in one direction directly influences the shape of the yield locus, which is apparent even without additional plastic deformation in another direction. Both models can represent the experimental results well, but in the original implementations, the Teodosiu model performs better.\ud \ud KEYWORDS: non-proportional loading, plasticity, material model, distortional hardenin

    Consistent plane stress-3D conversion of hardening models and yield criteria

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    Material models in FE-simulations are used both in 3D and plane stress situations. In this\ud paper it is shown that for models that include kinematic hardening, the conversion from a 3D to a plane\ud stress algorithm needs more adaptations than only eliminating the thickness components. An example\ud and a consistent conversion are presented. Secondly it is discussed how to convert a 2D plane stress\ud yield criterion into a full 3D yield criterion. This is essential for using solid-shell elements with 2D yield\ud criteria, typically used in sheet metal formin

    Evaluation of stresses in a combined plane strain-simple shear test

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    A biaxial testing device for sheet metal has been developed that can impose a combination of\ud plane strain and simple shear deformation. The specimen has a large width to height ratio and a small height\ud to thickness ratio. The forces in tensile and shear direction are easily measured and the tensile stress and shear\ud stress can easily be derived. For a full description of stresses, however, the stress in lateral direction should also\ud be known. This stress is a result of the constraint, imposed by the large width to height ratio and cannot be\ud measured directly. The strain in the specimen is measured on the surface. By imposing the Drucker normality\ud principle, the direction of the tangent to the yield surface is known and the unknown stress increment in lateral\ud direction can be obtained. Computer simulations are performed to test whether the intended approach can\ud recalculate all stress components from measurement of 3 in-plane strains and just 2 stresses. Without hardening,\ud good results are obtained for a complete interval between the pure shear point up to a point between uniaxial\ud stress and the plane strain point on the yield locus. With hardening, the algorithm requires a lot of data points\ud to avoid drifting from the exact solution. It is noted that, although the normality rule is used, it is not necessary\ud to have an a-priori knowledge of the yield functio

    Stimulating Strategically Aligned Behaviour Among Employees

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    In recent years it has become increasingly important for companies to ensure strategically aligned behaviour, i.e., employee actions that are consistent with the company’s strategy. This study provides insights into the way companies can stimulate such behaviour through motivating and informing their employees, and by providing them with the necessary capabilities. The results of surveys conducted in three organisations suggest that motivating, informing, and providing the necessary capabilities are essential conditions for strategically aligned behaviour to occur; however, this only holds when a company has not sufficiently engaged in one or more of these practices in the past. For example, in the case that employees have already been sufficiently informed about the company’s strategy, it would be of greater benefit to then reduce efforts to inform them and increase efforts to motivate and develop capabilities.Capability development;Employee behaviour;Information;Motivation;Strategic alignment

    Stimulating Strategically Aligned Behaviour among Employees

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    Strategically aligned behaviour (SAB), i.e., employee action that is consistent with the company’s strategy, is of vital importance to companies. This study provides insights into the way managers can promote such behaviour among employees by stimulating employee motivation and by informing employees, and by stimulating the development of their capabilities. The results of surveys conducted in three organisations suggest that, first, efforts by management aimed at motivating and informing employees (both managers and non-managers), and at developing their capabilities, each have an influence on SAB. Second, among the efforts to stimulate motivation among employees, providing a rationale for the strategy and an open communication climate have a stronger effect than participation in decision making and supportiveness. Third, the perceptions of the different types of managerial efforts influence each other. For this reason, the efforts have direct as well as indirect effects on SAB. Fourth, each of the efforts acts as a necessary condition for SAB to occur. Finally, the effect of informing efforts appears to be stronger for managerial employees than for non-managerial employees, and also for employees who have a better understanding of the organisation’s strategy.information;motivation;employee behaviour;strategic change;capability development;strategic alignment

    Tracking strategic alignment with EcQ - The Strategic Alignment Monitor

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    This article discusses and analyzes a new measure designed specifically to track employee alignment and its drivers, named “EcQ® - The Strategic Alignment Monitor”. How can managers identify whether employees support the company’s strategic issues? The EcQ provides companies with a tool capable of measuring this alignment and reveals weaknesses and strengths in its drivers.Este artigo discute e analisa uma nova medida desenvolvida especificamente para mensurar o alinhamento interno das empresas e seus determinantes. Essa medida é denominada “EcQ® - Monitor de Alinhamento Estratégico”. Como identificar se os empregados estão alinhados às questões estratégicas da empresa? O EcQ permite mensurar esse alinhamento e revela os pontos fracos e fortes de seus determinantes.Tiene por objetivo discutir y analizar una nueva medida desarrollada específicamente para mensurar el nivel de alineación interna de las organizaciones y sus determinantes. Dicha medida se denomina “EcQ® - Monitor de Alineación Estratégica”. ¿Cómo se puede identificar si el comportamiento de los empleados está alineado con los objetivos estratégicos de la empresa? El EcQ permite mensurar esa alineación y revela los puntos fuertes y débiles de sus determinantes