480 research outputs found

    Medicinal chemistry and molecular pharmacology of orphan human Mas-related G protein-coupled receptors X2 and X4 (MRGPRX2 and MRGPRX4)

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    The MRGPRX protein subfamily comprise rhodopsin-like orphan GPCRs, whose endogenous agonists have not been identified yet. They are exclusively expressed in primates, including humans. All Mas-related GPCRs (MRGPRs) were first detected in dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) and trigeminal ganglia (TGs), suggesting a role in pain and itch. The MRGPRX2 subtype and its postulated mouse orthologue MRGPRB2 exhibit unique features being activated by various endogenous and exogenous agonists and due to their predominant expression in mast cells (MCs). Both MRGPRX2 and MRGPRB2 are associated with pseudoallergic reactions, such as asthma, chronic urticaria and skin inflammation. Due to its activation by bile acids and bilirubin, MRGPRX4 has been proposed to the target of high concentrations of these molecules released in cholestasis and being responsible for their provoking of itch. MRGPRX2 and MRGPRX4 represent fundamentally new drug targets. Therefore, the development of potent and selective agonists and antagonists is essential to reveal the (patho)physiological functions of these GPCRs, and validating them as novel drug targets, performing preclinical studies and eventually advance them towards clinical development. In view of the need of new drugs to treat and prevent chronic itch and pain, the design of MRGPRX2, MRGPRB2 and MRGPRX4 ligands represents a crucial step. In this PhD thesis, MRGPRX2, its proposed mouse orthologue MRGPRB2, as well as MRGPRX4 were pharmacologically investigated. Tricyclic benzimidazole derivatives have been identified before as potent MRGPRX2 antagonists, and polar xanthine derivatives as MRGPRX4 agonists with high potency. Structure-activity relationships (SARs) at both GPCRs have been intensively investigated in this study as well as their chemical optimization. This approach resulted in finding the most potent ligands for these GPCRs so far: whereas the MRGPRX2 antagonist CB70 displayed a potency in the nanomolar range (IC50 0.0225 ”M in ÎČ-arrestin assays), the determined agonistic potency of the MRGPRX4 agonist DM288 was in the high picomolar range (EC50 0.000296 ”M in ÎČ-arrestin assays). Additionally, tricyclic benzimidazole derivatives were evaluated for their additional antagonism at MRGPRB2 in calcium assays and SAR analysis allowed the identification of the most potent MRGPRB2 antagonist to date (CB70, IC50 0.00169 ”M in calcium assays). In order to further characterize CB70, the compound was analyzed for its inhibition mode at MRGPRX2. Several antagonistic hit compounds for MRGPRX4 were evaluated for their potency and selectivity. During the development of calcium and ÎČ-arrestin assays for MRGPRX4, a single nucleotide polymorphism (S83L) has been identified in the MRGPRX4 gene that altered the GPCR function and impacted the potency of the investigated MRGPRX4 ligands. Lastly, optimized ligands were tested for their inhibition of mast cell degranulation as well as for their induction of intracellular calcium concentration in stem cell-derived mature human dorsal root ganglia neurons. The successful development of new potent and selective MRGPRX2 and MRGPRX4 ligands will help to further characterize the physiological role of these GPCRs

    Pascals Kunst zu ĂŒberzeugen : Geist und Wirkung der Mathematischen Logik in den Briefen in die Provinz

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    Die bis in unsere Tage reichende PrÀsenz der "Briefe in die Provinz" von Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662) gab Anlass, diese Streitschriften hinsichtlich eines ihnen zugrunde liegenden methodischen Verfahrens zu untersuchen, das auf den Grundregeln der von Pascal betriebenen Mathematischen Logik beruht und das den nachhaltigen Erfolg der "Briefe in die Provinz" erklÀrt

    AnÀsthesiologische Konzepte bei der Resektion von arteriovenösen Malformationen des Gehirns

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    Zerebrale arteriovenöse Malformationen (AVM) sind GefĂ€ĂŸfehlbildungen im Gehirn, die in ihrem klinischen Verlauf unter anderem zu intrazerebralen Blutungen fĂŒhren können. Eine Therapiemöglichkeit ist die mikrochirurgische Resektion. Bei diesen anspruchsvollen Operationen kommt in ausgewĂ€hlten FĂ€llen die kontrollierte Hypotension zum Einsatz. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein anĂ€sthesiologisches Verfahren, bei dem der Blutdruck intraoperativ auf einen mittleren arteriellen Blutdruck von 50-60 mmHg abgesenkt wird, um Blutungen zu reduzieren und ein ĂŒbersichtlicheres Operationsfeld zu ermöglichen. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht retrospektiv den Einsatz und die Umsetzung der kontrollierten Hypotension bei der Resektion von zerebralen AVMs. In erster Linie wird der postoperative neurologische Zustand der Patienten analysiert. Weiterhin wird der intraoperative Blutverlust und der Operationsverlauf untersucht. Es wurden 56 Narkoseprotokolle ausgewertet und eine Einteilung in eine Hypotensions- und eine Kontrollgruppe vorgenommen. Es zeigte sich, dass der Blutdruck in der Hypotensionsphase auf durchschnittlich 57 mmHg abgesenkt wurde. Dies wurde in den meisten FĂ€llen durch eine Vertiefung der Narkose oder die Gabe von Urapidil erreicht. Im Vergleich zeigte sich der Blutverlust in der Hypotensionsgruppe höher und die Operationsdauer lĂ€nger. Zudem zeigten die Patienten der Hypotensionsgruppe postoperativ tendenziell eher eine neurologische Verschlechterung. In der Analyse wurde das postoperative Auftreten von neurologischen Defiziten am besten durch den arteriellen Mitteldruck der Hypotensionsphase und das Auftreten von postoperativen Hemiparesen durch die Dauer der Hypotensionsphase vorhergesagt. Insgesamt kommt diese Arbeit zu dem Schluss, dass ein notwendiger Einsatz der kontrollierten Hypotension unter strenger Indikation und in seiner Dauer und AusprĂ€gung so kurz und gering wie möglich erfolgen sollte

    Schöner wohnen wollen (sollen) : Optimierung als Subjektivierungsweise auf den TitelblÀttern der Schöner Wohnen in den 1980er- und 1990er-Jahren

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    Not only can we live beautifully, living can be even more beautiful, that’s what the title of the most famous living magazine in German-speaking countries promises and demands. The editors point at the design of living by using a climax in the title, but furthermore, the focus is on optimizing the act of living. Living, shown in media like Schöner Wohnen, can be revealed as a sociopolitical act, which entangles subjectification, normalization and optimization processes. The cover sheets of Schöner Wohnen between 1980-1999 will be analyzed with regard to their image-text-combinations in order to identify the supposedly private space of living as a place of action for optimization and its representation. The discoursive links between social and political developments and the history of living in this period are specific interests of this article, as well as reflections on the magazine as a medium and its functional mechanisms

    Investigation of the chemical composition of plasma-treated water by MidiPLexc and its antimicrobial effect on L. monocytogenes and Pseudomonas fluorescens monospecies suspension cultures

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    Plasma -generated compounds conceived by microwave -induced plasma (MidiPLexc) were physicochemically investigated in their molecular compositions. Therefore, plasma -treated water (PTW) was generated by treatment with the MidiPLexc within a 1 l glass bottle for a pre -treatment time of 100 s, 300 s and 900 s. The PTW was further investigated in its composition of reactive oxygen/nitrogen species. For this purpose, the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentration of the PTW was determined electrochemically using chronoamperometry, and the anionic components were determined using ion chromatography. As a result, H2O2 concentrations of up to 720 mg l−1 , nitrite concentrations of 1600 mg l−1 and nitrate concentrations of 72.3 mg l−1 could be detected after 900 s pre-treatment time of the water. The compounds obtained by ion chromatography were fractionated and subsequently confirmed by mass spectrometry. Once an overview of the chemical composition of PTW had been obtained, its effects on pathogens like Pseudomonas fluorescens and L. monocytogenes, which are both of particular importance as pathogenic contaminants during food production, were tested. In that process, a maximum reduction in the colony forming units of 4 log10 steps for P. fluorescens and 3 log10 steps for L. monocytogenes could be observed. The LIVE/DEAD assay showed a maximum reduction in the ratio G/R of 67% for P. fluorescens and 38% for L. monocytogenes. In addition, the XTT assay results showed a maximum cell metabolism reduction of 96% for P. fluorescens and 91% for L. monocytogenes

    Schöner wohnen wollen (sollen) – Optimierung als Subjektivierungsweise auf den TitelblĂ€ttern der Schöner Wohnen in den 1980er- und 1990er-Jahren

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    Not only can we live beautifully, living can be even more beautiful, that’s what the title of the most famous living magazine in German-speaking countries promises and demands. The editors point at the design of living by using a climax in the title, but furthermore, the focus is on optimizing the act of living. Living, shown in media like Schöner Wohnen, can be revealed as a sociopolitical act, which entangles subjectification, normalization and optimization processes. The cover sheets of Schöner Wohnen between 1980-1999 will be analyzed with regard to their image-text-combinations in order to identify the supposedly private space of living as a place of action for optimization and its representation. The discoursive links between social and political developments and the history of living in this period are specific interests of this article, as well as reflections on the magazine as a medium and its functional mechanisms

    Determinants of Long-term Protection After Hepatitis B Vaccination in Infancy: A Meta-analysis

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    Background: The duration of protection after hepatitis B vaccination in early infancy is unclear and may be related to vaccination schedule, dosage, vaccine type and population characteristics. Factors potentially influencing waning immunity were assessed. Methods: A systematic review was performed. The main outcomes were prevalence of anti-hepatits B antibodies >= 10 mIU/mL after primary or booster vaccination. Factors potentially influencing protection were assessed in an adjusted random-effects meta-analysis model by age for both outcomes. Results of both meta-analyses were combined in a prognostic model. Results: Forty-six studies reporting on the anti-hepatits B antibodies >= 10 mIU/mL 5 to 20 years after primary immunization and 29 on booster response were identified. The adjusted meta-analyses identified maternal carrier status (odds ratio OR]: 2.37 1.11; 5.08]), lower vaccine dosage than presently recommended (OR: 0.14 0.06; 0.30]) and gap time between last and preceding dose of the primary vaccine series (OR: 0.44 0.22; 0.86]) as determinants for persistence of anti-hepatits B antibodies >= 10. A lower vaccine dosage was also associated with failure to respond to booster (OR: 0.20 0.10; 0.38]). The prognostic model predicted long-term protection of 90% 77%; 100%] at the age of 17 years for offspring of noncarrier mothers vaccinated with a presently recommended dose and vaccination schedule. Conclusions: Based on meta-analyses, predictors of waning immunity after hepatitis B vaccination in infancy could be identified. A prognostic model for long-term protection after hepatitis B vaccination in infancy was developed
