188 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan MYOB Accounting untuk Menyelesaikan Transaksi Keuangan Sistem Penjualan Tunai pada Salma Shoes

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    Salma Shoes adalah sebuah Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang penjualan. Penjualan tunai merupakan salah satu kegiatan penting dalam setiap Perusahaan, terutama yang bergerak dibidang perdagangan. Transaksi penjualan yang ada pada Salma Shoes dimulai dari proses pesanan barang oleh pelanggan, proses pembuatan nota sebagai bukti pembayaran, sampai pembuatan laporan yang ditunjukkan kepada pimpinan. Sistem pengolahan data penjualan tunai pada Salma Shoes sampai saat ini masih dilakukan secara manual, mulai dari proses pemesanan barang, pembuatan nota, pembayaran, hingga pembuatan laporan. Sehingga sering terjadi keterlambatan dan kesalahan informasi yang dihasilkan seperti pembuatan laporan data barang yang dipesan dan yang terjual, seringnya terjadi kesalahan dalam penghitungan dalam sistem penjualan tunai tersebut. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, maka diperlukan suatu sistem komputerisasi penjualan tunai yang sangat sesuai untuk mendukung kemajuan dan perkembangan Perusahaan dagang tersebut.Sehingga dapat mengatasi permasalahan atau kendala pada sistem yang sedang berjalan saat ini. Dengan memanfaatkan sistem komputerisasi yang diusulkan ini, kemungkinan proses penjualan tunai yang dilakukan menjadi lebih mudah dan cepat

    Analisa Kepentingan Aktor dalam Pemberlakuan Peraturan Daerah No 10 Tahun 2006 Tentang Sumber Daya Air dan Sumur Resapan

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    This study was conducted to analyze how the interests Analysis Actor In The introduction of Regional Regulation No. 10 of 2006 on Water Resources and Infiltration Wells .. Not optimal penerapam and enforcement of local regulations on water resources and recharge wells in the city of Pekanbaru in particular District of Handsome result in flooding. With the problems that arise in the implementation and enforcement of these regulations in Pekanbaru City, should the actor who has the authority to coordinate the implementation and enforcement of legislation with working units authorized, the Department of Spatial Planning and Building Pekanbaru and Municipal Police Units Pekanbaru city.This study is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach as a tool of analysis. The research was conducted in the city pekanbaru and take samples of data in District Handsome, Pekanbaru. This study uses the documentation and interview with key informants as an information object that aims to achieve the goal to get the information in this study. Data used in this study are primary data and secondary data obtained through documentation and interviews with key informants in this study.Enforcement of a program will be determined by how far the programs will be in demand by the program would threaten certain interests in masyarakat.kelompok community members who feel threatened by the existence of the program will tend to manifest his opposition either openly or terselubung.oleh because it, semakain large presence in disadvantaged groups as a result of the program, the process of the implementation of the policy will be sulit.sebaliknya smaller community groups who feel disadvantaged the easier the program in nimplementasikan.Tidak passes actor in coordinating authority application and enforcement of Regulation area No. 10 of 2006 on Water Resources and Infiltration Wells because many interests that are not in harmony with the other objectives aktirn.There are two things that affect imolementasi policy according to which the contents kebijakandang Grindle policy environment, which also affects the interests of the actors in the enforcement area of water resources and the well resapan.dan -aktor actor must be able to demonstrate efforts to overcome obstacles in the implementation of local regulations to the community and always conduct evaluation of policies that have been done previously as a guide in making improvements forthe future.Keywords: Interest, Policy, Water Resources and Infiltration wells, Regional Regulation

    Kritik Atas Kurikulum Dan Buku Ajar Bahasa Arab Sd/mi Kelas VI

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    The curriculum is an important element in education. Derived from the Latin word curir which means runners; and curere which means the place encouraged. Technically, the curriculum means that the distance that must be taken by the runner. In the context of education, the curriculum is an ‘arena\u27 learn to master certain subjects. Textbooks are one of the means to reach the finish line set curriculum. Quality curriculum and textbooks are good and supported by competent teachers will produce a quality education. This short article containing criticism of kurikulun and textbooks Arabic Class VI SD / MI

    A Friction of Cultural Values and Characteristics of Imperial Mosque in Ternate

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    Indonesia has many religious culture that should be preserved one of which is the imperial mosque. Most of the imperial mosque has its own characteristics in carrying out activities both religious and cultural. Sultanate of Ternate is the largest sultanates in eastern Indonesia which would give other peculiarities that need to be raised as a typical Indonesian culture. The purpose of this study is to identify the type of tradition in doing at the mosque sultanate by people of Ternate and changes in cultural values of the people of Ternate in the imperial mosque. In this study found the phenomenon characteristic changes in cultural values by linking changes in the physical aspect and non-physical. To determine the effect of these factors, the method used is the method of observation of physical traces. This method is expected to be able to explain the effect of the change occurred. Based on the results of the study indicate compliance is still customary rules of religious traditions in the imperial mosque although some traditions that formerly taboo has been done, the progress of the times, increase knowledge, and make the implementation of the reform and renewal of cultural values carried by the community for various reasons theTernate

    Analisis Rasio Profitabilitas Untuk Menilai Kinerja Keuangan pada PT Bank Jago Tbk Periode 2016-2020

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui angka rasio profitabilitas dan perubahannya pada PT Bank Jago Tbk untuk periode 2016-2020.  Metode perhitungan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Dalam penelitian ini jenis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder berupa laporan keuangan perusahaan.  Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah menggunakan metode dokumentasi dan metode studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian dalam penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa kinerja manajemen perusahaan dalam mengelola keuangan dari PT Bank Jago Tbk dalam hal rasio profitabilitas tidak cukup Stabil dan efisien untuk menjalankan kegiatan operasional perusahaan sehari-hari selama tahun 2016 sampai dengan 2020.  Berdasarkan persentase yang telah diteliti Rasio Biaya Operasional (BOPO), Return On Assets (ROA), dan Return On Equity (ROE) pada PT Bank Jago Tbk berada pada posisi tidak baik berdasarkan standar rata-rata penilaian Bank Indonesia sedangkan Net Interest Margin (NIM) pada PT Bank Jago Tbk berada pada posisi sangat baik berdasarkan standar rata-rata penilaian Bank Indonesia

    Budaya Organisasi Dan Komitmen Organisasi Pengaruhnya Terhadap Employee Engagement (Studi pada Koperasi Pegawai Negeri Republik Indonesia Sumber Mulyo Tuban)

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    AbstractThe purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the influence of Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment on Employee Engagement of members and administrators of KP-RI Sumber Mulyo Tuban. The population in the study were all members and administrators of KP-RI Sumber Mulyo Tuban. The sample used was all members and employees of KP-RI Sumber Mulyo Tuban. As for the sampling technique, if less than 100 is better taken all then this research is a census research.Based on the research results, it is known that the independent variables simultaneously affect the dependent variable, the value is known with a sig value below 0.05, then H1 is accepted, This means that the variables of Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment have a simultaneous effect on Employee Engagement.Like the Organizational Culture variable, which is known to have a sig value below 0.05, it means that Organizational Culture has a partial effect on Employee Engagement. Organizational Commitment variable is known to have a sig value below 0.05, which means that the Job Satisfaction variable has a partial effect on Employee Engagemen
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