18 research outputs found

    Studi Ekonomi Renovasi Propulsi Kapal Patroli “Parikesit”

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    Mohd Ridwan, in this paper explain that new replacement main engine and propeller ship needs to be done with technical economic considerations. Main engine maintenance costs that have entered the age of 15 years improved each annualy, and fuel consumption increases. So that needs to be done renovations main engine by selecting the main engine in accordance with the propeller or propeller can also perform renovations. For this purpose needs the engineering and economic studies to decrease over 10% of the ship operational costs

    Kompetensi Program Studi Diploma Teknik Perkapalan dalam Industri Maritim Indonesia

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    Mohd Ridwan, Eko Yulianto, in paper competency of naval architecture diploma program on Indonesian maritime industry explain that Shipbuilding engineering professionals is part of the leading maritime industry is expected to become the motor of development of national maritime fleet in the implementation of cabotage (Impres No.5, 2005), this will reduce foreign exchange spending nearly 99 trillion rupiah per year due to the use of foreign fleets, and the creation of new jobs as a supporter of the maritime industry. So the presence of workers who have competence in the field of shipbuilding (ship building, naval architecture, marine engineering enginerring and maritime transportation) is urgently needed and their capability to compete with other countries that previously controlled the sea as a source of national income should be the Indonesian government's attention

    Gill Structure of Rasbora Argyrotaenia From the Siak River, Tualang Village

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    Siak River is the most polluted river in Riau, however, many types of fish, including Rasbora argyrotaenia living in that river. As the water is polluted, the health of the fish in general, including its gill structure might be harmed. A study aims to understand the histological structure of the gill of fish from the Siak River has been conducted in February 2015. Abnormality in the gill was noted and the abnormality level was identified using a Histopathological Alteration Index (HAI). Results shown that the types of abnormality present were hyperplasia, hypertrophy, atrophy, epithelium rupture and congestion. The HAI level (13 - 14) indicate that the gill of the R. argyrotaenia from the Siak River was slight damage. This abnormality might be cured if the water quality in the Siak River is good

    Low diversity of fruit bats in the East Coast islands of Terengganu, Malaysia

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    Fruit bats are important pollinators for plants and play important ecological functions and services in the tropical rain forest. Fruit bats are considered more important for the ecological rehabilitation and health of the plant community on islands as other pollinators may not be able to fly across open sea and reach the island. This study was conducted to determine the diversity of fruit bats in three contrasting Terengganu offshore islands, namely, Pulau Perhentian, Pulau Bidong, and Pulau Redang. A total of 40 individuals of four species were captured using 10 mist nets during the 180 mist-net night sampling period from June 27, 2019 until February 29, 2020. Pulau Bidong had the highest number of bats captured (22), followed by Pulau Redang (18) and Pulau Perhentian (0). The most frequently captured species was Cynopterus brachyotis in both islands. No yield in Pulau Perhentian may be caused by tourism activity, seasonal movement following flowering and fruiting trees, or inadequate sampling effort in multiple sites. The data can be further used to determine factors in assessing threats and for future conservation by the management authorities


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    Material yang paling dominan dalam pembuatan kapal ikan adalah kayu. Sebagai daerah sentra pembuatan kapal ikan, Kabupaten Batang memiliki potensi untuk mendirikan galangan kapal ikan. Mayoritas penduduk di Kecamatan Karangasem bekerja sebagai nelayan. Untuk itu, perlu adanya suatu penyuluhan mengenai teknik pembuatan kapal ikan dengan kayu laminasi. Tujuan dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah memberikan gambaran berupa metode pembuatan kapal ikan dengan teknik laminasi, memberikan masukan kepada para pekerja di galangan kapal kayu tentang keselamatan kerja selama proses pembuatan kapal, memberikan pengetahuan kepada para pekerja dan warga setempat tentang aplikasi penggunaan metode laminasi dalam pembuatan kapal ikan. Hasil yang ingin dicapai dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah pengetahuan tepat guna yang diimplementasikan dalam masyarakat, publikasi pada media jurnal mengenai kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat tentang pembuatan kapal ikan berbahan kayu dengan teknik laminasi

    Assessing bat roosts using the LiDAR system at Wind Cave Nature Reserve in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo

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    Conventionally, bat roost counts and roost size estimation are potentially a disruptive, repetitive method and are time consuming. Introduction of the Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) scanning system, an optical remote sensing technology, for scientific purposes have open many research possibilities especially on cave wildlife surveys. Scanned images at high resolution provide new effective biological tools for assessing bat roosts inside caves on walls or ceiling in total darkness. LiDAR system was applied to census bats that roost in Wind Cave Nature Reserve, Sarawak, Malaysia, based on laser return intensity values from the images. Bats that roost in large clusters, specifically Penthetor lucasi were determined through automated counting using connected components labelling, a graph theory algorithm mostly used in image analysis applications. Roost surface area of bats species was calculated based on point clouds extracted and using simple trigonometry. Wind Cave was successfully modelled into three dimensional (3D) cave images with bats roosting inside the cave. The roost sites of bats in the cave were represented in coloured point clouds that represent the species. Through LiDAR images, bats in Wind Cave consisted of about 979 individuals of P. lucasi and 1,907 individuals of insectivorous bats from nine species representing four families. There is a positive correlation between group size and roost area. For every additional bat, roost area is expected to increase by an average of 1.75 m2. Our result suggested that terrestrial LiDAR technology is capable of assessing bat roosts in their natural habitat to determine their roost size and number of individuals that roost in the cave. Terrestrial LiDAR application is most complementary when integrated with field surveys to produce more reliable outcomes which open up possibilities of effective conservation action plans