163 research outputs found

    The Adsorbsi Cuper (II) by Sulfonated Sawdust

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    The existence of heavy metals is one of the major problems in the world. Increasing concentration of heavy metals because toxic in the soil, air, and water. Many methods have been developed to decrease concentration of heavy metals from water, for example by precipitation, evaporation, electrochemical and resin's consumption. However, the method is not effective because it requires high cost to operate. Therefore, the research for that materials are cheap and available. Biomaterial is one of the are used to reduce heavy metals from water (biosorption), for example sawdust. In this research, sawdust that used as adsorbent ion copper (II) must be modified by adding a sulfonate group by sulfonation process. The parameters tested are the activation time (sulfonation) and contact time. The optimum conditions of adsorption of Copper (II) by sulfonated sawdust in a single solution occurred at the sulfonation time 120 minutes and adsorption's contact time 60 minutes, the efficiency adsorption is 99.27%. From that conditions, the sulfonated sawdust is tested on the adsorption of Copper (II) in electroplating wastewater. The efficiency adsorption of Copper (II) in electroplating wastewater is 39.03%. This is occured because of the competition uptake's metals in the electroplating wastewater


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    The Women's Dharma Organization of banyuasin Education Office like other Dharma Waanita organizations aims to improve the welfare of members and their families. One of his activities is usually arisan which is routinely held with various other activities that support the role of the civil servant's wife as well as other employees. On this occasion we from the extension team tried to provide a little information about the manufacture of herbal salted eggs that are now being resonated because it is different from the usual salted eggs. Both are reviewed from the manufacturing process and the cholesterol content of the assin eggs. The problem is how to make salted eggs so that they can become herbal salted eggs that are low in cholesterol. The method used in empowering the target group is a learning technique in the form of giving theory and demonstration directly to female Dharma members of banyuasin Education Office followed by a Q&A session. The evaluation will be seen how the level of participation and enthusiasm of participants in this activity can also be known if the participants have understood what the Extension Team conveyed. After this activity, it is expected that the participants can make this herbal salted egg properly. The outing of the results of this assignment devotion is a product in the form of herbal salted eggs that are ready to be consumed or if possible can be upgraded for sale in people's stalls or in the market sehigga increase family ecomyomy. As well as producing a devotional report that will be proposed for the journal article of devotion andminarkan at a national seminar


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    ABSTRACT Background: Visual disturbances, especially in school children, are currently receiving less attention. Children's habits are one of the triggers for eye disorders in this case is visual acuity. Myopia is one of the causes of decreased visual acuity in children, even though vision is needed in the teaching and learning process. Objective: The objective of this community service is to find visual impairments in the habits of the children of SDN04 Arab Melayu Seberang Jambi City so that if visual impairment is found, the service team can provide education to teachers. Methods: Eye health checks include good vision checks using a snellen card and trial lens. Results: The sample for this service was all 261 students of SD 04 Arab Melayu Seberang, Jambi City. Where it was found that as many as 183 students had a habit of using gadgets and as many as 81 students read while lying down. After a visual examination, 179 students were declared normal and 82 students with visual impairments. Keywords: Visual disturbances, Habits, Myopia   ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Gangguan penglihatan terutama pada anak sekolah saat ini kurang diperhatikan. Kebiasaan anak merupakan salah satu pemicu terjadinya gangguan pada mata dalam hal ini adalah ketajaman penglihatan. Myopia merupakan salah satu penyebab penurunan ketajaman penglihatan pda anak, padahal penglihatan saat diperlukan dalam proses belajar mengajar. Tujuan: Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk menemukan gangguan penglihatan terhadap kebiasaan anak SDN04 Arab Melayu Kota Seberang Jambi sehingga apabila ditemukan gangguan penglihatan maka tim pengabdian dapat meberikan edukasi terhadap guru. Metode: Pemeriksaan kesehatan mata meliputi pemeriksaan visus baik menggunakan snellen card dan trial lens. Hasil: Sampel pada pengabdian ini adalah seluruh siswa SD 04 Arab Melayu Kota Seberang Jambi sebanyak 261 siswa. Dimana didapatkan bahwa sebanyak 183 siswa yang mempunyai kebiasaan penggunaan gadget dan sebanyak 81 siswa membaca sambil berbaring. Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan visus maka sebanyak 179 siswa dinyatakan normal dan 82 siswa dengan gangguan penglihatan. Kata Kunci: Gangguan penglihatan, Kebiasaan, Myopi

    Sejarah Masuknya Suku Mandailing ke Kabupaten Rokan Hulu Tahun 1935-1945

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    Mandailing tribe is one of tribes located in Rokan Hulu Regency. Mandailing tribe in Rokan Hulu regency is an immigrant tribe from North Sumatera Province involved in civil war in Padang Galugur area to settle and live in Rokan Hulu District. The purpose of this research is 1) To know the history of entry of Mandailing tribe in Regency of Rokan Hulu Regency. 2) To know the factors inhibiting and pushing the entry of Mandailing tribe into Rokan Hulu District 3) To know the acceptance of local people to the entry of Mandailing tribe to Rokan Hulu regency 4) To know the role of government in the development of Mandailing tribe in Rokan Hulu regency. In this research using descriptive method, with qualitative approach, where it will provide complete information so that it is useful for science. The results of this study indicate that the Mandailing tribe is one part of the tribe that is in Rokan Hulu district. Who has long lived and lived in Rokan Hulu district from the days of the Kingdom of Rambah and Tambusai to the present time. And developed into one of the largest tribes in Rokan Hulu Distric

    Potensi Objek Wisata Toraja Utara Berbasis Kearifan Lokal sebagai Sumber Materi Geografi Pariwisata

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    This research focused on the tourism potential of North Toraja based on local wisdom. The method of this study implemented qualitative using ethnography approach. The results showed that (1) the tourism objects in North Toraja are potential in the aspect of culture, nature and history (2) the tourism areas in North Toraja must be under supervised and controlled by Foundations, Farmers, Local Government, and family. (3) Development of tourism objects in the basis of local wisdom supports the continuation of tourism in North Toraja. (4) Tourism in North Toraja based on local wisdom can be used as a source of learning materials for Tourism Geography courses in the Department of Geography, State University of Makassar. The implication of this study will be used a source of support materials Tourism Geography subjects particularly in Tourism Potential Local Content.Penelitian tentang potensi obyek wisata Toraja Utara berbasis kearifan lokal. Hasil dari penelitian digunakan sebagai sumber materi pendukung matakuliah Geografi Pariwisata. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, bertujuan menghasilkan laporan etnografi. Hasil penelitian adalah (1) kawasan obyek wisata Toraja Utara memiliki potensi wisata budaya, alam dan sejarah (2) Pengelola kawasan wisata Toraja Utara diantaranya: Yayasan, Petani, Pemda, dan Keluarga. (3) Pengembangan Objek wisata berbasis kearifan lokal setempat mendukung kelangsungan wisata di Toraja Utara. (4) Wisata Toraja Utara berbasis kearifan lokal dapat digunakan sebagai sumber materi belajar M.k Geografi Pariwisata Jurusan Geografi FMIPA Universitas Negeri Makassar yakni Materi Potensi Wisata lokal

    Hubungan Pengetahuan, Personal Hygiene, dan Kepadatan Hunian dengan Gejala Penyakit Skabies pada Santri di Pondok Pesantren Darul Muklisin Kota Kendari 2017

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    Skabies adalah penyakit kulit yang disebabkan oleh Sercoptes scabiei Var hominis. Prevalensi Skabies sangat tinggipada lingkungan dengan tingkat kepadatan penghuni yang tinggi dan kebersihan yang kurang memadai. MenurutWorld Health Organization (WHO) angka kejadian Skabies pada tahun 2014 sebanyak 130 juta orang didunia.Menurut Internasional Alliance for the Control Of Scabies (IACS) kejadian Skabies bervariasi mulai dari 0,3% menjadi46%. Tujuan dari penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahu hubungan pengetahuna, personal hygiene, dan kepadatanhunian terhadap gejala penyakit skabies pada santrin di Pondok Pesantren Darul Mukhlisinambaran kota Kendari2017. Penelitian yang di lakukan menggunakan metode analitik observasional dengan rancangan pendekatancross sectional study. Populasi dalam penelitian yaitu seluruh santri di Pondok Pesantren Darul Muhklisin dengantotal santri sebanyak 272 orang. Sampel dalam penelitian yaitu sebanyak 71 responden yang diambil denganmetode Proportionate Stratified random sampling. Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian menyebutkan bahwa tidakada hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan dengan kejadian gejala skabies (ρ= 0,301), adanya hubunganyang signifikan antara personal hygiyene terhadap gejala skabies ρ= 0,005), dan tidak ada hubungan yangsignifikan antara kepadatan hunian dengan krjadian gejala skabies (ρ= 0,232). Kesimpulan dari penelitian tidakterdapat hubungan pada variabel pengetahuan dan kepadatan hunian, serta terdapat hubungan pada variablepersonal hygiene dengan gejala skabies


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    One of the problems of the beef cattle farm group in South Sumatra is the availability of quality and continuous feed. The main area of beef cattle farming is generally located on the edge of the city where usually many plantations. Like in Sukawinatan, a lot of coconuts are planted for dogs. But dogan waste is still untapped so this is what encourages the Extension Team to optimize the Young Coconut or dogan waste into quality animal feed. Our hope as the extension team is that one of them is helping the government program in managing municipal waste and also reducing expenses from Beef cattle farmers in preparing their animal feed. The method used in empowering the target group is a learning technique in the form of providing theories and simulations to the target group members and subsequently direct practice of making animal feed from dogan or young coconut together with the extension team and group members. The level of participation and enthusiasm of participants in this activity is relatively very high. After this activity the participants are expected to understand and make animal feed from dogan waste correctly. The output of this assignment service is a prociding or national journal

    Pengaruh Dosis Pupuk Majemuk Npk Dan Pupuk Pelengkap Plant Catalyst Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Kedelai (Glycine Max (L.) Merill)

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    Salah satu komoditas pangan strategis di Indonesia dan komoditas terpenting setelah padi dan jagung adalah kedelai. Kebutuhan terhadap kedelai semakin meningkat dari tahun ketahun tetapi produksi kedelai semakin menurun, sehingga dibutuhkan penambahan pupuk untuk mencukupi kebutuhan nutrisi tanaman. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dosis pupuk majemuk NPK dan pupuk pelengkap Plant Catalyst terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi kedelai. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Suka Banjar, Kecamatan Gedong tataan, Kabupaten Pesawaran, Provinsi Lampung pada Februari sampai April 2016. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan faktorial (5 x 2) dalam Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 3 ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah dosis pupuk majemuk NPK (M), yang terdiri atas lima taraf yaitu (m 0 )= 0 kg/ha, (m 1 )= 100 kg/ha, (m 2 )= 200 kg/ ha, (m 3 )= 300 kg/ha (m 4 )= 400 kg/ha. Faktor kedua adalah pupuk pelengkap Plant Catalyst (P) terdiri atas dua taraf yaitu tanpa Plant Catalyst (p 0 ) dan dengan Plant Catalyst dengan konsentrasi 1,5 g/1 liter air (p 1 ). Data diuji dengan analisis ragam dan nilai tengah antarperlakuan menggunakan polinomial ortogonal pada taraf á 1% dan 5%. Dosis optimum pupuk majemuk NPK pada variabel bobot biji kering per petak (g) yaitu pada tanpa aplikasi pupuk Plant Catalyst sebesar 307,58 kg/ha menghasilkan bobot biji kering per petak sebesar 1.673,65 g dan dosis terbaik pupuk majemuk NPK dengan aplikasi pupuk Plant Catalyst sebesar 341,75 kg/ha yang menghasilkan bobot biji kering per petak sebesar 1.897,76 g. Aplikasi pupuk pelengkap Plant Catalyst lebih baik dibandingkan tanpa pupuk pelengkap Plant Catalyst, hal itu ditunjukkan pada seluruh variabel pengamatan. Pada variabel pertumbuhan tidak terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara dosis pupuk majemuk NPK dan pupuk pelengkap Plant Catalyst, sedangkan pada variabel hasil terdapat pengaruh inetraksi antara dosis pupuk majemuk NPK dan pupuk pelengkap Plant Catalyst