12 research outputs found


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    Humans before birth have been equipped with various kinds of potential. If these potentials can be maintained and developed properly, humans will grow and develop perfectly and make them a resource to prosper this nature as God's purpose for creating humans themselves, namely as caliphs and servants of God on earth. In order to be able to continue or realize the caliphate and his servitude, humans in this family need to pay attention to certain things about their future children. In the pre-conception period, a man or woman must choose a future wife or husband from good people according to religious criteria, because the nature of a family will influence the character of the child to be born. In the pre-natal phase, a mother is advised to avoid bad deeds. Doing more good deeds such as attending recitation assemblies and reading the Koran is highly recommended. Besides that, pregnant women must also maintain food intake that meets food standards for pregnant women. This is important so that the mental and physical potential of the child to be born grows and develops perfectly. With the perfect growth and development of the two potentials, humans will be able to realize themselves as caliphs and servants of Allah on earth. The birth of weak, helpless children is something that must be avoided


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    Madrasah ibtidaiyah is a basic level education unit under the auspices of the Ministry of Religion. Students at madrasah ibtidaiyah are between the ages of 6 and 12. The main goal of education at this level is to form a perfect human both physically and psychologically (insan kamil) based on the values ​​of Islamic teachings. This formation can be done because humans are inspired by the potential for good and potential for evil. If there are students who have problems, either regressive or introverted (aloof, shy, timid, sleepy, don't want to go to school) or who are aggressive or extroverted (lying, making trouble, blackmailing friends, violent and behavior that threatens others) in an attempt This formation can use direct educational strategies, namely role models, suggestions and exercises. And the indirect strategy is prohibition, punishment, reward and supervision. Approaches that can be used are the approach of faith, rationality, habituation, gentleness, wisdom and threats


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    The quality of education in Aceh has weakened in recent years. This can reduce the dignity of the Acehnese people compared to the former sultanate period. One way to restore this dignity and worth is to improve the quality of education; and one way to improve the quality of education is by re-actualizing the teacher's code of ethics in the learning process in schools and madrasas. The Islamic attitude of the Acehnese people, graduates of Dayah and UIN Ar-raniry is a big force in realizing the re-actualization of this teacher's code of ethics. The reformation era that has started since 1998, Law Number 44 of 1999 and Law Number 18 of 2001 which established Aceh as an Islamic law area. The Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2006 which stipulates Aceh as a special autonomous region and the formation of the Aceh Education Qanun Number 11 of 2014 concerning Education Providers is a great opportunity to implement this. The steps that need to be taken in this re-actualization are that the teacher must study, understand, appreciate and implement this entire code of ethics. Knowledge of the science of educational tools must also be mastered. In the end, rewards and punishments still need to be given to teachers and education staff who don't want to heed them. The obstacle that may be faced is that not all teachers understand and live up to this code of ethics. However, this can be overcome by conducting planned seminars, workshops and trainings


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    Pengembangan suatu daerah harus dimulai dengan pengembangan pendidikan dan pengembangan pendidikan dimulai dari pengembangan kurikulum. Salah satu pendekatan yang dapat digunakan dalam pengembangan kurikulum adalah pendekatan rekontruksionisme konservatifyaitu peningkatan kualitas hidup suatu masyarakat dengan mencari solusi terhadap masalah-masalah yang paling mendesak yang mereka hadapi. Sedangkan model pengembangan yang dapat pilih adalah model pengembangan yang dikembangkan oleh Hilda Taba yang dimulai dengan melaksanakan percobaan-percobaan, kemudian baru dikembangkan menjadi suatu kurikulum baku untuk dilaksanakan. Aceh sebagai daerah syari’at dalam pengembangan kurikulum ini, nilai-nilai yang terdapat dalam al-Quran dan Hadist harus menjadi falsafah pengembangannya

    Strategi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) Pada Sekolah Lanjutan Menengah Atas Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Pembangunan Karakter (Character Building)

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    Strategi pembelajaran adalah suatu hal yang penting dalam mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Strategi ini idealnya dipilih sesuai dengan sifat atau karakter materi pelajaran itu sendiri. Pendidikan Agama Islam adalah satu salah mata pelajaran wajib di sekolah lanjutan menengah atas. Tujuan utama mata pelajaran ini adalah untuk membekali siswa dengan nilai-nilai ajaran Islam sehingga anak didik memiliki karakter yang islami. Pendidikan agama memiliki strategi yang tersendiri disamping strategi-strategi yang umum digunakan dalam pembelajaran mata pelajaran lain. Disamping itu pelajaran agama Islam juga memiliki tujuan khusus dalam pembentukan sikap disamping mencerdaskan akal. Sedangkan dalam mengevaluasi keberhasilannya pembelajaran agama Islam juga tidak hanya menilai kemampuan kognitif dan psiokomor saja, tetapi penilaian sikap lebih dipentingkan. Hal dapat dilakukan melalui teknik non test

    ISLAMISASI PENDIDIKAN DI SEKOLAH: Sebuah Harapan dan Tantangan

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    The education for Moslem should be based on the Islamic educational philosophy. In fact, nowadays the education tends to follow the western or non-moeslem education style. The factors affecting this among others are: there are some physical and mental colonization which occurred in the whole country which has the majority of moeslem society in the past. Besides, there are some values among moeslem themselves after they are assimilated with other thoughts and culture. Both factors are facing and will be faced by Moslems continuously. This condition is very dangerous for Moslems. To reduce or at least to minimize the danger for Moslems society, one way to solve the problem is through educational Islamization at school. The main contraint is good will from government and society. Besides, the teacher competency is still low and also lack of proper references. The islamization process will work well with the support from many people


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    Semua mahasiswa yang belajar di UIN Ar-Raniry adalah beragama Islam dan tujuan utama pendidikannya adalah untuk membangun kepribadian yang islami di samping menjadikannya sebagai sarjana. Oleh karena itu, mahasiswa di UIN Ar-Raniry seharusnya menjadikan masjid sebagai sentral kegiatannya terutama untuk shalat secara berjama’ah. Namun kenyataan sebaliknya, di mana masjid selalu sepi dari kegiatan kemahasiswaan meskipun untuk shalat Zuhur secara berjama’ah, padahal pada masa ini sebagian besar mahasiswa masih atau sedang berada di lingkungan kampus. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa alasan utama mahasiswa kurang termotivasi untuk melaksanakan shalat berjama’ah di masjid Fathun Qarib adalah karena keadaan atau fasilitas masjid yang belum dapat memberikan kemudahan dan rasa nyaman untuk melaksanakan shalat dan beristirahat. Bagi mahasiswa beristirahat sejenak setelah shalat untuk menunggu jam kuliah selanjutnya adalah suatu hal yang penting


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    Jika dilihat dari segi giografis Finlandia adalah sebuah negara Scandinavia di Eropa Utara. Seperempat dari wilayahnya masuk dalam Lingkaran Laut Arktik kutub utara. Oleh karena itu  penduduk negara kecil ini harus mampu memaksimalkan pendayagunaan semua potensi psikologikal dan fisikalnya untuk mempertahankan dan mensejahterakan hidupnya. Negara ini memiliki luas area 338.145 km dengan jumlah penduduk sekitar 5.518.371 jiwa dan menganut falsafah sosialis (Luthrean-komunis). Sebelum tahun 1990 Finlandia menggantungkan pendapatan negaranya pada sektor pertanian, tetapi sekarang Finlandia terkenal sebagai salah satu pusat teknologi dunia. Finlandia mampu menghasilkan siswa yang lebih unggul dibandingkan dengan siswa di Amerika dalam bidang Science dan Matematika. Sebagaimana negara-negara lain di Eropa Finlandia juga menganut paham pragmatis. Pendidikan agama merupakan tanggungjawab orang tua masing-masing. Pemerintah Finlandia tidak memungut biaya pendidikan kepada warga negaranya. Kurikulum inti ditangani oleh komite pelatihan tripartit (pemerintah, dunia industri dan penyelenggara pendidikan dan pelatihan). Pergantian pucuk pimpinan negara tidak merubah kebijakan pendidikan, sehingga apa yang diprogramkan oleh pemegang kekuasaan sebelumnya tentang kebijakan pendidikan dapat terus berjalan. Hasilnya hanya dalam 14 tahun Finlandia menjadi negara dengan pendidikan nomor satu di dunia. Dalam satu kelas terdapat tiga orang guru (dua guru yang fokus pada penyampaian materi, satu orang guru menemani siswa yang masih tertinggal dalam pelajaran). Semua guru wajib bergelar master. Strata satu tidak lagi dibolehkan menjadi guru meskipun di sekolah dasar. Calon guru berasal dari 10 besar mahasiswa di kampusnya yang masih akan disaring dengan lebih ketat. Dalam evaluasi sistem pendidikan Finlandia tidak ada Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) seperti di Indonesia, dan juga tidak ada ujian nasional (UAN), tetapi mereka menganut kebijakan “automatic promotion”, naik kelas secara otomatis. Guru selalu siap membantu siswa yang tertinggal sehingga semua naik kelas. Semboyan mereka adalah “Test Less Learn More” (kurangi tes perbanyak belajar). Ukuran kemajuan pendidikan menurut mereka adalah karakter penduduknya bukan pendapatan nasional, kemajuan teknologi dan kekuatan militer. Pemerintah Finlandia menyediakan anggaran 5.200 Euro atau sekitar Rp 70 juta untuk setiap siswa per tahun

    The Integration of Education in Multi-racial and Multi-cultural Society

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    This study aims to know the reasons of education ina multi-racial and multi-cultural society demands integration.. The studywhich focuses onMalaysia country typified by three major ethnic groups, namely Malays, Chinese and Indians,foundthat, firstlythe integration of curriculum in creating a holistic education isvital for the society to create a competitive human capital with value laden such as trustworthiness, dedication, creativity, civic awareness and many more. Secondly, integration curriculum emphasizes on the equity and equality of education for all.Through interacting with individuals from a range of religious and ethnic backgrounds, people will learn to understand, accept and embrace differences. Throughsharing experiences and aspirations,a common national identity and ultimately unity can be achieved. Therefore, integrating curriculum is not only to integrate Islamic concepts in the education system but alsoto integrate all the concepts that make one comprehensive curriculum. Thirdly, it is important to integrate the curriculum with a value-laden perspective to encourage solidarity and harmony. Keywords: Multi-racial; Multi-cultural society; Education; Malaysi


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    The objective of this study is to illustrate the effect of two types of heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of C102 copper alloy. Annealing and quenching were conducted to study the effect of cooling rate on material. Specimens were heated at 350, 400 and 500C and were cooled by using two types of cooling medium; furnace cooling and water quench. Tensile strength of 254.6 MPa was obtained for the as received specimen. It was shown that an increase in cooling rate contributed to a higher strength due to local strain effect. Rapid cooling in quenched specimen had successfully increase the hardness by 41% and recorded the highest tensile strength of 359 MPa while slow cooling rate which experienced by an annealed specimen resulted in the lowest tensile strength of 136 MPa. Microstructure investigation shows annealed specimen produced coarse austenitic structure with larger grain size. Meanwhile, quenched specimen produced finer austenitic structure with smaller grain size. It was observed that the grain size of annealed specimen was increased with soaking temperature, however, quenched specimen shows the other way around