16 research outputs found

    Ultrafast polarization of an electron beam in an intense bichromatic laser field

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    Here, we demonstrate the radiative polarization of high-energy electron beams in collisions with ultrashort pulsed bichromatic laser fields. Employing a Boltzmann kinetic approach for the electron distribution allows us to simulate the beam polarization over a wide range of parameters and determine the optimum conditions for maximum radiative polarization. Those results are contrasted with a Monte Carlo algorithm where photon emission and associated spin effects are treated fully quantum mechanically using spin-dependent photon emission rates. The latter method includes realistic focusing laser fields, which allows us to simulate a near-term experimentally feasible scenario of an 8 GeV electron beam scattering from a 1 PW laser pulse and provide a measurement that would verify the ultrafast radiative polarization in high-intensity laser pulses that we predict. Aspects of spin-dependent radiation reaction are also discussed, with spin polarization leading to a measurable (5%) splitting of the energies of spin-up and spin-down electrons

    Contemporary particle-in-cell approach to laser-plasma modelling

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    Particle-in-cell (PIC) methods have a long history in the study of laser-plasma interactions. Early electromagnetic codes used the Yee staggered grid for field variables combined with a leapfrog EM-field update and the Boris algorithm for particle pushing. The general properties of such schemes are well documented. Modern PIC codes tend to add to these high-order shape functions for particles, Poisson preserving field updates, collisions, ionisation, a hybrid scheme for solid density and high-field QED effects. In addition to these physics packages, the increase in computing power now allows simulations with real mass ratios, full 3D dynamics and multi-speckle interaction. This paper presents a review of the core algorithms used in current laser-plasma specific PIC codes. Also reported are estimates of self-heating rates, convergence of collisional routines and test of ionisation models which are not readily available elsewhere. Having reviewed the status of PIC algorithms we present a summary of recent applications of such codes in laser-plasma physics, concentrating on SRS, short-pulse laser-solid interactions, fast-electron transport, and QED effects

    Parametric study of the polarization dependence of nonlinear Breit-Wheeler pair creation process using two laser pulses

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    With the rapid development of high-power petawatt class lasers worldwide, exploring physics in the strong field QED regime will become one of the frontiers for laser-plasma interactions research. Particle-in-cell codes, including quantum emission processes, are powerful tools for predicting and analyzing future experiments where the physics of relativistic plasma is strongly affected by strong-field QED processes. The spin/polarization dependence of these quantum processes has been of recent interest. In this article, we perform a parametric study of the interaction of two laser pulses with an ultrarelativistic electron beam. The first pulse is optimized to generate high-energy photons by nonlinear Compton scattering and efficiently decelerate the electron beam through quantum radiation reaction. The second pulse is optimized to generate electron-positron pairs by nonlinear Breit-Wheeler decay of the photons with the maximum polarization dependence. This may be experimentally realized as a verification of the strong field QED framework, including the spin/polarization rates.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure

    Polarized QED cascades

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    By taking the spin and polarization of the electrons, positrons and photons into account in the strong-field QED processes of nonlinear Compton emission and pair production, we find that the growth rate of QED cascades in ultra-intense laser fields can be substantially reduced. While this means that fewer particles are produced, we also found them to be highly polarized. We further find that the high-energy tail of the particle spectra is polarized opposite to that expected from Sokolov-Ternov theory, which cannot be explained by just taking into account spin-asymmetries in the pair production process, but results significantly from 'spin-straggling'. We employ a kinetic equation approach for the electron, positron and photon distributions, each of them spin/polarization-resolved, with the QED effects of photon emission and pair production modelled by a spin/polarization dependent Boltzmann-type collision operator. For photon-seeded cascades, depending on the photon polarization, we find an excess or a shortage of particle production in the early stages of cascade development, which provides a path towards a controlled experiment. Throughout this paper we focus on rotating electric field configuration, which represent an idealized model and allows for a straightforward interpretation of the observed effects

    Erratum : Author correction: Relativistic doppler-boosted Îł-rays in high fields (Scientific reports (2018) 8 1 (9155))

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    A correction to this article has been published and is linked from the HTML and PDF versions of this paper. The error has not been fixed in the paper

    Ion acceleration with radiation pressure in quantum electrodynamic regimes

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    The radiation pressure of next generation high-intensity lasers could efficiently accelerate ions to GeV energies. However, nonlinear quantum-electrodynamic effects play an important role in the interaction of these lasers with matter. We show that these quantum-electrodynamic effects lead to the production of a critical density pair-plasma which completely absorbs the laser pulse and consequently reduces the accelerated ion energy and efficiency by 30-50%

    Measurement of magnetic cavitation driven by heat flow in a plasma

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    We describe the direct measurement of the expulsion of a magnetic field from a plasma driven by heat flow. Using a laser to heat a column of gas within an applied magnetic field, we isolate Nernst advection and show how it changes the field over a nanosecond timescale. Reconstruction of the magnetic field map from proton radiographs demonstrates that the field is advected by heat flow in advance of the plasma expansion. This changes the dynamics of high energy density plasmas, in which heat flows and fields are strongly coupled, and may disrupt magnetised inertial confinement fusion schemes

    Gamma-ray emission in near critical density plasmas

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    Previous work on the interaction of high power lasers with high density targets have identified that emission is primarily from interaction within the skin layer at the target front (e.g. Ridgers et al 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 165006). This mechanism is inefficient when compared to Reinjected Electron Synchrotron Emission (RESE) for laser interaction with low density solids (Brady et al 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 245006). However, these detailed analyses of the emission mechanisms were mainly based on 1D simulations and so did not incorporate some important 2D effects. In this paper these 1D emission mechanisms are confirmed to still exist in 2D with comparable properties and a new, intrinsically 2D, emission mechanism, termed edgeglow, is described which can convert 4–5% of the laser energy into gamma-ray energy

    Corrigendum: Polarized QED cascades (2021 New J. Phys. 23 053025)

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    In the published version of the paper we made a sign error in the calculation of the direction of the magnetic field in the rest frame of the particles, which affects the definition of the spin-up direction in the collision operators. Correcting this does not affect the main claims of the paper: (i) the reduction of the cascade growth rate, (ii) the polarization of high-energy particles being opposite to Sokolov–Ternov theory, and (iii) an excess or a shortage of particle production in the early stages of cascade development in photon seeded cascades depending on the photon polarization