126 research outputs found

    Statistical framework for estimating GNSS bias

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    We present a statistical framework for estimating global navigation satellite system (GNSS) non-ionospheric differential time delay bias. The biases are estimated by examining differences of measured line integrated electron densities (TEC) that are scaled to equivalent vertical integrated densities. The spatio-temporal variability, instrumentation dependent errors, and errors due to inaccurate ionospheric altitude profile assumptions are modeled as structure functions. These structure functions determine how the TEC differences are weighted in the linear least-squares minimization procedure, which is used to produce the bias estimates. A method for automatic detection and removal of outlier measurements that do not fit into a model of receiver bias is also described. The same statistical framework can be used for a single receiver station, but it also scales to a large global network of receivers. In addition to the Global Positioning System (GPS), the method is also applicable to other dual frequency GNSS systems, such as GLONASS (Globalnaya Navigazionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema). The use of the framework is demonstrated in practice through several examples. A specific implementation of the methods presented here are used to compute GPS receiver biases for measurements in the MIT Haystack Madrigal distributed database system. Results of the new algorithm are compared with the current MIT Haystack Observatory MAPGPS bias determination algorithm. The new method is found to produce estimates of receiver bias that have reduced day-to-day variability and more consistent coincident vertical TEC values.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, submitted to AM

    Millstone Hill coherent-scatter radar observations of electric field variability in the sub-auroral polarization stream

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    [1] Coherent backscatter observations with the Millstone Hill UHF radar (MHR) are used to investigate spatial/temporal variations in the ionospheric subā€auroral polarization stream (SAPS) electric field. For the 440 MHz MHR, coherent amplitude is on average linearly proportional to electric field strength. The use of both mainā€beam and sidelobe returns and the great sensitivity of the MHR system permits observations spanning 3Ā° of the SAPS region with 1ā€sec temporal and 10ā€km spatial resolution. For a moderately disturbed event on May 25, 2000, the SAPS channel moved steadily equatorward. Largeā€scale (30 mV/m peak to peak) waveā€like oscillations in the electric field magnitude (200sā€“300s periodicity) were seen to propagate across the SAPS channel throughout the hourā€long event. It is suggested that such localized electric field intensifications, which exhibit many of the characteristics of the narrow SAID features described in the literature, arise as wavelike perturbations within the SAPS channel

    GNSS Observations of Ionospheric Variations During the 21 August 2017 Solar Eclipse

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    An edited version of this paper was published by AGU. Copyright 2017 American Geophysical Union. Coster, A.J., Goncharenko, L., Zhang S.-R., Erickson, P.J., Rideout, W. & Vierinen, J. (2017). GNSS Observations of Ionospheric Variations During the 21 2 August 2017 Solar Eclipse. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(24), 12041-12048. https://doi.org/10.1002/2017GL075774. To view the published open abstract, go to https://doi.org/10.1002/2017GL075774.On 21 August 2017, during daytime hours, a total solar eclipse with a narrow āˆ¼160 km wide umbral shadow occurred across the continental United States. Totality was observed from the Oregon coast at āˆ¼9:15 local standard time (LST) (17:20 UT) to the South Carolina coast at āˆ¼13:27 LST (18:47 UT). A dense network of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) receivers was utilized to produce total electron content (TEC) and differential TEC. These data were analyzed for the latitudinal and longitudinal response of the TEC and for the presence of traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) during eclipse passage. A significant TEC depletion, in some cases greater than 60%, was observed associated with the eclipse shadow, exceeding initial model predictions of 35%. Evidence of enhanced largeā€scale TID activity was detected over the United States prior to and following the large TEC depletion observed near the time of totality. Signatures of enhanced TEC structures were observed over the Rocky Mountain chain during the main period of TEC depletion

    Global loss of imprinting leads to widespread tumorigenesis in adult mice

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    SummaryLoss of imprinting (LOI), commonly observed in human tumors, refers to loss of monoallelic gene regulation normally conferred by parent-of-origin-specific DNA methylation. To test the function of LOI in tumorigenesis, we developed a model by using transient demethylation to generate imprint-free mouse embryonic stem cells (IF-ES cells). Embryonic fibroblasts derived from IF-ES cells (IF-MEFs) display TGFĪ² resistance and reduced p19 and p53 expression and form tumors in SCID mice. IF-MEFs exhibit spontaneous immortalization and cooperate with H-Ras in cellular transformation. Chimeric animals derived from IF-ES cells develop multiple tumors arising from the injected IF-ES cells within 12 months. These data demonstrate that LOI alone can predispose cells to tumorigenesis and identify a pathway through which immortality conferred by LOI lowers the threshold for transformation

    Conjugate ionospheric perturbation during the 2017 solar eclipse

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    An edited version of this paper was published by AGU. Copyright 2021 American Geophysical Union.We report new findings of total electron content (TEC) perturbations in the southern hemisphere at conjugate locations to the northern eclipse on August 21, 2017. We identified a persistent conjugate TEC depletion by 10%ā€“15% during the eclipse time, elongating along magnetic latitudes with at least āˆ¼5Ā° latitudinal width. As the Moon's shadow swept southward, this conjugate depletion moved northward and became most pronounced at lower magnetic latitudes (>āˆ’20Ā°N). This depletion was coincident with a weakening of the southern crest of the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA), while the northern EIA crest stayed almost undisturbed or was slightly enhanced. We suggest these conjugate perturbations were associated with dramatic eclipse initiated plasma pressure reductions in the flux tubes, with a large portion of shorter tubes located at low latitudes underneath the Moon's shadow. These short L-shell tubes intersect with the F region ionosphere at low and equatorial latitudes. The plasma pressure gradient was markedly skewed northward in the flux tubes at low and equatorial latitudes, as was the neutral pressure. These effects caused a general northward motion tendency for plasma within the flux tubes, and inhibited normal southward diffusion of equatorial fountain plasma into the southern EIA region. We also identified posteclipse ionospheric disturbances likely associated with the global propagation of eclipse-induced traveling atmospheric disturbances in alignment with the Moon's shadow moving direction

    mockrobiota: a Public Resource for Microbiome Bioinformatics Benchmarking.

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    Mock communities are an important tool for validating, optimizing, and comparing bioinformatics methods for microbial community analysis. We present mockrobiota, a public resource for sharing, validating, and documenting mock community data resources, available at http://caporaso-lab.github.io/mockrobiota/. The materials contained in mockrobiota include data set and sample metadata, expected composition data (taxonomy or gene annotations or reference sequences for mock community members), and links to raw data (e.g., raw sequence data) for each mock community data set. mockrobiota does not supply physical sample materials directly, but the data set metadata included for each mock community indicate whether physical sample materials are available. At the time of this writing, mockrobiota contains 11 mock community data sets with known species compositions, including bacterial, archaeal, and eukaryotic mock communities, analyzed by high-throughput marker gene sequencing. IMPORTANCE The availability of standard and public mock community data will facilitate ongoing method optimizations, comparisons across studies that share source data, and greater transparency and access and eliminate redundancy. These are also valuable resources for bioinformatics teaching and training. This dynamic resource is intended to expand and evolve to meet the changing needs of the omics community

    2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption Induced Global Propagation of Ionospheric Disturbances via Lamb Waves

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    The Tonga volcano eruption at 04:14:45 UT on 2022-01-15 released enormous amounts of energy into the atmosphere, triggering very significant geophysical variations not only in the immediate proximity of the epicenter but also globally across the whole atmosphere. This study provides a global picture of ionospheric disturbances over an extended period for at least 4 days. We find traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) radially outbound and inbound along entire Great-Circle loci at primary speeds of āˆ¼300ā€“350 m/s (depending on the propagation direction) and 500ā€“1,000 km horizontal wavelength for front shocks, going around the globe for three times, passing six times over the continental US in 100 h since the eruption. TIDs following the shock fronts developed for āˆ¼8 h with 10ā€“30 min predominant periods in near- and far- fields. TID global propagation is consistent with the effect of Lamb waves which travel at the speed of sound. Although these oscillations are often confined to the troposphere, Lamb wave energy is known to leak into the thermosphere through channels such as atmospheric resonance at acoustic and gravity wave frequencies, carrying substantial wave amplitudes at high altitudes. Prevailing Lamb waves have been reported in the literature as atmospheric responses to the gigantic Krakatoa eruption in 1883 and other geohazards. This study provides substantial first evidence of their long-duration imprints up in the global ionosphere. This study was enabled by ionospheric measurements from 5,000+ world-wide Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) ground receivers, demonstrating the broad implication of the ionosphere measurement as a sensitive detector for atmospheric waves and geophysical disturbances
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