33 research outputs found

    A Hot Saturn near (but Unassociated with) the Open Cluster NGC 1817

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    We report on the discovery of a hot Saturn-sized planet (9.916 ±0.985 R ⊕) around a late F-star, K2-308, observed in Campaign 13 of the K2 mission. We began studying this planet candidate because prior to the release of Gaia DR2, the host star was thought to have been a member (membership probability) of the open cluster NGC 1817 based on its kinematics and photometric distance. We identify the host star (among three stars within the K2 photometric aperture) using seeing-limited photometry and rule out false-positive scenarios using adaptive optics imaging and radial velocity observations. We statistically validate K2-308b by calculating a false-positive probability rate of . However, we also show using new kinematic measurements provided by Gaia DR2 and our measured radial velocity of the system that K2-308 is unassociated with the cluster NGC 1817. Therefore, the long running search for a giant transiting planet in an open cluster remains fruitless. Finally, we note that our use of seeing-limited photometry is a good demonstration of similar techniques that are already being used to follow up Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) planet candidates, especially in crowded regions

    When Do Stalled Stars Resume Spinning Down? Advancing Gyrochronology with Ruprecht 147

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    Recent measurements of rotation periods () in the benchmark open clusters Praesepe (670 Myr), NGC 6811 (1 Gyr), and NGC 752 (1.4 Gyr) demonstrate that, after converging onto a tight sequence of slowly rotating stars in mass-period space, stars temporarily stop spinning down. These data also show that the duration of this epoch of stalled spin-down increases toward lower masses. To determine when stalled stars resume spinning down, we use data from the K2 mission and the Palomar Transient Factory to measure for 58 dwarf members of the 2.7 Gyr old cluster Ruprecht 147, 39 of which satisfy our criteria designed to remove short-period or near-equal-mass binaries. Combined with the Kepler data for the approximately coeval cluster NGC 6819 (30 stars with M ∗ > 0.85, our new measurements more than double the number of ≈2.5 Gyr benchmark rotators and extend this sample down to ≈0.55. The slowly rotating sequence for this joint sample appears relatively flat (22 ± 2 days) compared to sequences for younger clusters. This sequence also intersects the Kepler intermediate-period gap, demonstrating that this gap was not created by a lull in star formation. We calculate the time at which stars resume spinning down and find that 0.55 stars remain stalled for at least 1.3 Gyr. To accurately age-date low-mass stars in the field, gyrochronology formulae must be modified to account for this stalling timescale. Empirically tuning a core-envelope coupling model with open cluster data can account for most of the apparent stalling effect. However, alternative explanations, e.g., a temporary reduction in the magnetic braking torque, cannot yet be ruled out

    Biofuels, greenhouse gases and climate change. A review

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    Overview of the JET results in support to ITER

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    Production of a spin-polarized, metastable He(23 S) beam for studies in atomic and surface physics

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    Baum G, Raith W, Steidl H. Production of a spin-polarized, metastable He(23 S) beam for studies in atomic and surface physics. Z.Phys. D. 1988;10(2-3):171-178.This beam was developed as a target for a crossed-beam electron-atom scattering experiment on the interaction of a polarized spin-1/2 electron with a polarized spin-1 atom. In the future this beam will be used in "Spin-Polarized Metastable Atom Deexcitation Spectroscopy" (SPMDS) for studying ferromagnetic surfaces without and with adsorbate layers. We use a discharge source for producing a beam of metastable helium atoms, a permanent sextupole magnet with a central stop at its exit for selecting He(2^3 S) atoms in the Zeeman substate ms=+1, a zero-field spin flipper for reversing the atomic beam polarization with respect to a magnetic guiding field, and a Stern-Gerlach magnet for analyzing the atomic polarization. At a distance of 90 cm beyond the exit of the sextupole, in the "interaction region" of an experiment, the polarized beam has a circular cross section of about 6 mm FWHM and a particle density of 1·10^7 atoms/cm^3. The reversible spin polarization was determined asP=0.90±0.02. A possible contamination of the beam with metastable singlet atoms is included within this value; the ground-state He atoms are not considered to be part of the polarized beam. An observed contamination with long-lived Rydberg atoms can easily be destroyed by applying a high electric field

    Constraining the evolution of ZZ Ceti

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    We report our analysis of the stability of pulsation periods in the DAV star (pulsating hydrogen atmosphere white dwarf ) ZZ Ceti, also called R548. On the basis of observations that span 31 years, we conclude that the period 213.13 s observed in ZZ Ceti drifts at a rate dP/dt ≤ (5:5 ± 1:9) x 10 15 s s-ˡ, after correcting for proper motion. Our results are consistent with previous _PP values for this mode and an improvement over them because of the larger time base. The characteristic stability timescale implied for the pulsation period is |P/PP| ≥ 1.2 Gyr, comparable to the theoretical cooling timescale for the star. Our current stability limit for the period 213.13 s is only slightly less than the present measurement for another DAV, G117-B15A, for the period 215.2 s, establishing this mode in ZZ Ceti as the second most stable optical clock known, comparable to atomic clocks and more stable than most pulsars. Constraining the cooling rate of ZZ Ceti aids theoretical evolutionary models and white dwarf cosmochronology. The drift rate of this clock is small enough that we can set interesting limits on reflex motion due to planetary companions