429 research outputs found

    Inventario preliminar de la familia Aneuraceae en Venezuela

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    Con base en registros de literatura investigada se presenta un listado preliminar de 23 especies de la familia Aneuracea (Hepatophyta) para Venezuela, de las cuales 1 corresponde al género Aneura y 22 al género Riccardia. Los Andes y la región al sur del río Orinoco, son las áreas con mayor información disponible.A preliminary inventory of 23 species of Aneuraceae (Hepatophyta) is given for Venezuela. One of this records belongs to the genus Aneura and 22 to Riccardia. Los Andes and the region to the south of the Orinoco River, are the areas with more available information

    Strong composition down in the adjudication of conflicting claims

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    This paper is devoted to the study of claims problems. I characterize the family of rules that satisfy both strong composition down (robustness with respect to reevaluations of the estate) and consistency (robustness with respect to changes in the set of agents). These are the fixed path rules, a generalization of the weighted constrained equal awards rules. In addition, if strong composition down and consistency are combined with homogeneity, only the weighted constrained equal awards rules survive. I also prove that the constrained equal awards rule is the only rule that satisfies strong composition down, consistency and equal treatment of equals. Keywords: claims problem, strong composition down, fixed path rules, constrained equal awards rule

    Laissez-faire or full redistribution?

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    We explore the implications of three basic and intuitive axioms for income redistribution problems: equal treatment of equals, additivity and stability. We show that the combination of the three axioms characterizes two focal and polar rules: laissez-faire and full redistribution.Junta de Andalucia P18-FR-2933 A-SEJ-14-UGR20MCIN/AEI P18-FR-2933 A-SEJ-14-UGR20 PID2020-114309GB-I00 PID2020-115011GB-I0


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    This study aims to examine the relationship between the disclosure of corporate social responsibility (CSRD) and institutional ownership. CSRD measured by summing the scores of the four dimensions CSRD by Golden Hope Plantation Berhad (GHPB). Institutional ownership is measured by the composition of the shareholders of the company. The population in this study consisted of all manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012 - 2015. The sampling method in this research is purposive sampling. Criteria for the company is a manufacturing company must have the required data in the study on the annual report and publish the financial statements and annual reports complete during the study period. The number of samples in this study were 61 companies and analysis techniques used were multiple linear regression with SPSS software version 21. The results showed that: (1) CSRD and institutional ownership has a positive and significant relationship, (2) Dimensions employee relations and institutional ownership has a positive and significant relationship, (3) dimension of community and institutional ownership has not had a significant relationship, (4 ) Dimension product and institutional ownership has a positive and significant relationship, (5) The environmental dimension and institutional ownership has a negative and significant relationship

    Bayesian Estimation of Mixed Multinomial Logit Models: Advances and Simulation-Based Evaluations

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    Variational Bayes (VB) methods have emerged as a fast and computationally-efficient alternative to Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods for scalable Bayesian estimation of mixed multinomial logit (MMNL) models. It has been established that VB is substantially faster than MCMC at practically no compromises in predictive accuracy. In this paper, we address two critical gaps concerning the usage and understanding of VB for MMNL. First, extant VB methods are limited to utility specifications involving only individual-specific taste parameters. Second, the finite-sample properties of VB estimators and the relative performance of VB, MCMC and maximum simulated likelihood estimation (MSLE) are not known. To address the former, this study extends several VB methods for MMNL to admit utility specifications including both fixed and random utility parameters. To address the latter, we conduct an extensive simulation-based evaluation to benchmark the extended VB methods against MCMC and MSLE in terms of estimation times, parameter recovery and predictive accuracy. The results suggest that all VB variants with the exception of the ones relying on an alternative variational lower bound constructed with the help of the modified Jensen's inequality perform as well as MCMC and MSLE at prediction and parameter recovery. In particular, VB with nonconjugate variational message passing and the delta-method (VB-NCVMP-Delta) is up to 16 times faster than MCMC and MSLE. Thus, VB-NCVMP-Delta can be an attractive alternative to MCMC and MSLE for fast, scalable and accurate estimation of MMNL models

    Qualified voting mechanisms

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    We study voting mechanisms, which consist of two elements: a profile of sets of votes (this profile describes the votes that voters are allowed to cast) and a voting scheme (which explains how to aggregate those votes). To investigate how these two elements interact, we impose some properties on the sets of votes (i.e., regularity ) and on the voting scheme (i.e., candidate monotonicity, candidate anonymity, and weak neutrality ). We characterize the family of voting schemes that satisfy some of those properties and analyze the role played by the structure of the sets of votes in these characterizations. Voting, approval voting rule, plurality rule, monotonicity, anonymity, neutrality, qualified votin

    Educación física y aprendizaje del inglés: percepciones de los estudiantes que participan en un programa con metodología AICLE

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    Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is an innovative approach that integrates language learning with content-based instruction in a variety of subjects including physical education and tactical learning of sport. This paper aims to explore the benefits of combining these two subjects in the classroom and how it can lead to a more dynamic and effective learning experience for students. A total of 32 students (22 males and 10 females) with a mean age of 16.62 years (SD = 0.5) took part. Students completed weekly reflective entries in their personal diary. In addition, two focus groups were conducted with a total of 12 students each. Considering the nature of this research, the qualitative method was chosen to gather and analyze the data, using NVivo (version 12 QSR International). Three main themes emerged: 1) Visual material to improve language learning and comprehension, 2) Learning English during the practice of physical exercise and 3) Lack of Balance among the 4 Cs of CLIL. CLIL is an effective approach to integrating language learning with content-based instruction in physical education and tactical learning of sport. It is essential to implement some strategies to capture the attention of students while they are involved in the activities.El Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos e Idiomas (AICLE) es un enfoque innovador que integra el aprendizaje de idiomas con la instrucción basada en contenidos en una variedad de materias, incluida la educación física y el aprendizaje táctico del deporte. Este documento tiene como objetivo explorar los beneficios de combinar estas dos materias en el aula y cómo puede conducir a una experiencia de aprendizaje más dinámica y efectiva para los estudiantes. Participaron un total de 32 estudiantes (22 varones y 10 mujeres) con una edad media de 16,62 años (DE = 0,5). Los estudiantes completaron entradas reflexivas semanales en su diario personal. Además, se realizaron dos grupos focales con un total de 12 estudiantes cada uno. Considerando la naturaleza de esta investigación, se eligió el método cualitativo para recolectar y analizar los datos, utilizando NVivo (versión 12 QSR International). Surgieron tres temas principales: 1) Material visual para mejorar el aprendizaje y la comprensión del idioma, 2) Aprender inglés durante la práctica de ejercicio físico y 3) Falta de equilibrio entre las 4 C de AICLE. ACILE es un enfoque efectivo para integrar el aprendizaje de idiomas con la instrucción basada en contenido en educación física y aprendizaje táctico del deporte

    Analisis Hubungan Pengungkapan Tanggungjawab Sosial Perusahaan dan Kepemilikan Institusional

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    This study aims to examine the relationship between the disclosure of corporate social responsibility (CSRD) and institutional ownership. This study used secondary data. The population in this study consisted of all manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012 - 2015. The sampling method in this research is purposive sampling, and the number of samples in this study were 61 companies. This study used the technique of multiple linear regression analysis. The empirical results of this study show that CSRD, dimensions employee relations and dimension product has a positive and significant relationship with institutional ownership. While dimension of community and institutional ownership has not had a significant relationship, and the environmental dimension has a negative and significant relationship with institutional ownership