100 research outputs found

    Perancangan dan Pembangunan Sistem Inventaris Spare-Parts pada PT. Astrinusa Jaya Dharma Menggunakan Laravel 8

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan sistem informasi yang semakin maju telah mempengaruhi aspek bagian bisnis, contohnya seperti manajemen stok persediaan barang. Persediaan barang atau inventaris merupakan salah satu aspek penting dan bersifat fundamental dalam menjalankan proses bisnis terutama pada bisnis perdagangan. Perusahaan ataupun organisasi yang masih menggunakan sistem manajemen persediaan barang menggunakan pencatatan kertas atau pembukuan ataupun dengan bantuan software seperti Microsoft Excel dapat menyulitkan pegawai khususnya pada bagian pergudangan atau inventaris. PT. Astrinusa Jaya Dharma yang merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang penjualan produk-produk onderdil atau suku cadang dan tentunya memiliki manajemen pengelolaan stok persediaan barang atau inventory. Pelaksanaan kerja magang yang dilakukan di PT. Astrinusa Jaya Dharma ini memiliki tujuan untuk membangun sebuah sistem informasi menggunakan Laravel 8 yang dapat melakukan pengelolaan persediaan barang-barang di gudangnya dengan berbasis web. Web tersebut nantinya dapat digunakan oleh karyawan divisi pergudangan untuk mengelola sehingga tidak perlu menggunakan alat-alat manual seperti kertas dan buku

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Chatbot Berbasis Web Menggunakan Dialogflow dengan Integrasi Dialogflow Messenger pada Situs Journal of Multidisciplinary Issues

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    Chatbot merupakan salah satu penerapan dari Kecerdasan Buatan yang dapat menggantikan manusia dalam melakukan obrolan percakapan dan menyediakan layanan informasi kepada pengguna atau pengunjungnya. Chatbot secara umumnya dapat berinteraksi melalui pesan teks, suara, gambar dan lainnya. Tren Chatbot semakin naik dari tahun ke tahun dikarenakan adanya berbagai situs layanan penyedia Chatbot seperti Google Dialogflow, Azure Bot, Amazon Lex, dan lainnya. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan pembangunan aplikasi Chatbot berbasis web untuk situs jurnal bernama Journal of Multidisciplinary Issues dengan tujuan agar pengelola situs tidak perlu menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan pengunjung yang sama berulang kalinya. Aplikasi Chatbot dibangun berdasarkan metode Rapid Application Development yang terdiri dari berbagai tahapan mulai dari perencanaan, perancangan dan desain, pembangunan sistem, implementasi, dan pengujian. Aplikasi Chatbot dikembangkan menggunakan layanan Google Dialogflow dengan metode Natural Language Processing serta fitur integrasi bernama Dialogflow Messenger yang mampu menyediakan berbagai macam tipe respon jawaban pada situs jurnal yang menggunakan Open Journal Systems. Aplikasi Chatbot diuji menggunakan metode Alpha dan Closed Beta Testing yang memberikan hasil bahwa Chatbot mampu memberikan respon jawaban yang sesuai setelah diuji dengan beberapa skenario pertanyaan serta skor 85,25% dalam pengujian dengan kuesioner untuk melihat perspektif pengunjung terhadap aplikasi Chatbot yang telah dibuat. Penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan dapat mengintegrasikan Chatbot dengan media sosial seperti Facebook, WhatsApp, ataupun LINE

    Impact of effective intravesical therapies on quality of life in patients with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer: a systematic review

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    Background: Conventional and newly emerged intravesical modalities have demonstrated prophylactic effectiveness that may improve quality of life (QoL) in non-muscle invasive bladder cancer. The purpose of this study is to analyze existing QoL evidence in patients receiving any form of intravesical therapy. Methods: A PubMed search without time restriction was conducted to identify all relevant studies in accordance with the PICOT question. Additionally, a search was also performed in the Cochrane library database, Internet, and citation. The CONSORT 2010 checklist and STROBE statement checklist were used to evaluate the risk of bias of the included studies. Results: A total of 24 eligible articles were included, which consisted of 11 interventional and 13 observational studies. Intravesical therapy with Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) or certain chemotherapeutic agents worsens symptom burdens and functional performance during the initial induction phase while continuous improved is observed throughout the maintenance treatment and beyond. Hyperthermia has shown a positive trend in enhancing QoL of patients receiving intravesical chemotherapy, which requires more investigations. However, QoL data were unavailable for other forms of immunotherapy, immune checkpoint inhibitors, electromotive drug administration, and photodynamic therapy. Conclusions: Limited studies suggested the long-term positive impact of intravesical BCG immunotherapy and chemotherapy. However, existing evidence was lacking to clarify the impact of many emerging intravesical therapies that have suggested to be effective and safe, which demands treatment-specific QoL studies

    Embracing ambiguity: agile insights for sustainability in engineering in traditional higher education and in technical and vocational education and training

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    Embracing reflective practice and retrospection, with a goal of identifying commonalities, this paper examines delivery of engineering subjects in both traditional higher education (THE) and technical and vocational education and training (TVET). Reflections on actions and autoethnography were employed to examine the teaching and learning experiences of three educators across two higher education (HE) institutions (HEIs), in the greater Chinese context. Literature reviews and historical contexts are outlined to support the approaches and insights identified. The paper presents a number of common characteristics and challenges identified across both THE and TVET. Drawing on the successful embrace of ambiguity and change in recent software engineering (SE) development paradigms, recommendations are then made for how the agile SE themes can be applied in a larger sense to address the wider challenges facing both THE and TVET. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time engineering education has been examined and contrasted in the contexts of THE and TVET. The similarities and common challenges may represent a new focus for related work, and the presented insights, from agile methodologies in software engineering, represent a new perspective for viewing future HE and TVET sustainability

    Education Curriculum on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: The Evolving Role of Simulation Training

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    Continuing education is essential for the success and safety of an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) programme. However, it is challenging due to the intrinsic characteristic of ECMO—a complex, high-risk, low-volume clinical activity which require teamwork, inter-professional communication, critical decision and rapid response especially in emergency. Thus, simulation is a rapidly evolving teaching methodology in ECMO education to address those training needs that cannot be entirely addressed by traditional teaching modalities. The development of a simulation programme requires commitment on resources for equipment, environment setup and training of personnel. Knowledge on ECMO management, education science and debriefing technique forms the cornerstone of successful ECMO simulation facilitators and hence the simulation programme. Currently, researches have already shown that ECMO simulation can improve individual and team performance despite that its impact on patient outcome is still unknown. In the future, the role of simulation will increase importantly in multicentre research, certifying specialists and credentialing if standardization of training curriculum can be achieved

    CheXpert: A Large Chest Radiograph Dataset with Uncertainty Labels and Expert Comparison

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    Large, labeled datasets have driven deep learning methods to achieve expert-level performance on a variety of medical imaging tasks. We present CheXpert, a large dataset that contains 224,316 chest radiographs of 65,240 patients. We design a labeler to automatically detect the presence of 14 observations in radiology reports, capturing uncertainties inherent in radiograph interpretation. We investigate different approaches to using the uncertainty labels for training convolutional neural networks that output the probability of these observations given the available frontal and lateral radiographs. On a validation set of 200 chest radiographic studies which were manually annotated by 3 board-certified radiologists, we find that different uncertainty approaches are useful for different pathologies. We then evaluate our best model on a test set composed of 500 chest radiographic studies annotated by a consensus of 5 board-certified radiologists, and compare the performance of our model to that of 3 additional radiologists in the detection of 5 selected pathologies. On Cardiomegaly, Edema, and Pleural Effusion, the model ROC and PR curves lie above all 3 radiologist operating points. We release the dataset to the public as a standard benchmark to evaluate performance of chest radiograph interpretation models. The dataset is freely available at https://stanfordmlgroup.github.io/competitions/chexpert .Comment: Published in AAAI 201

    Pharmacogenomics and the Yin/Yang actions of ginseng: anti-tumor, angiomodulating and steroid-like activities of ginsenosides.

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    In Chinese medicine, ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) has long been used as a general tonic or an adaptogen to promote longevity and enhance bodily functions. It has also been claimed to be effective in combating stress, fatigue, oxidants, cancer and diabetes mellitus. Most of the pharmacological actions of ginseng are attributed to one type of its constituents, namely the ginsenosides. In this review, we focus on the recent advances in the study of ginsenosides on angiogenesis which is related to many pathological conditions including tumor progression and cardiovascular dysfunctions. Angiogenesis in the human body is regulated by two sets of counteracting factors, angiogenic stimulators and inhibitors. The 'Yin and Yang' action of ginseng on angiomodulation was paralleled by the experimental data showing angiogenesis was indeed related to the compositional ratio between ginsenosides Rg1 and Rb1. Rg1 was later found to stimulate angiogenesis through augmenting the production of nitric oxide (NO) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Mechanistic studies revealed that such responses were mediated through the PI3K-->Akt pathway. By means of DNA microarray, a group of genes related to cell adhesion, migration and cytoskeleton were found to be up-regulated in endothelial cells. These gene products may interact in a hierarchical cascade pattern to modulate cell architectural dynamics which is concomitant to the observed phenomena in angiogenesis. By contrast, the anti-tumor and anti-angiogenic effects of ginsenosides (e.g. Rg3 and Rh2) have been demonstrated in various models of tumor and endothelial cells, indicating that ginsenosides with opposing activities are present in ginseng. Ginsenosides and Panax ginseng extracts have been shown to exert protective effects on vascular dysfunctions, such as hypertension, atherosclerotic disorders and ischemic injury. Recent work has demonstrates the target molecules of ginsenosides to be a group of nuclear steroid hormone receptors. These lines of evidence support that the interaction between ginsenosides and various nuclear steroid hormone receptors may explain the diverse pharmacological activities of ginseng. These findings may also lead to development of more efficacious ginseng-derived therapeutics for angiogenesis-related diseases