90 research outputs found

    Mediennutzung durch Flüchtlinge vor, während und nach der Flucht

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    Gegenwärtige Fluchtbewegungen stehen unübersehbar im Zeichen des digitalen Zeitalters: Mobiltelefone sind zu zentralen Werkzeugen der Schutzsuchenden geworden, WLANHotspots so notwendig wie Wasserstellen. Doch trotz der offenbar großen Bedeutung digitaler mobiler Geräte für Flüchtlinge lagen zu den tatsächlichen Nutzungsmustern sowie deren Auswirkungen auf das Informationsverhalten von Flüchtlingen und ihr Deutschlandbild bisher kaum repräsentative, verallgemeinerbare Daten vor. Das Forschungsprojekt „Flucht 2.0“ will diese Wissenslücke schließen. Das Projekt wurde gefördert mit Mitteln des Auswärtigen Amtes

    Information seeking and communication during forced migration: An empirical analysis of refugees' digital media use and its effects on their perceptions of Germany as their target country

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    The recent refugee movements to Europe occur in the digital age. While there is a common perception that 'every refugee carries a smartphone', research on this new phenomenon is limited. To fill this academic gap, we have conducted a representative survey of more than 400 refugees living in Berlin which provides insight into the use of digital media in preparation for and during forced migration. We also asked whether digital media shaped images of and expectations about the refugees' target country Germany. The data confirm that digital media are important tools for refugees but also show that refugees are not a homogenous group and that usage patterns depend on regional origins. Moreover, we found that refugees who frequently accessed the Internet before they fled were better informed than others. Whereas Internet use also contributed to a positively-biased perception of Germany, the respective effect of traditional media use was stronger

    Janis Brinkmann: Ein Hauch von Jasmin. Die deutsche Islamberichterstattung vor, während und nach der Arabischen Revolution - eine quantitative und qualitative Medieninhaltsanalyse

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    Janis Brinkmann hat eine umfangreiche Untersuchung der Islamberichterstattung im Kontext der Umbrüche in Nordafrika vorgelegt. Mittels einer quantitativen In- haltsanalyse der jeweils ersten drei Monate 2011 und noch einmal 2012 sucht er in zwei deutschen Tages- und zwei Wochenzeitungen „nach prägenden Strukturen, Themen, Akteuren sowie Bewertungen und vergleicht die Ergebnisse mit denen früherer Studien, um Aussagen über die Gesamtentwicklung der deutschen Islamberichterstattung [...] herausarbeiten zu können“ (S. 13). Die Arbeit schließt somit explizit an eine ganze Reihe von Untersuchungen an, die in den letzten Jahren dargelegt haben, dass offensichtlich eine Negativagenda der deutschen Medien in Bezug auf Islam und Muslime entstanden ist.

    Der Nahostkonflikt und die Medien

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    Diese Einführung in eine Themenausgabe zu den vielfältigen Rollen der Medien im Nahostkonflikt skizziert die Probleme, die sich für Medien und Journalisten als Akteure im Konflikt, Adressaten der Konfliktparteien und Anlass für Konflikt durch ihre Berichterstattung ergeben. Das Konfliktgebiet Israel und Palästina ist sowohl für Forschung über Auslandsbericht-erstattung, über transnationale Agenda Building- und Public Diplomacy-Prozesse als auch über mediensystemische Entwicklungen in Besatzer- und Besatzungsgebieten interessant. Der Artikel gibt einen Überblick über das Feld und führt dabei in die in der Themenausgabe präsentierten empirischen Studien zum Nahostkonflikt und den Medien ein

    Development of micro pattern gas detectors for high rate experiments

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    Since the introduction of Micro Strip Gaseous Chambers (MSGC) and Gas Electron Multipliers (GEM) in the early 90s, a large family of different Micro Pattern Gas Detectors (MPGD) has grown, offering high rate capability and an excellent position accuracy. A combined system of MSGC and GEM was developed for the inner tracking system of the Hera-B experiment at DESY Hamburg. In this thesis, the principles of electron transfer in the GEM and, in addition, discharging and ageing effects were studied in various conditions. Results from a final beam test in real conditions are reported, proving that this detector can survive the harsh operation conditions of the Hera-B experiment

    From the Field: Building on Area Studies Expertise – The Arab-European Association for Media and Communication Researchers (AREACORE)

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    This short article introduces the new Arab-European Association for Media and Communication Researchers (AREACORE) as the manifestation of the necessity to strengthen area expertise in communication studies. The reasons for founding this association fit into the broader framework of de-westernization attempts, while also allowing for dialogue to take place on an equal footing. The authors invite all interested communication researchers to join the network and build up an Arab-European network of communication studies expertise

    Common trends of global education: educational methods in USA and Russia

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    This article touches upon the issues of changes in the educational system in the knowledge society. The main purpose of this research is the study of new teaching methods, with due regard to the needs of society and human potential. For this purpose, educational methods of the US and Russia were analyzed and compared, their advantages and disadvantages were estimated, and common trends in the development of education were identified. It is stated that during the formation of innovative methods of education for future generations, it is necessary to take into account ethical standards of each ethnic group, culture and traditions of specific country, as well as psycho-physical standards of students. It is justified that the idea of the creation of unified teaching methods for the entire planet population is impossible due to geographic, ethnic, political, and economic differences of every country. However, according to research results of popular techniques, it is possible to develop a model of the most appropriate educational method for the vast majority of countries with due consideration of constant development of science as the main influence factor on methods of education. It is concluded that the general trends of global education are individualization and humanization. They lead to the formation of flexible, critical, creative and effective thinking of students in terms of variability and uncertainty of social reality

    Organic Processed Food in Europe

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    Executive Summary While the organic food market is one of the fastest growing food sectors in the world with consist-ently increasing rates of growth in all advanced economies over the past ten years, a major and growing part of the organic food sold and consumed is transformed from harvested commodities by food processing into processed food products. Differentiating between foods that are processed over and above food group categories remains a challenging issue. There are many classification systems for processed foods in academic literature and a few others applied in professional practice. Most of those designed with consumer nutrition guidance as one aim take nutrients or substances in general as their main criteria. Only the NOVA classification system takes processing techniques themselves into account. Furthermore, only the Wholefood Nutrition classification system (Vollwert Ernährung in Germany) takes environmental and additional impacts into consideration. Organic production itself is addressed by these two systems only: the former specifically excludes it while the latter specifically recommends food products from organic production. Thereby neither takes organic food processing itself into detailed account. Hence, neither these two nor any other of the described classification systems is appropriate for a deeper exploration of organic processed foods and a differentiation within these or between non-organic and organic processed foods. It could be shown that organic foods in the market cover all categories within studied processed foods classifications, including very highly processed foods categories. Given the growing attention paid to processing of foods and their connection with human health, as well as the dietary recommendation made by several private and national nutrition bodies to avoid very highly processed foods, the or-ganic sector does need to address this issue. One avenue could be to build on existing classification systems and adapt these to include organic specifications or else to develop a new classification, drawing on organic principles and the organic perspective as a guiding framework. The legislation for organic processing of foods provides a general framework with guiding principles and permitted substances for processing; some few technologies are specifically mentioned and for-bidden. The private standards of some organic associations provide more detailed guidance, though again, this is mostly limited to restriction of permitted substances and applications. The organic sector finds itself in a dynamic growth phase in the European Union and elsewhere. This is not only limited to organic farming production but also includes organic food production. The market analysis could not distinguish between processed foods effectively or at all, but overall it underlines the growth in processed organic foods entering the market year on year. Trends in the data studied suggest an increase in very highly processed organic foods. This development needs to be referred to the overall guiding principles for organic food and farming and addressed by the sector. Commu-nication of processing-related aspects of organic products as studied in producer websites, company video material and product packaging show little differentiation to that of non-organic products. Both would seem to use vague terms and avoid professional processing visuals. Herein may lie a chance for better promotion of organic foods if unique organic processing attributes can be distinguished

    Flucht 2.0: Zur Forschung mit/über Flüchtlinge und ihre Mediennutzung

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    Dieser Beitrag berichtet von der praktischen Vorbereitung und Durchführung einer quantitativen Studie, die im Mai 2016 in Berlin durchgeführt wurde und zum Ziel hatte, eine repräsentative Stichprobe von Flüchtlingen zur Rolle von Medien – insbesondere Smartphones – auf ihrem Fluchtweg zu befragen. Die Ziehung einer Stichprobe und Durchführung von mehr als 400 Interviews in vier Sprachen stellten sich als eine komplexe Herausforderung dar, die aber mit den entsprechenden Verfahren der Befragungsforschung und der Berücksichtigung interkultureller Kompetenzen zu bewältigen war. Der Forschungsansatz wird dabei eingeordnet in den bisherigen Literaturbestand und abgeglichen mit ähnlichen Studien, die gegenwärtig in Deutschland durchgeführt werden