3,221 research outputs found

    Computer analysis of aircraft and shuttle antennas

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    Progress on predicting the patterns of high-frequency antennas on aircraft and shuttles is reported. Patterns are presented for an axial slot antenna on a circular cylinder partially coated with a dielectric layer. Results are shown for Omega signal disturbance by a conducting vertical pole

    Reconstructed Intentions in Collaborative Problem Solving Dialogues

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    We provide evidence that speech act recognition, is 1) difficult for humans to do and 2) likely to misidentify proposals involving reconstructed intentions. We examine the reliability of coding for speech acts in collaborative dialogues and we present an approach for recognizing reconstructed proposals using domain context and other more easily recognized features. 1 Introduction Speech act recognition plays a prominent role in dialogue understanding, in traditional approaches that infer a plan using plan construction operators [PA80], [LA90], [LC91, LC92], and in more recent techniques relying on statistical correlations or finite state machines [RM95, QDL + 97]. Both approaches recognize surface speech acts, using surface form and information provided by the discourse context and the discourse operators, or by a finite state approximation of the planning information. These approaches assume that it is (relatively) simple to recognize speech acts, and that speech acts are a requi..

    The world-sheet description of A and B branes revisited

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    We give a manifest supersymmetric description of A and B branes on Kahler manifolds using a completely local N=2 superspace formulation of the world-sheet nonlinear sigma-model in the presence of a boundary. In particular, we show that an N=2 superspace description of type A boundaries is possible, at least when the background is Kahler. This leads to an elegant and concrete setting for studying coisotropic A branes. Here, apgesan important role is played by the boundary potential, whose precise physical meaning remains to be fully understood. Duality transformations relating A and B branes in the presence of isometries are studied as well.Comment: LaTeX, 32 page

    Casein and Caseinogen.

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    A zeta function approach to the relation between the numbers of symmetry planes and axes of a polytope

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    A derivation of the Ces\`aro-Fedorov relation from the Selberg trace formula on an orbifolded 2-sphere is elaborated and extended to higher dimensions using the known heat-kernel coefficients for manifolds with piecewise-linear boundaries. Several results are obtained that relate the coefficients, bib_i, in the Shephard-Todd polynomial to the geometry of the fundamental domain. For the 3-sphere we show that b4b_4 is given by the ratio of the volume of the fundamental tetrahedron to its Schl\"afli reciprocal.Comment: Plain TeX, 26 pages (eqn. (86) corrected

    Distinguishing cancerous from non-cancerous cells through analysis of electrical noise

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    Since 1984, electric cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS) has been used to monitor cell behavior in tissue culture and has proven sensitive to cell morphological changes and cell motility. We have taken ECIS measurements on several cultures of non-cancerous (HOSE) and cancerous (SKOV) human ovarian surface epithelial cells. By analyzing the noise in real and imaginary electrical impedance, we demonstrate that it is possible to distinguish the two cell types purely from signatures of their electrical noise. Our measures include power-spectral exponents, Hurst and detrended fluctuation analysis, and estimates of correlation time; principal-component analysis combines all the measures. The noise from both cancerous and non-cancerous cultures shows correlations on many time scales, but these correlations are stronger for the non-cancerous cells.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; submitted to PR

    Evanescence in Coined Quantum Walks

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    In this paper we complete the analysis begun by two of the authors in a previous work on the discrete quantum walk on the line [J. Phys. A 36:8775-8795 (2003) quant-ph/0303105 ]. We obtain uniformly convergent asymptotics for the "exponential decay'' regions at the leading edges of the main peaks in the Schr{\"o}dinger (or wave-mechanics) picture. This calculation required us to generalise the method of stationary phase and we describe this extension in some detail, including self-contained proofs of all the technical lemmas required. We also rigorously establish the exact Feynman equivalence between the path-integral and wave-mechanics representations for this system using some techniques from the theory of special functions. Taken together with the previous work, we can now prove every theorem by both routes.Comment: 32 pages AMS LaTeX, 5 figures in .eps format. Rewritten in response to referee comments, including some additional references. v3: typos fixed in equations (131), (133) and (134). v5: published versio

    Quantum effects in the quasiparticle structure of the ferromagnetic Kondo lattice model

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    A new ``Dynamical Mean-field theory'' based approach for the Kondo lattice model with quantum spins is introduced. The inspection of exactly solvable limiting cases and several known approximation methods, namely the second-order perturbation theory, the self-consistent CPA and finally a moment-conserving decoupling of the equations of motion help in evaluating the new approach. This comprehensive investigation gives some certainty to our results: Whereas our method is somewhat limited in the investigation of the J<0-model, the results for J>0 reveal important aspects of the physics of the model: The energetically lowest states are not completely spin-polarized.A band splitting, which occurs already for relatively low interaction strengths, can be related to distinct elementary excitations, namely magnon emission (absorption) and the formation of magnetic polarons. We demonstrate the properties of the ferromagnetic Kondo lattice model in terms of spectral densities and quasiparticle densities of states.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Detecting Transits in Sparsely Sampled Surveys

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    The small sizes of low mass stars in principle provide an opportunity to find Earth-like planets and "super-Earths" in habitable zones via transits. Large area synoptic surveys like Pan-STARRS and LSST will observe large numbers of low mass stars, albeit with widely spaced (sparse) time sampling relative to the planets' periods and transit durations. We present simple analytical equations that can be used to estimate the feasibility of a survey by setting upper limits to the number of transiting planets that will be detected. We use Monte Carlo simulations to find upper limits for the number of transiting planets that may be discovered in the Pan-STARRS Medium Deep and 3-pi surveys. Our search for transiting planets and M-dwarf eclipsing binaries in the SDSS-II supernova data is used to illustrate the problems (and successes) in using sparsely sampled surveys.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, published in Proceedings of the Conference on Classification and Discovery in Large Astronomical Surveys, 200