1,325 research outputs found

    Chilean Cinema in the 21st Century World (Review)

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    Georgia's Aging Population: What to Expect and How to Cope

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    This report analyzes the impacts of Georgia's aging population on state finances. FRC Report 11

    Convincing the Skeptics: Concrete Claims with Supporting Images Persuade Skeptical Consumers to Support Companies Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives

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    Skepticism has been identified as one of the main impediments to successful CSR communication and previous research has established a robust effect of individual differences in ad skepticism on negative responses to advertising. However, little work has explored how ad skepticism impacts responses to CSR communication. Integrating work on CSR communication and ad skepticism, the present work advances a conceptual model addressing how concrete CSR claims and images supporting those claims can override skeptical consumers’ less favorable response to CSR advertising. Results show that highly skeptical consumers (a) respond less favorably to CSR ads than less skeptical consumers, overall; (b) respond more favorably to CSR ads that contain a combination of concrete (vs. vague) CSR claims and images (vs. no images) supporting those claims; and (c) respond as favorably as less skeptical consumers when ads feature concrete CSR claims with supporting images. Additional results reveal that images are especially effective among highly skeptical consumers because skeptical consumers have a reduced ability to visualize advertising claims. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed

    Aerodynamic characteristics at Mach 6 of a hypersonic research airplane concept having a 70 deg swept delta wing

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    The hypersonic aerodynamic characteristics of an air-launched, delta-wing research aircraft concept were investigated at Mach 6. The effect of various components such as nose shape, wing camber, wing location, center vertical tail, wing tip fins, forward delta wing, engine nacelle, and speed brakes was also studied. Tests were conducted with a 0.021 scale model at a Reynolds number, based on model length, of 10.5 million and over an angel of attack range from -4 deg to 20 deg. Results show that most configurations with a center vertical tail have static longitudinal stability at trim, static directional stability at angles of attack up to 12 deg, and static lateral stability throughout the angle of attack range. Configurations with wing tip fins generally have static longitudinal stability at trim, have lateral stability at angles of attack above 8 deg, and are directionally unstable over the angle of attack range

    Aplikasi Penulisan Notasi Balok Dari File Midi Monophonic

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    Music is interested for many people, from different generations. Not only to be sung but also to be played. The most matter is midi music files downloaded from any website are not combined with their music sheet. This condition makes users have a difficulty in playing the song. Consider this problem, this apllication is developed to support user with partitur crated from midi music file. This application is designed to produce a music sheet aoutomatically in music notation. This application is created using Borland Delphi 7. This application receives monophonic midi music file as input. This application will read and processes the midi file be a music string, then the music string will be kept in a data structure. Output from this application is a music sheet from midi music file chosen by user. User also can save and print the music sheet. This application success to create the music sheet from midi music file, but it still has limitation, for example is drawing the rest symbol. If there are so many rest symbols, application will draw from the rest symbol whose biggest value

    CSR Initiatives Mitigate Negative Reactions to Service Failures When Customers Share the Firm’s Values

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    The present paper investigates whether corporate social responsibility (CSR) promotes positive responses to service failures among value-aligned customers. Study 1 finds that customers are less likely to experience anger and spread negative word of mouth following a service failure when a firm engages in high (donating 15% of profits to environmental conservation) but not low levels of environmental CSR (donating 2% of profits), but only if customers are high in environmental concern. Study 2 explores the benefits of CSR policies targeting a broader range of beneficiaries and CSR policies offering customers choice over the firm’s CSR allocations. Results demonstrate that, compared to a No CSR policy, both CSR policies increase perceived value overlap with the firm, but that CSR with choice has a stronger effect on customers’ emotions and intentions. Specifically, CSR with choice reduces anger and regret over choosing the firm, and increases guilt over harming the firm, emotions which subsequently reduce negative word of mouth and increase positive word of mouth and repurchase intentions. Results suggest that a CSR policy that offers customers choice over CSR allocations can encourage more positive cognitive, emotional and behavioral responses following service failures

    Antimalarial Drug Evaluations: Namru-2 And Indonesian Partnership

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    Meningkatnya insiden malaria di beberapa daerah tertentu terutama di Indonesia Bagian Timur disebabkan antara lain : P. falciparum telah resisten terhadap beberapa obat antimalaria, ditemukannya P. vivax resisten klorokuin, dan belum tersedianya vaksin yang efektif. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, dilakukanlah evaluasi obat antimalaria yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam peningkatan pelaksanaan program. Obat antimalaria meflokuin, halofantrin dan beberapa derivat qinghaosu (artesunat dan artemeter) telah diuji coba klinik di Indonesia, dan memberikan efikasi yang cukup baik walaupun perlu dipertimbangkan kemungkinan efek samping dan resistensi atau rekrudesensi yang mungkin terjadi serta harganya yang relatif masih mahal. Obat antimalaria baru yang direncanakan akan diuji coba klinik adalah azithromycin, derivat primaquine WR 238605, atovaquone dan derivat qinghaosu lain. Dasar pengembangan pengobatan malaria adalah sebagai berikut: Meningkatkan atau memperbaiki efikasi pengobatan malaria tanpa komplikasi yaitu dengan mengembangkan kombinasi atau regimen obat antimalaria yang tersedia di Indonesia (klorokuin dan tetrasiklin/doksisiklin) atau dengan mempersiapkan obat antimalaria baru (derivat qinghaosu, atovaquone, azithromycin dan WR 238605).Mencari obat antimalaria baru alternatif yang efektif sebagai obat penyelamat untuk pengobatan malaria dengan komplikasi. Dengan melakukan evaluasi obat antimalaria ini, akan didapat data efikasi dan keamanan yang dapat membantu Departemen Kesehatan untuk menentukan obat pilihan di Indonesia. Selain itu juga dapat ikut membantu menanggulangi masalah malaria di dunia

    Control Led Through Internet Based on Nodemcu with Blynk Application

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       Internet (interconnected-networking) is a series of computers that are connected globally in several circuits and use TCP / IP as packet exchange communication protocol. The internet as part of the technological development that is very rapidly developing in people\u27s lives today has been able to be used as a medium of communication and control of devices from a distance as long as they are still connected to each other. The internet is like virtual threads that connect with one another, forward data and convey data from one point to another. However, along with the development of increasingly advanced science and technology, the internet is no longer just to connect between humans but also to control between any object that can be connected. In this study there were 3 (three) problems and 3 (three) problem solving methods Electronic device control in the form of LED lights using an IoT platform that is open source. This study uses the NodeMCU module as a station, which will be controlled by the Blynk application with an internet connection. In this study using the NodeMCU module as a station, which will be controlled by the Blynk application by connecting to the internet
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