357 research outputs found

    Wheat response to CO2 enrichment: CO2 exchanges transpiration and mineral uptakes

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    When simulating canopies planted in varied densities, researchers were able to demonstrate that increase of dry matter production by enhancing CO2 quickly becomes independant of increase of leaf area, especially above leaf area index of 2; dry matter gain results mainly from photosynthesis stimulation per unit of surface (primary CO2 effect). When crop density is low (the plants remaining alone a longer time), the effects of increasing leaf surface (tillering, leaf elongation here, branching for other plants etc.) was noticeable and dry matter simulation factor reached 1.65. This area effect decreased when canopy was closed in, as the effect of different surfaces no longer worked. The stimulation of photosynthesis reached to the primary CO2 effect. The accumulation in dry matter which was fast during that phase made the original weight advantage more and more neglectible. Comparison with short term measurements showed that first order long term effect of CO2 in wheat is predictible with short term experiment, from the effect of CO2 on photosynthesis measured on reference sample

    Can plants grow in quasi-vacuum?

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    It was found that the growth of plants is possible under absolute pressure 14 times lower than the atmospheric pressure. In first approximation, plants ignore the absence of nitrogen and only react to the partial pressure of O2. Hence the growth of plantlets was delayed under low pressures of O2 in both cases with and without nitrogen. The CO2 availability being limited by the carbon content of the seed, the final results after 20 days were very similar

    The Transformation of Sediment Into Rock : Insights From IODP Site U1352, Canterbury Basin, New Zealand

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the crew of the RV JOIDES Resolution for professional seamanship, excellent drilling, and the scientific support on board. GHB and SCG thank the Australia–New Zealand IODP Consortium (ANZIC), and KMM thanks the Consortium for Ocean Leadership U.S. Science Support Program for partly funding this work. Thanks also to funding agencies of the respective authors, and Mark Lawrence (GNS Science) and Cam Nelson (University of Waikato) for their thoughtful comments on an earlier draft. Karsten Kroeger (GNS Science) helped by providing compaction data for New Zealand basins, and Michelle Kominz (Western Michigan University) provided data on which Figure 8 was developed. Further improvements were the result of thoughtful detailed reviews by Gemma Barrie, Bill Heins, Stan Paxton, Associate Editor Joe Macquaker, and Editor Leslie Melim.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Parental Expectations and Prosocial Behavior of Adolescents From Low-Income Backgrounds: A Cross-Cultural Comparison Between Three Countries¿Argentina, Colombia, and Spain

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    Parental expectations are influenced by cultural models, which in turn are subject to a great influence from historically fluctuating features of the socioeconomic background. Parental expectations seem to be linked to children¿s social and emotional development in terms of empathy and prosocial behavior. The current study aims to (a) compare low-income adolescents¿ perceptions of parental expectations of prosocial and antisocial behavior across three Latin countries (Argentina, Colombia, and Spain), (b) compare the empathy and prosocial behavior between the three countries, (c) compare the prosocial behavior between the three countries, and (d) study the effect of perceived parental expectations and empathy on the prosocial behavior of adolescents in all three of the countries studied in this research. The sample was made up of 446 Argentinean adolescents, 474 Colombian adolescents, and 632 Spanish adolescents. The Expected Parental Reactions Scale, Interpersonal Reactivity Index, and Prosocial Behavior Questionnaire were used to measure the variables included in this study. Results reveal considerable differences between children¿s perceptions of parental expectations in different countries. Results also show the existence of significant differences between male and female adolescents. In all three countries, girls score more highly than boys in prosocial behavior and empathy. Furthermore, we find that low-income Argentinean adolescents score more highly than Spanish and Colombian adolescents in prosocial behavior measures. Finally, expected parental reactions toward prosocial behavior and empathy seem to have an influence on the adolescents¿ development of prosocial behavior in all three countries

    The Role of Oxidation Compounds in Biofilm Growth on Polyethylene Geomembrane Barriers Used in Landfill

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    In a model study, polyethylene was preoxidized and incubated for a period of 7 months at 40°C in two different municipal solid waste leachates. During the postexperimental analyses, specific attention was paid to the carbonyl species and carboxylic acid depletion during the environmental exposure because it is well known that carboxylic acids are believed to be a potential substrate for the development of microorganisms. The results showed that the carbonyl as well as the carboxylic acid depletion observed follows first-order kinetics. The biofilm formation was characterized using a suite of analytical techniques, and its formation was compared with the carboxylic acid and carbonyl depletion profil

    Construct Validity and Reliability of a New Spanish Empathy Questionnaire for Children and Early Adolescents

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    Empathy is a basic socio-emotional process of human development that involves the ability to perceive, share, and understand the emotional states of others. This process is essential to successful social functioning. However, despite its significance, empathy has been difficult to define and measure, particularly when incorporating both its emotional and cognitive aspects. The purpose of this study was to develop an Empathy Questionnaire for children aged 9–12 years based on a model of social cognitive neuroscience and to analyze its construct validity and reliability. This questionnaire aimed to integrate the following aspects: emotional contagion, self-other awareness, perspective-taking, emotional regulation, and empathic action. Three studies were conducted. Study 1 evaluated the discriminative power of the items and studied the underlying structure of the instrument using exploratory factor analysis. In Study 2, confirmatory factor analysis was performed to test the model obtained. Finally, the goal of Study 3 was to analyze the convergent and discriminant validity of the questionnaire and the internal consistency of its dimensions. The final version of the instrument contained 15 items that operationalized the previously listed dimensions. The results of the 3 studies indicated that the questionnaire had good validity and reliability. This study has important implications for research and clinical practice. Given its simplicity and brevity, this new self-report scale may work well as a screening method to evaluate the key psychological issues underlying numerous child behaviors that predict the success or failure of social relationships, individual quality of life, and mental well-being

    Study of the relationship between photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, and mineral nutrition in wheat

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    The growth of wheat (triticum aestivum) was studied in an enclosed controlled environment for a period of 70 days. The exchange of gases (photosynthesis, respiration), water (transpiration) and the consumption of mineral elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) were continuously measured. The dynamical relations observed in the different physiological functions, under the influence of growth and in response to environment modifications are presented. The influence of carbon dioxide content during growth (normal or double percentage) was made clear

    Anxiety, depression and stress in nurses working in intensive therapy units with COVID-19 patients, Mendoza, 2021

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    En contextos de pandemia, los trabajadores de la salud son especialmente vulnerables a los problemas de salud mental y a patologías graves. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron explorar y describir los niveles de ansiedad y depresión en el personal de enfermería que atiende pacientes con COVID-19 en unidades de terapia intensiva, y describir los indicadores de estrés en relación con su actividad laboral. MÉTODO: Estudio descriptivo y transversal. Muestra intencional de 52 enfermeros y enfermeras que trabajan en unidades de terapia intensiva para pacientes con COVID-19 en la Ciudad de Mendoza. Se aplicaron cuestionarios validados para evaluar la ansiedad, la depresión y el estrés percibido. RESULTADOS: Se observaron niveles elevados de ansiedad en el 72,1% de la muestra, y depresión en el 13,5%. Los indicadores más elevados de estrés fueron: sentirse desanimado y cansado (80,8%), agotado mentalmente (76,9%), no sentir energía (73,1%) y sentir muchas preocupaciones (75%). Los indicadores favorables fueron: 76,9% no se siente obligado a hacer sus tareas; y 55,8% siente que realmente disfruta de su quehacer. DISCUSIÓN: Se observaron niveles elevados de ansiedad y depresión, y se identificaron indicadores de estrés relacionados con la tensión, el agotamiento físico-emocional y la sobrecarga laboral; se encontraron indicadores relacionados a factores protectores dentro del ámbito laboral. Se analizan los datos preliminares sobre el malestar emocional del personal de enfermería en el contexto de la pandemia por COVID-19.In pandemic contexts, health workers are especially vulnerable to mental health problems and risky pathologies. Objectives of the study: 1) to explore and describe levels of anxiety and depression in intensive care unit nurses who work with COVID-19 patients and 2) to describe indicators of stress in relation to their work activity. METHOD: Descriptive, cross-sectional study. Intentional sample of 52 nurses, of both sexes, who work in intensive care units COVID-19, Mendoza. Validated questionnaires were applied to assess anxiety, depression and perceived stress. RESULTS: high levels of anxiety in 72.1% of the sample and 13.5% of depression; Higher indicators of stress: feeling discouraged and tired (80.8%), mentally exhausted (76.9%), not feeling energy (73.1%), feeling very worried (75%); as favorable indicators: 76.9% do not feel that they do things out of obligation, 55.8% feel that they are doing things that they really like. DISCUSSION: High levels of anxiety and depression were observed and indicators of stress related to tension and physical-emotional exhaustion and work overload were identified; Indicators related to protective factors were found within the workplace. Preliminary data is discussed on the emotional distress of male and female nurses in times of pandemic by COVID-19.Fil: Torrecilla, Norma Mariana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Janet, Victoria M.. Universidad del Aconcagua. Facultad de Psicología; ArgentinaFil: Richaud de Minzi, C.. Universidad Austral; Argentin

    Anxiety, depression and stress in nurses working in intensive therapy units with COVID-19 patients, Mendoza, 2021

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    En contextos de pandemia, los trabajadores de la salud son especialmente vulnerables a los problemas de salud mental y a patologías graves. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron explorar y describir los niveles de ansiedad y depresión en el personal de enfermería que atiende pacientes con COVID-19 en unidades de terapia intensiva, y describir los indicadores de estrés en relación con su actividad laboral. MÉTODO: Estudio descriptivo y transversal. Muestra intencional de 52 enfermeros y enfermeras que trabajan en unidades de terapia intensiva para pacientes con COVID-19 en la Ciudad de Mendoza. Se aplicaron cuestionarios validados para evaluar la ansiedad, la depresión y el estrés percibido. RESULTADOS: Se observaron niveles elevados de ansiedad en el 72,1% de la muestra, y depresión en el 13,5%. Los indicadores más elevados de estrés fueron: sentirse desanimado y cansado (80,8%), agotado mentalmente (76,9%), no sentir energía (73,1%) y sentir muchas preocupaciones (75%). Los indicadores favorables fueron: 76,9% no se siente obligado a hacer sus tareas; y 55,8% siente que realmente disfruta de su quehacer. DISCUSIÓN: Se observaron niveles elevados de ansiedad y depresión, y se identificaron indicadores de estrés relacionados con la tensión, el agotamiento físico-emocional y la sobrecarga laboral; se encontraron indicadores relacionados a factores protectores dentro del ámbito laboral. Se analizan los datos preliminares sobre el malestar emocional del personal de enfermería en el contexto de la pandemia por COVID-19.In pandemic contexts, health workers are especially vulnerable to mental health problems and risky pathologies. Objectives of the study: 1) to explore and describe levels of anxiety and depression in intensive care unit nurses who work with COVID-19 patients and 2) to describe indicators of stress in relation to their work activity. METHOD: Descriptive, cross-sectional study. Intentional sample of 52 nurses, of both sexes, who work in intensive care units COVID-19, Mendoza. Validated questionnaires were applied to assess anxiety, depression and perceived stress. RESULTS: high levels of anxiety in 72.1% of the sample and 13.5% of depression; Higher indicators of stress: feeling discouraged and tired (80.8%), mentally exhausted (76.9%), not feeling energy (73.1%), feeling very worried (75%); as favorable indicators: 76.9% do not feel that they do things out of obligation, 55.8% feel that they are doing things that they really like. DISCUSSION: High levels of anxiety and depression were observed and indicators of stress related to tension and physical-emotional exhaustion and work overload were identified; Indicators related to protective factors were found within the workplace. Preliminary data is discussed on the emotional distress of male and female nurses in times of pandemic by COVID-19.Fil: Torrecilla, Norma Mariana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Janet, Victoria M.. Universidad del Aconcagua. Facultad de Psicología; ArgentinaFil: Richaud de Minzi, C.. Universidad Austral; Argentin